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1、1山东省泰安市英雄山中学 2019 届高三英语 10 月月考试题第 I 卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分分)第一节 (共小題,每小題.分,滿分.分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the two speakers going to do ?A. See an exhibition B. Have a meeting C. Go to a lecture2. What has the man just fi

2、nished doing?A. Answering the phone B. Talking with Tom C. Making a phone call3. What are the two speakers talking about ?A. Smoking B. Coughing C. Air pollution4. Who is the woman probably speaking to?A. A post office clerk B. A bus conductor C. A railway porter5. Where does the conversation most p

3、robably take place?A. In the mans home B. In a hotel C. In a restaurant第二节 (共小題,每小題.分,滿分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第段材料,回答第至題。6. How does the man keep in shape?A. He always goes to work by bic

4、ycle.B. He goes on a dietC. He always takes exercise at night.7. What will the woman do next?A. Interview someone else B. Ask the man more questions.C. Eat out with the man听第段材料,回答第至題。8.Where does the man live?A. In town B. Outside town C. Not mentioned9. When will the refrigerator be delivered to t

5、he mans house?A. The day after tomorrow B. Tomorrow eveningC. By tomorrow afternoon听第段材料,回答第至第題。10. What is the conversation mainly about?A. What food to eat. B. How to keep our mind strong.C. How to keep our body in good condition.211. What can the right food help our body to get?A. Enough energy B

6、. Lower blood pressureC. Stronger muscles12. How can we make our hearts stronger?A. By sleeping well at night. B. By doing physical exerciseC. By eating lots of vegetables.听第段材料,回答第至第題。13. What do we know about the woman?A. She is enthusiastic about art.B. She doesnt have much taste for artC. She li

7、kes all kinds of art except modern art.14. How many pieces of art are mentioned?A. One B. Two C. Three15. Why is the first painting famous?A. It was done by a kid B. It was done hundreds of years agoC. The painter showed great talent in the work.16. What are the speakers doing?A. Visiting an art mus

8、eum. B. Trying to buy a paintingC. Displaying their works of art听第段材料,回答第至第題。17. How did the first man feel when he was invited to the party?A. Excited B. Confident C. Worried18. What advice did his friend give him?A. Dont drink too much B. Just follow his example C. Dont ask silly questions19. Why

9、did the first man lose control of himself by the end of the party?A. He had drunk too much B. He was too pleased with himselfC. He couldnt stand the uncomfortable silence.20. What can he inferred about the second man?A. He knew more about Shakespeare than the first man B. He was as ignorant as the f

10、irst manC. He was very humorous第二部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AOpening in 1934, the Brookfield Zoo quickly received a worldwide reputation for its special displays and unique exhibits.3Address: 1st Avenue between Ogden Avenue and 31 st Street, Brookfield, Illi

11、nois Phone: 708-688-8000Getting to the Brookfield Zoo by Public Transportation:The Metra Rail Burlington Northern line runs from Union Station downtown to the “Zoo Stop”(Holly wood Station) and from there its only a 2-block-northeast walk to the zoo.Driving from Downtown:Drive along the Eisenhower E

12、xpressway west to First Avenue exit. Head south about 2.5 miles and follow the signs to the zoo entrance.Parking at the Brookfield Zoo:Parking fees are $ 9 for cars and $ 12 for buses.The Brookfield Zoo Hours:The Brookfield Zoo is open 365 days per year.Monday Saturday : 9:30 am to 6:00 pmSunday: 9:

13、30 am to 7:30 pmThe Brookfield Zoo Tickets:Adults ( ages 12 64): $ 13.5Seniors (ages 65 +): $ 9.5Children (ages 311): $ 9.5Children (ages 2 and under) : freeThe Brookfield Zoo Featured Exhibits:Tropic World; Wolf Woods; Living Coast; Seven Seas; Fragile Kingdom; Australia House; Habitat Africa.About

14、 the Brookfield Zoo:The Brookfield Zoo is located just 14 miles west of downtown Chicago. Its home to a variety of animal species, and its use of natural barriers and moats (壕沟) is so much more relaxing and enjoyable than watching a lion pace back and forth in a cage. The absence of bars also makes

15、for great wildlife photo opportunities. The Brookfield Zoo also focuses on education, with detailed displays about the animals being viewed and the interactive program that lets kids get some hands-on experience to learn what it takes to run a zoo well as face painting and crafts.For more informatio

