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1、1Unit 1 A land of diversity练(一) 语言运用组块专练练准度(限时:25 分钟).完形填空On June 23, 1970, I had just left the Army after completing my oneyear duty in Vietnam. I was on _1_returning home in Texas. I had been warned about the _2_of our fellow countrymen. There was no _3_ welcome for us when we came home from that

2、unpopular war.I sat, in uniform, in a window seat,_4_eye contact with my fellow passengers. No one was sitting next to me, which added to my _5_. A little girl suddenly appeared in the passage. She _6_ and, without saying a word,_7_handed me a magazine. I accepted her _8_, her quiet “welcome home.”

3、All I could say was, “Thank you.” Her small gesture of _9_was the first I had experienced in a long time.I always believe in the connection between _10_ when they reach out to one another.That girl _11_ has no memory of what happened years ago. She might have been told to do that by her mother. It d

4、oesnt _12_ why she gave me the magazine. The _13_ thing is what she did.Since then, I have followed her example and tried in different ways for different people, to do the _14_ for them. Like me on that plane ride long ago, they will _15_ know why a stranger gave a hand. But I absolutely know that m

5、y _16_ since then are all because of that little girl. Her kindness of offering a magazine to a _17_, scared and lonely soldier has been _18_ throughout my life. I have to believe that my small _19_ have the same effect on others. And to that little girl, now a _20_, I would like to say again: thank

6、 you.语篇解读:作者在越南服役一年后回到美国。在回国的飞机上,他感到孤独冷落。一个小女孩给作者送去了一本杂志,并对他说“欢迎回家” ,这件事情让作者颇为感激。从那时起,作者以小女孩为榜样,以不同的方式为身边不同的人带去温暖和友善。1A.bus BtrainCplane Dboat解析:选 C 根据常识可知从越南回到美国的 Texas 应该会坐飞机(plane)。下文“on that plane”亦是提示。22A.stories BdifficultiesCunfriendliness Denthusiasm解析:选 C 根据下句“when we came home from that un

7、popular war”可知, “我”曾被警告过我们同胞的不友好(unfriendliness)。3A.hometown BschoolCcountry Dclassroom解析:选 A 根据“when we came home from that unpopular war”可知,家乡(hometown)不欢迎我们。4A.seeking BnoticingCkeeping Davoiding解析:选 D 根据上文的背景可知, “我”穿着制服,坐在靠窗的座位上,避免(avoid)目光和其他乘客接触。5A.pride BlonelinessCanger Dexcitement解析:选 B 没人坐

8、在作者身边,更加增加了作者的孤独(loneliness)。下文“lonely soldier”亦是提示。6A.smiled BlistenedCturned Dbent解析:选 A 一个小女孩突然出现在通道,她微笑(smiled)着,一句话也没说,递给“我”一本杂志。7A.naturally BproudlyCshyly Dworriedly解析:选 C 根据上文她微笑着,一句话也没说可知,女孩是有些害羞地(shyly)递给“我”一本杂志。8A.offer BdonationCaccompany Dcontact解析:选 A 作者接受小女孩的杂志,和女孩小声说的“欢迎回家” 。小女孩是主动递给

9、作者杂志的,故选 offer 符合语境。donation“捐赠” ;accompany“陪伴” ;contact“联系,接触” 。9A.invitation BsympathyCagreement Dinspiration解析:选 B 根据上文“No one was sitting next to me”可知,作者长时间没有体会过别人的这份体恤和同情(sympathy)。10A.soldiers Bstrangers3Cfamilies Dgirls解析:选 B 根据上下文可知,作者与这个女孩之间并不认识,是陌生人(stranger)的关系。11A.similarly BfinallyCimm

