IEC 61065-1991 Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing《老化后矿物绝缘油低温流动性的评定方法》.pdf

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IEC 61065-1991 Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing《老化后矿物绝缘油低温流动性的评定方法》.pdf_第1页
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IEC 61065-1991 Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing《老化后矿物绝缘油低温流动性的评定方法》.pdf_第2页
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IEC 61065-1991 Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing《老化后矿物绝缘油低温流动性的评定方法》.pdf_第3页
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IEC 61065-1991 Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing《老化后矿物绝缘油低温流动性的评定方法》.pdf_第4页
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IEC 61065-1991 Method for evaluating the low temperature flow properties of mineral insulating oils after ageing《老化后矿物绝缘油低温流动性的评定方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Page8 2Rfrencesnormatives Danslalistedesnormes,aulieude CEI813:1985, Mthodedessaipourva luerlastabilitloxydationdes dilectriquesliquidesbasedhydro carbures. lire 1125:1992,Isolantsliquidesneufsbase dhydrocarburesMthodesdessaipour valuerlastabilitloxydation. 3Rsumdelamthode Alapremireligne,aulieude .

2、conformmentlaCEI813. lire .conformmentlaCEI1125,MthodeC . Page10 4Appareillageetaccessoires Auxdeuxpremiersalinas,aulieude Lappareillagedoittreconformeceluiqui estdcritdanslarticle3delaCEI813.La verreriedoittrenettoyesuivantlaproc duredelarticle5delaCEI813. Page9 2Normativereferences Inthelistofstan

3、dards,insteadof IEC813:1985, Testmethodforevaluating theoxidationstabilityofhydrocarbon insulatingliquids. read 1125:1992, Unusedhydrocarbonbasedin sulatingliquidsTestmethodsforevaluat ingtheoxidationstability. 3Summaryofthemethod Inthefirstline,insteadof .accordingtoIEC813. read .accordingtoIEC1125

4、,MethodC. Page11 4Apparatusandauxiliarymaterials Inthefirsttwoparagraphs,insteadof Theapparatusshallconformtoclause3of IEC813.Allglasswareshallbecleanedin accordancewithclause5ofIEC813. Publication1065delaCEI (Premiredition1991) Mthodedvaluationdesproprits dcoulementbassetemprature deshuilesminrales

5、isolantes, aprsvieillissement IECPublication1065 (Firstedition1991) Methodforevaluatingthelow temperatureflowpropertiesofmineral insulatingoilsafterageing CORRIGENDUM 1Enplusdesaccessoiresnumrsdansles articles3et6delaCEI813,ilfaut. lire Lappareillagedoittreconformeceluiqui estdcritdanslaCEI1125.Lave

6、rreriedoit trenettoyesuivantlaprocduredcrite danslaCEI1125. Enplusdesaccessoiresnumrsdansla CEI1125,ilfaut. 6Prparationsdelessai Aulieude 6.2Prparerunenroulementservantde catalyseursuivantlaprocduredcrite larticle6delaCEI813. lire 6.2Prparerunenroulementservantde catalyseursuivantlaprocduredcritedan

7、s laCEI1125. Page12 Aulieude 7.4Oxyderleshuilesconformment larticle8delaCEI813pendant164h. lire 7.4Oxyderleshuilesconformmentla CEI1125,MthodeC,pendant164h. Aulieude 7.5Alafindelapriodedoxydationdter minerlaciditvolatiledanschaquetube dabsorptionconformmentauparagraphe 10.3delaCEI813. lire 7.5Alafin

8、delapriodedoxydationdter minerlaciditvolatiledanschaquetube dabsorptionconformmentlaCEI1125, MthodeC. Inadditiontothematerialslistedinclauses 3and6ofIEC813,thefollowing. read TheapparatusshallconformtoIEC1125. Allglasswareshallbecleanedin accordancewithIEC1125. Inadditiontothematerialslistedin IEC11

9、25,thefollowing. 6Preparationsforthetest Insteadof 6.2Prepareacatalystcoilasperclause6 ofIEC813. read 6.2Prepareacatalystcoilasdescribedin IEC1125. Page13 Insteadof 7.4Oxidizetheoilasperclause8of IEC813for164h. read 7.4OxidizetheoilaccordingtoIEC1125, MethodC,for164h. Insteadof 7.5Attheendoftheoxida

10、tionperioddeter minethevolatileacidityineachabsorption tubeaccordingtosubclause10.3of IEC813. read 7.5Attheendoftheoxidationperioddeter minethevolatileacidityineachabsorption tubeaccordingtoIEC1125,MethodC.8Mesures 8.3 Aciditetboue (facultatif) Aulieude Dterminerlaciditvolatile,laciditsoluble etlabo

11、ueconformmentlarticle10dela CEI813. lire Dterminerlaciditvolatile,laciditsoluble etlaboueconformmentlaCEI1125, MthodeC. Dcembre1993 8Measurements 8.3 Acidityandsludge (optional) Insteadof Determinevolatileacidity,solubleacidity andsludgeaccordingtoclause10of IEC813. read Determinevolatileacidity,solubleacidity andsludgeaccordingtoIEC1125, MethodC. December1993

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