IEC 61163-1-2006 Reliability stress screening - Part 1 Repairable assemblies manufactured in lots《可靠性应力筛选.第1部分 批生产可修复产品》.pdf

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IEC 61163-1-2006 Reliability stress screening - Part 1 Repairable assemblies manufactured in lots《可靠性应力筛选.第1部分 批生产可修复产品》.pdf_第1页
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1、 NORME INTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONAL STANDARD 61163-1Deuxime ditionSecond edition2006-06Dverminage sous contraintes Partie 1: Assemblages rparables fabriqus en lots Reliability stress screening Part 1: Repairable assemblies manufactured in lots Numro de rfrence Reference number CEI/IEC 61163-1:2

2、006 Numrotation des publications Depuis le 1er janvier 1997, les publications de la CEI sont numrotes partir de 60000. Ainsi, la CEI 34-1 devient la CEI 60034-1. Editions consolides Les versions consolides de certaines publications de la CEI incorporant les amendements sont disponibles. Par exemple,

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15、ANDARD 61163-1Deuxime ditionSecond edition2006-06Dverminage sous contraintes Partie 1: Assemblages rparables fabriqus en lots Reliability stress screening Part 1: Repairable assemblies manufactured in lots Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur For price, see current catalogue IEC 2006 Droits de repro

16、duction rservs Copyright - all rights reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur. No part of this publication may be

17、reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, SwitzerlandTelephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Tel

18、efax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: Web: CODE PRIX PRICE CODE XC Commission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission 2 61163-1 CEI:2006 I SOMMAIRE AVANT-PROPOS. 32H8 INTRODUCTION 33H12 1 Domaine dapplication . 34H18 2 Rfrences normatives 35H18 3 Ter

19、mes et dfinitions . 36H22 4 Symboles 37H26 5 Description gnrale . 38H26 5.1 Principe du dverminage sous contraintes . 39H26 5.2 Catgories de dfaillances . 40H30 5.3 Temps dapparition des dfaillances. 41H32 6 Prparation . 42H32 6.1 Dtermination des conditions de contrainte 43H32 6.2 Evaluation de la

20、priode sans dfaillance TM. 44H36 6.3 Graphiques des dures de dtermination de la priode sans dfaillance 45H40 7 Dverminage de production de prsrie 46H50 7.1 Gnralits. 47H50 7.2 Collecte des informations . 48H50 7.3 Evaluation des informations . 49H50 7.4 Nouvelle estimation de la priode sans dfaillan

21、ce TM. 50H52 8 Dverminage dune production stabilise. 51H54 8.1 Gnralits. 52H54 8.2 Collecte des informations . 53H54 8.3 Evaluation des informations . 54H54 8.4 Traitement des anomalies 55H54 8.5 Suppression du dverminage sous contraintes. 56H58 Annexe A (informative) Conditions des contraintes Gnra

22、lits. 57H60 Annexe B (informative) Conditions de contraintes Temprature 58H66 Annexe C (informative) Conditions de contraintes Vibrations et secousses . 59H74 Annexe D (informative) Conditions de contraintes Humidit 60H86 Annexe E (informative) Conditions de contraintes Contraintes de fonctionnement

23、. 61H92 Annexe F (informative) Contrainte de tension 62H96 Annexe G (informative) Dverminage forte acclration 63H98 Annexe H (informative) Distributions bimodales Relevs exprimentaux sur graphe de Weibull et analyses . 64H100 Annexe I (informative) Evaluation de la dure de la priode sans dfaillance

24、et de la dure moyenne du dverminage 65H112 Annexe J (informative) Dmonstration de la mthode par un exemple . 66H132 Bibliographie 67H160 61163-1 IEC:2006 3 CONTENTS FOREWORD.9 INTRODUCTION.13 1 Scope.19 2 Normative references .19 3 Terms and definitions .23 4 Symbols .27 5 General description 27 5.1

