IEC TS 62997-2017 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz《工业电热和电磁加工设备 1 Hz至6 MHz近磁场危险评估》.pdf

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IEC TS 62997-2017 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz《工业电热和电磁加工设备 1 Hz至6 MHz近磁场危险评估》.pdf_第1页
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IEC TS 62997-2017 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz《工业电热和电磁加工设备 1 Hz至6 MHz近磁场危险评估》.pdf_第2页
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IEC TS 62997-2017 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz《工业电热和电磁加工设备 1 Hz至6 MHz近磁场危险评估》.pdf_第3页
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IEC TS 62997-2017 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz《工业电热和电磁加工设备 1 Hz至6 MHz近磁场危险评估》.pdf_第4页
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IEC TS 62997-2017 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz《工业电热和电磁加工设备 1 Hz至6 MHz近磁场危险评估》.pdf_第5页
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1、 IEC TS 62997 Edition 1.0 2017-06 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz IEC TS 62997:2017-06(en) colour inside THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2017 IEC, Genev

2、a, Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IECs member National Committee in th

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5、EC publications The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC. Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published. IEC Catalogue - The stand-alone application for consulting the enti

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10、. IEC Customer Service Centre - If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: IEC TS 62997 Edition 1.0 2017-06 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic proce

11、ssing equipment Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 25.180.10 ISBN 978-2-8322-4449-4 Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an au

12、thorized distributor. colour inside 2 IEC TS 62997:2017 IEC 2017 CONTENTS FOREWORD . 7 INTRODUCTION . 9 1 Scope 11 2 Normative references 11 3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms 11 3.1 Terms and definitions 11 3.2 Quantities and units 14 4 Organisation and use of the technical specifi

13、cation 15 5 The basic relationship for determination of the in situ induced electric field . 16 6 Requirements related to immediate nerve and muscle reactions 16 6.1 General . 16 6.2 Method using the conductor geometry and current restriction (CGCR) 17 6.3 Volunteer test method . 18 6.3.1 Volunteer

14、basic test method 18 6.3.2 Method based on volunteer tests and similarity with pre-existing scenario 19 6.3.3 Method based on volunteer tests, using available elevated conductor current or shorter distance between the conductor and bodypart . 19 6.3.4 Method using magnetic nearfield reference levels

15、 (RLs) 19 7 Requirements related to body tissue overheating . 19 7.1 General . 19 7.2 Intermittent conditions with 6 minutes time integration 20 7.3 Intermittent conditions in fingers and hands with shorter integration times 21 8 Calculations and numerical computations of induced E field and SAR by

16、magnetic nearfields: inaccuracies, uncertainties and safety factors 21 8.1 Principles for handling levels of safety general . 21 8.2 The C value variations with B field curvature . 22 8.3 Location of parts of the body, instrumentation and measurement issues . 22 8.4 Handling of inaccuracies of in si

17、tu E field and SAR numerical values 22 8.5 Approaches to compliance 23 8.5.1 General . 23 8.5.2 Cases where verification of levels being below the RL is sufficient 23 8.5.3 Cases where only B flux measurements are sufficient 23 8.5.4 Cases where the volunteer test method is applicable . 23 8.5.5 Cas

18、es where the CGCR method is applicable 23 8.5.6 Cases where numerical modelling is carried out 24 8.6 Summary of inaccuracy/uncertainty factors to be considered 24 9 Risk group classification and warning marking . 24 9.1 General . 24 9.2 Induced electric fields from 1 Hz to 1 kHz . 25 9.3 Induced el

19、ectric fields from 1 kHz to 100 kHz 25 9.4 Induced electric fields from 100 kHz to 6 MHz . 25 9.5 Magnetic flux fields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz 25 9.6 Warning marking . 25 Annex A (informative) Survey of basic restrictions, reference levels in other standards, etc. 27 IEC TS 62997:2017 IEC 2017 3 A.1 Basi

20、c restrictions general and deviations . 27 A.2 The coupling values C in ICNIRP guidelines and IEEE standards 27 A.3 Basic restrictions immediate nerve and muscle reactions . 28 A.4 Basic restrictions specific absorption rates (SAR) 29 A.5 Reference levels external magnetic B field . 29 Annex B (norm

21、ative) Analytical calculations of magnetically induced internal E field phenomena . 30 B.1 Some basic formulas magnetic fields and Laws of Nature 30 B.2 Induced field deposition in tissues by magnetic nearfields . 31 B.3 Coupling of a homogeneous B field to homogeneous objects with simple geometries

