1、September 2004 IEC 60384-22-1 (First edition 2004-06) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 22-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed surface mount multilayer capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 2 Assessment level EZ CORRIGENDUM 1 Page 6 INTRODUCTION Replace, in the last row of the
2、 table, the reference IECQ 001005 by IEC QC 001005. Page 8 1.4 Normative references Add, to the list, the title of the following standard: IEC 60410:1973, Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes Page 8 1.6 Ordering information Replace, in item c), DC by d.c. Page 11 Table 4 Test schedule for quality conformance inspection Replace, in the third row of Subgroup C1, 4.15, Test Ua, Force: 2,5 N by the following: Test Ua1, Force: 2,5 N