25、 The reliability stress screening principle 27 5.2 Failure categories31 5.3 Time of occurrence of failures .33 6 Planning.33 6.1 Stress conditioning33 6.2 Evaluation of the failure-free period TM.37 6.3 Time graphs for determination of the failure-free period 41 7 Pilot-production screening 51 7.1 G

26、eneral .51 7.2 Collection of information51 7.3 Evaluation of information.51 7.4 Re-evaluating the failure-free period TM53 8 Mature production screening 55 8.1 General .55 8.2 Collection of information55 8.3 Evaluation of information.55 8.4 Dealing with discrepancies 55 8.5 Eliminating reliability s

27、tress screening .59 Annex A (informative) Stress conditions General information 61 Annex B (informative) Stress conditions Temperature.67 Annex C (informative) Stress conditions Vibration and bump 75 Annex D (informative) Stress conditions Humidity .87 Annex E (informative) Stress conditions Operati

28、onal stress 93 Annex F (informative) Voltage stress .97 Annex G (informative) Highly accelerated stress screening99 Annex H (informative) Bimodal distributions Weibull plotting and analysis.101 Annex I (informative) Evaluation of the failure-free period and the average screening duration113 Annex J

29、(informative) Worked example 133 Bibliography161 4 61163-1 CEI:2006 I Figure 1 Diffrence conceptuelle entre le dverminage et la croissance de fiabilit. 68H14 Figure 2 Organigramme type pour tablir et modifier les processus de dverminage sous contraintes dassemblages rparables . 69H16 Figure 3 Diagra

30、mme typique de flux de la production dassemblages du fabricant des composants lutilisateur final . 70H20 Figure 4 Dverminage sous contraintes dassemblages rparables. 71H28 Figure 5 Relations entre les catgories de dfaillance 72H32 Figure 6 Elments de lpreuve sous contraintes 73H32 Figure 7 Assemblag

31、e indiquant la dure du dverminage 74H36 Figure 8 Graphiques des dures de dtermination de la priode sans dfaillance 75H42 Figure 9 Exemple de courbe de Weibull dtermine exprimentalement avec changement de pente pour p % de dfaillances . 76H52 Figure H.1 Courbe en S dune distribution bimodale de Weibu

32、ll avec 5,130-11)(=tetF et 5,100060-21)(=tetF dans des proportions de 15 % et 85 % respectivement 77H102 Figure H.2 Estimation de p, 1 et 1 pour une optimisation de dverminage. 78H104 Figure H.3 Fonctions de distribution cumule pour distributions bimodales exponentielles 79H108 Figure H.4 Fonction d

33、u taux de dfaillance de la distribution bimodale exponentielle 80H110 Figure I.1 Systme de base 81H112 Figure I.2 Assemblage constitu de nREcomposants fragiles ayant fonctionn sans dfaillance pendant un dverminage de dure TM. 82H116 Figure I.3 Etats possibles aprs la dfaillance dun composant pendant

34、 le dverminage 83H116 Figure I.4 Etats de lassemblage aprs dfaillance et rparation . 84H116 1Figure I.5 Graphiques des dures pour dterminer la priode de dverminage sans dfaillance . 85H120 Figures I.6a et I.6b Dure moyenne du dverminage en fonction de la priode sans dfaillance normalise F1MmT pc= 0,

35、000 5 et pc= 0,001 86H124 Figures I.6c et I.6d Dure moyenne du dverminage en fonction de la priode sans dfaillance normalise F1MmT pc= 0,002 et pc= 0,005 87H126 Figures I.6eet I.f Dure moyenne du dverminage en fonction de la priode sans dfaillance normalise F1MmT pc= 0,015 et pc= 0,02 88H128 21HFigu

36、res I.6g et I.6h Average screening duration versus the normalized failure-free period F1MmT pc= 0,03 et pc= 0,04. 89H130 Figure J.1 Dtermination de la priode sans dfaillance TM90H138 Figure J.2 Dtermination de la dure moyenne du dverminage . 91H142 Figure J.3 Trac sur graphe de Weibull observ et mot