22、 31 B.4 Starting points for numerical modelling . 32 B.4.1 Relevant bodyparts 32 B.4.2 The use of external B field and internal power density in numerical modelling . 32 Annex C (normative) Reference objects representing parts of the body: tissue conductivities 33 C.1 Reference bodyparts . 33 C.1.1

23、General . 33 C.1.2 The wrist/arm models 33 C.1.3 The hand model with tight fingers 33 C.1.4 The hand model with spread-out fingers 33 C.1.5 The finger model 33 C.2 Dielectric properties of human tissues . 33 C.2.1 General data for assessments . 33 C.2.2 Inner parts of the body . 34 C.2.3 Skin data .

24、 34 Annex D (informative) Results of numerical modelling with objects in a Helmholtz coil and at a long straight conductor 35 D.1 General and a large Helmholtz coil scenario with a diameter 200 mm sphere FDTD 3D modelling 35 D.2 Other reference objects in the Helmholtz coil FDTD 3D modelling 36 D.2.

25、1 The scenario 36 D.2.2 Numerical modelling results with smaller spheres 36 D.2.3 Numerical results with other objects 37 Annex E (informative) Numerical FDTD modelling with objects at a long straight wire conductor 38 E.1 Scenario and general information 38 E.2 Two 200 mm diameter spheres . 39 E.3

26、The hand model with tight fingers at different distances from the wire FDTD modelling 40 E.3.1 General information and scenario 40 E.3.2 Modelling results power deposition patterns 40 E.4 The hand model with tight fingers at 100 mm from the wire Flux 12 FEM modelling 42 E.5 Coupling data and analysi

27、s for the hand model with tight fingers above the wire FDTD modelling 42 E.6 Coupling data and analysis for the wrist/arm model above the wire . 43 Annex F (informative) Numerical modelling and volunteer experiments with the hand models at a coil. 45 F.1 General and on the B field amplitude 45 4 IEC

28、 TS 62997:2017 IEC 2017 F.2 The hand model with tight fingers 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm and 50 mm above the coil and with its right side above the coil axis FDTD modelling . 46 F.2.1 The scenario 46 F.2.2 Modelling results . 47 F.3 The hand model with tight fingers 6 mm above the coil and with variable posit

29、ion in the x direction FDTD modelling . 51 F.4 The hand model with spread-out fingers, 6 mm straight above the coil FDTD modelling 51 F.5 The hand model with tight fingers near a coil with metallic workload FDTD modelling 52 F.6 The finger model 2 mm above the coil FDTD numerical modelling 54 F.6.1

30、The scenarios 54 F.6.2 Modelling results . 54 F.7 Analysis of the FDTD modelling results . 56 F.7.1 General . 56 F.7.2 With the hand model 56 F.7.3 With the finger model . 56 F.8 Volunteer studies 56 F.8.1 General . 56 F.8.2 Calculations of the induced electric field strength in F.7.1 57 F.9 Compari

31、sons with conventional electric shock effects by contact current 57 F.10 Conclusions from the data in Annexes E and F . 58 F.10.1 Coupling factor C data in relation to reference object geometries and magnetic flux characteristics without workload . 58 F.10.2 Coupling factor C modifications by worklo

32、ads 58 F.10.3 Rationales for the CGCR basic value with the volunteer method 58 Annex G (informative) Some examples of CGCR values of a hand near conductors as function of frequency, conductor current and configuration . 60 G.1 Frequency and conductor current relationships: adopted CGCR value 60 G.2

33、A hand above a thin wire . 60 G.3 A hand above a coil 61 Annex H (informative) Frequency upscaling with numerical modelling 64 H.1 General and energy penetration depth 64 H.2 Actual penetration depth data . 64 H.3 The penetration depth issue of representativity with frequency upscaling 65 H.4 Separa

34、tion of the internal power density caused by direct capacitive coupling, and that caused by the external magnetic field . 65 H.5 The frequency upscaling procedures . 66 H.5.1 General . 66 H.5.2 Choices of conductivity and control procedures . 66 Bibliography 68 Figure 1 Examples of warning marking .

