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1、1Module 4 Unit 3 Tomorrows world 题型组合训练.单项填空1.(2018 第二次全国大联考江苏卷)Since all the preparations for the task ,were ready to start. A.completed B.to be completedC.had been completed D.have been completed答案 D 考查时态和语态。句意:既然这项任务的所有准备工作已经完成,我们准备开始了。现在完成时表示动作已经完成,强调对现在的影响。由 were ready to start 可知,一切准备工作已经就绪,可以

2、开始了。complete 是及物动词,与从句的主语是被动关系,所以需要用被动语态。2.(2018 南京三模)The selfie has inspired risk-taking behavior, the boundaries of safety, whether by hanging from a skyscraper or posing with live explosives. A.pushed B.to pushC.pushing D.having pushed答案 C 考查非谓语动词。这里 v.-ing 表示的是一种顺其自然的结果,选 C。3.Not only polluted b

3、ut crowded. A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;were the streetsC.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;the streets were答案 C 句意:城市不仅被污染了,而且街道(也)很拥挤。在 not only.but (also).结构中,not only 位于句首时,not only 后的分句需倒装,but also 后的分句不倒装。4.Nowadays people are more likely to go to mall than visit

4、the tailor when shopping for clothes, so tailors have adapted to new reality. A.the;a B./;the C.the;the D.a;a答案 C 考查冠词的用法。句意:当今,人们在买衣服的时候似乎更乐于去购物商场而不是去裁缝店,因此裁缝已经适应了这个现实。第一个空“the+单数名词”表类指,即 go to the mall,指“去购物商场”,第二个空是特指前面提到的事实,应用定冠词,故选 C 项。5.Its time that I my hair cut. Its the eighth time that I t

5、o the barbers shop. A.will have; have gone B.had; go2C.have; went D.had; have gone答案 D 考查虚拟语气和固定句型。句意:我该理发了。这已经是我第八次去理发店了。Its (high/about)time that+过去式(或 should do),意为“该做某事了”。This/It is the first/second/.time that sb. have/has done sth.这是某人第几次做某事,故本题选 D 项。注意当主句用 was 时,则 that 从句要用过去完成时。6.Effective ma

6、nagement and sincere apology will help to turn around the customers negative on the travel agency. A.impression B.expressionC.conclusion D.information答案 A 句意:有效的管理和真诚的道歉有助于扭转顾客对旅行社的负面印象。impression 印象;expression 表情,表达;conclusion 总结;information 信息。根据句意可知选 A 项。7.In a sense, no country, big or small, sh

7、ould object to the trend of peace and development, creating trouble to others. A.constantly B.eventuallyC.finally D.immediately答案 A 句意:从某种意义上来讲,一个国家,不论大小都不应反对和平与发展的趋势,不断地给其他国家制造麻烦。constantly 不断地,一直;eventually 最后;finally 最后;immediately 立即,马上。8.An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere ar

8、ound Mars has . A.put back B.been put offC.put up D.been put forward答案 D 句意:(有人)已经提出一项测量火星周围大气层的饶有趣味的建议。put forward 提出(建议、计划等)。9.I am about the new model, and I firmly believe that there will be a good market for it. A.concerned B.doubtfulC.confident D.particular答案 C 考查形容词辨析。句意:我对这个新模型有信心,我坚信它会很畅销。b

9、e concerned about 担心,挂念;be doubtful about 对怀疑;be confident about 对有信心;be particular about对挑剔。根据句意可知选 C 项。10.Thomson was of having stolen a famous painting worth $100 million by Da Vinci. 3A.accused B.charged C.punished D.scolded答案 A 由题干中的介词 of 可以得出答案。be accused of doing sth.被控告做某事。11.When someone ,i

10、t more than doubles his or her chances of being helpful again. A.thanks B.is thankedC.was thanked D.thanked答案 B 考查动词时态和语态。句意: 当有人收到感谢时,他或她再次(变得)乐于助人的机会增加了一倍以上。根据主句的谓语动词是一般现在时可知,从句中的谓语动词也应用一般现在时,动词 thank与主语 someone 之间构成被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故选 B 项。12.The coat thin but . A.has worn;has dried easyB.is wor

11、n;is dried easyC.wears;dries easilyD.wears;dries easy答案 C 考查动词时态和语态。句意:这件外套穿起来很薄但是干得很快。表示事物自身的属性的词,常用主动形式表示被动含义,例如:The clothes washes well.这种衣服好洗。The coat dries easily.这件外套干得很快。排除 A、B;dry 是动词,应该用副词修饰,排除 D,故选 C 项。13.Ive come to learn that the best time to debate with family members is they have food

