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1、1课时训练(十二)(限时:25 分钟).单项填空1.My uncle is a PLA man. often writes to me. A.He B.SheC.It D.They2.Where is Mr.Smith?He is having a talk with our Chinese teacher his office. A.in B.onC.to D.from3.Its a nice house it hasnt got a garden. A.and B.orC.but D.so4.Must I finish my homework now?2No, you .You can d

2、o it tomorrow. A.neednt B.mustntC.couldnt D.wouldnt5. students are there in your class? 32.A.How often B.How longC.How many D.How much6.Which way is , the way to the right or the one to the left? A.short B.shorterC.shortest D.the shortest7.Miss Brown, we cleaning our classroom.Can we go home now? A.

3、finish B.finishingC.are finished D.have finished 8.Yesterday we camping in a forest and had great fun there. A.went B.goC.will go D.have gone9.Would you like to have a cup of tea with me now?Id love to, but my mother for me outside. A.waited B.is waitingC.waits D.will wait10.Our English teacher ofte

4、n asks us the texts. 3A.recite B.recitesC.to recite D.reciting11.How clean your car is!Thank you.It very often. A.washes B.washedC.is washed D.was washed12.Could you please tell me ? About twenty minutes ago.A.when did you see this kidB.where did you see this kidC.when you saw this kidD.where you sa

5、w this kid.阅读理解In 2013 alone at least 20,000 African elephants were killed for their teeth.In South Africa over the last two years more than 2,200 rhinos were killed for their horns.These numbers are alarming, because current rates of illegal hunting are faster than birth rates, which could lead to

6、extinction for these ecologically important creatures in their environment.Indeed, some elephant and rhino populations are on track to be locally extinct within the next decade.If you are reading this, you may already be aware of these facts.But you might not know that wildlife trafficking(走私) not o

7、nly threatens the existence of elephants and rhinos but is also leading to extinction of other species, such as tigers, tortoises, sea turtlesand the worlds most trafficked mammal(哺乳动物)pangolins.4Pangolins are the only mammals that are entirely covered in tough scales(鳞), which makes them look very

8、strong.But actually they are endangered mammals.There are eight different kinds of pangolins, four in Asia and four in Africa, and all are threatened with extinction.Although pangolins are protected throughout most of the countries where they live, high demand in East Asia, where the delicious pango

9、lin meat is considered a delicacy and where their scales are used in traditional medicines, is driving an illegal trade in both live animals and pangolin parts.The number of pangolin trafficking is shocking.Experts believe that over the last 10 years more than 1 million pangolins were taken from the

10、 wild.It is estimated that between 40,000 and 81,250 pangolins were killed for the illegal trade in 2013 alone.In February, the United States released a plan to deal with wildlife trafficking, which lays out the steps we will take to fight the illegal trade in wildlife, including pangolins.We are st

11、rengthening the carrying out of the plan, building international cooperation and contribution to protect wildlife, raising awareness to drive down the demand that is fuelling the illegal trade.Get involved and remember World Wildlife Day (March 3) by spreading the plan.Use social media and tell ever

12、yone that now is the time to get serious about wildlife crime and end the demand that threatens species, big and small, from the huge elephant to the shy pangolin.13.How many rhinos were killed in South Africa during the last two years?A.More than 81,250. B.More than 20,000.C.More than 2,200. D.More

13、 than 40,000.14.How many kinds of pangolins are there in Asia?A.Ten. B.Four. C.Six. D.Eight.15.What does the phrase “carrying out” mean in the fourth paragraph?A.Putting the plan into effect.5B.Moving the plan to a place.C.Making a new plan.D.Taking the plan with you.16.What does the writer want us

14、to know after reading the passage?A.Protecting wild animals is our duty.B.Something about World Wildlife Day.C.Something about illegal trade in East Asia.D.Wild animals are in danger and we must get involved.2018顺义一模 阅读短文,根据短文回答问题In 1989, a strong earthquake almost flattened America, and over 300,00

15、0 people were injured in less than four minutes.Though the earthquakes had not ended completely, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to find that the building was as flat as a pancake.After a moment he came to himself and remembered the promise he had made to his son

16、:“No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes.As he looked at the ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his promise to his son.He rushed there and started digging in the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, saying:“Its too l

17、ate! Theyre all dead! Come on, face the fact.Theres nothing you can do!” To each parent he just replied,“Are you going to help me now?” No one helped.And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.Courageously he went on along because he needed to know for himself:“Is my boy alive or is he

18、 dead?” He dug for 8 hours12 hours24 hours36 hoursThen, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons voice.He screamed his sons name,“ARMAND!” He heard back,“Dad! Its 6me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry.I told them that if you were alive, you would save me and when you

19、saved me, theyd be saved.You promised, No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you! You did it, Dad!”“Whats going on there?” the father asked anxiously.“There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad.Were very frightened, hungry, thirsty and thankful youre here.When the building fell down, it made a

20、 triangle(三角形), and it saved us.”“Come out, boy!”“No, Dad! Let the other kids come out first, because I know youll get me! No matter what happens, I know youll always be there for me!”17.Where did the earthquake take place?18.Did the other parents help the father?19.How long did the father dig in th

21、e ruins?20.Why did the father keep digging in the ruins?21.What is the passage mainly about?7参考答案.16 AACACB 712 DABCCC.主旨大意 一些人为了象牙捕杀大象,为了犀牛角猎杀犀牛,吃穿山甲的肉,把穿山甲的鳞片入药。这些人为了获取巨额利润不仅使这些动物濒临灭绝,也威胁到其他物种的生存。作者告诉人们要严肃对待野生动物犯罪,并号召人们想办法保护野生动物。13.C 根据第一段第二句“In South Africa over the last two years more than 2,200

22、 rhinos were killed for their horns.”可知选 C。14.B 根据第三段中“There are eight different kinds of pangolins, four in Asia and four in Africa”可知选 B。15.A 根据上一句“In February, the United States released a plan to deal with wildlife trafficking, which lays out the steps we will take to fight the illegal trade in

23、wildlife, including pangolins.”可知,美国发布了一个处置野生动物非法交易的一个计划,我们就要实施这个计划,加强国际合作,为保护野生动物做出贡献,提高人们对降低野生动物的需求。故选 A。16.D 文章前半部分介绍野生动物面临的危险,后半部分提出我们要想办法保护野生动物。故选 D。.17.In America.18.No, they didnt.19.38/Thirty-eight hours.20.Because he promised his son that he would be with him whatever happened./Because he needed (wanted) to know if his son was alive.21.A promise between a father and a son./Fathers promise./Where there is belief, there is hope.


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