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1、1Module 8 Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US教案1 教学目标 一、知识与技能1 学习新单词 best, north, south, rest, have a rest, country, speak, capital, maybe, map2、学习新句型 He lives in the east of the US. Its in the north of China.3、能读懂 He lives in the east of e US. Its in the north of China.。4、能认读 speak, map, best, no

2、rth, south, rest, have a rest, country, speak, capital二、过程与方法使学生能表达事物的具体位置。能用英语谈论国家、首都、城市及地理方位等。三、情感态度价值观学生通过本课学习能初步了解美国的一些基础常识,掌握其三个主要城市的地理位置,乐于接触外国文化。培养学生学习世界各国的首都、城市及地理位置的兴趣,养成不断探索和学习的良好习惯。培养学生交流与合作的能力。2 学情分析 小学四年级的学生已经具有较强的英语学习能力,已经学习了一般过去时的表达。同时,大多数孩子养成了良好的听说习惯,能够自觉预习、复习课文3 重点难点 教学重点:1.准确表达美国的著

3、名城市:New York、San Francisco、Washington D.C.2.正确使用方位词:east、west、north、south 描述地理位教学难点:21.地名单词语音教学:America、Washington D.C.、San Francisco、New York2.能运用所学句型谈论城市的方位。措施:1、创造语境,多多练习。2、适当的复习。3、使用多媒体课件出示美国地图,帮助学生初步了解课文主要内容4 教学过程 Step1 Warm up1. Greeting.2. Lets say a chant.Best have a restT: Hello, boys and g

4、irls .Nice to see you again. In this class, well have a competition between Team1 and Team 2.Say the chant together.用 chant 调动课堂气氛,吸引学生注意力。插入音频,学生大声朗读读 chant,既活跃了课堂气氛,又调动了学生的学习兴趣。活动 2【讲授】讲授 Lead in1. Show a map of china. Write some citys names on it. Ask“Where is?”Ss answer the questions.“Its in the

5、of China.”复习上节课所学的方位词。插入世界地图图片,帮助学生掌握东南西北。Step3Text learningHe lives in the east of te US.1. Listen and find “east, west”2. Follow and answer “Which country are they talking about?”3Follow and answer “How many cities can you hear? Where are they?”通过听录音培养学生语感。1、 插入中国地图,让学生掌握北京、海南、拉萨及上海在中国的地理位置。2、 超链接

6、本文视频,教学课文。活动 3【练习】练习 Consolidation1. Practise this dialogue in roles.2. Do Activity4 on page46.1. Ss practise this dialogue.2. Ss ask and answer巩固课堂所学内容。实物展台展示地图活动 4【测试】测试 SummarySay what you learnt today.点明知识点。用 PPT 播放练习题,巩固所学内容。活动 5【作业】作业 Homework1. Which country does Simon live?2. Where does Simon live?3. Where is Los Angeles?4. Does Simon live in New York?5. My cousin lives in America.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue.2. Talk about the map of China.3. Los Angeles is in the east of America.44. New York is in the west of America.5. Daming wants to go to America one day.课后适当复习。


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