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1、限时组合专练(四),限时组合专练(四),.完形填空(7分钟),The Sweetest SightI was in the most beautiful city in the world, yet I only wanted home. It was an amazing week for my husband and methe trip of a lifetime. Months ago, when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London, I expressed my _1_ to go to Europe t

2、ogether with him. Then we asked his mother to _2_ our two children and started off.,限时组合专练(四),During the weeks time, _3_ visited London and Parisas much as we could, Big Ben, the Louvre and so on. All these were beautiful places we expected to see before. We really enjoyed ourselves. On our last nig

3、ht in Paris, _4_ we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower, my husband called home. His mother _5_ the phone. In a second, my husbands face fell and he looked so worried. I could feel something _6_ happened.,限时组合专练(四),“Whats wrong?” I asked. He didnt answer and continued to listen. A few min

4、utes later, he said _7_ to me that Tony, our sevenyearold son, had fallen off his bike and _8_ his leg. He must be sent to hospital at once. At that moment, Paris suddenly lost its charm (魅力)“I dont want to be here! I shouldnt be here! I should be home _9_ my kids!”,限时组合专练(四),We hurried back to our

5、hotel and then to the airportFinally, we got home. We rushed into our childrens bedroom. Seeing our two children, I suddenly realized the truth: there is no _10_ sight(风景) in the world than your childrens faces that greet you at home.,限时组合专练(四),( )1. Aquestion Bwish Cstep Dplace ( )2. Alook after Bt

6、alk with Cfind out Dwake up ( )3. Ahe Bshe Cwe Dthey ( )4. Aafter Bsince Cthough Dbecause ( )5. Ashouted Bfinished Cwrote Danswered,B,A,C,A,D,限时组合专练(四),( )6. Augly Buseful Cright Dbad ( )7. Ahardly Bclearly Csadly Dtruly ( )8. Adanced Bbroken Cthrown Dopened ( )9. Atoward Bwith Cunder Dfrom ( )10. A

7、quieter Bricher Csweeter Dwider,D,C,B,B,C,限时组合专练(四),.2017宜宾阅读理解(6分钟),An old man went to live with his son, his daughterinlaw, and a fouryearold grandson. The old mans hands trembled, his eyesight was very poor, and he couldnt walk steadily(平稳地). The family ate together nightly at the dinner table. B

8、ut the elderly grandfathers shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult. Rice often dropped on the floor.,限时组合专练(四),The son and the daughterinlaw became angry with the old man, so they put a small table in the corner. There, the grandfather ate alone, while the rest of the family enjo

9、yed dinner at the table. Since the grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.,限时组合专练(四),The fouryearold son watched it all in silence. One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with a piece of wood on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, “What a

10、re you making?” The boy answered, “Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up.” The fouryearold son smiled and went back to work. The words struck the parents so that they were in silence. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.,限时组合专练(四),Though no wo

11、rd was spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening the husband took the grandfathers hand and gently led him back to the family table.,限时组合专练(四),主旨大意本文讲的是“一个木碗”的故事。一位老人的儿子和儿媳妇嫌弃他总是把碗打碎,就给他换了一个木碗并让他独自在角落的小桌子上吃饭。当他们看到自己四岁的儿子也为他们做木碗时,他们才意识到了自己的错误。,限时组合专练(四),( )1.Why was the old mans food served i

12、n a wooden bowl? ABecause the wooden bowl was light enough. BBecause the old man had broken a few bowls. CBecause there was only a wooden bowl left. DBecause the son and the daughterinlaw became angry with the old man.,B,限时组合专练(四),( )2.The word “struck” in Paragraph 3 refers to_. Aannoyed Bworried C

13、scared Dshocked,D,【解析】词义猜测题。结合上下文可推断,那对夫妇听了他们四岁的儿子的话之后,很震惊,选项中shocked的含义是“震惊”,故答案为D。,限时组合专练(四),( )3.Why did the husband lead the old man back to the family table? ABecause he realized his mistakes. BBecause the old man didnt drop rice on the floor anymore. CBecause the old man was served in a wooden

14、 bowl. DBecause a gentleman led him back to the family table.,A,限时组合专练(四),( )4.Whats the best title of the passage? AAn old man and his son BA couple and their son CA wooden bowl DA dinner table,C,限时组合专练(四),.2018广州阅读短文,根据短文内容从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次(7分钟),Most of us think the telephone was i

15、nvented by Alexander Graham Bell. 1._ In fact, an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognized(认定) as the inventor a few years ago. Who is Meucci and why wasnt he known for his invention at the time?,B,限时组合专练(四),主旨大意本文是关于电话的发明人Antonio Meucci的介绍文章,文章介绍了他的个人信息、经历和成就等方面的内容。,限时组合专练(四),Antonio

16、Meucci was born in Italy in 1808. He studied engineering and drawing. During his studies, Meucci started to experiment with electricity. 2._ When two places were connected with wire, people in those places could hear each other talk.,A,限时组合专练(四),In 1850, Meucci and his wife, Ester, moved to New York

17、. Meucci was worried about his wife, because she had become very ill. 3._ To solve this problem, he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop. This way, they could talk to each other conveniently.,E,限时组合专练(四),Meucci invited a group of people to see his new invention. They listened in

18、amazement as the voice of a singer was heard through the wires.4_ Even worse, Meucci never applied for a patent(专利) on his invention. Meanwhile, Alexander Graham Bell was working on the same idea and in 1876 the patent for the telephone was given to him.,C,限时组合专练(四),In 2002, more than a century afte

19、r Meuccis death, his work was finally recognized by the government. 5._,D,限时组合专练(四),.2018南充书面表达(8分钟),假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Bill来邮件询问你平时体育锻炼及今年中考体育考试情况。请你根据下面提示,给Bill回封英文邮件。 提示:1.谈谈今年中考体育考试分值提高到60分的意义(已给出)及体育锻炼的重要性; 2你过去是如何进行体育锻炼的; 3你将来有什么新的锻炼计划。,限时组合专练(四),要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 2必须包含所给提示,并做适当发挥; 3文中不得出现真实

20、人名、校名或地名; 4词数:80100(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。,限时组合专练(四),Dear Bill,Thanks for your last email. Im glad to tell you that our scores of P. E. add up to 60 at the Senior High School Entrance Examination, which encourages us to take an active part in exercise. _ _Look forward to your email. Yours, Li Hua,限时组合专练(

21、四),One possible version: Dear Bill,Thanks for your last email. Im glad to tell you that our scores of PE. add up to 60 at the Senior High School Entrance Examination, which encourages us to take an active part in exercise. As you know, my favorite subject is PE. I think doing sports is good for both

22、 my health and my study. I did very well in the exam, too.,限时组合专练(四),In the past, I practiced carefully in each PE. class, learning to play basketball, run and so on. On weekends I usually played pingpong with my friends.However, I cant swim. During the coming summer vacation, Ill learn it. In senior high school, I plan to join the swimming club. Can you give me more advice?Look forward to your email. Yours, Li Hua,


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