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1、- 1 -沁县中学 2018-2019学年度第二学期期中考试高一英语答题时间:120 分钟,满分:150 分第一部分:阅读理解第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题 3分, 满分 45分)AI really love this saying, “ Love is endless and unlimited.” For me, theres a story behind it. When I used to hand out chocolates with beautiful paper bags, my friends

2、always told me , “You are wasting time and money. No one here believes in nameless gifts.” To be honest, I have noticed that people here do donate (捐赠)in temples. They give food to the poor, and provide clothes and other things for whoever is in need. I think maybe I am the one who starts to think o

3、f the dogs in our neighborhood. When I moved into this new community, I noticed that there were two street dogs. They were wounded and homeless, and everyone used to stay away from them and hit them when they came any closer. They were becoming thinner and thinner and they would did of hunger sooner

4、 or later. But my habit of loving dogs has changed all these things. I began to walk close to them and give them food regularly. When I touched their heads and gave love to them, I could see tears in their eyes. My friends noticed , and now even kids and elders in the community provide them with foo

5、d and also love them. I am really glad to see that I saved their lives. What I started will lead to beautiful memories with them. They enjoy playing with me and they even have a particular pose when they see me. I see a sparkle in their eyes and a smile on their faces. They are priceless for me. 1.

6、Why did the authors friends discourage him to hand out chocolates?A. Because people didnt need gifts. B. Because it cost too much money. - 2 -C. Because people didnt trust strangers. D. Because dogs could not eat chocolates. 2. What did people think of the dogs in the community at first?A. Lovely B.

7、 Frightening. C. Exciting. D.Unpleasant.3. How did people react to the authors kindness to the dogs?A. They laughed at him. B. They praised him for that.C. They began to care for the dogs .D. They offered him food for the dogs.4.How does the author sound when telling the story?A. Pitiful . B. sad .

8、C. Honest D. Proud. BThe following are the best restaurants to dine out(外出就餐) with your parents in San Francisco.Maybecks Marina 3213 Scott St. Telephone(415) 400-8500What do you get when you mix amazing foods with a pleasant atmosphere? The perfect place for family dinner. Maybecks homemade pastas

9、will transport you to the Italian countryside but the fried chicken brings you right back down to earth. Its a great meal in a peaceful setting that everyone will be sure to remember. Liholiho Yacht Club Nob Hill 871 Sutter St.Telephone :(415)440-5446Sometimes , dinner with the parents can be a litt

10、le bit self-serving. Like making a reservation (预约)at the place youve been dying to go to for months. Theyll enjoy Liholihos fine design and the creative dishes like togarashi - 3 -popcorn and roasted octopus. Youll have a delicious dinner and catch up with your parents two birds ,one stone.Mason Pa

11、cificNob Hill 1358 Mason St.Telephone(415)374-7185If your parents enjoy a classic dining experience ,this tiny American restaurant is a bit fancy, but the food is just as good as the atmosphere. And theyve got great wine.Heirloom CafMission 2500 Folsom St.Telephone:(415) 821-2500One good tip for dec

12、iding on the place to take your parents to dinner: listen to their opinions. If they love a restaurant and keep telling you to go to it, chances are you should book a table for all of you. For yours truly, that is Heirloom Caf. The food is always fresh, the atmosphere is clean but relaxed and the se

13、rvice is always friendly.5. What can you enjoy at Maybecks ?A. Some creative dishes. B.Delicious fried chicken.C. Different homemade foods. D. Foods from the Italian countryside.6. What do the “two birds” refer to ?A. The food and the atmosphere.B. Liholihos fine design and parents.C. Togarashi popc

14、orn and roasted octopus.D. Delicious foods and the time spent with parents.7. Where should you go if you want to have some good wine?A. Maybecks . B. Mason Pacific . C. Heirloom Caf D. Liholiho Yacht Club .C- 4 -My daughter had a bullying(欺凌) problem a couple of years ago. She kept receiving rude te

15、xt messages from kids at school. Dealing with school bullying wasnt easy, but I finally ended it. When you realize things are serious, it is no time to be silent. If your kids are also receiving such text messages, take them directly to the headmaster and show him. Describe to him how it is affectin

