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1、1二、夹叙夹议文(20186月天津)No one is born a winner.People make themselves into winners by their own 1 .I learned this lesson from a(n) 2 many years ago.I took the head 3 job at a school in Baxley,Georgia.It was a small school with a weak football program.It was a tradition for the schools old team to play ag

2、ainst the 4 team at the end of spring practice.The old team had no coach,and they didnt even practice to 5 the game.Being the coach of the new team,I was excited because I knew we were going to win,but to my disappointment we were defeated.I couldnt 6 I had got into such a situation.Thinking hard ab

3、out it,I came to 7 that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia,but they were 8 me.I had to change my 9 about their ability and potential.I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 10 .Most important,I began to treat them like 11 .That summer,when the other teams enjoye

4、d their 12 ,we met every day and 13 passing and kicking the football.Six months after suffering our 14 on the spring practice field,we won our first game and our second,and continued to 15 .Finally,we faced the 2number one team in the state.I felt that it would be a 16 for us even if we lost the gam

5、e.But that wasnt what happened.My boys beat the best team in Georgia,giving me one of the greatest 17 of my life!From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 18 the members of a team.Instead of seeing my boys as losers,I pushed and 19 them.I helped them to see themsel

6、ves 20 ,and they built themselves into winners.Winners are made,not born.语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己当教练的一次经历告诉我们:胜利者是创造出来的,而不是天生的。1.A.luck B.testsC.efforts D.nature答案 C解析 联系上句“No one is born a winner.(没有人天生是胜利者)”可知,人们成为胜利者靠的是自己的努力(efforts)。luck 运气;test 测试;nature 自然,天性。2.A.experiment B.experienceC.visit D

7、.show答案 B解析 联系倒数第二段中的“From the experience”可知, “我”从很多年前的一次经历(experience)中明白了这个道理。experiment 实验;visit 拜访,参观;show 展览,演出。3.A.operating B.editingC.consulting D.coaching答案 D解析 联系下一段中的“Being the coach of the new team(作为新队的教练)”可知, “我”承担训练(coach)任务。operate 操作,运行,做手术;edit 编辑;consult 咨询,查阅。4.A.successful B.exc

8、ellentC.strong D.new3答案 D解析 联系空前的 old team和下文的“Being the coach of the new team”可知,这是老队与新(new)队之间的比赛。successful 成功的;excellent 优秀的;strong 强壮的。5.A.cheer for B.prepare forC.help with D.finish with答案 B解析 由空前提到的 practice(训练)可知,训练是为比赛做准备(prepare for)的。cheer for为欢呼;help with 帮助;finish with 以结束。6.A.believe B

9、.agreeC.describe D.regret答案 A解析 上文提到“I was excited because I knew we were going to win(我很兴奋,因为我知道我们将会赢)” ,但最后“我们”队输了比赛,这个结果是作者不能接受的,因此他不能相信(believe)自己会遇到这样的情况。agree 同意;describe 描述;regret 后悔,遗憾。7.A.realize B.claimC.permit D.demand答案 A解析 联系空前的“Thinking hard about it(仔细考虑)”可知,此处意为“我逐渐意识到(realize)”。clai

10、m 宣称;permit 允许;demand 要求,需要。8.A.reacting to B.looking forC.depending on D.caring about答案 C解析 联系空前的“my team might not be the number one team(我的队可能不是最好的)”和 but(表转折)可知,他们依靠(depend on)“我” 。react to对作出回应;look for寻找;care about 关心,在乎。9.A.decision B.attitudeC.conclusion D.intention答案 B4解析 联系下段中“我”改变了自己的做法以及

11、倒数第二段中提到的“the attitude(态度)”可知,空格处是指“我”改变了对他们的态度(attitude)。decision 决定;conclusion 结论;intention 意图,计划,打算。10.A.pride B.cultureC.fortune D.relationship答案 A解析 联系空前的“I started doing anything I could to help them build a little.(我开始做力所能及的一切来帮助他们建立一点)”知,空格处应是一个褒义词,pride(自豪感,自尊心)符合文意。culture 文化;fortune 运气,大笔