12、in their mouths. A.how B.thatC.whether D.when答案 D 考查名词性从句。句意:我终于认识到与家人辩论的最佳时机是在他们吃饭的时候。谓语动词 is 后是表语从句,根据语境可知,此处应用连接副词 when 引导。how 意为“如何”,表示方式;that本身没有词义,只起连接词的作用;whether 意为“是否”。14.While the house prices in Wuxi keep rising, a lot of houses have been sold out, most were sold to buyers from Shanghai a

13、nd Suzhou. A.in which B.among themC.of which D.of them答案 C 考查定语从句。句意:尽管无锡的房价持续上涨,但是许多房已经卖出,其中的大部分被来自上海和苏州的买家购得。分析该句结构可知,此处为定语从句,句中的先行词为 houses;most of.为固定搭配,意为“其中的大部分”,故由 of +which 引导该定语从句。415.Ive heard that Miss Xu has been awarded first prize in the composition contest. What about you?Oh, actually

14、, its a piece of cake for her but for me. A.childs play B.as easy as pieC.a cup of tea D.a hard nut to crack答案 D 句意:我听说徐小姐在这次作文比赛中获得了第一名,你呢?哦,事实上,这对她来说是小菜一碟,但是对我而言却是硬骨头一块。D 项表示“难以应付的情况或问题”,符合语境,故 D 项正确;A、B 项意为“容易干的事”;C 项意为“一杯茶”。.完形填空(2018 南通市高三一模)I was 18 years old, fit, strong and ambitious. One da

15、y, I fell down for no 1 reason. I saw many different specialists and was finally diagnosed with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD). It was a very difficult time. I had no idea what life was going to 2 at me and I was scared.By my late 30s it was 3 and I had transitioned (转变) from a walking stick

16、to a wheelchair. I wanted to be master of my own 4 , so I had to recognise my 5 and play to my weaknesses. What I wanted to make 6 was a trip to the North Pole. People with LGMD feel cold. So why did I want to go to one of the most extreme, cold and 7 places on Earth? Id read about Chris Cope, who w

17、anted to go to the North Pole to raise money for LGMD, and it had 8 my adventurous spirit:I wanted to raise awareness about the 9 , but I also wanted to find out what I was capable of. Im very 10 . In the two years it had taken to organise the expedition, my muscles had worsened but we 11 regardless

18、. The unpleasant life coaching and cold training helped me to 12 how my body would behave in extreme cold, which made me aware of what to 13 . I had an amazing team around me, 14 the four different flights we took to get to the inner Arctic ice shelf were nevertheless discouraging. While we were on

19、the ice the runway 15 and we had to wait for it to refreeze. 16 we reached the North Pole, I was bitterly cold, exhausted and a complete 17 . I was on the ice for the best part of 5three long days, then 18 the final 350m. The expedition raised 50,000 for 19 . LGMD is slowly destroying my life but I

20、have chosen to fill it with 20 and I live life to the full. 1.A.adequate B.apparent C.sound D.major2.A.yell B.target C.throw D.direct3.A.advanced B.initial C.modest D.minor4.A.disease B.fate C.fortune D.business5.A.strengths B.privilegesC.achievements D.commitments6.A.differ B.work C.count D.happen7

21、.A.autonomous B.mysteriousC.inaccessible D.fantastic8.A.referred to B.applied toC.belonged to D.appealed to9.A.significance B.conservation C.condition D.ambition10.A.trustworthy B.delicate C.ridiculous D.competitive11.A.pulled out B.pressed on C.took off D.hung about12.A.assess B.illustrate C.stress

22、 D.clarify13.A.value B.expect C.require D.forgive14.A.but B.though C.so D.as15.A.floated B.split C.disappeared D.twisted16.A.Because B.Unless C.Before D.Once17.A.mess B.failure C.pride D.envy18.A.ran B.climbed C.walked D.rolled19.A.treatment B.ecology C.training D.charity20.A.experiences B.imaginati

23、onsC.recreations D.responsibilities答案 6语篇解读 作者被诊断患有肌肉萎缩症,尽管病情恶化,他依然努力去难以到达的北极。疾病破坏了生活,但他选择让生活充满丰富的经历。1.B 一天,没什么明显原因我就摔了一跤(莫名其妙摔了一跤)。adequate 充分的;apparent 显而易见的;sound 合理的,健康的;major 主要的。故选 apparent。2.C 这是个艰难的时期,我不知道生活会给我带来什么。yell at sb.朝某人喊叫;target at sb.把作为攻击目标;throw at sb.把扔向某人;direct at sb.对准某人。故选

