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1、1读后续写专练答案提供详尽解析,旨在指导考生拓展写作思路,提升写作能力。 读后续写专练(一)A(2018金丽衢十二校高三第二次联考)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was an unusually quiet day in the emergency room on December 25.Quiet, that is, except for those who were standing around the nurses station complaining about having to work Christmas Day. I was triage

2、 nurse that day and had just been out to the waiting room to clean up. Just then five bodies showed up at my triage desk, a pale woman and four small children.“Are you all sick?” I asked suspiciously.“Yes, ” she said weakly and lowered her head.But when it came to descriptions of their present probl

3、ems, things got a little vague. Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches werent accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother complained of a cough but seeme

4、d to work to produce it.Something was wrong, but I didnt say anything. I explained to the mother that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her. She responded, “Take your time; its warm in here.” She turned and, with a smile, guided her children into the waiting room.On a hunch (call it nur

5、sing judgment), I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family. No address they were homeless. The waiting room was warm. I looked out at the family huddled by the Christmas tree. The smallest one was pointing at the television and exclaiming something to her mothe

6、r. The oldest one was looking at her reflection in a decoration on the Christmas tree.I went back to the nurses station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room.The nurses, complaining about working Christmas, turned to compassion for a family just trying to get warm on Christmas.

7、Then our team went into action, much as we do when theres a medical emergency.But this one was a Christmas emergency. A special Christmas party was to be held.注意:21所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;2至少使用 5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:We were all offered a free meal in the

8、hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day, Paragraph 2:When the party ended, as the family walked to the door to leave, 一、试题详解1核心内容短文主要内容为:圣诞节当日,作者在医院护士站加班时遇到无家可归的一家人,一位母亲带着四个孩子以看病为由留在医院候诊室取暖。得知这件事,护士站所有的护士停止了对加班的抱怨,用心地为这家人举办了一个紧急而特殊的圣诞聚会,不仅给这一家人带来了温暖,也为自己留下了难忘的记忆。2写作思路(1)明确故事人物。故事中主要人物为作者(护士)、护士站的护士们、无家可


10、心准备的过程。续写第二段:聚会结束,这一家人准备离开。这样的场合可以描写这一家人的感受和反应。他们内心一定是充满感激的,也一定会通过言语和行为表达这种感激之情。同时,可以考虑护士们的反应和感受,对照文章一开始的抱怨,护士们此刻的内心应该也是感动和幸福的。(4)结合下划线词语罗列写作要点。结合下划线词语和短文内容,展开尽可能丰富的想象,罗列出尽可能多的故事发展情节。例如,第一段可以通过提出以下问题来获取写作要点:What did the nurses prepare for the Christmas party? How did the nurses get what they needed

11、for the party in such a short time? Where was the party held?What did the family do in the party? Did they enjoy the party?第二段可以通过提出以下问题来获取写作要点:How did the family feel after the party? What did they say to the nurses when they left? What did they do when they left? How did the nurses feel when the f

12、amily left? Did they still complain about working on Christmas Day?二、参考范文Paragraph 1:We were all offered a free meal in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day, so we asked for that meal and prepared a banquet for our Christmas guests. We also needed presents, so we put together candies, fruits and

13、other things available from different apartments. Rushing in and out of the waiting room, our team made great efforts to make a warm party to meet the needs of the homeless family who just wanted to warm themselves on Christmas Day.Paragraph 2:4When the party ended, as the family walked to the door

14、to leave, the mother came running back, gave me a hug and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.” As she got back to her children, they all waved one more time. Inside the nurses station, there stood a group of nurses with tears of joy in their eyes, who worked a Christmas Day that they will

15、 never forget.三、范文解析范文围绕短文的内容进行了合情合理的续写。根据原文的最后一句话,以及续写第一段所给的开头语,可以推测文章接下来描述护士们忙着准备聚会的过程。根据生活常识,聚会需要准备食物、礼物。根据上文,聚会的地点应该在候诊室,护士们匆忙进出,为准备聚会付出了极大的努力。第二段根据所给的开头语“聚会结束,一家人准备离开” ,描述离开时这一家人表示感激的语言和行为。同时,呼应短文开头护士们的埋怨的情绪,描述故事结尾护士们的感受,通过情感的变化体现故事的主题。四、提炼归纳1立足主体拓展情节万事开头难。续写最难的是从何开始。在这一点上我们可以立足主体。主体的选择应参考短文所提供

