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1、1山东省日照青山学校 2018-2019 学年高二英语 3 月月考试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 l.5 分,满分 7.5 分)1. When do the speakers plan to get to the sports meet?A.At 7:45. B.At 8:00. C. At 8:15.2. What does the woman want from the store?A. Cookies. B. Milk. C. Peanut butter.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. A CD

2、by Johnny. B. A present for Molly. C. A famous musician.4. Why does the man suggest the Fairmont Hotel?A. For its price. B. For its location.C. For its size.5. What is the mandoing?A. Waiting for a call. B. Calling his neighbor.C. Opening a window.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6

3、. What is the woman telling the man about?A. The big storm. B. The sick kids. C. The electricity company.7. What is the first thing the man is going to do?A.To go back home. B To buy some candles. C To make a phone call.听 第 7 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 8、9 题 。8. Whats the weather like now?A. Sunny. B. Snowy.C. R

4、ainy.9. What is the mans job probably?A.A lawyer. B.A waiter. C. A travel agent.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. Why doesnt the man like to go to France?A. Hes been there. B. It is too noisy. C. The time does not fit.11. How much does the tour to Spain cost?A. 345pounds. B. 385 pounds.C. 470pounds.12. Whe

5、re will the man go for his holiday?A.Sweden. B.Spain. C. Italy.听第 9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What does the woman have to do on Mondays?A. Work at the swimmingpool. B. Have Spanish grammarclasses.C. Have discussions with Mr. Brown.14. When did the tennis club meet lastyear?A. On Mondays. B. On Tuesdays

6、. C. On Wednesdays.15. Which sport does the man probably prefer?A. Badminton. B. Football. C. Tennis.16. What club will both the speakers join?A. The film club. B. The singing club. C. The guitar club.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17 How long will Comedy in the Club Levellast?A.An hour. B. One and a half

7、hours. C. Two hours.18 Who will probably watch the show on October15?A.Those who want a goodlaugh. B Those who love Irish culture. C Those who love the Beatles.19 What can be heard on October20?A Popular songs of a famous band. B Songs from Broadwayshows.C New songs of somebands.20 When will Brenda

8、Braxton give herperformance?A. On October 5. B. On October 10. C. On October 27.第二部分 阅读理解 (共 两节, 满 分 40 分)第一节 ( 共 15 小 题; 每 小题 2 分, 满 分 30 分)阅 读 下 列 短 文 , 从 每 题 所 给 的 A、 B、C 和 D 四 个 选 项 中 , 选 出 最 佳 选 项 。AIf you are the kind of tourist who likes to visit places with outstanding landscapes and multicu

9、ltural cities,then Asia is the place to go. Take a cruise (巡游) to Asia and you will not be disappointed.The Finest Asian Cruise ExplorationsTourists who want to visit several Asian countries understand that cruising there is the best alternative. You can decide to take a two-week cruise, starting 2f

10、rom Sri Lanka to Thailand. Theres also a three-week cruise that starts off in China all the way to Japan. A most popular voyage is one that starts from Hong Kong to Singapore.The Best Time to TravelWhen touring Asia, its best to understand that different cruise lines have different travelling timeli

11、nes. You can be caught in the rain during your tour (October to December in Malaysia and December to February in Indonesia). Most cruises take place from December to the end of March.Booking Cruise-ship ToursGiven that youll probably be taking long flights to get to South Asia and the Far East, the

12、budget will be large, especially if you are visiting as a family. In addition, many people tour this region, so it would be best if you book early when the prices are more appealing.ActivitiesThere are so many ports in Asia and this might bring a challenge if you want to get somewhere in time. Make

13、sure you plan your day-trips in advance and follow the cruise line tours to avoid missing the boats. Apart from visiting the cities,you could also go to Borneo, Indonesia to see the orangutans ( 猩猩). You can also hop across several islands from Bali, appreciate the colorful floats as well as the che

14、rry blossoms in Japan and visit the floating fish farms in Vietnam.21 Which cruise is a very appealing one according to the author?A. From Sri Lanka to Thailand. B. From Hong Kong to Singapore.C. Flying to the Far East. D. From China to Japan.22 When is the best time available on tours in Indonesia?

