
上传人:刘芸 文档编号:1197928 上传时间:2019-05-18 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:76.50KB
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1、1Grade 9 Book 1 Units 781(2018百色) At the party, he asked me to _dance_(跳舞) with him.2(2018贵港) For your own _safety_(安全), please do not smoke inside the plane.3(2017贺州) Lu Yi and Deng Chao are successful _actor_(演员).单词拼写1In my heart, my mother is the best _teller_(讲故事的人)2I want to be a _superstar_(超级

2、明星) like Messi.3My brother really enjoys Jason Stathams _action_(动作) films.4Is Beihai welldeveloped in _industry_(工业)? I dont think so.5I think Princess Kates _charm_(魅力) lies in her beautiful smile.6David scored in the _final_(最后的) minute of the game.We won the championship! 7The actress acted in n

3、early 100 films in her _career_(生涯)8We have to _cancel_(取消) our camping because of the heavy storm.9Our Chinese teacher Mr. Li was invited to play a _role_(角色) in this TV play.10The woman who is sitting in the front _row_(排) is our English teacher.11Im sorry, sir.Look at the sign.You can _park_(停放)

4、your car here.12The _detective_(侦探) turned up some new clues(线索) to the case.13What can I do for you, madam? I want the coat in _medium_(中等的) size.14From the evidence, the suspect(嫌疑犯) must be _guilty_(有罪的)15I _guess_(猜测) its going to rain soon.词形转换1The superstars _appearance_(appear) made his fans

5、creamed loudly.2Kate does everything very _carefully_(careful) that we all like her.3Would you like to go out for a walk instead of _staying_(stay) in your bedroom?24Dali is so _attractive_(attract) that many people come to visit it every year.5She died _peaceful_(peace) in her sleep with my sister

6、at her side.6Yang Liping is a very famous _dancer_(dance)She is good at folk dance.7The blue dress is very _suitable_(suit) for me.Ill take it.8They considered _going_(go) Beijing for a trip yesterday.9The whole plan is _based_(base) on his own supposition(猜测)10Huang Bo is a famous _actor_(act) with high EQ.11The _missing_(miss) girl was found in a small village.12Youd better tell your father the _truth_(true), or he will be angry with you.13Do you know what _happened_(happen) to the boy?A car hit him and he was badly hurt.14It was raining _heavily_(heavy) when we got home last night.


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