1、 IEC TR 62699-1 Edition 1.0 2014-12 TECHNICAL REPORT Mapping rules and exchange methods for heterogeneous electronic parts libraries Part 1: Building an integrated search system IEC TR 62699-1:2014-12 (en) colour inside THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2014 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland
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10、CISPR. IEC Customer Service Centre - webstore.iec.ch/csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csciec.ch. IEC TR 62699-1 Edition 1.0 2014-12 TECHNICAL REPORT Mapping rules and exchange methods for heterogeneou
11、s electronic parts libraries Part 1: Building an integrated search system INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION V ICS 25.040 PRICE CODE ISBN 978-2-8322-1978-2 Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an autho
12、rized distributor. colour inside 2 IEC TR 62699-1 IEC 2014 CONTENTS FOREWORD . 4 INTRODUCTION . 6 1 Scope 7 2 Application architecture . 7 2.1 General . 7 2.2 Interoperability system 7 2.3 Architecture 9 2.4 Data flow diagram . 10 2.5 Sequence diagram 11 2.6 Message block 11 3 Format of the utilized
13、 dictionary . 17 3.1 General . 17 3.2 Format configuration of utilized dictionary . 17 3.3 Rules for description of utilized dictionary . 17 3.4 UD_Class format . 17 3.4.1 General . 17 3.4.2 Utilized class dictionary column . 18 3.4.3 Standard dictionary column . 19 3.5 Root property format . 20 3.5
14、.1 General . 20 3.5.2 Utilized root property dictionary column . 20 3.6 Property format . 22 3.6.1 General . 22 3.6.2 Utilized property dictionary column 22 4 Mapping types . 24 4.1 General . 24 4.2 Identification of mapping types 25 4.3 Classification of mapping types . 27 5 Mapping rules 27 5.1 Ge
15、neral mapping model 27 5.2 Mapping rules for mapping types 28 5.2.1 Mapping rule for the 1:1 type . 28 5.2.2 Mapping rule for a 1:N, N:1 type 28 5.2.3 Mapping rule for a 1:0, 0:1 type . 29 6 Interfaces and information processing . 29 6.1 Information exchange 29 6.2 Message types 30 6.2.1 General . 3
16、0 6.2.2 Message for exchange of parts list information 30 6.2.3 Message for detailed parts information exchange 31 6.2.4 Message for indicating an error or a warning state . 31 Figure 1 Interoperability system status . 8 Figure 2 Application architecture 9 Figure 3 Data flow diagram 10 IEC TR 62699-
17、1 IEC 2014 3 Figure 4 Sequence diagram . 11 Figure 5 Message block . 11 Figure 6 Message control block 12 Figure 7 Message contents block . 12 Figure 8 Message contents block (query request) 13 Figure 9 Message contents block (detail request) 14 Figure 10 Message contents block (query response) 15 F
18、igure 11 Message contents block (detail response) 16 Figure 12 Message contents block (error response) . 17 Figure 13 Example of UD_Class format 18 Figure 14 Example of root property format . 20 Figure 15 Example of property formats 22 Figure 16 Example of a case of integration of two parts librarie
19、s 25 Figure 17 Example of mapping table between SD1 and SD2 26 Figure 18 Example of mapping the properties of the classes 26 Figure 19 Example of cases of each mapping type on the utilized dictionary 27 Figure 20 Example of a case of user interface through a utilized dictionary 30 Figure 21 Example
20、of request and response on information exchange . 30 Table 1 Example of a case of a 1:1 mapping type 28 Table 2 Example of a case of a 1:N, N:1 mapping type 28 Table 3 Example of a case of a 1:0 mapping type 29 Table 4 Types of message . 31 4 IEC TR 62699-1 IEC 2014 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL CO
21、MMISSION _ MAPPING RULES AND EXCHANGE METHODS FOR HETEROGENEOUS ELECTRONIC PARTS LIBRARIES Part 1: Building an integrated search system FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees
22、(IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Repor
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32、 rights. The main task of IEC technical committees is to prepare International Standards. However, a technical committee may propose the publication of a technical report when it has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally published as an International Standard, for example “s
33、tate of the art“. IEC TR 62699-1, which is a technical report, has been prepared by IEC technical committee 91: Electronics assembly technology. IEC TR 62699-1 IEC 2014 5 The text of this technical report is based on the following documents: Enquiry draft Report on voting 91/1187/DTR 91/1200/RVC Ful
