IEC 60115-5-2-1992 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment part 5 blank detail specification fixed precision resistors assessment level F《电子设备用固定电阻器 第5-2部分 空白详细规范 精密固定电阻器 评定水平F》.pdf

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IEC 60115-5-2-1992 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment part 5 blank detail specification fixed precision resistors assessment level F《电子设备用固定电阻器 第5-2部分 空白详细规范 精密固定电阻器 评定水平F》.pdf_第1页
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IEC 60115-5-2-1992 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment part 5 blank detail specification fixed precision resistors assessment level F《电子设备用固定电阻器 第5-2部分 空白详细规范 精密固定电阻器 评定水平F》.pdf_第2页
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IEC 60115-5-2-1992 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment part 5 blank detail specification fixed precision resistors assessment level F《电子设备用固定电阻器 第5-2部分 空白详细规范 精密固定电阻器 评定水平F》.pdf_第3页
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IEC 60115-5-2-1992 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment part 5 blank detail specification fixed precision resistors assessment level F《电子设备用固定电阻器 第5-2部分 空白详细规范 精密固定电阻器 评定水平F》.pdf_第4页
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IEC 60115-5-2-1992 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment part 5 blank detail specification fixed precision resistors assessment level F《电子设备用固定电阻器 第5-2部分 空白详细规范 精密固定电阻器 评定水平F》.pdf_第5页
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1、NORME CE1 INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEC 11 54-2 QC 400302 Premire dition First edition 1992-04 Rsistances fixes utilises dans les quipements lectroniques Partie 5: S pcif cat ion particu I re-cad re: Rsistances fixes de prcision Niveau dassurance F Fixed resistors for use in electronic e

2、quipment Part 5: Blank detail specification: Fixed precision resistors Assessment level F Numro de rfrence Reference number CEI/IEC 1 15-5-2: 1992 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

3、icense from IHS-,-,-Numros des publications Depuis le ler janvier 1997, les publications de la CE1 sont numrotes partir de 60000. Publications consolides Les versions consolides de certaines publications de la CE1 incorporant les amendements sont disponibles. Par exemple, les numros ddition 1.0, 1.1

4、 et 1.2 indiquent respectivement la publication de base, la publication de base incorporant lamendement 1, et la publication de base incorporant les amendements 1 et 2. Validit de la prsente publication Le contenu technique des publications de la CE1 est constamment revu par la CE1 afin quil reflte

5、ltat actuel de la technique. Des renseignements relatifs la date de reconfirmation de ia publication sont disponibles dans le Catalogue de la CEI. Les renseignements relatifs des questions ltude et des travaux en cours entrepris par le comit technique qui a tabli cette publication, ainsi que la list

6、e des publications tablies, se trouvent dans les documents ci- dessous: Site web de la CEI“ Catalogue des publications de la CE1 Publi annuellement et mis jour rgulirement (Catalogue en ligne)* Disponible la fois au site web de la CEI* et comme priodique imprim Bulletin de la CE1 Terminologie, symbo

7、les graphiques et littraux En ce qui concerne la terminologie gnrale, le lecteur se reportera la CE1 60050: Vocabulaire Electro- technique International (VEI). Pour les symboles graphiques, les symboles littraux et les signes dusage gnral approuvs par la CEI, le lecteur consultera la CE1 60027: Symb

8、oles littraux cependant les exigences concernant les variations de rsistance sont a choisir dans les tableaux I et II de la spcification intermdiaire. 2. -Les niveaux de contrle et les NQA sont extraits de la Publication 410 de la CEI: Plans et rgles dchantillonnage pour les contrles par attributs.

