IEC 60994 CORR 1-1997 Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines storage pumps and pump-turbines)《水力机械(水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机)振动与脉动现场测量指南》.pdf

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IEC 60994 CORR 1-1997 Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines storage pumps and pump-turbines)《水力机械(水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机)振动与脉动现场测量指南》.pdf_第1页
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IEC 60994 CORR 1-1997 Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines storage pumps and pump-turbines)《水力机械(水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机)振动与脉动现场测量指南》.pdf_第2页
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IEC 60994 CORR 1-1997 Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines storage pumps and pump-turbines)《水力机械(水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机)振动与脉动现场测量指南》.pdf_第3页
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1、Publication 60994 de la CEI (Premiere 6cIltiOn - 1991) Guide pourIIme.ure In situ d vlbrationa etfluctuations sur machines hydraullques (turbines, pompes daccumulatlon et pompes-turbines IEC Publication 60994 (First edition -1991) Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations In hydraulic

2、 machines (turbines, storage pumps and pump-tUrbines) CORRIGENDUM Page 6- AVANT-PROPOS Dans la liste des publications citef!s de /a CEI, li la cinquieme IIgne, au lieu de - Ac:tuellement document 4(Bureau Central)48 lire: CEI 41 (1991): Essais de r6c:eption sur place des turbines hydrauliques, pompe

3、s daccumulation et pompes-turbines en vue de la d6terrnination de leurs performances (troisi8me 6cIit1on) Corrections en ang/sis uniquement Page 7 - PREFACE In the list ofother IEC pUblications quoted, fifth line, insfeadof -At present Document 4(Central Off“tee)48 read: IEC 41 (1991): Field accepta

4、nce tests to deter- mine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-lurbines (third edition) Page 17 - Subclause In the definitions column, third line, instead of .quantity. A is. read .quantlty, A . (comma instead of full stop) * Page 19 In the footnote, atendof

5、first line, instead of N in the denomination. _. read .N in the denominator . Page 21 In the definitions column, fifth line, instead of .function, X(t) over. read .functlon XlI) over. (no comma) Page 25 - In the definitions column, first andsecond line, insteadof.length of the connecting pi

6、pe connecting the pressure transducer. read .ngth ofthe pipe connecting the pressure transducer. Page41-4.1.1 In item dJ, second and third/ine, instead of .unbalance; also and if. read .unbalance and also if. 4.1.3 - In the first line, instead the machine water passages. read .to the water pas

7、sages. Bold types are fa, clarity onlyCorrections en sng/sls uniquement Page 58 - 6.1.1 Au point b), au lieu de Limite supMeure de fr8quence*: - turbines Pelton: lire Limite suprieure de frequence: - turbines Pelton“ Corrections en sng/s/s uniquement Page 49 - 5.2.3 In the eighth line, instead

8、 the draft tube at a distance of 0.5 D 5 to 1.0 D 5 from. read .0.5 to 1.0 tImee the suction dllmeterofthe nmner (Os) from. Tenth line, instead of.0.2 D 5 - 0.8 D 5 from. read .0.2 Os - 0.8 D. from. Eleventh line, Instead of.D 5 being. read Osbeing. Twelfth line, instead of.outer contour ofthe elbow

9、. read .outerside ofthe elbow. Page 51 - 5.2.10 Item b), instead of.thrust bearing load pulsations. by means ofstrain measurements on every bearing element; read .thrust bearing load pulsations, on every bearing element by means ofstrain measurements; Page 53 - 5.6.1 In item b), first line, Instead

10、of.and runner blade angle read .and runnerJimpeller blade angle . Page 55 - 5.7.4 In the second line, instead of .position of a runner vane or nozzle and/or guide blade. read .posltion of a guide vane or nozzle and/or runner blades. Page 59 - 6.1.1 In item b), Instead of Upperfrequency-: - for Pelto

11、n turbines: read Upperfrequency: - for Pelton turblnes* In the first footnote i), end offirst line, instead of .lower than the vortex rope. read .Iower than the suction vortex. Page 65 - 6.3.5 In the second line, Instead of.any measuring point. read .any measuring operating condition. Page 71 - Clau

12、se 6.8 In the seventh line (seconeJ dash), remove the words .(see Figure 7). andplace them In next line so as to obtain .8re eliminated (see Figure 7). Page 85-8.3 In the seventh line, Instead of.AID conversion. read .AID (analog to digital) conversion.Page 108 - Article 82. Dans la demiere fonnule

13、de la page, ajouter un signa mains a/8 suite du second signe egale (: -) Corrections en ang/sis uniquement Page 118 - Figure C2. Sous Ie tableau, ilIa cinquiBma ligna (48me tiret), au lieu de - rendement de la pompa ou de la turbine, lire - rendement de Ia pompe ou de Ia turbine, etc. Page 132 - Fig

14、ure 01. Dans Ie schema, au lieu de 1/ s lire II Avril 1997 Page 95 - 9.2.4 Ninth line, instead ofOnly in the last case is phase information preserved. read: Only in the last case phase Information Is preserved. Page 99 -10.3 In the second line, instead of.should be agreed with the concerned parties,

15、. read .should be agreed between the concemed parties,. Page 103 - Clause A2. In the last but one line, instead of.conversion ofthe signals from the three signals read .conversion ofthe three signals . Page 109 - 82. In the last fonnula ofthe page, add a minus sign just afterthe second equal sign (=

16、 -) Page 115-C7. In the fifth line (third dash), instead of(.recorder or plotter. output). read (.recorder or plotter output). (no comma) Page 117 - Figure C1. In the heading ofthe table, last column, instead of Conditions testl. read Test conditionsl Page 119 - Figure C2. Below the table, fifth line (4th dash), instead of - turbine or pump efficiency. read - turbine or pump efficiency, etc. Page 133 - Figure D1. In the diagram, instead of 1/B read II April 1997

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