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1、1课时 11 八年级(下) Units 1 2基础知识梳理词汇拓展1.stomachache (n.) (n.) 胃;腹部2.foot (n.) (pl.) 脚;足3.rest (n.) (近义词) 间歇;休息4.cough (n.) (形近词) (catch的过去式)接住;拦住5.toothache (n.) (n.) 牙;齿6.headache (n.) (n.) 头;头部7.climber (n.) (v.) 攀登;爬8.knife (n.) (pl.) 刀9.importance (n.) (adj.)重要的;有重大影响的10.decision (n.) (v.) 决定;选定11.de

2、ath (n.) (adj.)死的;失去生命的 (adj.) 垂死的12.feeling (n.) (v.) 觉得;感到13.satisfaction (n.) (v.) 使满意;使满足 (adj.)满意的;满足的;欣慰的14.owner (n.) (adj. 继续做 23.做决定 24.影响;有作用 25.忙于 26.by oneself 27.at the same time 28.lie down 29.clean up 30.have problems (in) doing sth. 31.休息 32.多亏;由于 33.看牙医 34.玩电脑游戏 35.至少 36.be/get used

3、 to doing sth. e true 38.next to 39.at once 40.care for 41.陷入;参与 42.摔倒 43.与相似 44.在岁时 45.及时 经典句型1.As a mountain climber, Aron taking risks.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。2.After , he wrote a book Between a Rock and a Hard Place.在失去手臂之后,他写了一本名叫生死两难的书。3.You helped to possible for me Lucky.你的帮助使我拥有“幸运儿”成为可能。4. , few p

4、eople think about what they can do others.然而,几乎没人考虑他们能做些什么来帮助别人。情景交际谈论健康问题及意外事故1. ? (你)怎么了?I have a stomachache.我胃痛。2. ?他牙痛吗?Yes, he does.是的,他牙痛。3.What should she do? 她应该做什么?. 她应该量一量她的体温。4.Should I put some medicine on it? 我应该在它上面敷些药吗? .是的,你应该。/ .不,你不应该。5.Can I go to school this afternoon, doctor?医生

5、,我下午能去学校吗?Better not. Youve got a high fever. .最好别去。你发高烧了。你需要在家休息。语法结构1.情态动词表建议(should/shouldnt/could)(见本书 P135)2.动词不定式(作状语、宾语和宾语补足语) (见本书P137)话题梳理1.健康与急救(Health and first aid)2.志愿工作与慈善事业 (Volunteering and charity)3参考答案词汇拓展1.stomach 2.feet 3.break 4.caught 5.tooth 6.head 7.climb 8.knives 9.important

6、 10.decide 11.deaddying12.feel 13.satisfy satisfied 14.own 15.difficult 16.kind 17.alone 18.disable 19.exciting excitement 20.lay lain lying 21.hit hitting 22.meant meaning 23.rise 24.imagination 25.close 26.carried 27.training trainer 28.understood 29.cheerful 重点短语1.have a fever 2.call up 3.get off

7、 4.right away 5.take risks 6.使高兴起来;使振奋起来 7.发出;公布 8.分发 9.捐赠;赠送 10.修理;装饰 11.run out (of) 12.because of 13.take ones temperature 14.to ones surprise 15.give up 16.推迟 17.想出;提出 18.(外貌或行为)像 19.建起;设立 20.张贴;搭起;举起 21.be in control of 22.keep on doing 23.make a decision/decisions 24.make a difference 25.be bu

8、sy with 26.独自 27.同时 28.躺下 29.打扫(或清除)干净 30.做某事有困难 31.have a rest 32.thanks to 33.see a dentist 34.play computer games 35.at least 36.习惯于做某事 37.实现 38.在旁边 39.立刻;马上 40.照顾;喜欢 41.get into 42.fall down 43.be similar to 44.at the age of 45.in time经典句型1.is used to 2.losing his arm called 3.make it to have 4.However to help情景交际1.Whats the matter(with you) 2.Does he have a toothache 3.She should take her temperature 4.Yes, you should No, you shouldnt 5.You need to have a rest at home


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