37、if de dfaillances prdit des cartes imprimes quipes de prsrie 92H148 61163-1 IEC:2006 5 Figure 1 Conceptual difference between reliability screening and growth .15 Figure 2 Typical flow for the design and modifications of reliability stress screening processes for repairable assemblies .17 Figure 3 T

38、ypical flow of hardware assemblies from the component manufacturer to the end user .21 Figure 4 Reliability stress screening of repairable assemblies29 Figure 5 Dependency of categories of failures .33 Figure 6 Elements of stress conditioning33 Figure 7 Assembly showing screening duration37 Figure 8

39、 Time graphs for the determination of the failure free period 43 Figure 9 Example of an experimentally determined Weibull curve that is levelling off at p % failures.53 Figure H.1 The S-curve for a bimodal Weibull distribution mixed by 5,130-11)(=tetF and 5,100060-21)(=tetF in the proportions 15 % a

40、nd 85 %, respectively 103 Figure H.2 Estimation of p, 1 and 1 for the purpose of reliability screening optimization 105 Figure H.3 The c.d.f. curves for bimodal exponential distribution109 Figure H.4 The hazard rate function for bimodal exponential distribution111 Figure I.1 The basic system .113 Fi

41、gure I.2 An assembly surviving the screening period TM with REn remaining weak components .117 Figure I.3 Possible states when a component fails during the stress screening 117 Figure I.4 Assembly states after failure and repair .117 Figure I.5 Time graph for evaluation of the failure-free screening

42、 period 121 Figures I.6a and I.6b Average screening duration versus the normalized failure-free period F1MmT pc= 0,000 5 and pc= 0,001 .125 Figures I.6c and I.6d Average screening duration versus the normalized failure-free period F1MmT pc= 0,002 and pc= 0,005 127 Figures I.6e and I.6f Average scree

43、ning duration versus the normalized failure-free period F1MmT pc= 0,015 and pc= 0,02 .129 Figures I.6g and I.6h Average screening duration versus the normalized failure-free period F1MmT pc= 0,03 and pc= 0,04131 Figure J.1 Derivation of the failure-free period TM.139 Figure J.2 Derivation of the ave

44、rage screening duration.143 Figure J.3 Weibull plot of the observed and predicted failure pattern for the pilot production PBAs .149 6 61163-1 CEI:2006 I Figure J.4 Relev de Weibull de la courbe S des dfaillances prises en compte et des dfaillances prdites pour le dverminage de la production de prsr

45、ie 93H152 Figure J.5 Graphique des dures (corrig) pour dterminer la priode sans dfaillance 94H154 Figure J.6 Graphique des dures (corrig) pour dterminer la priode de dverminage 95H156 Tableau A.1 Types de contraintes Indication du cot dapplication . 96H62 Tableau J.1 Rapport entre la sensibilit des

46、dfauts et les contraintes 97H136 Tableau J.2 Relev exprimental des rangs des dfaillances et des dures jusqu dfaillance pour la production de prsrie 98H144 Tableau J.3 Valeurs de rang modifies . 99H150 61163-1 IEC:2006 7 Figure J.4 Weibull plot of relevant failures and predicted S-curve for the pilot

47、 production screening 153 Figure J.5 Time graph (corrected) for determination of the failure-free period 155 Figure J.6 Time graph (corrected) for evaluation of the screening duration 157 Table A.1 Stress types Indication of cost of application.63 Table J.1 Relation between sensitivity of flaws and

48、stresses137 Table J.2 Observed failure ranks and times to first failure for the pilot production 145 Table J.3 Revised rank values .151 8 61163-1 CEI:2006 I COMMISSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE _ DVERMINAGE SOUS CONTRAINTES Partie 1: Assemblages rparables fabriqus en lots AVANT-PROPOS 1) La Commission Electrotechnique Int

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