16、n about the Brookfield Zoo , visit its website.21. where is the entrance to the Brookfield Zoo ?A. At 31 st Street B. At 1 st AvenueC. At Ogden Avenue D. At the Hollywood Station22. How much should a couple in their thirties and their 5-year old twins pay 4if they want to visit the zoo?A. $ 23 B. $

17、32.5 C. $ 36.5 D. $ 4623. What make(s) the Brookfield Zoo more attractive and enjoyable?A. Its cheap tickets B. Its various activitiesC. Its cageless displays D. Its geographical advantageBRecently, a group of scientists decided to find out what the funniest joke in the world was. This was obviously

18、 a difficult task , as no two people really agree about what is funny and what is not especially when they are from different countries.Here is the joke which the experts decided was the funniest joke in the world:Two hunters were out in the woods. One of them fell to the ground . He didnt seem to b

19、e breathing; his eyes were closed. The other hunter took out his mobile phone and called the emergency services (紧急救援部门) . “My friend is dead!” he cried to the operator. “What can I do?” The operator said, “Dont worry. First , make sure hes dead.” There was a silence, and then a shot (枪声) was heard

20、. Bang! The hunters voice came back on the line . He said, “Ok, now what?”This is perhaps amusing. Culturally, it depends on us knowing that often hunters are not considered to be very intelligent people , and that often they are quite violent. But perhaps this is not so all over the world. Its also

21、 quite a “black” joke a joke about something which isnt really a funny subject. The experts also found the second funniest joke in the world. Here it is:Sherlock Holmes and Dr . Watson went on a camping trip. After dinner , they went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke up. “Watson, look up at th

22、e sky and tell me what you see.” “I see millions of stars, Holmes, ” replied Watson.“And what do you infer from that?”“Well, there are billions of stars we are a small part of the universe”“Watson, you idiot! ” he said. “Someone has stolen our tent!”I personally think this is better.Can scientists i

23、n the end decide what is the funniest? Some things are much too complicated , even for scientists.24. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Few jokes can make scientists laugh.5B. Only scientists can find out the funniest joke.C. There are different jokes in different countries.D. People hol

24、d different opinions about what is funny.25. what does the author think of the first joke?A. It is not so funny as the experts thought.B. It is really the funniest joke he has ever heard.C. It can greatly affect readers attitudes toward hunters.D. It shows that not all hunters are brave and intellig

25、ent.26. We can learn that a persons understanding of a joke can be affected by_.A. the readers feeling B. the length of the jokeC. the readers cultural background D. the language that the teller uses27. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. Uninteresting Jokes B. Different Kin

26、ds of JokesC. The Funniest Joke in the World D. Tips on How to Make Others LaughC“There are a range of problems with putting a self-driving vehicle through a traditional car wash,” experts say. For example, soap or water spots could effectively “blind” a self-driving car . A traditional car washs he

27、avy brushes could jar the vehicles sensors (传感器), affecting their accuracy. Even worse, the sensors, which can cost over $ 100,000 , could be broken .A self-driving vehicles outside needs to be cleaned even more frequently than a typical car because the sensors must remain free of obstructions (障碍)

28、. Dirt, dead bugs , bird droppings or water spots can affect the vehicles ability to drive safely.Avis, which has years of experience managing large numbers of rental cars, has been tasked with cleaning and refueling the self-driving vehicles of Waymo, the self-driving arm of Googles parent company.

29、“There are special processes that surely require a lot more care and focus, and you have to clean cars quite often, ” Avis chief officer Arthur Orduna said. “We give them the extra level of service that I dont think any vehicle globally is getting. ”Orduna wouldnt tell exactly how theyre washing the

30、 vehicles . But 6other self-driving car companies such as Toyota, Aptiv, Drive, Al and Uber described that they use microfiber cloths along with rubbing alcohol, water or glass cleaner for cleanings by hand.But because self-driving vehicles can have dozens of sensors, Seeva CEO Diane Lansinger doesn

31、t imagine products like this will be able to clean every camera, radar or LIDAR, a laser sensor that most experts see as vital for self-driving vehicles. “For self-driving technology to scale, we cant have engineers paid $ 150,000 a year, running around the vehicles and wiping them down,” Lansinger

32、said. “Its going to be quite a while before we get away from handwashing.”28. What is the authors intention to write the first paragraph?A. To raise problems of washing a self-driving carB. To introduce the function of the vehicles sensorsC. To tell us how to wash a self-driving vehicle.D. To warn u

