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1、1英语听力速记技巧专项练习一、 高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表摘选缩略词 原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP Compl

2、eteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concernedCOND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleI

3、MP(T) Important2INCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL People

4、PLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL) PossiblePROD ProductQLTY Quality二、常用速记符号摘选. 箭头 export to, send to ,cause(导致),arrive in /atEg.: 我今天下午到达北京 I BJ at 6:00 pm d. import, receive(from),come back(from) increase, ris e develop, promote, grow, expandEg.: this company keep expanding ()decrease, decline, bomb(爆

5、炸) ,drop . 数学符号 plus, and, in addition to ,further more(而且,此外,更进一步说)Eg.: there are five students plus ten teachers attending(旁听)5stus10tea3 minus, lack wrong, incorrect, bad more than, greater , more and more, superior to less than, smaller, fewer, inferior to more than or equal to less than or equa

6、l to be not match forEg.: Jack Brandy Jack 不是 Brandy 的对手around, almostEg.: 这辆自行车大约要花 500美元才能买下 自行车500 because of, owing to ,due to , thanks to so, therefore. 其他。people or personEg.: 中国人和美国人 中 US meeting, conference, n egotiation(谈判) state, countryEg.:2 个国家 2 and stand for, on behalf ofEg.:我代表你 I U s

7、ay, speak, tell, think.Eg.:我想说我爱你 I 想 I U? question, doubt, confusion. Eg.: 我有个问题想问你。I have ?ask U1) opinion, ideas.Eg.: 就这个问题,我想说几点。 I 想 几2)Eg.:我去年来北京了。I 来 BJ y注:年 year(y) 月 month(m) 日 day(d)去年y 明年 y 前年 y 后年 y!draw attentionEg.:信件结尾所用 best wishesU!( ) includingEg.: 有 5个人参加了这次会议,包括我。Five 。 (me)e.g.

8、for example more than no less than approximately = equal to 4 not equal to * important * very important wrong, bad right, good increase decrease + better worse because so reason result ? question ! key point belong to 高兴、荣幸 (错误、否、不、否定 5正确、对、好、肯定 不同意 N同意 Y上升、增加 下降、减少 强、好 更强、更好 弱、差 更弱、更差 因为 所以 优秀 属于 胜利 V问题、疑问 ?和、与 结论是 =将来 ;过去 波折 进入 接触、交往 非常、十分重要 *坚持 关键 !有关 空洞 6


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