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1、- 1 -四川省宜宾县一中高 2019 届高三上第一学月考试英语试题考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分第I卷 选择题(100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Why does the man want to move to New York?A. Because he doesnt like to live in

2、 the small town.B. Because he wants to find a job there.C. Because he likes the way of life in a big city.2. How was the climate where the old couple lived?A. It was very rainy. B. It was very snowy. C. It was very warm.3. What is the man worried about?A. Leaving the place. B. Reading the paper. C.

3、Finding a job.4. Who will provide an apartment for the man?A. ABC. B.GM. C. The Sales Manager.5. Why didnt Mary sleep well?A. She had a headache. B. She had a stomachache. C. She was troubled by noise.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听每段对话

4、或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。- 2 -6. What does the man probably do?A. A manager. B. A salesman. C. A cleaner.7. Whats the possible relationship between them?A. Workmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.听第 7 段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。8. What di

5、d Rachel do during Macys holiday?A. Had a holiday. B. Did some business. C. Stayed at home.9. Which country didnt Tom visit during the holiday?A. China. B. Holland. C. Switzerland听第 8 段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。10. What will the man do in the coming week?A. Look at some suits. B. Attend a big meeting. C.

6、 Gain some weight.11. What does the man care about when choosing winter suits?A. Size. B. Color. C. Material.12. What do we know about the second jacket?A. It is made of expensive material.B. It is slightly tight in the collar.C. It doesnt match the mans skin.听第 9 段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。13. What has

7、the woman been doing this afternoon?A. Decorating her apartment.B. Reading interesting news.C. Looking at the apartment ads.14. When will the speakers have a baby?A. In 8 months. B. In 6 months. C. In 8 weeks.15. What does the man decide to do?A. Apply for a new job.- 3 -B. Look at some apartments.C

8、. Move out of the apartment immediately.16. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman wants an extra bedroom.B. The woman got a raise last month.C. The speakers apartment has a dining room.听第 10 段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。17. Who helped the students organize the show?A. The art teacher.B. The

9、maths teacher.C. The maths teachers daughter.18. What was the money raised for?A. Some lights. B. More computers. C. More books.19. Where did the students find the useful information?A. In magazines. B. From books. C. On websites20. What was everybody asked to wear at the beginning?A. A dress. B. A

10、jacket. C. A hat.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。 AWhen youre on the go, your best friend and resource can be your phone. In the age of smart phones, apps are like guiding stars: They can point you in the right direction for a

11、 hotel, list expenses, send postcards, and much more. When used together, these apps can be the basic travel tool, placing a wealth of information at your fingertips no matter where you are on the planet. US News Travel has picked the essential travel apps, known for their utility and reliability. B

12、est of all, they cost absolutely nothing.Trip It- 4 -Your Personal Travel AgentBe your own travel agent and plan every detail of your tripfrom car rental to accommodating restaurantswith Trip It. You can make travel schedule by hand, or simply forward the email confirmations of your flight, rental c

13、ar, train tickets, and hotels to plans.Weather FreeYour Go-To Meteorologist(气象学者)Stop trying to explain the weather forecast on the evening news (particularly when its in a foreign language). The Weather Free app informs you (in English) of the climate in various locations. It features the local wea

14、ther, and other key factors that will inform your decision about what to wear before stepping outside.GobyYour Event GuruWhen youre in a foreign city, you sometimes look around and ask: Where are all the people? Goby has the answer. This app pinpoints the neighborhood hot spots (including museums, h

15、otels, eateries, and more) in your neighborhood. But its true value comes in finding nearby events. Youll discover concerts, plays, and more right around the corner.21. What is the advantage of the three travel apps?A. They are reliable and free of charge. B. They reduce your travel budget.C. They e

16、xercise your fingertips. D. They can solve any problem you come across.22. With the help of the travel apps used together, travelers can do the following things EXCEPT_.A. rent a car B. decide what to wearC. look for a friend while traveling D. find the nearby museums23. Where are the readers likely