33、s not to wash a self-driving vehicle.29. What does the underlined phrase “been tasked with” mean in Paragraph 3?A. Been busy with B. Been satisfied with.C. Been responsible for D. Been blamed for.30. What is the authors attitude to cleaning self-driving vehicles?A. Cautious B. SubjectiveC. Favorable

34、 D. Disapproving31. What is the best title for the text?A. The History of Self-driving VehiclesB. The Development of Self-driving Vehicles.C. The Problems of Self-driving CarsD. The Cleaning Problems of Self-driving CarsDOver Half of Young Chinese Block Parents on WeChat MomentsWe all know the feeli

35、ng you want to check what someone you care about has been up to on social media, and suddenly you find you are denied access to their feeds. Its an instant start of mixed emotions and speculationswhen did this happen? Did I do anything wrong? What are they attempting to hide from me?And thats what h

36、alf of Chinese parents have to deal with when they try to browse their childrens WeChat Moments, also known as “Friends Circle” , as suggested by a recent survey released by Tencent, the Chinese Internet giant. According to the report, entitled Annual White Paper on Family Affection on WeChat Moment

37、s, about 52 percent of WeChatg users aged 18 to 29 block their 7parents on Moments, a major feature on the platform that allows users to share everything they like with their WeChat contacts.About 62 percent of the young interviewees said that parents “ are neurotic about everything” , along with re

38、asons such as fear of parents disapproval, rejection to parents nagging (唠叨) , and seeking privacy. “My parents dont know Moments very well, so I just told them I dont use it anymore,” said Qin Jianping, a 28-year-old son. He added that his parents had been leaving comments requesting updates on his

39、 dating status on every post he made on Moments since he broke up with his girlfriend two years ago. Xie Yun, a 26- year-old daughter, said that while she didnt block her parents entirely , they were in a specific group to which she only shares positive posts. “I dont want my parents to see minor se

40、tbacks in my life, ” she said, adding that once her parents saw a Moments picture of her hand getting slightly burned while cooking , and they traveled all the way to her city to make sure she was all right.The report also found that more than 49 percent of Chinese parents use WeChat as a main chann

41、el to communicate with their children. Roughly 36 percent of the parents who took the survey said they checked every post made by their children. When asked how they would react to being blocked , some parents said they would initiate a conversation with their children to find out the reason, while

42、others said they wouldnt care. And some parents just outsmart their kids in this hide and seek game online. “I didnt realize I was blocked until I compared what I could see on my phone to what my sons aunt could see, ” said Chen, a mother of a 27- year old son. “I chose to remain silent on this and

43、now Im following my sons posts through his aunt.”32. Parents would like to read their childrens WeChat Moments because they_.A. are too emotional and speculative B. want to keep up with the trend of timeC. leave a lot of comments on their feedsD. are concerned about their childrens lives33. The chil

44、dren block their parents to _.A. protect their privacy B. learn from parents naggingC. challenge parental authority D. maintain a positive state34. What does the underlined sentence mean?A. Parents exchange ideas with their kids on the hide-and-seek game.B. Parents are clever enough to win the “hide

45、-and seek game”.C. Parents learn more knowledge from their kids in the hide-and seek game.8D. Parents have a better understanding of their children.35. The author looks into parents being blocked to _.A. criticize parents B. support studentsC. analyze a phenomenon D. demand readers第三部分 完形填空(共 20 小题,

46、每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。I was in the fifth grade when I first dipped my fingers into the endless ocean of expression and allowed my hands to grow a(n) 36 .I remember my hands were sweaty as I wandered 37 into her classroom . From corner to corner , the 38 were decorate

47、d with clippings (剪报) and posters 39 Deafness and American Sign Language. Pictures of 40 hands hung from the bulletin boards (宣传牌) . Once the rest of my classmates 41 in their seats , she began. She did not speak. Her hands 42 about gracefully as she signed, “Hello. My name Ms Lewison. Your name wha

48、t?” These signs did not 43 until later that week, but still I sat upright at my desk, trying to figure them out. My entire first impression of her was “ 44 ”.As months passed , my class transformed to an unusually large family . Ms Lewison was like our 45 . When we were feeling troubled , we just le

49、t our 46 do the talking. The lesson became less about following the lesson itself and more about 47 .Ms Lewison performed a tough task. She 48 replaced all the ignorance in me with 49 . Then she opened my 50 and opened it even wider. She would find time to turn me into a 51 signer. She taught me that there are no limits and that my abilities are 52 .Today m


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