9、3. -Dans ce tableau: p = priodicit (en mois) n = effectif de lchantillon c = critre dacceptation (nombre admissible de dfectueux) D = destructif ND = non-destructif NC = niveau de contrle NQA = niveau de qualit acceptable 1 Publication 410 de la CE1 Numro de paragraphe et essai (voir note 1) CONTROL

10、E DU GROUPE A (lot par lot) Sous-groupe Al 4.4.1 Examen visuel 4.4.2 Dimensions (au calibre) Sous-Eroupe A2 4.5 Rsistance - D ND ou ND ND Conditions dessai (voir note i) Ut ser une plaque de . mm dpaisseur (si applicable) II II ,O% 0,25% Ex g e nc e s (voir note i) Selon 4.4.1 Marquage lisible et se

11、lon 1.4 de la pr- sente spcification Selon tableau I de la prsente spcif- cation Selon 4.5.2 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-115-5-2 O IEC -13- 2.1.2 - For Qua

12、lity Conformance Inspection the test schedule (Table 11) in- cludes sampling, periodicity, severities and requirements. The for- mation of inspection lots is covered by Sub-clause 3.3.1 of the Sec- tional Specification. Note. -When drying is called for, Procedure I of Sub-clause 4.3 of the Generic S

13、pecification, IEC Publication 115-1, shall be used. TABLE II Notes 1. -Sub-clause numbers of test and performance requirements refer to the Generic Specification, IEC Publication 115-1, except for resistance change requirements, which shall be selected from the Tables I and II of the sectional speci

14、fication, as appropriate. 2. -Inspection Levels and AQLs are selected from IEC Publication 410: Sampling Plans and Procedures for Inspection by Attributes. 3. -In this table: p = periodicity (in months) n = sample size c = acceptance criterion (permitted number of defectives) D = destructive ND = no

15、n-destructive IL = inspection level AQL = acceptable quality level 1 IEC 410 Sub-clause number and Test (see Note i) GROUP A INSPECTION (lot-by-lot) Sub-group Al 4.4.1 Visual exami- nation 4.4.2 Dimensions (gauging 1 4.5 Resistance Conditions of test (see Note 1) A gauge-plate of . mm shall be used

16、(if applicable) I” see Note 2) II II 1,0% O , 25% Performance requirements (see Note i) As in 4.4.1 Legible marking and as specified in 1.4 of this specification As specified in Ta- ble I of this speci- f icat ion As in 4.5.2 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under

17、license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 14- N C 115-5-2 O CE1 N A Q Numro de paragraphe et essai (voir note i) CONTROLE DU GROUPE B (lot par lot) Sous-groupe B1 4.7 Tension de tenue (rsis- tances isoles seulement) 4.6 Rsistance disolement (

18、rsistances isoles seulement) 4.17 Soudabilit 4.13 Surcharge marquage aux solvants (si applicable) md it ions d essai voir note i) thode: . ans vieillissement, thode: . ension applique: ,5 fois la tension ominale ou 2 fois la ension limite nominale, a moins svre des deux aleurs kamen visuel .s ist an

19、ce iolvant: . . . emprature du ,olvant: . . . ithode 1 iatriau de frottement: :oton hydrophile Leprise: . s-3 1,0% Ix ig enc e s voir note i) as de claquage, ni .e contournement ;on tamage mis en !vidente par 1 oudabilit (. s) ?as de dommage risible larquage lisible LR 5 f( . %R + . 52: larquage lis

20、ible Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-115-5-2 O IEC - 15 - ;ub-clause number ind Test see Note 1) ;ROUP B INSPECTION : 1 ot -by- 1 ot ) ;ub-group B1 1.7 Voltage

21、 proof (Insulated re- sistors only) c.6 Insulation resistance (Insulated resistors only) i. 17 Solderability L. 13 Overload 4. Solvent resistance of the marking (if applicable) nditions of test pee Note 1) 2thod: . ithout ageing ethod: . Rated dura- dissipation t ion pplied voltage: ,5 times the rat

22、ed oltage or twice he limiting element oltage, whichever is he less severe isual examination .es ist ance olvent: . olvent temperature: ;ethod 1 .ubbing material: cottc cool iecovery: . . . q-T L see Note 2) 5-3 1,0% e r f o rmanc e -equi rement s see Note 1) lo breakdown or : 1 ashove r 121 GS ;ood

23、 tinning as evi- lenced by free flow- ing of the solder uith wetting of :he terminations or ;older shall flow uithin . . . s, as applicable !lo visible damage Legible marking hR 5 I( . XR + . 0) Legible marking Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IE