16、的关键词语以及续写两段给出的开头语。然后从主体出发,结合故事情节的发展,提出以主体为中心的各个问题,进行筛选和整合。例如范文中我们抓住“our team (nurses)”, “the family”以及“the party”三个主体,第一段的续写根据首句主语 We以及原文的最后一句“A special Christmas party was to be held.”来确定本段的主体为“our team”和“the party”,围绕这两个主体确定本段围绕“How did our team prepare for the party?”这个话题展开。第二段根据时间状语从句中的主语“the fa

17、mily”来确定本段的主体“the family”,结合故事发展,确定本段围绕 “How did the family react to what we did?”这个话题展开。2巧妙利用空间名词衔接记叙文经常按照时间顺序或空间顺序来衔接语篇。在进行构思续写的时候,时间顺序往往是最先考虑到的。但很多时候,空间名词的巧妙利用不仅可以起到衔接的作用,还可以给人以生动的画面感。例如范文第一段的续写中, “Rushing in and out of the waiting room”,以及第二段的“Inside the nurses station”两个空间名词的使用,既衔接了前后的内容,又以一种镜头

18、切换的方式给人以生动的画面感。B(2018台州中学高三上学期统练)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。5Steve, a twelveyearold boy with alcoholic parents, was about to be lost forever, by the US.education system. He could read, yet, in spite of his reading skills, Steve was failing. He had been failing since first grade. Steve was a big b

19、oy, looking more like a teenager than a twelveyearold, yet, Steve went unnoticed . until Miss White came.Miss White was a smiling, young, beautiful lady. For the first time in his young life, Steve couldnt take his eyes off his teacher; yet, still he failed.In the middle of the first semester of sch

20、ool, the entire seventh grade was tested for basic skills.Steve hurried through his tests, and continued to dream of other things. His heart was not in school, but in the woods, where he often escaped alone camping there, trying to shut out the sights, sounds and smells of his alcoholic home. No one

21、 checked on him to see if he was safe. No one knew he was gone, because no one cared. Oddly, Steve never missed a day of school. One day, Miss Whites impatient voice broke into his daydreams.“Steve!” Startled, he turned to look at her.“Pay attention!” She began to go over the test results for the se

22、venth grade.“You all did pretty well, ” she told the class, “except for one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but .” She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp stare, her eyes searching his face.“The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!”She just stared at Ste

23、ve, as the class spun around for a good look. Steve dropped his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.After that, Steve still wouldnt do his homework. Even as the punishments became more severe, he remained stubborn. “Just try it! ONE WEEK!” He was unmoved.“Youre smart enough! Youll see a chang

24、e!” Nothing fazed him.“Give yourself a chance! Dont give up on your life!” Nothing.“Steve! Please! I care about you!”Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it! Someone cared about him? Someone, so beautiful and perfect, CARED ABOUT HIM?!注意:1所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;2至少使用 5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;63续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划

25、线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Steve went home from school, thoughtful, that afternoon. Paragraph 2:The following Monday, Miss White, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. 一、试题详解1核心内容短文主要内容为:12 岁的男孩 Steve的父母都是酒鬼,为逃离满是酒精味的家,他常一个人去树林里露营。自上学以来他考试从未及格,从来没有人关注和关心他,直到他七年级的时候遇到了 Miss White。Steve“爱”上了这位年轻漂亮的女老师,但即

26、便如此,无论老师怎么关注他,在全班同学面前鼓励他,他在学习上还是无动于衷,考试还是不及格。直到有一次老师对他说她很关心他,这一句话他才听进去了。2写作思路(1)明确故事人物。故事中主要人物为七年级男孩 Steve和他的老师 Miss White。(2)理清故事主要事件。Steve因家庭原因性格孤僻,缺乏关注和关心,考试从未及格,直到遇到 Miss White,情况才得以改变。(3)根据已知人物、事件及续写段落的开头语预测故事发展。故事总体的发展可能是 Steve听进去了老师的那句“我关心你” ,内心受到了极大的冲击,开始思考与改变。第一段续写根据首句“那天下午,Steve 满怀思绪地回家”可以

27、推断这一天的回家过程一定有所不同。结合上文,Steve 的父母是酒鬼,他讨厌待在家里,7常常一个人去树林玩,所以那天下午回家之后他还是有可能去树林,但这一次一定是与学习有关。第二段续写根据首句“周一老师进行了周末作业的测试” ,可以预测这一次考试Steve的表现肯定出乎老师的预料,他应该通过了考试。(4)结合下划线词语罗列写作要点。结合下划线词语和短文内容,展开尽可能丰富的想象,罗列出尽可能多的故事发展情节。例如,根据第一段首句抓住关键词语“went home”可以提出以下问题来获取写作要点:What did Steve usually do when he went home after s

