1、IEC 60708:2005/COR1:2016 1 IEC 2016 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE _ IEC 60708 Edition 1.0 2005-06 Low-frequency cables with polyolefin insulation and moisture barrier polyolefin sheath IEC 60708 dition 1.0 2005-06 Cbles pour basses frquences isol
2、ation polyolfine et gaine polyolfine barrire dtanchit CORRIGENDUM 1 4.7 Filling Replace, in the second dash of the second paragraph, “The drop point shall be less than 70 C“ by “The drop point shall be higher than 70 C“. 4.7 Remplissage Remplacer, dans le deuxime tiret du second paragraphe, “le point de goutte doit tre infrieur 70 C“ par “le point de goutte doit tre suprieur 70 C“. IEC 60708:2005-06/COR1:2016-08(en-fr)