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1、1第四课时 动词和动词短语李仕才感 悟 高 考1.Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter _, get married, and have kids.(2017天津卷)A.settled down B.keep offC.get up D.cut in答案 A 句意:布朗先生和夫人想要看到他们的女儿安顿下来,结婚生子。A.安顿下来;B.远离;C 起床;D.插嘴。根据句意,故选 A。2. A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help _ y

2、our year ahead.(2017江苏卷)A.shape B.switch C.stretch D.sharpen答案 A A.shape 塑造,决定的形成,影响的发展;B.switch 转变,交换,调班;C.stretch 拉长,拉紧,伸展,伸长,延伸消耗;D.sharpen 提高,使尖锐,变得清晰。句意:快速回顾一年的成败将会决定来年的发展。故选 A。3.Working with the medical team in Africa has _ the best in her as a doctor.(2017江苏卷)A.held out B.brought outC.picked

3、out D.given out答案 B held out坚持;提供机会;伸出手;brought out使显现,阐明,出版;picked out使容易看见,找出精心挑选,认出来;given out用完,停止运行,分发,发出,公布。句意:在非洲同医疗队一起工作已经使她表现出了作为医生最好的一面。这里取“使显现”之意,故选 B。4.Parents should actively urge their children to _ the opportunity to join sports teams.(2016江苏卷)A.gain admission to B.keep track ofC.take

4、 advantage of D.give rise to2答案 C 句意:父母应该积极地督促孩子利用加入体育队的机会。C 项 take advantage of意为“利用” ,符合语境。gain admission to进入;keep track of记录,与保持联系;give rise to 使发生。5.He did not _ easily,but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.(2016江苏卷)A.approach B.wrestleC.compromise D.communicate答案

5、 C 句意:他不会轻易妥协,但乐意接受对一项崇高事业的任何建设性意见。C 项compromise意为“妥协” ,符合语境。approach 接近,靠近;wrestle 摔跤,扭打;communicate沟通,交流。要 点 精 析一、动词词义辨析动词包括连系动词、及物动词和不及物动词、持续性动词与非持续性动词,是高考考查的重点,无论是单项填空还是完形填空等题型中,动词辨析的比重都很大,并有逐年增加的趋势。动词辨析主要指:1.词形相近的动词之间的辨析。如:lie,lay;rise,raise;sit,seat 等。2.意义相近的动词之间的辨析。如:borrow,lend;speak,say,tal

6、k;hope,wish 等。3.动词与其他词形相近、意义相似的词的辨析。如:advise,advice;cost,worth;pass,past 等。4.意义不同但容易混淆的动词的辨析。如:explain,say;discover,invent;uncover,find 等。5.某些常用动词的习惯用法的辨析。如:ask,give,call,make,get,keep,want,see,hear 等。6.某些常用动词短语的辨析。如:give in,give up;turn on,turn off,turn down,turn up 等。二、易混动词的辨析1.lay(放),lie(躺)与 lie(

7、说谎),这三个易混动词构成见下表:原形 过去式 过去分词lay放,搁;下蛋;产卵 laid laid3lie躺;位于 lay lainlie说谎 lied lied2.rise和 raise:rise 是不及物动词,其过去式是 rose,过去分词是 risen,而 raise是及物动词,是规则动词。3.hang的用法:hang 有两个意思:一为“悬挂” ,是不规则动词,过去式、过去分词都是hung;二为“绞刑” ,是规则动词,其过去式、过去分词都是 hanged。4.sit与 seat:seat 为及物动词时作“容纳”讲,sit 只是表示一个动作;seat 表示“就座”时要用 be seate

8、d或用 seat oneself。如:They were seated at their desks.或 I seated myself in the armchair.5.win与 beat:win 作“胜、赢”讲时其后应接 a game,an argument,a battle,a prize,a contest,a race,a bet等,但不能接人,如果接人则有另外的含义。如:I have won him.即“我已说服他了,我赢得了他的好感。 ”而 beat是及物动词,意为“击败、胜过” ,直接接人、物。6.lost,gone 与 missing:作补足语或表语时意为“丢失、不见了”

9、,可以用lost,gone,但不能用 missed,而要用 missing。三、动词短语辨析短语动词是由动词与介词、名词或副词结合在一起而组成的。有些短语动词相当于及物动词,有些则相当于不及物动词。1.动词副词break down 坏掉;分解;垮下来break up 打碎;分解;分手bring down 使降低,使下降come out 出现,出版,结果是cut down 砍倒;削减get over 克服make out 辨认出put away 收起;储存set aside 拔出;置于一旁set off 出发,引爆4take off 起飞,腾飞;脱掉take over 接管turn out 结果

