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1、1Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you!1教学目标 语言知识目标:学习目标语句 Whats the matter?Why are you laughing?Why are you wearing cups on your heads?说明某人的心情和动作,并能用 why和 because来回答。b.语言技能目标:学生能够听懂会朗读本模块课文,并能运用所学目标语句正确表达询问事情的原因及做出合理的回答。通过游戏和各种学习活动的开展,培养学生的合作能力、竞争意识和综合运用语言知识的能力。c.情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,学生在教师的指导下,感受到学习语言的乐趣,合作

2、与创新带来的快乐。培养学生良好的学习习惯与乐观的学习态度。2学情分析 六年级的学生通过近六年的英语学习,掌握了一定量的词汇及简单的语法知识,他们对学习英语的兴趣日渐稳定,学生对英语的学习积极性浓厚,学习方法较好,综合运用语言能力较强,但极少部分学生依然对英语学习没有自信,产生畏惧心理。3重点难点 Words: matter baseball team mistakeSentences: Whats the matter?Why are you laughing?Why are you wearing cups on your heads?4教学过程 活动 1【活动】Warmup (热身活动)

3、T: Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, teacher!T: Lets sing a song “If you are happy.” Please do actions with me together.2(师生共同做动作并演唱英文歌曲,调节课堂气氛,为本课教学内容作铺垫,)2. Free talkT: Are you happy now? Im so happy because I can learn English with you.(由歌曲的内容 If you are happy引入 Free talk环节)T: Are you happy, S1?(教师问本班的一

4、个学生)S1: Yes, I am.(引导学生回答)T: Are you hungry now, S2?S2: Yes, I amT: Why are you hungry?Whats for your breakfast, S2?S2: I drank some milk and bread in the morning.T: Oh, Why are you hungry because you wasnt full in the morning.(教师通过对学生真实的感受引出 whybecause句型,学生了解本课的学习任务)活动 2【导入】Presentation(介绍新语言项目) 1.

5、 T: Look at this picture.Do you know what the matter is?Why is she sad?S1: I think she has a cold.T: I think so .Why is she sad because she has a cold.And look at that picture.What are they doing?Why are they laughing?Ss: They are taking a picture.They are laughing because they are happy.(教师出示课件,通过图

6、片的展示让学生自己思考与体会如何运用 Whybecause)活动 3【讲授】、New teaching (课文教学) 3T: Lets listen to a dialogue. Look! Amy, lingling , Sam and some children are laughing. Would you like to know what the matter is? OK! This class, well learn Module 9 Unit 1 Whats the matter?(教师将课题写在黑板上,学生齐读课题,导入新授课的课文)Learn the dialogueA T

7、: Please look at these questions.Questions: 1) What the matter?2) Why are the children laughing?3) Why are they wearing cups on their heads?4) What has Sam got in his bag?5) Is it funny?6) Did you make the same mistakes with English?(教师用课件出示问题)T: Now listen carefully, try to answer these questions.(

8、学生听课文录音,边听边思考,初步感知课文内容)B T: Can you answer these questions?Ss: Yes, we can.a They are laughing.b Because they are putting cups on their head.c Because Lingling made a mistake, she should bring some baseball caps for the children, but she bring some cups.d There are baseball caps in it .e Yes, it is.

9、f Yes, we did.(教师通过学生的回答情况,了解学生对新授课文的理解情况,如果不是很好可以再放一遍录音。特别是第六题,学生尽可能的用英语表述,对实在是有困难的学生可以用汉语来描述。通过环节可以让学生感到学习英语所带来的乐趣。)T:Ok! Please look at these new words.(Teacher shows cards and some sentences )Please try to read them: matter baseball team mistake4Ss: Matter. Whats the matter?Baseball. Team. Baseb

10、all team.Mistake. I make lots of mistakes with Chinese.(教师通过单词卡片和图片及课件的辅助,帮助学生理解和掌握知识点,教师也在此环节中发挥学生学习的主动性,采用小组比赛形式用以上这些词造句,让有能力的学生施展才能的空间。)T: Listen again. Read after the tape.(听录音,学生跟读)T: Please read by yourselves one time, then act it in your group.(学生自己先朗读课文,然后小组内分角色朗读)活动 4【练习】Practice(练习) 1. T:

11、OK! Who can act this dialogue in the class? Who will be Amy? Sam? Lingling?(通过学生的分角色表演,激发学生强烈的表演欲望,激发他们的竞争意识和合作精神,使他们的语言能力得到发展。)2. T: Ok, this time you look at your books and turn to Page 35. Please listen to the tape and read follow it.Ss: Whats the matter?Why are you laughing?Why are you wearing c

12、ups on your heads?(学生听录音机跟读目标语句,巩固对目标语句的认读。)3. Lets look at page 35- No 3, please read these words, and try to perform:For example:A: Whats the matter? Why are you laughing?B: Because I am happy.A: Whats the matter? Why didnt you eating?B: Because I (学生模仿例句,选词造句。学生应用所学的目标语句,发挥想象力,正确询问事情的原因及做出合理的回答)T

13、: OK! Now lets do some listening practice. Activity Book Page 35. “Listen 5and circle. ”Then check your answers in pairs.(请学生做听力练习,然后同桌之间互相检查,对有错误的学生教师要及时给与讲解。)活动 5【测试】Production(任务完成) T: Now lets play a game. I put some word cards in the box, you can take out one of them from this box. One child wi

14、ll read this word and do an action to show what the word means. The others will guess the word. Then we can ask himher some questions: Whats the matter? Why are you ?(学生一起做“变脸”游戏,学生的回答可以随心所欲,无论是否合乎逻辑,教师都不予干涉,只是纠正一些错误的发音和基本语法错误。)T: Now we will do another game. Please look at the screen, I will show s

15、ome pictures, one student will tell me what happened and you should ask him/ her “Why are you ?”For example:Ss: Why are you eating?S1: Because I am hungry.活动 6【作业】Summary and Homework(小结和作业) 1 T: OK! In the dialogue Lingling made mistakes with English. These words are cups and caps. I think it is in

16、teresting to learn English .Can you give me some other words?(请学生说一说自己在英语学习中因为容易混淆的词语而发生的有趣的事情。)Then teacher gets students to do the summary, read the words and sentences on the blackboard.2 Todays homework:a Listen and read this dialogue every day.b Try to retell the storyc Please use “fish and face” , perform this dialogue and talk what you made a mistake with English.6


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