ANSI ASME A112 14 4-2001 Grease Removal Devices《除脂装置》.pdf

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1、ASME A112.14.4-2001GREASEREMOVALDEVICESAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDIntentionally left blank AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDGREASEREMOVALDEVICESASME A112.14.4-2001Date of Issuance: September 24, 2001The new edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2006. Therewill be no addenda or writt

2、en interpretations of the requirements of thisStandard issued to this edition.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria forAmerican National Standards. The Standards Committ

3、ee that approved the code or standardwas balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had anopportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public reviewand comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from indus

4、try, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device,or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted inconnection with any items mentioned in this doc

5、ument, and does not undertake to insure anyoneutilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumeany such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of thevalidity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infring

6、ement of such rights, is entirely theirown responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not tobe interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this

7、document issued inaccordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuanceof interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.Th

8、e American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2001 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll Rights ReservedPrinted in U.S.A.FOREWORDThe American National Standards Committee A112, Plumbing Materials and Equipment,was organized July 27, 1955. T

9、he firs organizational meeting was held on July 22, 1958.At the meeting of May 1, 1964, Panel No. 14 was created to establish standards for roofdrains, floo drains, backwater valves, interceptors, and other drainage specialties. Its charterwas as follows: the recommendation of suitable existing stan

10、dards in cooperation withinterested sponsors, or the development of adequate new standards as needed for roof drains,floo drains, backwater valves, interceptors, and other items as used in plumbing systems.The A112 Committee underwent a number of changes over the years and is currentlyidentifie as A

11、SME Standards Committee A112. Its project team, with responsibility forGrease Recovery Devices, is designated Project Team 14.4. The Project Team met a numberof times to prepare this Standard.The Project Team that developed this Standard recognizes that in the sewage treatmentcommunity and other jur

12、isdictions there exist various maximum limits of FOG (fats, oils,and grease) in the waste stream. The most common of these is 100 m/L (milligrams perliter) or 100 ppm (parts per million). The Project Team decided that until a finit numberis universally accepted, a number should not be included in th

13、e Standard. Therefore, it willbe included in a future version of this Standard.Suggestions for the improvement of this Standard are welcome. They should be sent toThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Attn: Secretary, A112 Main Committee;Three Park Avenue; New York, NY 10016-5990.This Standa

14、rd was approved as an American National Standard on January 17, 2001.iiiASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE A112Standardization of Plumbing Materials and Equipment(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)OFFICERSP. J. Higgins, ChairS. A. Remedios, ViceChairC. J. G

15、omez, SecretaryCOMMITTEE PERSONNELR. H. Ackroyd, Rand EngineeringJ. A. Ballanco, JB Engineering & Code ConsultingS. L. Cavanaugh, United AssociationA. Cohen, Copper Development Association, Inc.P. V. DeMarco, American Standard, Inc.N. Covino, Alternate, American Standard, Inc.G. S. Duren, Code Compl

16、iance, Inc.R. Emmerson, Chicago Faucets Co.F. C. Evans, Zin-Plas Corp.L. S. Galowin, National Institute of Standards and TechnologyC. J. Gomez, The American Society of Mechanical EngineersR. I. Greenwald, Sunroc Corp.G. Gress, Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.P. J. Higgi

17、ns, P.J. Higgins & Associates, Inc.D. E. Holloway, SGS US Testing Co.M. Klimboff, ConsultantM. T. Kobel, IAPMOJ. W. Lauer, Sloan Valve Co.R. M. Martin, California Energy CommissionP. Meikle, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.L. M. Kriegbaum, Alternate, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.L. A. Mercer, Moen,

18、 Inc.S. Rawalpindiwala, Kohler Co.J. A. Sargent, Alternate, Kohler Co.S. A. Remedios, Delta Faucet Co.G. L. Simmons, Charlotte Pipe and FoundryW. M. Smith, Jay R. Smith Industries, Inc.D. W. Viola, Plumbing Manufacturers InstituteR. E. White, Richard E. White & AssociatesW. C. Whitehead, Plumbing &

19、Drainage InstitutePROJECT TEAM 14.4 GREASE RECOVERY DEVICESW. C. Whitehead, ProjectTeamLeader, Plumbing & Drainage InstituteJ. W. Wehrenberg, DeputyProjectTeamLeader, Jamestown Advanced Products, Inc.W. M. Smith, ProjectTeamSecretary, Jay R. Smith Industries, Inc.R. H. Ackroyd, Rand EngineeringJ. A.

