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1、123456789英语参考答案Text 1W: Breakfast is ready, Peter.M: I am coming.Whats for breakfast today?W: Bread,milk, and there are hamburgers that you like best. Text 2 W: Hello, Mathew. Im going to ask you some questions about pet. Do you have a pet?M: Yes, in fact, my family raises dogs for helping blind peo

2、ple.Text 3W: Now, George, I hear that you are going back home to New Zealand.M: Thats right. Im going home for summer. Probably a week relaxing, going camping, and then Im going back to work.W: Oh, OK. And thats where youre from, naturally.Text 4 W: Id like to travel to London. So I want to make a r

3、eservation on May 1st.M: Just a moment, please. Im sorry but the flights are fully booked on that day. The next available flight is on May 2nd. They have two flights, one at 9: 30 am and another at 2: 00 pm. Both flights have seats available.W: Thats great! Id like to take the first available flight

4、. Ill need an economy ticket.Text 5W: Oh, hi!M: Hello! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tom.W: Pleased to meet you. My name is Alice. Did you just move in next door?M: Yes, I did.Text 6W: That is the most beautiful sunset! M: Lets stop the car and enjoy it for a minute.W: Here is a go

5、od place. Lets get out. Wow. We dont see this in the city!M: Mother Nature is quite an artist.W: Look behind us at the mountains! They look pink!M: Amazing. The sun is almost gone and yet there is still color everywhere!W: Where is our camera? Ill take a picture of this beautiful scenery!Text 7 W: H

6、ello. May I help you? M: Well, Im looking for some winter clothes. And I noticed you have a sale on all your winter clothes.W: Yes, everything is 25% off.M: Do you have any coat that will go with this sweater?W: Sure. We have fashionable coats of all colors that would go well with the sweater. How a

7、bout this green one?M: I dont think that color will go with my sweater. Do you have any of those coats in black or red?10W : Look at this red one.M: Oh yes. It looks smart. Let me try it on.Text 8 W: So Mark, how often do you watch TV? M: I watch the news in the morning and when I come home at night

8、 I sometimes watch TV. I dont have a favorite TV show.W: OK. How often do you go to the movies?M: I really like going to the movies, maybe once a month.W: And other than that do you rent movies?M: No, I dont rent movies but sometimes I download movies. I like to watch comedies.W: Interesting. What a

9、bout reading? Do you like to read books?M: I do like to read books. Right now, Im really busy with my students so I dont have a lot of time to read but when Im on vacation or whenever I have free time, I like to read books. I usually like to read about like teaching practices so that I can become a

10、better teacher.Text 9W: Excuse me. Do you have a minute? Id like to tell you about the Snoopy Card. The Card is a great way for you to save money while you have a good time here at school. It gives you discounts on all kinds of things like movies, pizza, clothing, and school supplies.M: Thats pretty

11、 cool. How much is the discount for beer?W: Well, the Card doesnt actually give you discounts on beer.M: And all these other things, pizza and movies for instance-how much of a discount do I get on that kind of thing?W: This form shows you what restaurants and cinemas have discounts. And twice every

12、 semester we will send you a new issue of the form. The Snoopy Card has just started. Every couple months we have new businesses joining our program. Its a great way for students to save money!M: All right. Let me look at that form. Hmm. Alessios Pizza. Thats cool. I go there all the time. And 4-D c

13、inemas. All right. How much does it cost?W: It costs only 19 dollars a year for a card.M: Thats expensive! It should be cheaper.W: But think of how much money youll save! You can use it for a year.M: Yeah, maybe. All right. Give me an application form.Text 10 W: MySpace is a social networking websit

14、e. Its a place that allows you to broadcast your own stories and personal information to as many people as you like. Started two years ago, it is a big source of information for and about American kids.Teenagers and their parents feel very different about it. Teens are rushing to join the site, not

15、sharing their parents worries. It shows yet another generation gap in the digital era.For teenagers, it is a reliable network to keep in touch with their friends. 11They will often list their surnames, birthdays, afterschool jobs, school clubs, hobbies and other personal information.Parents on the o

16、ther hand are seriously concerned about the security problems of MySpace. “Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about MySpace,” said Kent Gates. The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children has received at least 288 MySpace -related complaints.15 BACCA 610 BAB

17、CB 1115 ACCAB 1620 BAACBA本文是一篇应用文。介绍美国伊利诺斯州的一家儿童问题研究中心开展的活动。21.C细节理解题。题干的关键信息“孩子在家中的安全”与第一则活动介绍的“判断孩子在自己家里是否安全”(determine whether a child is safe with their family)内容一致,因此选 C。22.A细节理解题。根据题干我们把答案定位在第三则内容介绍,该条说这是一份研究报告,分析 2016年美国伊利诺斯州的儿童死亡情况,作者是史蒂夫和塔玛拉,因此选 A。23.D细节理解题。根据题干的“用心理学的方式” ,我们把答案定位在第四则信息,该条信