28、chool?What did he usually see when he went home?How did he feel at home?Did he do something different that afternoon?If he did, what was different this time?第二段可以根据首句提示罗列两个人物的以下关键词来获取写作要点:Steve: hurried through the test, handed in the test paper, sat in the seat, looked at Miss White, the smartest b

29、oy in the seventh grade,passed the test;Miss White: went through the paper, examined it carefully, wore a surprised look, looked at Steve, smile等。二、参考范文Paragraph 1:Steve went home from school, thoughtful, that afternoon.Walking into the house, he took a look around. Both parents were drunken and pas

30、sed out, the room filled with smell of alcohol! With a look of disgust, he quickly gathered up his camping equipment, a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water . and this time, his schoolbooks. Determined, he headed for the woods.Paragraph 2:The following Monday, Miss White, gave a

31、quiz on the weekend homework. Steve hurried through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over. Steve walked back to his desk, sitting and looking at the beautiful lady. Miss Whites face was in to

32、tal shock! Suddenly, her face broke into a bright smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!三、范文解析范文第一段根据开头语提示“那天下午,Steve 满怀思绪地回家”可推知,之后描写8了他回家以后发生的变化。根据前面的短文,我们了解到 Steve的家庭情况:父母是酒鬼,他讨厌家里的样子、声音和味道,为逃避这些,他常常一个人跑去树林露营。根据这些信息范文首先描写了 Steve回家以后看到的家里的情景:父母醉酒昏睡,家里酒气熏天。Stev

33、e对于这些感到恶心厌恶,于是带上露营设备、食物和水去树林。但是这一次因为老师的那句话,他带上了课本,脸上露出坚定的表情,表明了他内心的改变。第二段根据首句应该描写课堂测试的情况,根据上文预测结果应该是通过了考试。范文将考试过程中Steve和老师的动作、表情和心理都细致地呈现出来。 四、提炼归纳1充分挖掘文章信息读后续写不是天马行空,而是要在充分了解原文内容的基础上根据原文的逻辑线索去拓展文章的情节。换句话说,续写的内容要能在文章中找到支持的证据。所以续写构思时要充分挖掘文章的信息,不仅仅关注关键词语和主体的故事情节,还要关注一些貌似不重要的细节。这篇范文的第一段就充分关注了文中关于“his a

34、lcoholic parents”以及“he often escaped alone camping there (in the woods)”的细节,在续写时描写了家里的场景以及他去树林的行动。2以“行为动作”为中心续写需对文章的情节进行拓展,而情节的发展应该以“行为动作”为中心,因此在续写时要注意关注动作的延续,丰富动词的使用,避免整段描写心理感受。对表情、感受等的描写应作为修饰和补充。例如这篇文章第一段的续写容易写成心理活动,如 Steve回家以后想:“”第二段范文对考试过程的描写用了“hurried through, hand in, took, look over, walked b

35、ack, broke into”等动词,还用状语等形式描写表情和感受,如“With a look of surprise, Obviously puzzled”等,避免简单叙述结果,大笔墨描写感受的情况。C(2018浙江省名校联盟高三第二次联考)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, I took what I could get a teaching job at what

36、 I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey.My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen teaching English.School started, I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking time off only to eat and sleep. And

37、 then there was my sixth grade class who were only six 9years younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it. I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher.I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love of the written word. The students wanted to throw spitballs and

38、 whisper dirty words in the back of the room.In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. So I did.I was confident that the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention. But in fact, humans particularly teenagers rarely seem reasonable.