10、是,证明是turn down 拒绝,把音量开小work out 解出,进展顺利,锻炼身体figure out 弄清,搞明白Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.传统上,大学生在开始他们的人生旅途之前会举行毕业典礼来鼓励自己。Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.无线网络在灾难

11、中瘫痪的时候,老式电话起到重要作用。名师点津 “动词副词”搭配构成的短语,其宾语若为代词,应放在动词与副词中间。如 put it on, think it over。2.动词介词break into 破门而入believe in 信任begin with 以开始come across 偶然碰到depend on 依靠go through 从穿过see to 处理come to 共计look into 调查set about 着手做bring about 引起,导致agree with 同意,适合Im so glad youve come here to see to this matter i

12、n person.我很高兴你亲自来这里处理此事。You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must agree with you, I suppose.5你气色很好,我想三亚的空气和海鲜肯定适合你。3.动词副词介词add up to 加起来;总共break away from 躲开;脱离catch up with 赶上;超过do away with 废除go in for 从事;参加put up with 忍受,容忍get along (on) with 与相处;进展keep out of 使不进入look forward to 盼望l

13、ive up to 达到;不辜负get down to 着手做come up with 想出,提出look up to 尊敬get across to 使明白,使清楚He will have to find some other work, for he cant put up with this loud noise any more.他必须找其他工作,因为他再也无法忍受这么大的噪音。A good speaker is supposed to manage to get across to the listeners what he means.一个好的演讲者应该让听众明白他所表达的含义。4

14、.动词名词介词catch sight of 突然发现make use of 利用pay attention to 注意take notice of 注意到take the place of 代替take part in 参加take pride in 为自豪6make sense of 理解take advantage of 利用make room for 为腾出空间keep up with 与保持联系James took the magazines off the little table to make room for the television.(2010天津卷)为给电视机腾出空间,

15、吉姆把杂志从这张小桌子上拿走了。解 题 策 略1.词义辨别法英语中有许多动词,它们之间既有相同之处又有细微区别,很多动词还一词多义。正确分辨其差异是解题之关键,然后根据句意敲定答案。(1)The new movie_ to be one of the biggest money makers of all time.A.promises B.agreesC.pretends D.declines答案 A promise 除了表示“允诺,答应”外,还有“有的希望”的意思;agree意为“同意,赞同” ;pretend 意为“假装” ;decline 意为“衰老,衰退” 。只有 promises符

16、合题意。句意:这部新电影有望成为有史以来最赚钱的影片之一。(2)Your house is always so neat how do you _it with three children?A.manage B.serveC.adapt D.construct答案 A manage it表示“设法做成某事” 。serve 表示“为服务,接待” ;adapt 表示“使适应,使适合” ;construct 表示“建造,构筑,构思” 。句意:你家里总是那么整洁家里有三个孩子,你是怎么做到的?2. 固定短语搭配法动词短语的考查是高考重点考查的知识点,平时的学习中要注意积累常用动词词组,如由get,c

17、ome,put break和 give 构成的动词词组,解题时要区分清选择项的含义与区别,再联系句意进行判断,从而选出正确答案。(1)If the firms failed to make enough money,they would_.A.close down B.call offC.turn down D.set off7答案 A close down意为“关掉,封闭;停止,停业” ,call off意为“取消(常常用于被动)” ,turn down意为“拒绝” ,set off意为“出发,动身” 。句意:如果这些公司不能挣足够的钱,它们将停业。(2)It was so dark in

18、the cinema that I could hardly_ my friend.A.turn out B.bring outC.call out D.pick out答案 D turn out意为“结果是;证明是” ,bring out意为“拿出;取出,阐明,出产;出版,说出,了解到(真相、秘密)” ,call out意为“出动、唤起” ,pick out意为“挑选出;拣出,辨认出” 。根据句意选 D。句意:电影院里太暗,我几乎辨认不出我的朋友。针 对 训 练1.We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite,

19、rather than _ us.(2016浙江卷)A.divide B.rejectC.control D.abandon答案 A 句意:当我们学会求同存异,而非对立分歧(divide us)时,我们会收获颇多。由语境可知该空要填 unite的反义词 divide。reject 拒绝;control 控制;abandon 抛弃。2.Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she _ her opinion on the subject.(2016天津卷)A.gave voice to B.kept

20、 an eye onC.turned a deaf ear to D.set foot on答案 A 句意:玛丽在讨论初期保持了沉默,但最终还是提出了对这一话题的看法。gave voice to意为“表达对的想法” ,符合语境。keep an eye on照看,留意;turn a deaf ear to对充耳不闻;set foot on 进入,参观。3.I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to _ a conversation with her.(2016天津卷)A.carry on B.break intoC.turn