10、ediately Dundoubtedly解析:选 D 上文可知,作者参加了一次不得人心的战争,回来的飞机上大家对他都有偏见,这个女孩却对他颇为友好,可见作者认为女孩无疑(undoubtedly)对几年前发生的(关于战争的)事情没有记忆。12A.mean BoperateCmatter Dcomment解析:选 C 她给“我”杂志的原因并不重要。it doesnt matter .意为“没有关系/不太重要” 。13A.memorable BsatisfactoryCimportant Dvaluable解析:选 C 重要的是她所做的,她给了作者一份友善和同情。14A.same BotherCo

11、ne Donly解析:选 A 从那时起, “我”以她为榜样,以不同的方式对待不同的人,像那个女孩一样对待他们,do the same 这里指的是像女孩一样对身边的人友好。15A.always BneverChappily Dobviously解析:选 B 就像自己当年在飞机上一样,他们永远不会(never)知道为什么一个陌生人会伸出援助之手。16A.feelings BideasCmodels Dattempts解析:选 D 但“我”绝对知道, “我”这样努力尝试(attempt)都是因为那个小女孩。17A.busy ByoungCexcited Dtired解析:选 D 飞机上作者那时候的情

12、况是一个疲惫(tired)、恐惧和孤独的人。18A.accepted BspreadChonored Dneglected解析:选 B 根据上文作者也要这样做可知,在作者看来,小女孩对他的这份善举在他的生活中蔓延开来,传播下去,故选 spread。419A.actions BbenefitsCmeasures Dsacrifices解析:选 A 作者相信,自己的小小行为(actions)对别人也有同样的效果。20A.stranger BwifeCmother Dwoman解析:选 D 这么多年过去了,当年的小女孩应该现在是一个女士(woman),作者要对她再说一次谢谢。.语法填空My Trav

13、el Experience in ChinaDuring the summer holidays I visited a variety of regions in China.My first stop was Beijing and of course the Great Wall. Without question it lived up to my _1_ (expect)After a long journey I reached Yunnan. With _2_ (it) minority villages and impressive landscapes, Yunnan had

14、 a lot to offer. One of my _3_ (enjoy) moments in Yunnan was during my visit to The Tiger Leaping Gorge. The climb over the gorge was at times exhausting _4_ always breathtaking. The views couldnt _5_ (imagine) in their beauty and they _6_ (leave) me with many great memories.After taking a boat from

15、 the mainland I arrived at _7_ island province of Hainan. There I visited Baihua Waterfall. Floating on a pool of water at the base and looking up at the waterfall with a background of blue sky was one of the most _8_ (relax) experiences of my life.Throughout China there are many ancient buildings a

16、nd in particular ancient towns. Lijiang and Dali both have glorious _9_ (example) of this. It was remarkable to step back in time and get an idea of _10_ China might have looked like all those years ago. I thought the buildings were beautiful and full of history.I had a wonderful time! China is both

17、 fascinating and beautiful!语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者的暑期中国之旅并具体介绍了游玩的城市及景点。1expectation(s) 考查名词。live up to ones expectation(s)是固定用法,意为“达到某人的期望” 。故填 expectation(s)。2its 考查代词。空格处指代上句中的“Yunnan” ,且 minority villages, impressive landscapes 和 Yunnan 之间是所属关系,故用形容词性物主代词 its。53enjoyable 考查形容词。根据空格后的名词“moments”可知,

18、空格处应用形容词,意为“愉快的” 。故填 enjoyable。4but 考查连词。句意:虽然爬上峡谷有时让人筋疲力尽,但总是让人兴奋不已。根据句意可知,空格前后之间为转折关系。故填 but。5be imagined 考查动词语态。句子的主语 The views 和动词 imagine 之间为被动关系,故用被动语态;情态动词 could 后用动词原形。故填 be imagined。6left 考查动词时态。此处叙述的是过去发生的事,应用一般过去时。故填left。7the 考查冠词。根据“island province of Hainan”可知,这里特指海南岛,故用定冠词 the。8relaxin