16、g your kids. Tell him you will not tolerate it and that you want him to put an end to it now.School bullying is a dangerous and serious issue these days .and any good headmaster will take your charges seriously. He will probably address the issues with the parents. If they are crappy(糟糕的)parents, th

17、en they may do nothing to their child. You may have to repeat this process several times, but you need to keep a check on those text messages and dont allow your child to delete them .Now it is time to draw your child close and take care of him/her, because he/she needs it. My daughter did not like

18、me being involved either, but you are the only person your kid can depend on to solve this problem, so do it and mean business. Always be polite, but straight forward . The headmaster and parents must know you mean business.If repeated meetings with the headmaster (and parents , if he allows it ) do

19、 not work, then I would consider hiring a lawyer. That will send the message loud and clear. When you are talking about financial loss, most parents will stand up and take notice and act to keep their kids under control!I know a lawyer is a big expense and not something you do lightly, but when bad

20、things like school bullying are happening to your children, you must act and act quickly.8.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “tolerate” in Paragraph 2?A. mind B. discuss C. stand D. affect9. What does the author suggest about school bullying in Paragraph 4?A. Children can deal w

21、ith it themselves.B. Not all bullying problems can be solved. - 5 -C. Parents should fully respect kids thoughts.D. Its necessary for parents to be involved in it.10. What should parents do if the headmaster fails to solve the bullying problem?A.Ask a lawyer for help. B. Put your child under your ca

22、re.C. Meet the bullies in person. D. Ask the parents of the bullies for money.11. Why does the author write the text?A. To seek help . B. To offer advice. C. To ask for advice. D. To share his experience. DColorado officials will stick to a plan to kill some mountain lions and bears to support the s

23、tates dropping mule deer ( 长耳鹿) population. Wednesdays vote permits organizations to kill up to 25 black bears and 15 mountain lions per year in the central and western parts of the state. The project will run for three years , to be followed by a six-year study of how deer populations respond to fe

24、wer predators(捕食者). The population of Colorados mule deer has suffered a puzzling, years-long drop to about 450,000 , Which state officials said was about 110,000 fewer than there should be. A 2014 state study tied it to seven causes, including predators , whose number has greatly increased in recen

25、t years. Some experts, however, said the state should focus first on the human-led destruction(破坏) of mule deer habitat(栖息地). “The drop of the mule deer population is obviously not a simple problem with simple causes,” Brian kurzel, director of the National Wildlife Federation, said . “By far, the g

26、reatest problem the one that I think deserves the most attention in any science-based study is habitat quantity and quality.”Kurzel pointed out that the U.S Bureau of Land Management recently agreed to create 15,000 new oil and gas wells somewhere in western Cororado, which was often called “the mul

27、e-deer factory”. There , the number of mule deer has - 6 -fallen to about 30,000 from more than 100,000 in the early 1980s. Though state officials have known oil and gas development affects the population of mule deer , they didnt go against the plan. Other causes like building highways, population

28、growth and human activities are also curbing the mule deer population, according to the study.State Parks and Wildlife officials dont necessarily disagree. They started a $4.5 million program as a way to gather research for later decisions. 12. Why do Colorado officials want to have so many mountain

29、 lions and bears killed?A. To stop them hurting people. B. To leave more habitat for mule deer. C. To stop the mule deer population from dropping. D. To help researchers carry out a three-year-long study.13. What is the most important in protecting mule deer according to Brian Kurzel?A. Protecting t

30、heir habitat. B. Providing enough food for them. C. Reducing the number of their predators. D. Asking the government to make an effort.14.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “curbing” in the last but one paragraph?A. limiting. B. ensuring. C. increasing D. protecting.15. What do S

31、tate Parks and Wildlife official mean in the last paragraph?A. Decisions will be made in one year. B. Habitat loss is the main cause of the drop.C. Human activities arent responsible for the drop.D. Its too early to say what exactly caused the drop.第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。(每小题 3

32、分共 15分)- 7 -Communicating with elderly parents is an important part of making sure theyre doing okay. 16 Its important to set aside time every week to call up or drop by and see how your parents are doing. 17 Also listen for the things theyre not telling you, such as health problems or money worries

33、. Your parents might be slower and less active than before. 18 Its important to respect this. Dont think that your elderly parents cant take care of their needs unless there are clear signs that this is the case. Remember, your elderly parents always care about being treated as someone who matters.