12、的钱;relationship关系。11.A.leaders B.partnersC.winners D.learners答案 C解析 联系上文的 winners(胜利者)和倒数第二段中的 losers(失败者)可知, “我”开始把他们当胜利者(winner)对待。leader 领导者;partner 伙伴,合作者;learner 学习者。12.A.rewards B.vacationsC.health D.honor答案 B解析 联系空后的“we met every day(我们天天见面)”和“passing and kicking the football(传球和踢球)”可知,其他的队在享

13、受假期(vacation)时“我们”在训练。reward奖赏;health 健康;honor 荣誉。13.A.risked B.missedC.considered D.practiced答案 D解析 联系空后的 passing and kicking the football(传球和踢球)可知,是在训练(practice)。risk 冒险;miss 思念,错过;consider 考虑。14.A.defeat B.declineC.accident D.mistake答案 A解析 联系上文的“we were defeated(我们被打败了)”以及空后的“on the spring 5pract

14、ice field(在春季的训练场上)”可知,是承受了在春季训练场上的失败(defeat)。decline下降,减少;accident 事故;mistake 错误。15.A.relax B.improveC.expand D.defend答案 B解析 联系空前的“won our first game and our second(赢了我们第一场比赛、我们第二场比赛)”可知, “我们”继续提高(improve)。relax 放松;expand 扩展,膨胀;defend 保卫,保护。16.A.shame B.burdenC.victory D.favor答案 C解析 联系空后的“even if w

15、e lost the game(即使我们输了比赛)” ,空格处指“与强队对决本身就是一个胜利(victory)” 。shame 羞愧;burden 负担;favor 恩惠,偏爱,支持。17.A.chances B.thrillsC.concerns D.offers答案 B解析 联系空前的“My boys beat the best team(我的队员打败了最好的球队)”可知,这是“我”生命中最令人激动的事(thrill)之一。chance 机会;concern 关心,担心,忧虑;offer主动提议。18.A.surprise B.serveC.interest D.affect答案 D解析

16、联系上文“我的队员踢得很好,打败了最好的球队”知, “我”的态度的改变影响(affect)了队员。surprise 使吃惊;serve 服务,提供,端上;interest 使感兴趣。19.A.encouraged B.observedC.protected D.impressed答案 A解析 联系空前的“pushed(催促)”可知,空格处是指“鼓励(encourage)他们” 。observe6观察;protect 保护;impress 使印象深刻。20.A.honestly B.individuallyC.calmly D.differently答案 D解析 联系上句中的“Instead o

17、f seeing my boys as losers”可知,此处是指“我帮他们用不同的方式(differently)看待自己” 。honestly 老实地,诚实地;individually 分别地;calmly 平静地。一、题型解读夹叙夹议类的完形填空一般有以下三种结构特点:1.事例观点:先叙述一件事情,然后针对这件事情发表自己的看法或揭示生活的真理。2.观点事例:先提出一种观点或看法,然后围绕这一观点或看法用具体的事例来说明。 一般是一个事例,有时也会用几个事例从不同的侧面加以说明。3.观点事例观点:首先提出一种观点或看法,然后用事例说明,最后再进一步阐述或总结自己的观点。二、解题技巧1.分

18、析结构,抓住作者观点。 在做题时大家要借助文章结构,认真体会记叙和议论的关系,抓住作者的观点,明确文章的组织方式。 看文章属于上述哪种结构,从而明白作者的思路。2.重视首句,把握文章主题。 首句往往是文章的关键句、引题句或主题句。 通过首句可以初步判断文章的写作中心,为全面理解文章打开一扇“窗户” 。3.叙议兼顾,理解议论内涵。 夹叙夹议中叙与议是一个有机的整体,叙是议的基础,而议是叙的升华。 在读这类文章时,掌握议论部分的内容是关键,因为叙述是为作者的议论而服务的。 所以只有把故事和哲理联系起来,再结合人物心理和行为的描述,全面把握文章才能正确解题。4.抓住转换,理清逻辑关系。 抓住记叙与议

19、论的转换,及时调整思维方式,理清上下文之间的逻辑关系,在充分把握语境的基础上,辨析词语,进一步把握作者的观点、态度,找到正确答案。7(2018和平区三模)Whenever we hear about “the homeless”,most of us think of the developing world.But the 1 is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 2 country like Ger