18、息说,这篇文章的作者是心理学家,文章从心理学的角度探讨儿童保护的问题,因此选D。B本文是一篇记叙文。讲述作者的父亲对于作者职业生涯的影响,以及作者眼里父亲作为男人的形象。24.A细节理解题。第一段作者说自己原本准备下个星期或者更晚的时候再写这篇文章,但是父亲的声音一直在作者的脑子里回响,告诫作者现在就开始写,因此选 A。25. D推理判断题。本题询问在作者眼里父亲的形象,第三段说作者的父亲总是衣着整齐,没有说紧跟时尚,A 错;第三段说作者从父亲那里学到做事不能拖拉,B 错;第四段说父亲从来不带作者去足球场,也不教作者给汽车换轮胎,C 错;第四段说,作者父亲的工作竞争激烈,以至于三个孩子出生的时

19、候他都不在家,但是他是有爱心和忠诚的典范,由此推断选 D。26.B细节理解题。第五段开头作者说,自己从父亲那里学到的最好的功课是要有弹性,后面接着解释说到父亲在两年内接连失去两位亲人,但是他重新站起来了(got back up again),因此选 B。27.C主旨大意题。全文讲述作者对父亲的回忆,重点讲述父亲在职业生涯方面对作者的影响,以及作者对于父亲作为家中男人的印象,因此本文的标题应该选 C。C本文是一篇议论文。如今我们买东西很方便,但是为了节约资源,我们还是应该少买东西,家用器具出现问题时进行维修。28. C推理判断题。根据题干的“1940 年代长大的人” ,我们把答案定位在第一段。该

20、段说,现在的一切东西,点击一下鼠标就能买到,人们习惯了把损坏的东西替换掉,但是在 20世纪上半叶长大的人却不是这样,偶尔修补一下,这些家用器具就能用一辈子。由此推断选C。29.B细节理解题。第三段说,贝娜特觉得损坏的物品在生产中会消耗时间和资源,如果扔掉那就是在浪费资源,由此推断选 B。30.A词义猜测题。从画线词的语境看,作者说这些人加入到修补团队,家用器具有问题时自己动手,这些都是为了保护环境和节约资源,由此判断这些人是“有责任心的” ,因此画12线词的含义是 A。31.D推理判断题。根据题干的 less shopping我们把答案定位在最后一段,该段说,拉扎雷维奇觉得,如果我们少一点购物

21、的时间,我们就能有更多时间做一些家庭活动,与朋友吃饭,还有参与艺术活动等,因此选 D。D本文是一篇科普性的说明文。介绍医学界的一项新研究,通过探测人体心脏附近动脉脂肪的聚集情况,提前几年预知心脏病发作的可能性。32.D细节理解题。文章开头说这种新技术的目的是为了提前几年预测心脏病的发作,第四段说这种技术是为了预测哪些动脉可能出现脂肪的堆积,由此推断选 D。33.B推理判断题。第三段说,当从心脏向身体其他部位输血的动脉里面有脂肪组织聚集起来,堵塞了血液的流动时,就会心脏病发作,因此选 B。34. A细节理解题。第五段说,当心脏附近的动脉里的脂肪不断聚集时,这一脂肪含量的变化会影响动脉,并且这是心

22、脏病早期的警报,由此推断选 A。35.C主旨大意题。本文介绍一项研究,说该研究通过探测心脏动脉附近脂肪组织的多少来提前几年预知心脏病发作的可能,因此选 C。本文是一篇说明文。作者告诉我们,当我们对现在的工作不满意而想换工作时,找工作的过程中应该注意的事项。36.A语境信息题。前文说“这些知识能帮助你得到一份好工作” ,句中的 not only与 A项的 also形成一个完整的信息链,内容方面也相吻合:还能帮助你找工作。37.G语境信息题。前文的关键词“工作场所的电脑”与 G项的 work computer属关键词再现,内容也是一致的。38.C语境信息题。前文说“你潜在的老板会问你为什么要离开当

23、前的工作” ,C 项的complain about与前文的 ask形成一个完整的“问答”信息链,因此选 C。39.D语境信息题。D 项的“这一信息”指代的就是前文的“发帖说你在找工作” ,因此选D。40.B主旨题。本空是这一段的主题句,后面提到你与现在的老板真诚交流,因此选 B。本文是一篇记叙文。作者原本不自信,缺乏安全感,后来一次偶然的机会,作者开始改变自己,从此有了自信。41.A语境说作者从小害怕一切,因此这里表示作者觉得自己缺乏安全感,不自信。根据语境的 be afraid of, insecure和选项判断选 A表示“不自信的” 。42.D前文说作者的害怕和不自信,下文提到作者的一次转