15、A.January. B.February. C March. D. December23 Where can you appreciate the colorful floats?A.In Bali. B.In Vietnam. C. In Indonesia D. In JapanBAs years went by, I realized that one of the biggest problems of adults was worry. A large majority of my students were businessmen, executives, salesmen, e

16、ngineers, accountants: across section of all the trades and professions and most of them had problems! There were women in the classes business women and housewives. They too had problems. Clearly, what I needed was a textbook on how to conquer worry. So again, I tried to find one.I went to the New

17、York great public library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street and discovered to my astonishment that this library had only twenty-two books listed under the title WORRY. I also noticed, to my amusement, that it had one hundred and eighty-nine books listed under WORMS. Almost nine times as many books abo

18、ut worms as about worry! Surprising, isnt it? Since worry is one of the biggest problems facing mankind, you would think, wouldnt you, that every high school and college in the land would give a course on “How to Stop Worrying”?Yet, if there is even one course on that subject in any college in the l

19、and, I have never heard of it. No wonder David Seabury said in his book How to Worry Successfully: “We come to maturity with as little preparation for the pressures of experience as a bookworm asked to do a ballet.” The result? More than half of our hospital beds are all occupied by people with nerv

20、ous and emotional troubles.I looked over those twenty-two books on worry on the shelves of the New York Public Library. In addition, I purchased all the books on worry I could find; yet I couldnt discover even one that I could use as a text in my course for adults. So I decided to write one by mysel

21、f.24 What made the writer realize one of the adults biggest problems?A. His wide reading. B. His students real situation.C. His practical survey. D. His scientific research.25 The writer went to New Yorks great public library with the purpose of_ .A. getting a book for his teaching B.finding some ma

22、terial for his new bookC.obtaining some information for his research3D.borrowing some books on worms for his students26. What do David Seaburys words in Paragraph 3 show?A. Worry is extremely common. B. We lack knowledge of worry.C. We show no interest in worry. D. Worry can hardly be controlled.27.

23、Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage?A. To warn us of the possible danger of worry. B. To persuade us to get rid of worry.C. To explain why he wrote a book on worry. D. To tell us how to conquer worry.CWe hope youve finally made your peace with Pluto being downgraded from a planet to an

24、ice dwarf (冰矮星),because we have some more jarring news for you: It seems your teachers may have been wrong about the number of continents on the earth,too.Earlier this year, scientists published a report in the journal of the Geological Society of America detailing an eighth continent called Zealand

25、ia, roughly the size of India and almost completely hid itself under the Pacific Ocean east of Australia. Covering all of New Zealand as well as several nearby islands, Zealandia likely spent the best of its above-water days as part of the supercontinent Gondwana before fragmenting off Australia and

26、 Antarctica some 80 million years ago. This lost, underwater continent is just beginning to reveal its secrets, making for one of the most promising scientific discoveries this year.While researchers have been aware of the 1. 9 million-square-mile mass for two decades,Zealandia has only recently bec

27、ome the object of serious study since the Geological Society paper argued that it fits all the criteria for a proper continent, including a continental crust (地壳)thats distinctly separate from the seabed in terms of elevation, thickness, and geology. A team of 32 scientists from 12 countries just co

28、mpleted their first visit to six dig sites around Zealandia, where they drilled up more than 8,000 feet of sediment cores (沉积物岩心)that will help explain the lost continents 80-million-year history.Because there is no official body that formally recognizes continents, whether or not Zeal- andia ends u

29、p in future geography textbooks will come down to its acceptance by the scientific community at large, possibly with a little help from travelers like you.28 Why does the author mentionPluto? A.To express his or her pity. B. To go against the teachers.C. To introduce the topic. D.To explain the ice

30、dwarf.29 What do we know about Zealandia in Paragraph2?A.It neighbors Australia. B.It belongs to Gondwana now.C.It is similar to Antarctica in size. D.It has a history of over 80 billion years.30 What can most probably help discover more secrets about Zealandia?A. The seabed near Antarctica. B.The w

31、ildlife in New Zealand.C.The standard for a continent. D. The sediment cores onZealandia.31.Where does the text probably come from?A. A travel brochure. B. An advertisement.C. A geography magazine. D. A science fiction.DSome of the best research on daily experience is rooted in rates of positive and

32、 negative interactions, which has proved that being blindly positive or negative can cause others to be frustrated or annoyed or to simply tune out.4Over the last two decades, scientists have made remarkable predictions simply by watching people interact with one another and then scoring the convers