20、 Ballanco, JB Engineering & Code ConsultingW. C. Batten, Thermaco, Inc.P. Champigny, Proceptor, Division of StormceptorivG. S. Duren, Code Compliance, Inc.G. J. Flegel, Flegel Consulting ServicesJ. C. Hadley, Josam Co.S. R. Hannon, International GRD, Inc.R. Harrison, Washington Sanitary Sewer Distri

21、ctP. J. Higgins, P.J. Higgins & Associates, Inc.M. T. Kobel, IAPMOS. J. McDanal, Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co.M. Mott, Rockford Sanitary SystemsS. Rawalpindiwala, Kohler Co.R. Tolar, Lowe EngineeringD. W. Viola, Plumbing Manufacturers InstituteR. E. White, Richard E. White & AssociatesG. W. Wilkes,

22、 Sr., GK&L, Inc.vCONTENTSForeword iiiStandards Committee Roster . iv1 General . 11.1 1Scope .1.2 1Units of Measurement 1.3 1Reference Standards 1.4 1Definitio 2 General Requirements 12.1 1Construction .2.2 1Installation Instructions .2.3 2Maintenance and Operating Instructions 2.4 2Electrical Requir

23、ements .3 Testing . 23.1 2General 3.2 2Description of Test Setup .3.3 2GRD Conditioning .3.4 2Grease Removal Test .3.5 2Accept/Reject Criteria 3.6 3Test Procedure .3.7 3Water Content Test .4 Marking Requirements 44.1 4Marking on the Unit .4.2 4Other Marking .Figure1 Installation of Grease Delivery S

24、ystem (Grease Metering Sink) . 3viASME A112.14.4-2001GREASE REMOVAL DEVICES1 GENERAL1.1 ScopeThis Standard establishes requirements for greaseinterceptors that are equipped with automatic greaseremovaldevices(GRD).Itincludestestingrequirementsand performance criteria designed to ensure confor-mance

25、to this Standard.Suchdevicesaredesignedforthepurposeofautomat-ically removing free-floatin grease, fats, and oils fromsanitary discharges without intervention from the userexcept for maintenance.Semiautomatic devices are not addressed in thisStandard.1.2 Units of MeasurementValues are stated in U.S.

26、 Customary units and theInternational System (SI) units. The U.S. Customaryunits shall be considered as the standard.In this Standard, gallons (U.S. liquid) per minute isabbreviated gpm and liters (metric liquid) per minuteis abbreviated L/min.1.3 Reference StandardsA product that is tested to the r

27、equirements of thisStandard shall satisfy the requirements of the followingstandards as applicable (the latest edition shall apply):ASTM A888, Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipe and FittingsforSanitaryandStormDrain,Waste,andVentPipingApplicationsPublisher: American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),

28、100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Consho-hocken, PA 19428-2959.ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical CodePublisher: National Fluid Power Association (NFPA),3333 N. Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI 53222-3219ASME A112.14.3, Grease InterceptorsASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)Publisher: The American

29、 Society of Mechanical Engi-neers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY10016-59901ANSI/UL 499, Electrically Heated AppliancesANSI/UL 917, Electric Timers and SwitchesANSI/UL 1004, Electric MotorsPublisher: Underwriters Laboratories, 333 PfngstenRoad, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.1.4 Definitionautomat

30、ic grease/oil removal device (GRD): a plumb-ing appliance that is installed in the sanitary drainagesystem in order to intercept free-floatin fats, oils, andgrease from waste water discharges. Such equipmentoperates on a time- or event-controlled basis and hasthe ability to remove the entire range o

31、f commonlyavailablefree-floatin fats,oils,andgreaseautomaticallywithout intervention from the user except for mainte-nance. The removed material is essentially water-free,which allows for recycling of the removed product.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS2.1 Construction2.1.1 Design Considerations. The GRD shal