20、many?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 3 for the homeless of Berlin,Germanys capital.They first 4 in one long hot summer when most Germans were 5 on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches, 6 .The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing werent 7 .“Wha

21、t these people also need is warmth and 8 , ” says Rita.The Mullers didnt 9 to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.Rita 10 there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always 11 to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street.The cou

22、ple were soon 12 all their time and money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to 13 donations.Today,over thirty companies 14 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to 15 them to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 16 new shoes.Kurt an

23、d Rita receive no 17 for their hard work.“We feel like parents, ” says Rita, “and parents shouldnt 18 money for helping their children.The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets 19 ,she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having

24、 made a 20 in the world.1.A.result B.truthC.reason D.idea答案 B解析 result 结果;truth 事实,真理;reason 理由;idea 主意。每当我们听到无家可归这个词,我们大多数人就会想到发展中国家。但事实是无家可归的人到处都有。2.A.traditional B.developing8C.typical D.wealthy答案 D解析 traditional 传统的;developing 发展中的;typical 典型的;wealthy 富裕的。我们有多少人能预料到在一个像德国这么富有的国家也有人住在大街上。3.A.prep

25、arations B.housesC.meals D.suggestions答案 C解析 preparation 筹备;house 房子;meal 餐,饭;suggestion 建议。根据后文的“Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches”可知,他们是为德国首都柏林的无家可归者做饭已经十一年了。4.A.began B.metC.called D.left答案 A解析 begin 开始;meet 遇到;call 打电话,叫;leave 离开。他们是从一个漫长而炎热的夏天开始的,而此时大多数德国人都外出度假了。5.A.asleep B.alon

26、eC.across D.away答案 D解析 解析参见上题。asleep 睡着的;alone 单独的;across 穿过;away 离开,远去。6.A.brought up B.set upC.put aside D.gave away答案 D解析 bring up 提起,养育;set up 搭建,建立;put aside 放一边;give away 无偿赠送。库尔特和他的妻子待在家里做三明治,提供给无家可归者。7.A.enough B.necessaryC.helpful D.expensive答案 A解析 enough 足够的;necessary 有必要的;helpful 有帮助的;exp

27、ensive 贵的。由后句中的“What these people also need.(人们还需要的是)”可知,此处应该表达的是“穆勒夫妇意识到只有食物和衣服并不够” 。98.A.fame B.freedomC.courage D.caring答案 D解析 fame 名望,名声;freedom 自由;courage 勇气;caring 关心,关怀。他们还需要温暖和关怀。9.A.hesitate B.agreeC.pretend D.intend答案 A解析 hesitate 犹豫;agree 同意;pretend 假装;intend 打算,想要。穆勒夫妇毫不犹豫地把电话号码给了那些无家可归的

28、人,并告诉他们随时给他们打电话。10.A.made sense B.found outC.made sure D.worked out答案 C解析 make sense 有道理;find out 发现,查明;make sure 确保;work out 算出,制定。前面说到穆勒夫妇把电话号码给无家可归的人,因此此处应是:丽塔确保家里有人随时接电话。11.A.open B.crowdedC.noisy D.near答案 A解析 open 开放的;crowded 拥挤的;noisy 嘈杂的,吵闹的;near 近的,接近的。她们家对任何一个在街上不想面对又一晚流落街头的人是敞开的。be open to

29、意为“对是敞开的;对开放” 。12.A.costing B.wastingC.taking D.spending答案 D解析 穆勒夫妇马上就要花完他们的时间和金钱了。此处用动词的过去进行时表示过去将要发生的动作。选项中,waste 浪费,不符合句意;cost 花费,常用句式是:It/Sth. cost(s).;take 花费,但其主语一般是 sth. 或形式主语 it,常用句式是:It takes sb. some time to do sth. ;spend 花费,主语是人,常用句式是:Sb. spends some time/money 10on sth. /(in) doing sth.