24、throw。3.A 后文说“我从拄拐杖转变到坐轮椅”,可见病情恶化(推进)了,advanced 符合题意。4.B be master of my own fate 主宰我自己的命运,故选 fate。5.A 与后文的 weaknesses 相呼应,我得意识到我的优点/长处,故选 strengths。6.D 我想做的就是去北极旅行。make.happen “使发生”,符合文意。7.C 考查形容词词义辨析。autonomous 自治的;mysterious 神秘的;fantastic 极好的;inaccessible 难到达的。前文出现了 extreme 和 cold,可见北极的恶劣,故选 inac

25、cessible。8.D appeal to my adventurous spirit 投合了我爱冒险的精神。9.C 我想提高对这种病的认识。condition“病情,情况”符合文意。10.D 前文讲述了许多我想做的事,想知道自己的能力如何,可见作者是一个有竞争力的人。trustworthy“可靠的”,delicate“脆弱的”,ridiculous“荒唐的”,均不符合文意,故选competitive。11.B 虽然我的肌肉情况更糟糕了,但我们不顾一切继续前行。pull out 离站;press on 坚决继续前行;take off 脱下,起飞;hang about 闲荡;徘徊。故选 B。1

26、2.A 生活指导和寒冷训练帮助我评估在极度寒冷中我的身体反应。assess 评估;illustrate 举例说明;stress 强调,着重;clarify 澄清。根据句意选 assess。13.B 这使我知道将会发生什么。expect 预期,预计。14.A 我有一个了不起的团队,后半句中“were nevertheless discouraging”指仍然令人退缩,前后应为转折关系,故选 but。15.B 下文 refreeze 指重新结冰,故可知冰应该是裂开了,故选 split。 16.D 考查连词。当我们到达的时候,我非常冷、疲惫不堪、一团糟。故选 D。17.A be a mess 固定搭

27、配,指处境狼狈,精神状态不好。故选 A。18.C 作者是一个残疾人,到北极去也是为了证明自己;再者为慈善机构筹钱,因此,作者拼尽全力,从轮椅上站起来,坚持走了 350 米,此处选择走,体现了作者身残志坚。故选 C。19.D raise.for charity,与第三段相呼应,选 D。720.A 疾病慢慢地破坏了我的生活,但我选择让我的生活充满丰富的经历,并充分享受生活。故选 A。.书面表达(2018 南京师范大学附属中学高三 5 月模拟考试)请认真阅读下面的文字和图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。BEIJING, April 12, 2016 (Xinhua)Chinese

28、President Xi Jinping has urged the government to strike a balance between the conservation of cultural relics and economic development.Meanwhile, President Xi stressed the utilization(利用)of cultural relics, saying they are a valuable legacy from our ancestors and carry with them history and culture.

29、 Its time to “bring cultural relics back to life”, which will greatly benefit future generations.BEIJING, January 02, 2018 (China Daily)National Treasures, a TV show about 27 cultural relics from nine Chinese museumshas gone viral.People are invited to tell the “previous and present life stories” of

30、 the relics and their own stories in relation to the relics.The producer said, “Our original purpose is just to bring life to the relics and encourage more people to go to the museums and take a look at the countrys most precious and shining treasures.” A show like this boosts our cultural self-conf

31、idence and fuels pride in our heritage.20142017 全国博物馆数量写作内容1.用约 30 个单词概述文字和图表的主要内容;2.用约 120 个单词阐述你的观点,内容包括:(1)“让文物活起来”的意义(至少两点);8(2)结合自身实际,谈谈你如何让文物活起来。 写作要求1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题。评分标准内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。答案 One possible version:President Xi demanded the government preserve cultu

32、ral relics and “bring them back to life”,stressing their social and cultural functions. Accordingly, an increasing number of museums have been established and high-quality relevant programs produced.Admittedly, bringing cultural relics back to life is of critical significance to the current society.

33、 Each relic is a unique cultural expression. By fully understanding their history and stories behind, we can acquire our ancestors wisdom, which we can apply to our daily life. Furthermore, relics coming alive will definitely help strengthen our cultural confidence and pride.As a teenager, I intend

34、to do my part in making cultural relics alive. Firstly, I will visit museums more often and dig into the stories behind each exhibit. Additionally, I will work as a cultural ambassador, serving as a volunteer guide in museums or shooting videos of the exhibits introducing their glorious past to the public.In short, if everyone does their bit, we will see a rosy future of our cultural treasures.

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