34、l information on the voting for the approval of this technical report can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. A list of all parts in the IEC 62699 series, published under the general title Mapping rules and exchange methods for heterogeneous parts libraries, can be found o
35、n the IEC website. This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC website under “http:/webstore.iec.ch“ in the data related to the
36、 specific publication. At this date, the publication will be reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended. IMPORTANT The colour inside logo on the cover page of this publication indicates that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of
37、 its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer. 6 IEC TR 62699-1 IEC 2014 INTRODUCTION This technical report describes the methodology for integrated use of heterogeneous libraries of electric and electronic product parts to provide integrated services utilizing exi
38、sting heterogeneous libraries. Integrated search of electronic parts information, for example, requires to integrate the electronic parts classification systems and the property classification systems that are possibly maintained by different nations in incompatible ways, in that not all the electro
39、nic parts information has one-to-one correspondence between parts libraries. Recently, Korea, China, and Japan jointly built an integrated search system to enable search of parts information across parts libraries that are independently operated by each country. The biggest challenge in this project
40、 was bridging the gap between these heterogeneous parts libraries by providing rules to integrate related parts information. The integration of information that has one-to-one (1:1) relation between different parts libraries is straightforward. However, integration of information that has one-to-man
41、y (1:N), or many-to- one (N:1) relation demands a standard rule of integration to provide a determinant search result, or service in general. The integration rules specified in this technical report provide a foundation for utilization of the electronic parts libraries, possibly heterogeneously cons
42、tructed by different organizations. The information systems constructed by the application of these integration rules can be the basis for constructing an integrated electronic parts e-sourcing system enabling real-time search of multinational electronic part databases with minimized loss of informa
43、tion. IEC TR 62699-1 IEC 2014 7 MAPPING RULES AND EXCHANGE METHODS FOR HETEROGENEOUS ELECTRONIC PARTS LIBRARIES Part 1: Building an integrated search system 1 Scope This part of IEC 62699 describes mapping rules and exchange methods for the development of general and extendable integrated services u
44、tilizing heterogeneous multi-national or multi- enterprise electronic parts library data. The scope of this technical report is as follows: a) identification and classification of mapping types for mapping heterogeneous electronic parts libraries; b) definition of general mapping rules and specific
45、mapping rules commonly applying to various mapping types. The following aspects are out of the scope of this technical report: schematic definition and management of the electronic parts libraries to be mapped; maintenance process for the parts libraries during changes. 2 Application architecture 2.
46、1 General This clause illustrates the application architecture on which the mapping rules and methods are based. The information exchange methodology and interoperability are required for performing an integrated search by linkage of heterogeneous electronic parts libraries on the basis of the mappi
47、ng dictionary. 2.2 Interoperability system Figure 1 shows an interoperability system (IOS). It is constructed with common exchange rules and a mapping dictionary that apply between parties A, B and C. Each system, connected with the Internet, provides the communications environment that enables data
48、 exchange. 8 IEC TR 62699-1 IEC 2014 Figure 1 Interoperability system status The following items are involved in the construction of an application architecture. Interoperability system (IOS) It consists of the mapping dictionary, suppliers list and the parts data base (DB) intended to design commun
49、ications protocols and message exchange rules enabling interoperation, and to provide and exchange developed data communications programs and data. Mapping dictionary It constructs electronic parts libraries into the mapping dictionary for information exchange between sites. Part DB As detailed information of the parts listed in the mapping dictionary. It can be either operated on the same server as the interoperability system or constructed int