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1、- 1 -Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时 第一课时 Section A(1a-2e)课 题Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课型 New知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, minute, far, kilometer, new, every, by, get to, take the subway, ride a bike, every day 2. 掌握以下句型: How do

2、 you get to school? I ride my bike. How does Mary get to school? She takes the subway. How far is it from your home to school? About ten kilometers. How long does it take to get to school? About 15 minutes by bike. 能力目标1. 熟练掌握 how特殊疑问句和交通方式的表达。2. How far及 How long特殊疑问句及答语。教学目标情感目标了解东西方国家出行方式的不同, 以及不

3、同的交通规则, 教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。教学重点1. Words, phrases and sentences. 2. how特殊疑问句和交通方式的表达。教学难点交通方式的表达。课前 Preview the new words- 2 -预习教学方法Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; Communicative approach 教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1 Warm up and work on 1a1. “Enjoy the music”: listen to the

4、song “This is the way we go to school. ”2. Show some pictures about some traffic tools, such as train, bus, subway and so on. T: I usually get to school by bike, but sometimes on foot. How do you get to school? S1: I ride my bike. S2: I go to school by bus. S3: . . . The teacher leads the students t

5、o answer the question. 3. Work on 1a. Match the words with the pictures. 1. Listen to a song and follow it. 2. Watch the pictures and answer the teachers question. 3. Ss match the words with the pictures. 听唱歌曲, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 自然地导入新课。Step 2 Listening (1b)1. Let Ss read the names in the box. 2. Play the

6、tape of 1b. 1. Read the names in the box. 2. Ss listen and write the numbers to the correct students in the picture of 1a. 3. Check the answers. 在语境中呈现和导入目标语言。续表- 3 -教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 3Practice (1c)First let Ss read the conversation in 1c. Then ask them to make similar conversations. Ss first

7、read the conversation in pairs, then make similar conversations. 通过两人小组对话, 让学生练习所学的语言知识, 同时训练他们的口语能力。Step 4 Listening (2a, 2b the B. /; /C. /; the D. the; /(B)2. How does your brother go to school? Usually _e-bike(电动车), but sometimes he goes to school _foot. A. by; by B. by; onC. on; on D. on; by(A)

8、3. How much are all the things? They are five _yuan. A. thousandB. thousands ofC. thousandsD. thousand of(D)4. Do you have a lot of homework every day, Li Ming? Yes, it usually takes me two hours _my homework after school every day. A. doing B. do独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。

9、- 6 -C. does D. to do(B)5. Have a good day, Jim. _A. Yes, I do. B. Thank you. C. No problem. D. Youre welcome. Step 9Homework1. Recite new words and phrases. 2. Recite 2e. 板书设计Section A (1a-2e)1. New words and phrases : train, bus, subway, ride, bike, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, minute,

10、 far, kilometer, new, every, by, get to, take the subway, ride a bike, every day 2. Structures: How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does Mary get to school? She takes the subway. How far is it from your home to school? About ten kilometers. How long does it take to get to school? About 15

11、minutes by bike. 教学反思在本节课的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视“预习展示练习反馈”的学习过程。- 7 -课时第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)课 题Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课型 New知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: drive, car, live 2. 掌握以下句型: How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does she get to school?

12、 She usually takes the bus. How long does it take to get to school? How far is it from your home to school? Does Jane walk to school? No, she doesnt. She goes by bike. Do they take the bus to school? No, they dont. They walk. 能力目标1. how特殊疑问句和交通方式的表达。2. How far及 How long特殊疑问句及答语教学目标情感目标了解东西方国家出行方式的不同

13、, 以及不同的交通规则, 教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。教学重点1. Words, phrases and sentences. 2. How far及 How long特殊疑问句及答语3. 一般现在时的用法教学 How far及 How long特殊疑问句及答语- 8 -难点课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Task approach; Communicative approach 教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1 Warm upLet Ss ask and answer about

14、how they get to school in pairs. Work in pairs. 看图两人练习对话, 既练习了学生运用语言知识的能力, 又练习了学生的口语交际能力。Step 2Grammar Focus1. Let Ss read the sentences in Grammar Focus2. Explain: (1)How do/does+sb. +get to+sp. ? 意为“某人怎样去某地? ” how是疑问副词, 本句中用来提问出行方式。(2)回答方式有两种: A: Sb. +take(s)+the+交通工具+to+某地. B: Sb. +get(s) to+sp.