19、g 考查形容词。空格处修饰名词“experiences” ,应用形容词,意为“令人放松的” 。故填 relaxing。9examples 根据该句主语“Lijiang and Dali”可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。故填 examples。10what 分析该句结构可知,空格处引导的宾语从句作介词 of 的宾语;空格处在从句中作 looked like 的宾语,意为“的样子” 。故用 what 引导该宾语从句。练(二) 第四部分写作增分专练练规范(限时:40 分钟).应用文写作假定你是李华,你的美国笔友 Jack 一家人要来温州度暑假,特别来信询问温州一些特色旅游的情况。请你给他回复一封电子邮

20、件。内容包括:1推荐地点;2推荐理由。注意:1.词数 80 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考范文:Dear Jack,6Im glad to know you are coming to Wenzhou for the summer vocation with your family. Now Id like to offer a unique scenic spot to you.As for tourist attractions, I believe Yongjia is an ideal destination.With fascinating scenery of mou

21、ntains and rivers, it is a typical county where dozens of ancient villages lie. You can not only appreciate the fantastic landscapes but also enjoy the unique local customs and delicious food. Surely the trip will leave you an unforgettable memory.Looking forward to your arrival soon!Yours,Li Hua.读后

22、续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was time to go home. “Remember to work on your class speeches for homework, ” Miss_Walker called, as everyone started talking and packing their school bags. Jenny felt sick. She hated having to read aloud in class. She was sure everyone got really bored listening t

23、o her. Once, when Jenny was reading out her holiday diary, Lee was even looking at his watch,_a silver and blue one which seemed just magical.Jenny watched Lee walk ahead of her as they left school. He seemed so clever, and he had a certain sort of shining confidence. He was just one of those people

24、 who were good at everything. Jenny sighed. As she turned the corner, she saw Lees watch lying right in the middle of the path.Jenny knew she should just pick it up and return it to him, but she didnt want to run after him. Jenny bent down quickly, picked up the watch and ran home. On arriving home,

25、 Jenny put it on almost without thinking. She was surprised it fitted so well. She walked to the mirror and started practicing her speech. Words just flooded_out of her. “Im going to talk about swimming. I have been lucky. Ive won lots of competitions. But when Im in a race, Im not really thinking a

26、bout winning. Im just loving the feeling of being in the water .” Jenny laughed with excitement. She walked across the room. She suddenly seemed to have a certain sort of confidence. Turning back to the mirror, Jenny saw a flash of light from the watch in the glass. The flash of silver seemed almost

27、 magical. So maybe Lees watch really did have something magic about it.7The next day, as the lesson began, Miss Walker asked who was going to be brave and go first. Nobody moved. Jenny slowly raised her arm. Before Miss Walker could say anything, there was a shout from behind. “Shes stolen my watch!

28、” Lee said angrily. “It went missing at school yesterday.”注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;2至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Everybody was fixing their eyes on Jenny, waiting for an explanation. Paragraph 2:At that, Miss Walker smiled and asked the class to liste

29、n to Jennys speech first. 参考范文:Paragraph 1:Everybody was fixing their eyes on Jenny, waiting for an explanation. Jenny didnt answer. How could she explain about the watch and its magic? No one could understand. No one could believe. “But I saw you wearing it yesterday, ” Miss_Walker gently reminded

30、him. For a moment Lee remained silent and then he apologized he had just remembered that. Jenny was relieved saying she had found it on the way home and decided to return it after the speech. Everybody was puzzled and asked why. Jenny again was speechless.Paragraph 2:At that, Miss Walker smiled and

31、asked the class to listen to Jennys speech 8first. Jenny walked slowly to the front. She couldnt think properly. All round her, a sea of faces were watching. She felt so frightened and the watch didnt seem magical at all. Suddenly she saw Miss Walkers encouraging eyes. Jenny took a deep breath. “Im going to talk about swimming .” Ten minutes later the whole class stood up applauding Jennys wonderful speech. Jenny smiled as she eventually realized the real source of confidence.

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