34、19 also you must keep your words simple and often ask your elderly parents whether theyve really understood. If you realize your parents need to make a major change, like moving to a nursing home, talk about such future issues early in small steps. Ask them about their plans for the future and what

35、they hope. When you get a feel for what they prefer, you can slowly mention the topic of starting to make such changes. Accepting the generation gap (代沟)is also important. 20 or most people, making changes to their lifestyles, their opinions and their beliefs gets much harder as they age. Your views

36、 might differ a lot, but its best to agree to disagree. A. Bring happiness into your parents life.B. Be clear when you explain anything to your parents. C. However, theyre still able to make their own decisions. D. Know their daily happenings and ask them what theyre doing. E. Though life is busy, r

37、emember to stay in touch with your parents.F. Your parents have been doing things a certain way for a long time. G. Be prepared to find suitable advisers that your parents might need. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55分)第一节完型填空(共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。- 8 -The guy sat

38、 there as car after car drove by . He held a sign that read, “Please help, looking for 21 .” He was wearing a worn shirt. After 22 , I felt like I had spent enough money on myself and that I needed to help someone 23 . So I said to my mother, “Could we 24 and get the poor man something to eat ? 25 h

39、e has been sitting there all day, it seemed he 26 nothing.”We went down the road and stopped at the McDonalds, ordered a drink and two hamburgers, and then we 27 . The man still sat there . I was a little 28 , so I stepped out of the car slowly. He saw me, stood up and started to 29 . I quickly walk

40、ed to the man and I expected the man to just 30 the food and not to say anything, because I have 31 that helping someone should not only make him feel good but also help him improve his self-esteem(自尊). I didnt want him to be 32 . And when I 33 the man all we bought, he held my hands tightly. Then h

41、e said in 34 eyes, “Son, you shouldnt have had to 35 that for me. Anyway, this is such a great thing from 36 , and I am so grateful. Thank you very much.”That day I didnt 37 I just helped the poor man and he also helped me. This 38 has given me a happy day and made myself a 39 person. I have collect

42、ed some clothes for the homeless people and I believe my little kindness can make a 40 . 21. A.advice B. time C. money D. food22. A.shopping B. reading C. playing D. sharing 23. A.in danger B. in need C. in turn D. in peace24. A. come B. wait C. stop D. appear25. A. But B. Then C. As D. Though26. A.

43、earned B. got C. sold D. noticed27. A. smiled B. left C. returned D. checked28. A. shy B. sad C. tired D. bored29. A. eat B. speak C. scream D. cry 30. A. order B.praise C. accept D. offer - 9 -31. A. agreed B. learned C. guessed D. expected 32. A. embarrassed B. inactive C. rude D. frightened 33. A

44、 .asked B. showed C. told D. handed34. A. curious B. sleepy C. watery D. sharp 35. A. change B. do C. borrow D. make 36. A. kindness B. strength C. power D. hope37. A. imagine B. hope C. discover D. think 38. A. result B. experience C. plan D. meeting39. A. wiser B. busier C. better D.funnier 40. A.

45、 difference B. deal C. choice D. decision第二节:语法填空(共 15小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)阅读下面短文,在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。每空不得多于 3个单词,出现拼写,大小写,词性错误都不给分。In much of Asia,especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China,Japan,Korea,41 Vietnam,food is usually eaten with chopsticks. Chopsticks are usually two long

46、,thin pieces of wood or bamboo.They can also be made of plastic,animal bone or metal.Sometimes chopsticks are quite artistic.Truly elegant chopsticks might42-(make)of gold and silver with Chinese characters.Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal 43 (create)special designs. The Chin

47、ese have used chopsticks for five thousand years.People probably cooked their food in large pots, 44(use)twigs to remove it.Over time,45-the population grew,people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cookmore quickly.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which 46(gradual

48、)turned into chopsticks. - 10 -Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, 47lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C.,influencedthe48 (develop)of chopsticks.Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and 49 (be)too violent for use at the table. Chopsticks are not used everyw

49、here in Asia.In India,for example,most people traditionally eat 50 their hands. 第三部分 写作第一节:短文改错共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分。短文中共有 10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词;删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。Two years ago, our math teacher offered us an answer at a difficult math problem in class. Although an answer seemed a little strange, but

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