30、 。13.A.pay for B.ask forC.look into D.carry out答案 B解析 pay for 付出;ask for 要求,请求;look into 调查;carry out 执行。因为穆勒夫妇马上就要花完他们的时间和金钱了,所以库尔特去了几家食品厂和服装厂请求捐赠。14.A.completely B.calmlyC.regularly D.roughly答案 C解析 completely 完全地,完整地;calmly 镇定地,平静地;regularly 经常性地,定期地;roughly 大约,粗暴地。现在,三十多家公司定期地为他们的事业捐赠食品和其他物品。15.A

31、.advertise B.sellC.deliver D.lend答案 C解析 advertise 做广告;sell 卖出;deliver 递送,传送;lend 借给。志愿者们帮助向无家可归者分发这些食品和其他物品。16.A.donates B.producesC.designs D.collects答案 A解析 donate 捐赠;produce 生产;design 设计;collect 收集。公众也捐献衣服和钱,而且一家制鞋商还捐赠新鞋。17.A.permission B.paymentC.direction D.support答案 B解析 permission 许可;payment 报酬

32、,付款;direction 方向;support 支持。穆勒夫妇没有因为他们的艰难工作而得到报酬。18.A.borrow B.raiseC.save D.expect答案 D11解析 borrow 借;raise 提高;save 挽救,保存,节省;expect 期望。我们感觉就像父母一样,父母是不应该因为帮助自己的孩子而期望得到钱的。其他动词都不符合句意。 19.A.surprised B.excitedC.tired D.amused答案 C解析 surprised 惊讶的;excited 兴奋的;tired 累的;amused 愉快的。尽管丽塔承认常常会感到累,但她说她会继续这项工作。20

33、.A.profit B.differenceC.decision D.rule答案 B解析 句意为:她会继续工作下去,因为她喜欢能够在世界上发挥一定作用的感觉。make a difference有影响,有作用。题型组合练(二).单项填空1.Upon entering a “new era”,what we now face is the between unbalanced and inadequate development and the peoples ever-growing needs for a better life.A.administration B.violationC.c

34、ontradiction D.presentation答案 C解析 administration 管理,行政;violation 违反,妨碍;contradiction 否认,反驳;presentation展示,描述。句意为:进入“新时代” ,我们现在面临的是不平衡和不充分发展的矛盾,以及人民日益增长的对美好生活需求。结合句意可知答案为 contradiction。2.Anyone with an eye on the employment situation knew the assessment about economic recovery just around the corner

35、was correct.A.being B.to beC.was D.having been12答案 A解析 句意为:任何关注就业情况的人都知道,对有关经济即将复苏的评估是正确的。此处是现在分词短语作后置定语修饰 economic recovery,意思是“即将来临的经济复苏” 。economic recovery being just around the corner作 about的宾语。故选 A。3.Due to the countrys growing rate of urbanization,Chinas migrant population to be over 200 milli

36、on by 2020.A.predictsB.is predictedC.will have been predictedD.will be predicted答案 B解析 句意为:由于中国城市化的速度不断提高,到 2020年,中国的移民人口预计将超过2亿。结合句意可知用一般现在时的被动语态,句子主语是 population,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故答案为 B。4.Listening to language recording in bed seems like an easy way to some new vocabulary.But does this learning method

37、actually work?A.polish up B.make upC.pick up D.build up答案 C解析 polish up改善,润色;make up组成,编造;pick up偶然学到,收听到,捡起,搭车;build up增进,加强。句意为:在床上听语言录音似乎是一种很容易掌握新词汇的方法。但是这种学习方法真的起作用吗?结合句意可知答案为 C。5.Given the huge gap economic development and cultural consciousness,young people find big cities are safer than small

38、 towns.A.in view of B.in case ofC.in consequence of D.in respect of答案 C解析 in view of 鉴于,考虑到;in case of 万一;in consequence of 由于的缘故;in respect of关于,涉及。句意为:考虑到由于经济发展和文化意识的巨大差距的缘故,13年轻人发现大城市比小城镇更安全。故选 C。6.Wolf Warrior 2, director Wu Jing also starred in the lead role,is a first-class production,even by

39、Hollywood standards.A.where B.whichC.whom D.as答案 A解析 句意为:战狼 2的导演吴京也主演了这部电影,即使按照好莱坞的标准,也是一流的作品。此处 Wolf Warrior 2是先行词,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,故选 A。7.He is so delighted to make friends with Johnson.Oh,I see.Thats they have much in common.A.where B.howC.what D.because答案 D解析 句意为:他很高兴能和约翰逊交朋友。哦,我明白了。那是因为他们有很多共

