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1、1第六讲 七年级(下) Modules 710模块话题Module 7 Personal background(个人背景)Module 8 Stories(故事)Module 9 Writers(作家)Module 10 Travel and transport(旅游和交通)重点单词1. adj. 出生 2.v n. 村庄 3. n. 东方 adj. 东面的;东部的 adj. 东方的;朝东的 4.b adj. 厌烦的;厌倦的 adj. 令人厌烦的;无聊的 5. v. 决定 n. 决定 6.n v. 注意到 n.注意 7.h adj. 感到饿的;饥饿的 8.f v. 吃完;喝完;用尽;完成 12

2、. v. 死;去世 n. 死亡 13.e adj. 激动的 adj. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的 14.r v. 放松 15. n. 法国 adj. 法国的;法语的 n.法国人;法语 16. v. 卖;出售 (过去式/过去分词) 29.a adj. 睡着的 10.b v. 成为 (过去式) (过去分词) 11.s n. 成功 v. 成功 adj. 成功的 17.w adj. 绝妙的;了不起的 18.s adj. 严格的;严厉的 19.g n. 花园 20.f n. 森林 21.k v. 敲 22.a v. 应门;回答 23.a v. 到达 24.p n. 诗歌 短语归纳1.once 从前 2.go

3、 for 去散步 3.all alone 4.pick 拿起;举起 5.in 破碎 6.at 起初;首先 7. at/to 指着 8. 发现;查明;弄清 9. 在岁时 10. around 环顾;游览 11. 在 19世纪 60年代 12. 世界各地 13.guess what 14.do 购物 15.go on 度假 情景交际1.谈论家乡和童年(Talking about the home town and childhood)1)Where were you born?I was born in a small village in Anhui Province.2)What was th

4、e name of your first school?It was Darwin Primary School.3)What was your bedroom like?3It was clean and tidy.情景交际2.谈论故事(Talking about stories)How does the story begin?Once upon a time, there was.3.谈论个人经历(Talking about personal experiences)What did he do?/What was he?He wrote for a newspaper./He was

5、a newspaper writer. 4.谈论假期旅游(Talking about the holiday journey)1)Where are you going on holiday?To Los Angeles.2)How long did it take to get there? About nine hours.3)How long did you stay there?We stayed there for two days.4)How did you get there?By plane/train/bus.语法回顾 一般过去时【参考答案】【重点单词】1.born 2.vi

6、llage 3.east; eastern 4.bored; boring 45.decide; decision 6.notice 7.hungry 8.finish 9.asleep 10.become; became; become 11.success; succeed; successful 12.die; death 13.excited; exciting 14.relax 15.France; French 16.sell; sold 17.wonderful 18.strict 19.garden20.forest 21.knock 22.answer 23.arrive 24.poem【短语归纳】1.upon a time 2.a walk 3.独自一人的 4.up 5.pieces 6.first 7.point 8.find out 9.at the age of 10.look 11.in the 1860s 12.around the world13.猜猜怎么着 14.(some) shopping 15.holiday


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