17、 to read the passage above?- 5 -A. In a geography textbook. B. In a science and technology journal.C. In a business report. D. On a popular website. BAunt KELLY always had a special place in my heart. When I was growing up. I knew I could rely on her to have room for me on her lap and words of love

18、and encouragement when I needed to hear them. When she died five years ago, I was devastated. The whole family was still in shock when her husband, Uncle Ronnie, died a week later. I longed to have a small item of Aunt KELLYs to remember her by, but seeing her children and grandchildren overcome by

19、the grief(悲痛)of this double loss made me shy away from asking.A few months after Aunt KELLYs death, I was on my way to work when I saw Rescued Treasures, a local second-hand store. I only had a couple of dollars on me and didnt really intend to buy anything, but I stopped anyway just to look inside.

20、 I had been shopping around for a few minutes when a small, black handbag caught my eye. It wasnt fancy or special. I didnt really need a handbag and continued to look around the store, but something kept drawing me back to that handbag. Finally, I checked the price tag(标签). It was just one dollar.T

21、he handbag stayed in the back of my car for weeks until I came upon it during a car clean-up. I opened it up. I couldnt believe it. They hadnt even cleaned it out. It was still full of junk, old candy wrappers, old receipts(收据)and used paper. Usually the store emptied things inside, so there wouldnt

22、 be any surprises for a new owner.I threw away some wastes, and sorted through the receipts, when I found one item in the small inside pocket. It was an insurance card with the name “KELLY” written on it. I began to cry. My beloved Aunt KELLY. This was her handbag.24. What do we know from the passag

23、e?A. Karens husband survived her by five years.B. Karens children refused to give any item to the author.- 6 -C. The author was very shy when she was young.D. Karen had been very kind to the author.25. The underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”.A. very worried B. extremely sa

24、d C. a little lonely D. slightly disappointed26. The author made up her mind to buy the handbag because _.A. she just needed to buy a handbagB. it happened that it was cheap and she could afford itC. someone else persuaded her to buy itD. the bag looked strange and special27. As soon as the author o

25、pened the handbag, she felt very _.A. Sick B. excited C. surprised D. nervousCWhen the sun sets in Hong Kong, the city skyline comes alive. Billboard(广告牌)lights flash, and light up the crowded streets. The colorful lights from the tall buildings are one of the citys main attractions.“Oh, my god. The

26、 lights are so amazing. We love it. Its so nice.” said one visitor.But this appreciation is not shared by everyone in Hong Kong. Lat year then government reported a record number of complaints. The curtains may be drawn. But residents argue the bright light outside is hard to escape. “We receive som

27、e complaints about the light pollution. They find it very hard to sleep or they have disturbance from the light outside.”Scientists at the University of Hong Kong spent 18 months studying levels of light pollution and collecting more than 5 million measurements. They found Hong Kong one of the world

28、s worst “victims”. The lights pollution condition in Hong Kong was extremely severe. Particular in cities, the night sky brightness, as well as the lights, is a few hundred times over the level of that of a night sky without light pollution. In cities such as Seoul, London, Shanghai and Paris, billb

29、oard lighting is under control. And there are punishments for people who go - 7 -against the law.But in Hong Kong, there are no laws. A volunteer regulation called Charter of External Light(户外灯光约章)encourages visitors to switch off between 11 p.m. and 7 p.m. The critics say its not enough to make a d

30、ifference. The government says 4800 businessmen have signed up to the Charter so far. And its satisfied that its working.But not everyone is convinced and some residents are taking upon themselves to act. Zoe Chow led a campaign to have a commercial building switch off their midnight. She won but sh

31、e believes the lights will eventually turn back on. “I know that the building has signed the Charter of External Light. But it is voluntary, not mandatory(强制的).28. What is the complaint about in the third paragraph?A. The ill-designed billboard. B. The unattractive night lights.C. The light pollutio

32、n at night D. The city noise and disturbance.29. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?A. Billboard lighting is under control in all big cities.B. Scientists have found ways to stop the light pollution.C. The government attaches little importance to the light pollution.D

