IEC 60130-12-1976 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12 Link and test connectors《频率低于3MHz的连接器 第12部分 电路连接和试验用连接器》.pdf

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IEC 60130-12-1976 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12  Link and test connectors《频率低于3MHz的连接器 第12部分 电路连接和试验用连接器》.pdf_第1页
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IEC 60130-12-1976 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12  Link and test connectors《频率低于3MHz的连接器 第12部分 电路连接和试验用连接器》.pdf_第2页
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IEC 60130-12-1976 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12  Link and test connectors《频率低于3MHz的连接器 第12部分 电路连接和试验用连接器》.pdf_第3页
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IEC 60130-12-1976 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12  Link and test connectors《频率低于3MHz的连接器 第12部分 电路连接和试验用连接器》.pdf_第4页
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IEC 60130-12-1976 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12  Link and test connectors《频率低于3MHz的连接器 第12部分 电路连接和试验用连接器》.pdf_第5页
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1、NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 601 30-1 2 Deuxime dition Second edition 1 976-0 1 Connecteurs uti I ss aux frquences jusqu 3 MHz Douzime partie: Connecteurs de liaison et dessai Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12: Link and test connectors Numro de rfrence Reference n

2、umber CEI/IEC 60130-12: 1976 Numros des publications Depuis le 1 er janvier 1997, les publications de la CE1 sont numrotes partir de 60000. Publications consolides Les versions consolides de certaines publications de la CE1 incorporant les amendements sont disponibles. Par exemple, les numros dditio

3、n 1.0, 1.1 et 1.2 indiquent respectivement la publication de base, la publication de base incorporant lamendement 1, et la publication de base incorporant les amendements 1 et 2. Validit de la presente publication Le contenu technique des publications de la CE1 est constamment revu par la CE1 afin q

4、uil reflte ltat actuel de la technique. Des renseignements relatifs la date de reconfir- mation de la publication sont disponibles dans le Catalogue de la CEI. Les renseignements relatifs des questions ltude et des travaux en cours entrepris par le comit technique qui a tabli cette publication, ains

5、i que la liste des publications tablies, se trouvent dans les documents ci- dessous: Site web de la CEI Catalogue des publications de la CE1 Publi annuellement et mis jour rgulirement (Catalogue en ligne)* Bulletin de la CE1 Disponible la fois au 4te webs de la CEI* et comme priodique imprim Termino

6、logie, symboles graphiques et littraux En ce qui concerne la terminologie gnrale, le lecteur se reportera la CE1 60050: Vocabulaire Electro- technique International (VEI). Pour les symboles graphiques, les symboles littraux et les signes dusage gnral approuvs par la CEI, le lecteur consultera la CE1

7、 60027: Symboles littraux 2 utiliser en lectrotechnique, la CE1 6041 7: Symboles graphiques utilisables sur le matriel. Index, relev et compilation des feuilles individuelles, et la CE1 6061 7: Symboles graphiques pour schmas. Voir adresse site web, sur la page de titre. Numbering As from 1 January

8、1997 all IEC publications are issued with a designation in the 60000 series. Consolidated publications Consolidated versions of some IEC publications including amendments are available. For example, edition numbers 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication, the base publication i

9、ncor- porating amendment 1 and the base publication incorporating amendments 1 and 2. Validity of this publication The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information relating to the date of the r

10、econfirmation of the publication is available in the IEC catalogue. Information on the subjects under consideration and work in progress undertaken by the technical committee which has prepared this publication, as well as the list of publications issued, is to be found at the following IEC sources:

11、 IEC web site* Catalogue of IEC publications Published yearly with regular updates (On-line catalogue)* Available both at the IEC web site and as a printed periodical IEC Bulletin Terminology, graphical and letter symbols For general terminology, readers are referred to IEC 60050: International Elec

12、trotechnical Vocabulary (IEV). For graphical symbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the IEC for general use, readers are referred to publications IEC 60027: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology, IEC 60417: Graphical symbols for use on equipment. Index, survey and compilation

13、 of the single sheets and IEC 60617: Graphical symbols for diagrams. * See web site address on title page. NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 601 30-1 2 Deuxime dition Second editior, 1976-01 Con nec te u rs ut i I iss aux f rq u en ces jusqu 3 MHz Douzime partie: Connecteurs de lia

14、ison et dessai Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 12: Link and test connectors O IEC 1976 Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rigiits reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut 6) a letter, denoting the type of connector, namely P for plug, or S for socket; c) a serial

15、number (see Table I). TABLE I Type of design for plugs and sockets 1 so2 s102 s202 U-link non- polarized PO2 Four-way Six-way Cord plug SO3 S103 S203 Double U-link PO3 polarized SO4 S104 S204 Polarized I- Examples: 130-12 I EC-SO3 denotes a four-way socket connector for conventional wiring. ! 130-12

16、 IEC-S211 denotes a two-way socket connector for parallel-to-board mounting on a printed board. 3. Dimensions Dimensions in millimetres are original. The essential dimensions ensuring mateability are the socket dimensions N and N, the plug dimensions A, R, The projection is third angle. The shape of

17、 the connectors may deviate from those given in the following figures as long as the specified dimen- Terminals and, if present, additional fixing pins are located so as to fit into holes lying on a grid according to G, H, N, Ni and engagement dimensions Om (see Tables II. III, IV and V). sions are not influenced, IEC Publication 97, Grid System for Printed Circuits. Note. - With respect to the terminations reference is made to IEC Publication 321.

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