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1、1甘肃省天水市第一中学 2018-2019 学年高二英语下学期第一次学段考试试题(扫描版)23456789参考答案阅读理解A 篇 BCB B 篇 D B A C C 篇 B D CB D 篇 BDCA七选五1620 CEFGB完型2125 CBDAA 2630 BACCB 3135 ADDCB 3640 DBCAD语法填空41. hobbies 42.know 43. which 44.to keep 45. sends46. our 47. have become 48.on 49. suggesting 50. patient改错答案 (1) 将 interested 改成 interes

2、ting; (2)将 group 改成 groups;(3)在 get 前加 to; (4)将 had 删掉;(5)将 were 改成 was; (6)将 happily 改成 happy;(7)将 plant 改成 planting; (8)将 dig 改成 dug;(9)将 Seen 改成 Seeing; (10)将 what 改成 which。书面表达Dear Sir/Madam,My name is Li Hua, a passenger of your airline. I feel bad to trouble you but I am writing to make a comp

3、laint about my unpleasant experience on the flight CA257 last Saturday.I have never had a worse flight before. Firstly, your airline lost one of my bags where an important document was kept and I have to attend a conference with it next week. Furthermore, almost all passengers were unhappy with the

4、food supplied on the plane. It was cold and tasted terrible. Lastly, so unfriendly and impatient were the flight attendants that they were deaf to our justifiable requests. I would appreciate it if you could find my bag as soon as possible, and I would like to have this matter settled by the end of this week.Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua10


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