33、. The Charter of External Light is aimed to help reduce the light pollution.30. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Bright lights in Hong Kong may continue to shine.B. People are satisfied with the role the Charter plays.C. Residents will never start a campaign against the light pollution.D

34、. The Charter of External Light will no longer have an effect.31. What is this text mainly about?A. Hongkongs light pollution law B. Severe light pollution in Hongkong.C. Pollution problems in big cities. D. The Solution to light - 8 -pollutions.DThe British economy is showing the greatest signs of

35、stress since the Eurozone crisis and fears of a double-dip recession(衰退)six years ago, as worrying reports show the steepest fall in manufacturing(制造业)output and the greatest degrees of pessimism among employers since 2012. Concerns over Brexit(英国脱欧)and a slowdown for high street spending are among

36、the major factors contributing towards 2018 being the worst time in six years for British firms planning to take on new staff, according to a closely watched survey conducted by the employment firm ManpowerGroup.Watched by the Bank of England and the government for early warnings of hiring increases

37、 or downturns, the quarterly poll(季度民意调查)of about 2,000 major employers from nine different industry sectors across the UK found a net balance of only 4% planning to hire more staff rather than cutting back.The weakest outlook from the survey was reserved for the banking and finance industry, which

38、recorded the worst outlook since the depths of the financial crisis almost a decade ago, suggesting job cuts may be on the way over the summer.The barometer(晴雨表)of hiring sentiment comes as Britains factories unexpectedly recorded the sharpest drop in output for more than five years in April. Pointi

39、ng to fewer orders for steel used in infrastructure(基础设施)projects and a wider slowdown in demand for British goods at home and abroad, the Office for National Statistics said manufacturing output fell by 1.4% in April from the previous month. Economists had forecast modest growth of 0.3%.Although th

40、e situation does not appear to be as severe this year, forecasts issued by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research on Monday suggest the UK has done little to bounce back from heavy snowfall earlier in 2018.Putting the growth rate for GDP at only 0.2% in the three-month period to May,

41、 up from 0.1% in the same period ending in April, Niesrs head of UK macroeconomic forecasting, Amit Kara, said: “Economic growth has slowed - 9 -materially since the start of this year and it continues to remain weak.”32. What can we learn from the first paragraph? _A. The British economy is booming

42、 now.B. The British economy is going through a great depression.C. People are not concerned about Brexit at all.D. British firms are planning to take on new stuff.33. Which of the following best explains the underlined word in paragraph 2? _A.development B. demand C. distribute D. decline34. What in

43、dicates that the hiring sentiment has come? _A. The recession in banking and finance industry.B. The sharpest drop in output recorded by Britains factories.C. GDP increasing at a rather low rate.D. The surplus of British goods at home and abroad.35. What is the Amit Karas attitude toward the current

44、 economic situation? _A. pessimistic B. optimistic C. indifferent D. hopeful第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There is a collection of positive habits that make a person so successful in class. 36 . Here are some habits of top students that you can use as tips to do

45、 better at school:First, 37 . In college, homework assignments generally make up 5-20% of your grade, but can be the biggest time- suck for most students. Working problems is one of the best ways to turn new concepts into working knowledge, but youll never see on an exam a large majority of those pr

46、oblems that take you hours and hours to work through.- 10 -Second, they never “read through” the textbook. Per time spent, reading the textbook is one of the least effective methods for learning new materials. 38 , but otherwise use Google, lecture notes, and old exams for study materials.Third, the

47、y test themselves frequently. Testing yourself strengthens your brains connections to new materials. 39 . Bottom line, repeated self-testing significantly improve long-term memory of new materials.Last, they study in short bursts, not long marathons. Studying in short burst tends to help you focus s

48、trongly because you know there is at least a short break coming. 40 , which makes studying continuously for multiple hours on end.A. It helps relax our mind.B. they always focus on their homeworkC. they dont always do all of their homeworkD. Top students use examples and practice problemsE. This also fits in nicely with our natural activity or rest cycle of our bodiesF. It gives you immediate and clear feedback on whether you know something or notG. An accumulation of such habits can combine to

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