39、 By the time my boss, who was also my taskmaster, known to be the strictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were ma

40、king animal noises, hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines. I just pretended it all wasnt happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions. My boss, sitting in the back of room, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes he

41、left, silently. Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.注意:1所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;2至少使用 5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:After class, I took a deep breath and walked into his office. Paragraph 2:Fifteen years later, I still drive that winding road to the sa

42、me school. 10一、试题详解1核心内容短文的主要内容为:一位刚工作的年轻新教师在课堂上无视和放任孩子们的违纪现象。有一天,素以严格、做事雷厉风行闻名的校长在听课时发现了课堂无序和老师的不作为,愤然离开教室。2写作思路(1)明确故事人物。该事件的主要人物是学校校长、新教师(作者)以及他的学生。(2)理清故事主要事件。新教师虽抱有满腔热情投入教学,却不知如何正确处理学生在课堂上的违纪行为;行事严格的学校校长在听课时发现了老师的不作为并愤然离开。 (3)根据已知人物、事件,以及续写段落的开头语预测事件的发展。该事件的总体发展趋势可能是下课后新教师战战兢兢地走进校长办公室准备接受校长的严厉批

43、评,并做好了可能随时被炒鱿鱼的心理准备。结果出人意料,校长语重心长地和教师分析了问题,并给出了良好的建议。深受影响的新教师反思自我,逐渐成长为一名优秀的教育工作者。续写第一段:下课之后,新教师走进校长办公室,等待校长的批评,但出乎意料的是校长并没有严厉责备新老师,而是耐心地分析问题,并提供了一些可行的建议。新教师深受鼓舞,下定决心好好干。续写第二段:15 年过后该教师仍然在那所学校教学,还和校长经常坐在一起谈论学生的问题。在校长的影响下,教师明白了教育的真谛,并成长为一名成功的教育工作者。(4)结合下划线词语罗列写作要点。结合下划线词语和短文内容,通过提问的方式丰富故事情节。第一段中根据开头语

44、,提出以下问题来丰富故事:What did the boss say?How did the new teacher respond to the boss?What would the boss do?Was the teacher fired?If the teacher was not fired, what would he do with the students?11第二段可以通过下列问题来获取写作要点:Did the teacher still ignore the bad behavior of his students?Whats the relationship betwe

45、en the boss and the teacher?Did he enjoy his work?What kind of teacher would he become?二、参考范文Paragraph 1:After class, I took a deep breath and walked into his office.I said nothing, just thinking that I would be fired.To my great surprise, my boss didnt glare at me with burning eyes. Instead, he pat

46、iently named my problems that as a teacher I shouldnt have ignored the bad behavior of my students. We discussed how I could deal with the situation I met. Finally, I was encouraged and full of confidence when leaving the office.Paragraph 2:Fifteen years later, I still drive that winding road to the

47、 same school.My boss and I always sit together, talking about the new students and their problems. In fact, he becomes my teacher by teaching me the truth of education “The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.” Thanks to the help I received from him that first year, I have grown as a su

48、ccessful educator as he is now.三、范文解析范文根据所提示的内容进行了合情合理的续写。该文章对学生以后的职业生涯有着良好的引导和启示作用,告诉我们要正视职业中所遇到的问题,并积极面对和解决问题。此外,对自己的职业要有正确的认识和定位,通过了解职业价值观来明确自己的努力方向,以实现自己真正的价值。因此,在第一段中,续写重点为新教师在校长的指导下明白自己的问题所在,并下定决心做出改变。第二段的重点落在在长期的教育教学工作中和校长的影响下,教师悟出了教育的真谛,成为一名出色的教育工作者。四、提炼归纳1保持与原文的同一性所谓“同一”就是主题的同一、人物的同一和线索的同一。

49、主题的同一就是在续写时紧扣所给的开头语和短文的中心思想,不得脱离原主题,并对原主题进行深化和升华。例如本篇文章的主题就是教师通过在教育过程中遇到的问题来明确自己职业的努力方向,成12长为一名优秀的教育工作者。人物的同一即不随意添加新人物,在已给人物的基础上,遵循人物特点发展的规律性。本篇文章的主要人物新教师,是在层层选拔、竞争激烈的情况下获得的教师这份工作,自身对这份职业充满了理想主义的热情。以人物的性格来续写,该教师即使遇到问题,也会坚持不懈。线索的同一就是要遵循原文明示或暗示的线索,充分发挥自己的主观想象,发展故事,完成符合逻辑的推理和续写。续写的第二段的开头是“15年后教师还在这所学校任教” ,根据这样的暗示,可以推理出外表看似严格苛刻的校长在事后给了教师必要的职业指导,并帮助他逐渐成长为优秀的教育工作者。2保证整篇文章的完整性所续写的部分与已给部分结合在一起,必须是一篇完整的文章。因此要注意衔接自然,根据原文交代的情节通过想象来发展故事,预测结果。因为人物是记叙文的主体,所以续写的故事情节可以围绕人物的语言、心理、活动、表情等加以丰富,也可以用提问题的形式来扩充


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