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1、1Unit 8 Natural disastersPeriod 2 Reading ILearning aims1. To read to know about Taiwan earthquake. 2. To know the main idea of the passage and what each paragraph talks about.3. To learn how to protect ourselves in an earthquake.Learning activities Activity one Preview一、写出下列单词划线部分音标、词性和词义。 1. shaki

2、ng _ 2. body_3.fear _ 4. scream_5.bomb _ 6. shake _7. direction _ 8. wildly _9. brick _ 10. calm_11. moment _ 12. mind_13. since_ 14. alive_15. hurry_ 16. daylight_17. loudly_ 18. everywhere _二、翻译下列短语。1. feel a slight shaking through my body_ 2. look at each other in fear _3. run in all directions _

3、4.try ones best to do sth _5. run wildly _6.fall down _7.calm down _ 8.be trapped _ 9. a moment of fear went through my mind_ 10.stay alive _ 11.find my way out _ 12.hear shouts from excited people _13. be in a hurry to do sth _ 14. move away the bricks and stones _ 三、理解下列句子。1. I was doing some shop

4、ping when it started.句意:_2. People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.句意:_3. I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.句意:_Activity two Lead-in1. Do you still remember Wenchuan Earthquake ? 22. Please describe the situation at that

5、time. Things on the ground: Buildings: People: Activity three Reading and understandingStep 1 Skim(略读)1.Read the passage quickly and answer. Was Timmy killed in the earthquake?2. Listen to the tape and do Part D on P97. Step 2 Scan(寻读) for details Para 1-Para 2: 1. When the earthquake came, where wa

6、s Timmy? 2. What did Timmy feel/ hear / see / do?Feel: Hear: See: Do: Para 3-Para 4: 1. What happened to Timmy then?2. How did Timmy feel? Para5: What did Timmy do to save himself? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Para6: How was he saved?_ Activity four Post readingStep 1 Finish Part C on page 97. Step 2 Read th

7、e article and try to retell the story. Timmy was a teenager. He lives in Taiwan. He s_ the earthquake in 1999. He was doing some shopping w_ he heard a loud noise. It was like the noise of t_ .Then the noise became really loud. It s_ like bombs under the ground .After that, pieces of glass and brick

8、s f_ down When the noise ended, he c_ down But he found he was t_ and couldnt get out. He s_ for help but no one heard him. A moment of fear went t_ his mind. Then he told himself he must stay a_. He was trying to f_ his way out when he suddenly heard some noise above him. He s_ for help. Finally, p

9、eople m_ away the bricks and stones and s_ him.Activity five DiscussionIn an earthquake, what good ways can help protect yourself? _Exercises【检测反馈】阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下列各题。The earthquake is one of the most violent(强烈的)and terrible natural 3disasters. We cannot prevent earthquakes, and we dont know when the

10、y will happen. These make earthquakes very dangerous. Recently, there have been big earthquakes in China, Japan and India.What causes earthquakes? Well, all the countries and oceans on Earth are sitting on large plates which are around Earth. These plates join together, and they move around. Earthqu

11、akes happen when two plates move against each other. The earth moves up or down like an ocean wave.We do not know when earthquakes will happen. But we can do something to keep ourselves safe. We can make tall buildings and houses stronger. And we must learn what to do if there is an earthquake.1. 判断

12、正(T)误(F) 。(1)The earthquake is an accident. _(2)People can prevent earthquake because they know when they will happen. _2. 回答问题。(1)In which countries have b ig earthquakes happened recently?_(2)How do eart hquakes happen? _(3)What can we do to make earthquakes less terrible? _ _ 3. 选择填空。( )The under

13、lined word they in paragraph 2 refers to _. A. earthquakes B. people C. plates D. disastersExercises【巩固提升】一、短文填词。Do you know what to do during a big earthquake? Scientists have some a_ for us.If the ground begins to s_ while you are driving, s _ you car on the roadside and stay in it. If you are in

14、a tall building, dont use the lift and never j_ out of the window. When you are in a living room, find a s_ table or rush into a smaller room like the washroom, and then lie down your body. Take care of your head when you are in a public place, like a supermarket or a cinema, dont run around, or you

15、 may fall o_ and get hurt. Cross your arms to p_ yourself. You can also find a place to hide.After the main shake, run out of the dangerous building q_, for there will be small earthquakes. If you are safe, remember not to engage(占用) the phone line, keep it f_ for rescue(救援) using. Dont go to the ho

16、spital if you are not b_ hurt, others will really need help. Take part in the rescue action if you can.二、完形填空。Of all the disasters, earthquakes are the most terrible. Some countries have 1 numbers of earthquakes, others do not. For example, there are many earthquakes in Japan but there are few earth

17、quakes in Britain. Earthquakes may also happen in the 2 ,or near volcanoes (火山).During an earthquake, the ground 3 and the houses fall down .Sometimes thousands of people are 4 in different ways. The powerful force (力量) 4inside the earth 5 rocks and great waves(波) appear. They 6 very far and are str

18、ong enough to break down houses and other buildings. Sometimes they break 7 buildings than the earthquake itself. A 8 earthquake happened in Assam, India, in 1986.The land near Shillong suddenly moved 1.5 feet to one side and then back again. That 9 to act like this 200 times a minute. Few buildings

19、 10 stand when that was happening and the great stones flew four feet up into the air.( )1. A. many B. much C. heavy D. large( )2. A. world B. earth C. sea D. land( )3.A.moves B. removes C. loses D. missing( )4. A. saved B. killed C. lived D. survived( )5. A. hurt B. destroy C. knock D. roll( )6. A. travel B. come C. go D. shake( )7. A. some B. many C. more D. most( )8. A. fear B. afraid C. frightened D. terrible( )9. A. continued B. flew C. stopped D. began( )10. A. might B. must C. should D. could


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