21、down D.cut off答案 A 句意:我讨厌工作时她给我打电话我一直很忙,没时间与她进行谈话。8carry on意为“进行,继续” ,符合语境。break into打断,闯入;turn down调低,拒绝;cut off 停止,中断。4.Im going to _ advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.(2016天津卷)A.put B.make C.take D.give答案 C 句意:我打算利用这次观光机会来探究这座城堡的历史。take advantage of是固定搭配,意为“利用” ,符合语境,故选

22、C。5.If steel is heavier than water,why are ships able to_on the sea?(2015浙江卷)A.float B.drownC.shrink D.split答案 A 句意:如果铁比水重,为什么船能够_在海面上?float 浮,漂浮;drown(使)淹死,淹没;shrink(使)缩小,(使)收缩;split(使)裂开,(使)断裂。根据常识可知,船是“漂浮(float)”在海面上的,故选 A。6.In order not to be heard,she pointed her finger upwards to _ that someon

23、e was moving about upstairs.(2015湖北卷)A.whisper B.signalC.declare D.complain答案 B 句意:为了不让别人听到自己的声音,她竖起手指示意有人正在楼上走动。根据题干中的 pointed her finger upwards可知,她只是竖起手指示意,并没有出声。signal意为“示意” ,符合语境。whisper 低语;declare 宣布;complain 抱怨。7.Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to _ the soul of Qu

24、 Yuan.(江苏卷)A.remember B.remindC.recover D.recall答案 D 句意:传说端午节的起源是为了_屈原的灵魂。remember 记住;remind提醒,使回想起,可构成固定搭配 remind sb of sth;recover 使恢复,重新找回(丢失或被偷的东西);recall 召回(to tell sb to come back),回想起。根据句意可知选D。98.If you are in trouble,Mike is always willing to_ a hand.(2013天津卷)A.lend B.shake C.wave D.want答案 A

25、 句意:“如果你有麻烦,迈克总是愿意伸出援助之手。 ” lend a hand意为“伸出援助之手” ,符合语境。shake a hand意为“握手” ,wave a hand意为“挥手” ,want a hand意为“需要帮忙” ,均与句意不符。9.She_the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.(江西卷)A.connected B.fittedC.equipped D.matched答案 D 句意:她安装了一些非常好看的窗帘,使之在颜色上与地毯相配。connect 意为“连接” ;fit 意为“(使)适合” ;equip 意为“装备

26、,配备” ;match 意为“使相配,使相称” 。故 D项符合语境。10.In much of the animal world, night is the time_for sleeppure and simple.(湖北卷)A.set aside B.set downC.set off D.set up答案 A 句意:在大多数动物世界里,夜晚就是完全用来睡觉的时间。pure and simple表示“完全,不折不扣” ,用来指某事只有唯一的原因。set aside表示“留出,抽出(时间等)” ,符合语境。set down“写下” ;set off“出发,引起” ;set up“建立” 。1

27、1.A good listener takes part in the conversation,_ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.(浙江卷)A.realizing B.copyingC.offering D.misunderstanding答案 C realize 意识到;copy 效仿;offer 提出,提供;misunderstand 误解。句意:一个好的倾听者参与谈话时,要发表观点,提出问题,以保持谈话顺利进行。由句意可知选 C。12.Butterflies_a sweet liquid produced by

28、flowers, which bees and other insects collect.(湖北卷)A.carry on B.feed on10C.put on D.focus on答案 B carry on“继续” ;feed on“吃,以为食” ;put on“上演,穿/戴上” ;focus on“聚焦于” 。句意:蝴蝶以花卉产生的一种甜甜的液体为食,蜜蜂和别的昆虫则采集这种液体。根据句意选 B。13.Mother always complains that children_their shoes very quickly.(江西卷)A.find out B.wash outC.wea

29、r out D.set out答案 C find out 意为“查明” ;wash out 意为“洗净” ;wear out 意为“用坏,穿破” ;set out意为“动身,出发” 。句意:妈妈总是抱怨孩子们很快就把鞋子穿烂了。根据语境判断,C 为最佳选项。14.Are the people optimistic about the talks between Palestine and Israel?Its hard to say.Much_ the outcome of the current peace talks.A.counts on B.takes onC.catches on D.turns on答案 A 句意:人们对巴勒斯坦与以色列之间的谈判感到乐观吗?这很难说。目前和平谈判的结果很重要。 count on 意为“依靠,依赖” ;take on 意为“呈现,承担,雇佣” ;catch on 意为“流行,受欢迎” ;turn on 意为“打开” 。


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