40、同点。此处用 because表示“原因” ,引导表语从句,故选 D。8.I was unaware of the critical points involved,so my choice was quite .A.arbitrary B.reasonableC.mechanical D.conventional答案 A解析 arbitrary 任意的,武断的;reasonable 合情合理的;mechanical 机械的,力学的;conventional传统的。句意为:我不知道其中涉及到的关键问题,所以我的选择是相当武断的。结合句意可知答案为 A。9.The old road is inde

41、ed less direct and a bit longer.We wont take the new one, ,as we dont feel safe on it.A.somehow B.otherwiseC.therefore D.though答案 D解析 somehow 不知怎么地;otherwise 否则;therefore 因此;though 尽管。句意为:这条老路确实不太直,而且有点儿长。不过,我们不会走那条新的路,因为我们在那上面感觉14不安全。此处表示转折,故选 D。10.Some analysts suspected that the rebellion was and

42、 financed by a western country.A.launched B.backedC.evaluated D.crushed答案 B解析 launch 启动,发射;back 支持,使后退;evaluate 评估;crush 压碎。句意为:一些分析人士怀疑,这场叛乱是由一个西方国家支持和资助的。故选 B。11.I am putting on weight again! Maybe I should start doing yoga.You that the whole morning!A.are saying B.have saidC.have been saying D.we

43、re saying答案 C解析 句意为:我又胖了!也许我应该开始做瑜伽了。你已经说了整个上午了!根据 the whole morning可知句子用现在完成进行时态。故选 C。12.I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being blind and deaf for a few days at some time in his life.A.has been stricken B.were strickenC.had been D.would be答案 B解析 句意为:我经常想,如果每个人在他生命中的某个时候都会失明

44、和失聪几天,那将是一件幸事。根据 would be可知此处是 if引导的虚拟语气,与现在的事实相反,句子用一般过去时态;再根据 each human being和 strike之间是被动关系,所以 if条件句中用一般过去时态的被动语态,故选 B。13.Did Max go to the concert with his family yesterday?The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrow,he it.A.couldnt have attendedB.neednt have attendedC.wouldnt attendD.shouldn

45、t attend15答案 A解析 句意为:马克斯昨天和他的家人去听音乐会了吗?这份报告定于明天提交,他不可能参加了。couldnt have done表示对过去事情的怀疑或不确定,表示“不可能已经做了某事” ,故选 A。14.So sometimes in trying to accomplish something big we fail to notice the little things that give life its magic.A.we get caught up;asB.do we get caught up;thatC.caught up get we;asD.caugh

46、t up do we get;that答案 D解析 句意为:我们有时会试图去完成一些大事,以至于我们没有注意到那些给生命带来魔力的小事。So形容词或副词that 引导的结果状语从句,当“So形容词或副词”位于句子开头时,则主句用部分倒装,结合句意可知答案为 D。15.Did you take sides when Mom and Dad were arguing again?No.Ive learned that its best until it blows over.A.to call it a day B.to pull their legsC.to sit on the fence D

47、.to wash my hands off答案 C解析 to call it a day 今天到此为止;to pull their legs你不是在开玩笑吧;to sit on the fence脚踩两只船,保持中立;to wash my hands off不干涉,不插手。句意为:当爸爸妈妈又吵架的时候,你有没有偏袒某一方?没有。我知道保持中立是最好的。故选 C。.完形填空(2018天津十二区县二模)I was in a local store the other day when suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass behind me.

48、16 I turned around to see what had happened.A young mother had 17 from her shopping cart for a second look at some other 18 she was interested in.That second was all it took for her baby boy to test out his newly found 19 to lift things from his seat in the cart. 20 ,the big 16jar of sauce was more

49、than he could handle.I smiled when I walked back and saw the look of complete 21 on the boys face.He seemed not to know why.His 22 still remained where the jar had been a few seconds before.On the floor 23 the cart,the liquid of red was slowly 24 across the passage.After making sure that both Mom and the baby were 25 ,I went downstairs to get 26 from a stor


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