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1、1Module 10 Unit 2 Im going to Lake Middle school1教学目标 一、 教学目标(1)知识目标: a. 能认读新单词 History, Geography并理解和运用词组 be useful for b. 能够运用所学语言谈论话题:Middle School. (2)情感目标: 让学生在虚拟的真实情境中,运用语言,激发他们对中学新生活的憧憬和向往,体验人与人之间的友爱之情。 (3)能力目标: 通过课堂创设的各项任务和活动,培养学生的阅读理解能力及简单的书面表达能力。2学情分析 本课是学生小学阶段的最后一节英语课,学生已具备基本的词汇基础,如何让学生用才

2、是重点。3重点难点 本课的重点是让学生体验,感受朋友之谊,师生之情,难点就在于如何在课堂上营造一个接近真实的环境,让孩子身临其境。4教学过程 活动 1【讲授】middle school Teaching Steps 教学过程 Teachers Activity 教师活动 Students Activity学生活动 设计意图 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to meet you! Im your new teacher Ms Hou! Greetings. 教师真诚的微笑,热情的问好,可以消

3、除学生的焦虑感。 Step 2: Leading in2. Lead-in: Get the students to enjoy some pictures of the children in the text book, and arouse their memory of primary school. Ask students to talk about Amy and Sam. Enjoy the pictures of the book. 用短片展示课文中几个人物的从2小到大的活动场景,引起学生的共鸣,激发他们对这四个主人公以及自己学习生活的回忆。 Step 3: Presenta

4、tion 3.Listen and answer: Why are they crying? 4. Encourage the kids to talk about middle school: 5. Play a game and teach the new words. 6. Guide the students to read the first two paragraphs. 7. True or False 8. Ask the students to read the last paragraph. 9. Finish the writing on the blackboard.

5、Listen to the text without words (two times) talk about middle school Guess and learn the new words and make sentences Ask and answer questions Read and answer questions. 很自然地由课文中的场景展开话题,让学生运用 be going to的句型谈论中学将会发生的事情,培养他们综合运用语言的能力。同时用?思维导图的方式拓展学生思维。 六年级的孩子仍旧是小学生,喜欢游戏,因此在这插入一个小游戏,一方面活跃气氛,舒缓紧张气氛,另一方

6、面可以导入新词。通过回答问题来发现和解答学生在理解课文中的问题。 有感情朗读,加深学生对课文的理解,为接下来的环节做铺垫 Step 4: Practice 10. Have the students to discuss with partners about what they are going to say to their friends, teachers and school. 11. Hand out the heart-shaped paper and ask the children write down their words. Discuss with partners.

7、 Write down their words 让学生在讨论中学会合作,交流 通过说和写让孩子抒发情感。Step 5 Summary 10. Conclusion T: Thank you! Yes, children. All of you are going to go to middle school, and some of you wont see each other very often. But please remember, wherever you are, wherever you go, youll always be friends! well always be friends. Listen and answer 总结升华本课主题,表达师生情意 Step 6: Homework 3Writer a short message about your middle school. 将课堂上的任务延展到课后 Writing on the blackboard: Module 10 Middle School


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