24、变,因此这里用 strike表示“袭击;突然遭遇” ,但是突如其来地发生了一件事。43.C语境提到“六个月的时间,一个食谱” ,因此这里说的是作者在六个月时间里饮食方面坚持只使用某一种食谱,用 stick to表示“坚持” 。44.B语境说的是这次经历使作者的体重迅速下降,用 bring表示“使处于某种状态” 。45.C前面说的作者减肥的故事是作者自己的一次“体验,经历” ,因此选 C。46.D语境表示作者得知在自己就读的大学附近有演讲活动,用 event表示“重大活动;赛事” 。47.A这里说的是作者战胜自己的恐惧,鼓足勇气去演讲的现场,因此用 gather表示“聚集” 。48.B下文说作者

25、在几十人面前分享自己的故事,看来作者去现场并且参与了演讲活动,这个活动让作者战胜了束缚自己的恐惧心理,因此选 B表示“解放” 。1349.C从作者的角度看,这是一个演讲活动,面对的听众可能在内心评判作者演讲的好坏,用副词 potentially表示“可能;潜在地” 。50.D本句说的是作者先前提到的自己的不自信和缺少安全感,说那些恐惧心理都是随意出现的,没有任何理由,因此用 random表示“胡乱的;任意的” 。51.B这里说的是作者那些恐惧心理都被自己战胜了,因此选 B表示“消失” 。52.A本句总结全段内容,作者这样战胜了自己的恐惧心理,因此选 A。53.D本空名词指文章开头提到的作者总是

26、缺乏安全感,做事没信心这些情况,mess 表示“一团糟”符合句意,说作者当初那种状态下的生活是一团糟,与下文的 neat and orderly呼应。54.C从语境和选项看,这里用 greet表示“打招呼” ,作者当初不敢与陌生人打招呼。55.B这里表示不敢“问问题” ,因此选 B。56.A从语境和搭配看,这里用 make sense of表示“弄清楚,弄懂” 。原先的作者不敢问问题,害怕别人说这些问题自己想一想就能明白。57.A从语境的 to this day判断,这里说的是作者一直在取得进步,因此选 A表示“进步”。58.C这里用 without stop表示“不停止” 。59.D与前面的

27、 my weakness呼应选 D,作者的这些弱点如今成为作者的长处与强项。60.B这里说的是作者要努力做到比常人更好,因此用 average表示“平均的,普遍的” 。本文是一篇记叙文。讲述作者 8岁的儿子策划作者结婚 10周年的庆祝活动。61. celebration考查名词词类转换。本空用提示动词的名词 celebration作宾语表示“庆祝活动” 。62. starting考查非谓语动词。本空动词没有连词与谓语连接,因此用现在分词作状语表示主动含义。63. best考查形容词最高级。本空形容词前面有定冠词,语境表示“最好的早餐” ,因此填 best。64. a考查冠词。这里用 go on

28、 a picnic表示“去野餐” ,本空填 a表示“一次” 。65. followed考查非谓语动词。这里填提示动词的过去分词作状语表示被动含义。66. thoughtfully考查副词词类转换。这里填提示形容词的副词作状语。67. for考查介词搭配。与句中动词 create呼应填 for表示“为某人” 。68. had selected 考查时态。语境的 beforehand表明这里用提示动词的过去完成时表示过去动作之前的动作或延续性的状态。69. asked考查时态。这里填提示动词的一般过去时表示过去的动作。70. which考查连词。这里填关系代词 which引导定语从句,连词在从句中

29、作主语指代前面的事情。The charity shop around the corner has a few volunteers. Theyre some locals who cant find jobs or have learning or other difficulty. As I know how important it is of them to feel respected difficulties forand appreciated, I took the time to talk to them.takeYesterday, it came to his notic

30、e that one of them had the sadness in his 14eyes. Approached him my 删除 ApproachingI thanked him for his work here. In spite of his condition he was respectfully. I stayed for a while there respectfuland we talked a lot. They were clearly happy / be noticed. I have no idea that their stories are and

31、to whatwhat they may be going through, yet I hope this little bit of kindness helped them.One possible version:Dear Robert,As is scheduled, our school will hold a lecture on the history of Chinese tea. The lecture will be given by Professor Wang from our local university in the lecture hall of the A

32、rt Building of our school on June 8th next Saturday afternoon, beginning at 3 and lasting about two hours. The professor will give us a lecture about the history of Chinese tea and its main types, followed by a performance of Chinese tea show.Indeed, drinking tea is good for our health, contributing to keeping us slim. Im sure youll be fascinated about it during your stay here. Will it be convenient for you to attend the lecture? Looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua


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