33、ations based on the rate of positive and negative interactions. Researchers have used the findings to predict everything from the likelihood that a couple will divorce to the chances of a work team with high customer satisfaction and productivity levels.More recent research helps explain why these b

34、rief exchanges matter so much. When you experience negative emotions as a result of criticism or rejection, for example, your body produces higher levels of the stress hormone, which shuts down much of your thinking and activates (激活) conflict and defense mechanisms (机制). You assume that situations

35、are worse than they actually are.When you experience a positive interaction, it activates a very different response. Positive exchanges increase your bodys production of oxytocin, a feel-good that increases your ability to communicate with, cooperate with and trust others. But the effects of a posit

36、ive occurrence are less dramatic and lasting than they are for a negative one.We need at least three to five positive interactions to outweigh every one negative exchange. Bad moments simply outweigh good ones. Whether youre having a conversation, keep this simple short cut in mind: At least 80 perc

37、ent of your conversations should be focused on whats going right.Workplaces, for example, often see this. During performance reviews, managers routinely spend 80 percent of their time on weaknesses and “areas for improvement”. They spend roughly 20 percent of the time on strengths and positive aspec

38、ts. Any time you have discussions with a person or group, spend the vast majority of the time talking about what is working, and use the remaining time to address weaknesses.32. The underlined phrase “tune out” in Paragraph1probablymeans.A.stop listeningB. change mind C. be crazy D. sing aloud33. Wh

39、at will happen if you experience negative emotions?A. The situations are to become worse. B. Much of your thinking will be prevented.C.You will feel an urge to become better. D. Youll avoid conflicts with people.34. What can we learn from Paragraph4?A.Everybody needs a negative feeling. B. Positive

40、interactions have greater effects.C. Our talk should center on improvements.D. The effect of negative feelings lasts longer.35. What is the best title for the passage?A.More Positive InteractionsB. Harmful NegativesC. How to Be aProductive ManagerD. Less Time on Strengths第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根

41、据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Technology can help solve the problem of bad, absent teachers in poor country schoolsThe UNs Millennium Development Goals included the ambition that by 2015 all the worlds children would complete primary school. This has largely been achieved: nine out of ten

42、children are now enrolled. 36 . Even though most of the worlds children go to school, an awful lot of them learn pretty much nothing there. According to a recent World Bank study of seven sub-Saharan African countries, half of nine-year-olds cannot read a simple word and three-quarters cannot read a

43、 simple sentence. 37. The same study found that only 7% of teachers had the minimum knowledge needed to teach reading and writing effectively. When classrooms were inspected to see whether a teacher was present, half the time the answer was no.38 . It seems to bring about bigger improvements in poor

44、 countries than in rich ones. Some of the scarce resources being spent on teachers could therefore be better spent on ed-tech. That does not mean dumping computers on schools in the hope that children will understand how to use them, afolly(荒 唐 事 )on which plenty of money has been wasted.39 ,that ge

45、ts things right more often than the teachers do, that adjusts itself to the childs ability, that sends teachers clues about what they are supposed to be teaching and that allows the authorities to check on whether the teacher is in the classroom.5Technology is no panacea (灵 丹 妙 药 ). Good traditional

46、 teachers are not outdated, and are never likely to be. 40 . But ed-tech can help greatly by monitoring pupils and teachers alike, assisting the best teachers and, most importantly, making up for the failings of the worst.A. The reason is terribleteachingB. Several recent studies suggest ed-tech can

47、 helpC. Paying teachers more in the hope of employing better ones is not the answerD. Regrettably, the figure is not as impressive as it soundsE. Instead, it means providing schools with software that children can use without any help from an adultF. Devices can be taken to where there is a connecti

48、on to upload or download the necessary informationG. And authorities need to hold teachers to account第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)Mothers Day 2016 was the last time that all my three kids would be at home. I was 41a memorable Mothers Day.That morning, I got up early and l

49、eft for 42 . The boys and 1 were going 43 , so I expected the break. I entered the office after my class, 44 the crowd for their faces. I didnt find the boys, but I wasnt too worried 45 their classes often ran late. I found a row with plenty of room for all four of us, 46 seats for my children.The longer I sat there, the more 47 and angrier I got. How could they 48 their mother on this day? I couldnt 49 my work, only on how Id been wronged. 50 the last class in the morning ended, I could hardly wait to get home and give th


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