24、CNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Numro de paragraphe et essai (voir note 1) D ou Sous-groupe B2 Coefficient de tempra- ture de la rsistance Conditions dessai (voir note 1) gumro de paragraphe st essai (voir note i) N C ZONTROLE DU GROUP C (p

25、riodique) gon applicable ZONTROLE DU GROUPE D (priodique) Sous-Rroupe D1A Moiti de lchantil- lon du sous-groupe D1 4.16 Robustesse des sorties N Q A 4.18 Rsistance a la chaleur de soudage 4.29 Rsistance du compos ant aux solvant (si applicable ) - 16- ND Cet essai ne sapplique quaux rsistances de co

26、efficient de tempra- ture nominal infrieur a i50 x 10-6/oC Neffectuer quun cycle : 20 C/70 C/20 C :onditions dessai voir note 1) Essais de traction, ?liage et torsion (comme applicable) Examen visuel Rs ist ance Ythode: . . . Examen visuel Rs ist ance Solvant: . . . Ilemprature du solvant: . Mthode

27、2 Reprise: . s-3 2,5% 3ffectif de 1 chantillon 3t critre i accept at ion :voi P - 6 na n - 7 3 3) C 115-5-2 O CE1 Exigence s (voir note i) a: . x o-/oc 3xigences voir note i) Pas de dommage risible hR 5 f( . %R + . SI) Pas de dommage visible Yarquage lisible hR5 i( . %R + . Q) voir la spcification p

28、articulire Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-115-5-2 O JEC - 17- q-T L Perf ormance requirements (see Note 1) Sub-clause number and Test (see Note 1) Conditions

29、of test (see Note 1) D or ND (see Note 2) 2,5% IND Sub-group B2 Temperature coefficient of resistance s-3 a: . x o-/oc This test is applicable only when a temperature coefficient of resis- tance of less than 150 x 10-6/oC is claimed. One cycle of 20 C to 70 C to 20 C only - D )r JD - D :ondi

30、tions of test (see Note 1) ;ample size c criterion ,f accepta- Sub-clause number and Test (see Note 1) ?erf ormance requirements :see Note 1) 7 (see )ili lote P 3) n C - GROUP C INSPECTION (periodic) Not applicable GROUP D INSPECTION (periodic) 6 7 Sub-group D1A Half of the sample of Sub-group D1 4.

31、16 Robustness of terminat ions Tensile, bending and torsion tests as applicable Visual examination JO visible damage IR 5 I( . %R + . Q) Resistance 4.18 Resistance to soldering heat Method: . JO visible damage Legible marking ?rR 5 f( . %R + . Q) See detail specification Visual examination Resistanc

32、e 4.29 Component solvent resistance (if applicable) Solvent: . Solvent temperature: Method 2 . Recovery: . Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 18- 115-5-2 O CE1 I

33、 Numro de paragraphe et essai (voir note 1) Sous-groupe D1B Autre moiti de lchantillon du sous-groupe D1 4.19 Variations rapides de temprature 4.22 Vibrations - Sous-groupe D1 Echantillon compos des spcimens des sous-groupes D1A et D1B 4.23 Squence climatique - Chaleur sche - Essai cyclique de chale

34、ur humide, essai Db, ler cycle fonditions dessai voir note i) IA: Temprature mini- male de catgorie IB: Temprature maxi- male de catgorie Sxamen visuel ts ist ance Ithode de montage: roir 1.1 de cette ;pcif ication Ithode B4 ;amme de frquences: , Hz . Hz (voir !.3.2 de la spcifica- :ion intermdiaire

35、) hplitude: 0,75 mm ou )8 m/s2, la moins svre ies deux valeurs )ure totale: 6 h Zxamen visuel Sffectif de . chant i1 lon !t critre 1 accept at ion :voi P 3) C 1 Exigence s :voir note 1) ?as de dommage risible iR 5 f( . %R + . Q) !as de dommage iisible Copyright International Electrotechnical Commiss