15、+by+交通工具. (3)It takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为“做某事花费某人多长时间。”1. Ss read the sentences in Grammar Focus first. 2. Ss listen and take notes. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。- 9 -(4)如果对时间段提问的话, 用句型“How long+does it take sb. to do sth. ? ”对两地间的距离提问用句型: “How far+is it from+sp. +to+sp. ? ”Step 3Practice (3a Listening and

16、 speaking approach; Communicative approach 教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1 1. 创设场景, 学生分角色表演, 强 1. Ss role-play and 通过表演对话, - 14 -Warm up and work on 1a化巩固用“How/How long/How far”引导的特殊疑问句及其回答来谈论以出行方式、所花时间及距离为话题的情景对话。2. Show some pictures about places, and lead in to the new words in 1a. some Ss show thei

17、rs. 2. Learn the places of 1a. 3. Match the names of places with the pictures. 既复习巩固了所学的句型, 又联系了他们的交流, 同时激发他们的学习热情。Step 2Practice (1b)1. First ask two students to read the conversation in 1b to the class. S1: How do you get to school? S2: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the s

18、ubway. 2. Let Ss make similar conversations in pairs. 3. Let some pairs act out their conversations. 1. Read the conversation in 1b to the class. 2. Make similar conversations in pairs. 3. Some pairs act out their conversations. 两人相互问答, 进行口语交际, 在交流信息过程中, 进行真实的交际问答活动。 Step 3Listening (1c, 1d)1. Ask d

19、ifferent students to read each line to the class. 2. Play the tape of 1c for the students to listen and check the things Mary wants to know. 3. Let Ss listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparents home? Check 1 or 2. 4. Play the tape again for the students to listen and check. 1. Listen to the

20、tape and finish 1c and 1d. 2. Check the answers. 通过听力练习和完成听力任务, 练习学生的听力能力。- 15 -Step 4Practice (1e)1. Let Ss talk about how Bob gets to his grandparents home according to the pictures in 1d in groups. 2. Then let students write down these sentences. 1. Work in groups. 2. One student write his senten

21、ces on the blackboard. 3. Other students write in their exercise books. 小组讨论, 进行口语交际, 在交流信息过程中, 训练学生的口语表达能力同时辅助于写的练习, 训练学生的综合能力。续表教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 5SummarizeGuide the students to summarize the new words, phrases and sentences, and how to express ways of transportation. Summarize the new words

22、, phrases and sentences, and how to express ways of transportation. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。Step 6Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习: 完成下列句子1. 你怎样去上学? 哦, 我骑自行车去地铁站。然后坐地铁。How do you get to school? Well, I ride my bike to the subway. Then I take the subway. 2. 他住的离他祖父母家有多远? How far does he live from his grandparents home?

23、 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习, 便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。- 16 -3. 到他祖父母家要花费多长时间? How long does it take to get to his grandparents home? 4. 他认为这次旅行怎么样? What does he think of the trip? Step 7HomeworkWrite a small passage about how you get to your grandparents home. 板书设计Section B (1a-1e)1. Words: stop, th

24、ink of2. Sentences: How do you get to school? How does Bob get to his grandparents home? He takes the bus. 教学反思在本节课的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视“预习展示练习反馈”的学习过程。- 17 -课时 第四课时 Section B(2a-Self Check)课 题Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课型 New知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: cross, r

25、iver, many, between, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, afraid, like, villager, leave, dream, true, between. . . and. . . , come true2. 掌握以下句型: Do you walk or ride a bike? There is a very big river between their school and the village. For many students, it is easy to get to school. So these students go o

26、n a ropeway to cross the river to school. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. Its their dream to have a bridge. 能力目标读懂有关介绍贫苦地区怎样去上学的的短文, 同时练习学生的写作能力。教学目标情感目标了解贫困地区孩子上学的不容易, 珍惜幸福生活。教学重点1. Grasp the new words, phrases and sentences2. Consolidate the uses of the Present

27、 Tense. 3. Develop Ss reading and writing skills 教学难点1. The uses of the Present Perfect Tense. 2. How to develop the ability of reading and writing 课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Task approach; Communicative approach - 18 -教学过程教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 1 Revision, Warm up and work o

28、n 2a1. Check Ss preparations2. Correct Ss pronunciation3. Show some pictures and let Ss know about the childrens ways of going to school in some poor areas. 1. Ss read the words: cross, river, many, between, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, afraid, like, villager, leave, dream, true2. Read the words aft

29、er the teacher. 3. Watch the pictures. 教师结合学生读的状况, 适当领读, 并帮助学生正音。教师根据构词法知识, 帮助学生识记单词。听写单词反馈利用构词法再记忆。观看图片, 引起学生对本课时话题的好奇。Step 2Reading (2a, 2b, 2c, )1. Fast reading. Let Ss read the passage quickly and find out the answers to the questions below: (1)How do the students in the village go to school? Th

30、ey go on a ropeway to go to school. (2)Why do they go to school like this? Because there is a very big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 1. Read the passage of 2b quickly and answer the questions. 2. Read the passage carefully ag

31、ain and work on 2c. 3. Read the passage carefully and find out the importance and their difficulties. 4. Read after the tape and then read the passage aloud by themselves. 5. Some Ss show their 通过分层阅读, 让学生对整篇短文有一个整体的理解, 再通过大声朗读, 找出重要的语言点和难点, 培养学生的自主学习能力。- 19 -(3)Does the boy like his school? Why? Ye