35、 26 Figure A.1 ICNIRP, IEEE and 2013/35/EU basic restrictions (RMS) . 28 Figure D.1 The z-directed magnetic field momentaneous maximal amplitude in the central y plane of the Helmholtz coil with the conductive 200 mm diameter sphere . 36 Figure D.2 The power density patterns in the central y plane (

36、left) and central z (equatorial) plane of the 200 mm diameter sphere 36 Figure D.3 The power density patterns in the central z plane of the reference objects, with maximal C values in m 37 IEC TS 62997:2017 IEC 2017 5 Figure E.1 Long straight wire scenario . 38 Figure E.2 Power deposition patterns i

37、n the central z planes of the two spheres at 10 mm and 20 mm away from the sphere axis; = 20 Sm 1. 39 Figure E.3 Power deposition pattern in the central y plane of the sphere at 10 mm distance from the wire axis; = 20 Sm 139 Figure E.4 Scenario with the hand model above the wire axis 40 Figure E.5 P

38、ower density in the hand model 2,5 mm above the wire axis . 40 Figure E.6 Power density in the hand model 14 mm above the wire axis 41 Figure E.7 Power density in the hand model 100 mm above the wire axis 41 Figure E.8 Current density in the central cross section of the hand model at 9 mm from the w

39、ire Flux 12 FEM modelling . 42 Figure E.9 Wrist/arm model above a long straight wire . 43 Figure E.10 Linear power density (left, power scaling) and electric field amplitude (linear scale) in the x plane of wrist/arm model 10 mm straight above a long straight wire 43 Figure F.1 Illustration of the B

40、 field at a single turn coil, with the coil centre at the left margin of the image Flux 12 FEM modelling 45 Figure F.2 Hand above the coil scenario 46 Figure F.3 Power density pattern in the central vertical plane and in the bottom 1 mm layer of the hand model, z = 2 mm above the top of the coil; a

41、= 51 mm 47 Figure F.4 Power density pattern in the central vertical plane and in the bottom 1 mm layer of the hand model, z = 4 mm; a = 51 mm 47 Figure F.5 Power density pattern in the central vertical plane and in the bottom 1 mm layer of the hand model, z = 50 mm; a = 51 mm . 48 Figure F.6 The x-d

42、irected (left image) and y-directed momentaneous maximal E field at the hand underside, z = 4 mm; a = 51 mm . 49 Figure F.7 The local power density pattern of the condition in Figure F.3, showing the 1 mm 1 mm voxel size and the 5 mm 2integration region 2 mm above the hand underside 50 Figure F.8 Th

43、e local y-directed momentaneous maximal electric field pattern of the condition in Figure F.3, showing the 1 mm 1 mm voxel size and the 5 mm 2integration region 2 mm above the hand underside . 50 Figure F.9 The power density pattern in the hand model centred above the coil and 6 mm above it; left im

44、age: bottom region, right image: 10 mm up 51 Figure F.10 The hand model with spread-out fingers located 6 mm straight above the coil (left); relative power densities at the height of maximum power density between fingers (right) 51 Figure F.11 The hand model 6 mm above the coil and a 100 mm diameter

45、 metallic workload in the coil . 52 Figure F.12 Quiver plot of the magnetic (H) field amplitude in logarithmic scaling, in the scenario in Figure F.11 with a non-magnetic (left) and magnetic (right) workload 52 Figure F.13 The power density pattern in the central vertical cross section in the hand s

46、cenario in Figure F.11 53 Figure F.14 The power density in the central vertical cross section of the hand as in the scenario in Figure F.11, but 50 mm above the coil; with no workload (left) and with permeable metallic workload (right) 53 Figure F.15 The two finger positions above the coil; left = y

47、-directed finger 54 Figure F.16 Power density maximum pattern in the y-directed 17 mm diameter finger model . 54 Figure F.17 Power density maximum pattern in the x-directed 17 mm diameter finger model . 55 6 IEC TS 62997:2017 IEC 2017 Figure F.18 Momentaneous maximal electric field maximum pattern i

48、n the x-directed 17 mm diameter finger model 55 Figure F.19 Plastic plate above the coil 57 Figure G.1 Allowed RMS current at 11 kHz, based on CGCR = 40 Vm 1. 60 Figure G.2 CGCR coil currents at 11 kHz for the hand model with the side at the coil axis, at various heights above the coil . 62 Figure G

49、.3 CGCR coil currents at 11 kHz for the hand model at 6 mm above the coil with different sideways positions . 63 Table C.1 Examples of dielectric data of human tissues at normal body temperature 34 Table E.1 Coupling factors for the hand model with tight fingers at various heights above the wire axis . 42 Table G.1 Coupling factors and allowed coil currents at 11 kHz for the hand model with the side at the coil

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