36、ion Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-115-5-2 O IEC -19- Sub-clause number and Test (see Note 1) Sub-group D1B Other half of the sample of Sub-group D1 4.22 Vibration . Sub-group Di Combined sample of specimens of

37、 Sub-groups DlA and D1B 4.23 Climatic sequence - Dry heat - Damp heat, cyclic, Test Db, first cycle :onditions of test :see Note 1) )A: Lower category tempe rature )B: Upper category temperature isual examinat ion tes ist ance lethod of mounting: see 1.1 of this speci- I icat ion ?rocedure B4 rreque

38、ncy range: , to . Hz (see t.3.2 of the sectional specification) hplitude: 0,75 mm )r 98 m/s2 (whichever is the less severe) Cota1 duration: 6 h lisual examination ;ample size i criterion )f accepta- )iiity (see Tote P C 1 ?er f ormanc e requirements :see Note 1) io visible damage LRL I( . %R + . 2:

39、To visible damage Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Numro de paragraphe et essai (voir note 1) - Froid - Basse pression atmosphrique - Essai cyclique de chaleur

40、humide, essai Db, cycles rest ants - Mise en charge sous tension continue (pour les modles non-bobins 14.25.1 Endurance 70 “C Sous-groupe D3 4.24 Essai continu de chaleur humide -20- :onditions dessai voir note 1) 3,5 kPa (85 mbar) 3xamen visuel 3s ist ance 3sistance disolement (rsistances isoles se

41、ulement) Dure: 1 O00 h Examen 48 h, 500 h et 1 O00 h: Examen visuel Rs ist ance Examen 1 O00 h: Rsistance disolement (rsistances isoles seulement) 1) Paragraphe ler groupe: 4 spci- mens 2e groupe: 4 spci- mens 3e groupe: 5 spci- mens 3ffectif de Lchantillon st critre i accept at ion voj P 6

42、 - 12 na n - - 13 - 13 ! 3) C - 1 1 115-5-2 O CE1 3x ig e nc e s voir note i) ?as de dommage risible iarquage lisible SR 5 i( . %R + . . . Q) 3 2 100 MR Pas de dommage visible hR i i( . %R + . Q) Ri1 GR Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for

43、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-115-5-2 O IEC - 21 - Sub-clause number and Test (see Note 1) - Cold - Low air pressure - Damp heat, cyclic, Test Db, remaining cycles - D.C. load (foi non-wirewound types only) I Sub-group D2 4.25.1 Endurance at 70 “C _ !ond

44、itions of test see Note 1) 1,s kPa (85 mbar) risual examination tes ist ance Insulation resistance :Insulated resistors )nly) luration: 1 O00 h Zxamination at 48 h, 500 h and 1 O00 h: Jisual examinat ion Xes ist ance 3xamination at 1 O00 h: Insulation resistance (Insulated resistors nW) 1) Sub-claus

45、e 1st group: 4 speci- mens 2nd group: 4 speci- mens 3rd group: 5 speci- mens ;ample size c criterion )f accepta- )ili iote P - - 6 - 12 (see 1 - 1 ?erf ormance requirements :see Note 1) JO visible damage Legible marking 1R i *(.AR + . 2) i 1. 100 MR go visible damage hR 5 i( . %R + . 2: RL1

46、 GR Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-22- 115-5-2 O CE1 Numro de paragraphe et essai (voir note 1) 4.8 Variation de rsistance en fonction de 1; temprature Sous-g

47、roupe D5 4.4.3 Dimensions (par mesures) 4.25.3 Endurance la tempra- ture maximale de catgorie Gond it ions d I essai (voir note i) _ 2) Paragraphe ler groupe: 6 spci- mens 2e groupe: 7 spci- mens Examen visuel Rs ist ance Rsistances disolement (rsistances isoles seulement) Temprature minimale de catgorie/20 “C 20 “C/temprature maximale de catgorie Dure: 1 O00 h Examen 48 h, 500 h et 1 O00 h: Examen visuel Rsistance Examen 1 O00 h: Rsistance disolement (rsistances isoles seulement) 3ffectif de 1 I chant i 1 lor 3t critre iacceptatior :voi P - 36 - 24 Exigences (voir

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