32、s. Because he loves to play with his classmates and he loves his teacher. (4)What is the villagers dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not? They want to have a bridge. Yes, I do. May be the government can build a bridge for them. 2. Careful reading. Let Ss read the passage care

33、fully and complete the sentences of 2c with words from the passage. 3. Loud Reading(1) Let Ss read the passage carefully and find out the importance and their difficulties. (2)Let Ss read after the tape. (3) Let Ss read the passage aloud by themselves, and then check some Ss reading. reading. 续表教学环节

34、 教师活动 学生活动 备课札记- 20 -Step 3Language points1. For many students, its easy to get to school. (U3, P17)对很多学生来说, 去学校很容易。(1)Its + adj/n. +to do sth. 是个固定句型, 意为“干怎么样”, 其中 it是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的不定式 to do sth. 。(2)在 Its + adj. +to do sth. 中, 动词不定式的前面可以加逻辑主语, 即 Its + adj. +for/of sb. +to do sth. , 意为对某人来说干怎么样。It

35、s difficult for him to do the work. 对他来说做那项工作很难。Its kind of you to help the old man. 你帮助那位老人真是很善良。2. between prep. 介于之间。【自主归纳】between 的用法(1)between 介词, 意为Listen to the teacher carefully and take notes通过对语言点的讲解, 解决学生在学习中的困难, 使学生更好地理解和掌握所学的短文。- 21 -“介于之间”, 强调在两者之间。(2)between. . . and. . . 意为在和之间, 连接两个

36、并列的名词。There is a big river between their school and the village. 在他们学校和村子之间有一条大河。The tree is between the two houses. 那棵树在两座房子之间。3. one 11-year-old boy 一个十一岁的男孩数词和名词或者数词、名词和形容词构成复合形容词, 其中的名词用单数, 词与词之间用连字符“-”。200-year history 二百年的历史500-word composition 五百字的作文Step 4Practice 3a1. Let Ss Read the e-mail

37、from your pen pal Tom in the US. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 2. Check the answers. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 通过这一练习, 更好地锻炼学生的阅读能力。- 22 -Step 5writing (3b)1. First, lets look at these questions below: (Students read the questions aloud. Make sure all the students

38、 know the meanings of the questions. )2. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. And write them down on your workbook. 3. Try to write a short e-mail with the help of the sentences you wrote. 4. Check the e-mails with your partners. 5. Let some students read their e-mail to the class as a model. 1. G

39、o through the questions. 2. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 3. Write down their composition in their exercise books. 4. Some Ss read theirs. 通过信息的搜集, 形成所写短文的大体思路, 然后水到渠成写出完整的短文。Step 6Practice Self CheckSelf Check 11. Look at the words in the boxes below to form as many expressions as possible

40、. 2. Let some students read their answers. Let other students add more phrases. 1. Finish the exercises in Self Check. 2. Share the answers. 通过做练习, 更好地掌握本单元的内容。- 23 -Self Check 21. Look at the chart below. Write at least five questions. Then answer the questions with the information in the chart. 2.

41、 Give an example: How does Tony get to school? He gets to school by bike. 续表教学环节教师活动 学生活动 备课札记Step 7SummarizeGuide the students to summarize the useful expressions and how to use the Present Tense. Summarize the useful expressions and how to use the Present Tense. 培养学生探究、归纳总结能力。Step 8Consolidation教师

42、设置巩固检测练习: . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Dont walk too quickly (quick). I cant follow you. 2. The villagers (village)in this village are friendly. 3. I think its difficult to learn (learn) math. 独立完成检测练习, 进行自我评价。通过检测练习,便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。- 25 -4. The children go on a ropeway to cross(cross) the river. 5.

43、Its their(they)dream to visit the Great Wall. . 单项选择(C)1. _ do you want to go to the zoo? I want to go there by bike. A. When B. Why C. How D. Where(D)2. What do you think of your teacher? She is very friendly. She is _a mother to us. A. for B. withC. to D. like(C)3. There is a clothes store between

44、 the library _the park. A. on B. inC. and D. or(D)4. Michael is _boy. He is very smart. A. a 8-years-old B. an 8-years-oldC. a 8-year-old- 26 -D. an 8-year-old(B)5. Everyone hopes his dream can _. A. come to trueB. come true C. come backD. come a trueStep 9Homework1. Recite new words and phrases. 2.

45、 Write a composition about how you get to school. 板书设计Section B (2a-Self Check)1. Words: cross, river, many, between, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, afraid, like, villager, leave, dream, true, between. . . and. . . , come true2. New sentencesDo you walk or ride a bike? There is a very big river betwee

46、n their school and the village. For many students, it is easy to get to school. So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. Its their dream to have a bridge. 教学反思在本节课的教学活动设计, 能够创设丰富的语境, 设置循序渐进的学习任务, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 引导学生合作学习、自主探究, 重视“预习展示练习反馈”的学习过程。- 24 -


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