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1、1课时训练(十六)(限时:25 分钟).单项填空1.My brother likes reading. has a lot of books. A.He B.SheC.You D.I2.Our teachers answer our questions from 7:00 9:00 online every evening. A.in B.ofC.at D.to3.Daniel ran quickly all the way to school, he was still late. A.or B.butC.and D.so4.Lisa, you play the piano? Yes, I

2、can play it well.2A.can B.mayC.need D.must5. do you go to visit your grandparents? Once a week.A.How far B.How muchC.How often D.How long6.The scarves are all beautiful.I cant decide which one to choose.Oh, look at this red one.I think its . A.beautiful B.more beautifulC.the most beautiful D.much mo

3、re beautiful7.Where were you when I called you yesterday afternoon?I in the kitchen at home. A.cook B.will cookC.have cooked D.was cooking8.My uncle for the company since 2000. A.will work B.is workingC.has worked D.worked9.Dont make little children the things that they dislike. A.do B.to do3C.doing

4、 D.done10.Marys brother often to school by bike. A.goes B.wentC.has gone D.will go 11.Chinas first cargo spacecraft(货运飞船) Tianzhou-1 into space on April 20th, 2017. A.was sent B.sentC.sends D.will be sent12.Do you know to China? Next month.A.when Tom comesB.when does Tom comeC.when Tom will comeD.wh

5、en will Tom come .阅读理解Everyone talks about the advantage of taking time out for “simple pleasures”.The idea is that we will be happier if we often do inexpensive, easy-to-do activities.However, the problem for many of us is that we dont know what makes us happy.When I was in college, my mother gave

6、me some wise advice.She said,“Before you get married and live with another person, you need to spend some time living by yourself.You need to get to know yourself.”So I did exactly that.For almost two years, I lived by myself.I found that I loved to spend hours looking around in bookstores.I also lo

7、ved to spend an afternoon just walking around the city.And every so often, I needed the moments of pure silence.4But, of course, we all dont enjoy the same things. A simple pleasure for me would be to spend an hour reading a book in my backyard.However, that same activity would give my husband no pl

8、easure.We are all so different.Sometimes, we already know what makes us happy.However, as life gets busier and we get older, we put aside our simple pleasures.For example, I had to give up playing the flute(长笛) when I started working and had family responsibilities. Playing my flute seemed selfish(自

9、私的)when no one else in my family could join, but three years ago I returned to playing the flute.I regret having ever stopped.Our simple pleasures are a reflection(反映) of who we are.They are different activities that give each of us joy.Certainly there are some common topicssuch as being out in natu

10、re, doing something creative, or enjoying music and literaturebut beyond that, each of us has to find out what it is that feeds our souls(灵魂).That isnt always easy in a world in which we have to consider other peoples needs and opinions as well as our own, but enjoying simple pleasures is something

11、that each of us deserves(应得).Think of it as your right, and say to yourself,“Today, Im going to discover what my simple pleasures are.”13.What is the writers opinion about simple pleasures?A.They change as we grow older.B.They can reflect our characters.C.Its expensive to achieve them.D.People with

12、no responsibilities can enjoy them.14.What does the writer want to tell by sharing her experience of living alone?A.Wise people often take their mothers advice.5B.A couple dont necessarily share the same interests.C.Its necessary to live alone before getting married.D.Its worth spending time alone e

13、njoying simple pleasures.15.What can we learn from the writers experience of playing the flute?A.We should develop an interest that others can take part in.B.Making our family happy is better than making ourselves happy.C.Keeping our interests alive is a good method to make ourselves happy.D.Family

14、responsibilities are more important than our own interests.16.In the last two paragraphs, the writer . A.suggests readers pay no attention to others opinionsB.encourages readers to get simple pleasures activelyC.teaches readers to balance others needs with their own needsD.reminds readers to realize

15、 simple pleasures are the most important part of life .阅读短文,根据短文回答问题Popcorn, the Perfect Snack(零食)Pop! Pop-pop! Fresh popcorn is one of the most popular foods when people are watching a movie or a ball game. Popcorn is delicious, cheap and easy to make. It may just be the perfect snack. Not all corn

16、s pop. There is a tiny amount of water in corn kernels(玉米粒). When the corn kernel is heated, the water in it turns to steam(水蒸气). In some corns, the steam goes out through the outside cover. In others, the steam cant get out. Pressure builds up untilpop!Popcorn has been around for thousands of years

17、. Back then people made popcorn by putting corn kernels on red-hot stones near a fire. Popcorn was not always eaten whole as it is now. Instead, people made the popcorn into a type of flour(面粉) and then added water to make bread.6The first machines that were designed to make popcorn were invented in

18、 the 1880s. These popcorn poppers(爆米花机) heated the corn with steam. Later, these popcorn poppers were put into small wagons(车). The wagons could be pulled to different places. Popcorn was sold at carnivals, parks, and state fairs. People could not get enough of it!Soon movie theaters began selling p

19、opcorn too. This started the tradition of eating popcorn at the movies. At this time popcorn became more popular than ever. For a short time though, people began eating less popcorn. In the 1950s television was still very new. Many people stayed home to watch television instead of going to the movie

20、s. Few people owned popcorn poppers. Then microwave ovens(微波炉) were invented. It became easy to make popcorn at home. Americans started to eat more popcorn againmore than one billion pounds each year!17.Why is popcorn a popular snack?18.What happens in the corn kernel when it is heated?19.How did pe

21、ople make popcorn thousands of years ago?20.When were the first popcorn poppers invented?21.Why did Americans eat more popcorn again?7参考答案.16 ADBACC 712 DCAAAC.主旨大意 简单的快乐是我们性格的反映,找到生命中使我们快乐的东西,并保持这种兴趣将会使我们享受这种简单的快乐。13.B 根据倒数第四段中“Our simple pleasures are a reflection of who we are.”可知答案为 B。14.D 根据第二段

22、“However, the problem for many of us is that we dont know what makes us happy.”可知,我们很多人不知道什么使我们快乐,然后作者通过自己的独处享受这种简单的快乐,她认为这是值得的。故选 D。15.C 通读原文信息可知作者由于种种原因放弃了吹长笛,但第七段最后一句“but three years ago I returned to playing the flute.I regret having ever stopped.”叙述了她重新开始吹奏长笛,后悔以前停止了吹长笛,可知作者是要保持这个爱好,并且很快乐。故选 C。

23、16.B 根据最后两段中“enjoying simple pleasures is something that each of us deserves.”和“Today, Im going to discover what my simple pleasures are.”可知作者鼓励大家都能积极地获取这种简单的快乐。故选 B。.17.Because it is delicious, cheap and easy to make.18.The water in it turns to steam.19.They made popcorn by putting corn kernels on red-hot stones near a fire.20.In the 1880s.21.Because the invention of microwave ovens made it easy to make popcorn at home.


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