32、lautomatically remove fats, oils, and grease from theseparation chamber to a point outside of the GRD.The removal process shall be such that the removedfats, oils, and grease shall be 95% by volume free ofwater when tested according to this Standard.2.1.2 Size. The flo and grease retention of eachGR

33、D shall be tested and rated in accordance withASME A112. Inlet and Outlet Connections. The inletand outlet connections of the GRD shall be eitherfemale pipe thread or a plain end diameter to allowhubless coupling connections. Tapered threads shallcomply with ASME B1.20.1. Hubless connectio

34、ns shallcomply with the outside dimension for the given pipesize in accordance with ASTM A888.GREASE REMOVAL DEVICESASME A112.14.4-20012.2 Installation InstructionsEach GRD shall be provided with complete installa-tion instructions, including but not limited to the fol-lowing:(a) Flow control and/or

35、 vent requirements(b) Separate trapping requirements(c) Elevation and accessibility requirements(d) Safety and health-related instructions(e) Wiring instructions to reference national orlocal codes(f) Cleanout locations(g) Instructions that show the clearances requiredfor maintenance, cleaning, and

36、prevention of hazards2.3 Maintenance and Operating InstructionsEachGRDshallbeprovidedwithserviceinstructions,which include a trouble shooting guide as well asinstructions for performing necessary servicing or ob-taining outside servicing. Units shall be provided withcomplete maintenance and operatin

37、g instructions.2.4 Electrical RequirementsAll electrical components used in the GRD shallconform to the appropriate standards listed in para. 1.3.3 TESTING3.1 GeneralThe following test protocol has been established inorder to demonstrate that the GRD is capable of remov-ing accumulated grease in the

38、 amount equal to 100%of its rated capacity within 24 hr and to establish thatthe removed grease contains no more than 5% waterby volume.3.2 Description of Test Setup3.2.1 Test Stand(a) The GRD to be tested shall be installed on thetest stand as described in ASME A112.14.3 and inFig. 1. The grease di

39、scharge shall be connected to orshall feed a container of suffcient size to hold 150%of the rated capacity of fats, oils, and grease from theGRD. This container shall be positioned in a locationrecommended by the manufacturer of the GRD in theinstallation instructions for the product.(b) The GRD sha

40、ll be connected to an appropriateelectrical supply as described in the installation instruc-tions and as required on the electrical data plate on2the GRD, if applicable. The electrical circuit shall befused or otherwise protected and shall be appropriatelygrounded. If required by the manufacturer, g

41、round faultprotection shall be provided.(c) Allwarningdevices(whichindicategreaselevels)shall be installed on the GRD or remotely located asdescribed in the manufacturers installation instructions.3.2.2 Grease Delivery System (Grease Meter-ing Sink). A foor sink of suffcient volume to contain10% of

42、the rated grease capacity of the GRD beingtested shall be connected through a ball valve to thehorizontal line between the base of the vertical wasteriser ASME A112.14.3, para. and the GRDinlet (See Fig. 1). This foor sink shall be used tometer grease into the GRD.3.2.3 Test Materials. La

43、rd, as required in ASMEA112.14.3, shall be used to conduct this test.3.3 GRD ConditioningPrior to starting the test increments, the GRD shallbe cleaned of all grease from previous tests and flledwith fresh water to the static water level. The watershall be at a temperature of 7010F (216C). Allelectr

44、onic and mechanical components shall be set asdescribed in the manufacturers instructions for normaloperation.3.4 Grease Removal Test3.4.1 TheratedretentioncapacityoftheGRDsubmit-ted for test shall be determined in accordance withASME A112. During the test, water at 1105F (433C)shall be in

45、troduced to maintain static water level withinthe GRD during continuous operation in accordancewith the manufacturers instructions.3.4.3 All GRD controls shall be set in accordancewith manufacturers instructions.3.5 Accept/Reject Criteria3.5.1 After completion of the removal test, thevolume of greas

46、e removed by the GRD shall be notless than 50% of its rated capacity.3.5.2 During the test interval, at no time shallaccumulated grease within the GRD exceed its ratedretention capacity.GREASE REMOVAL DEVICES ASME A112.14.4-2001Vertical waste riser from test sink Notes (1) and (2)Floor sink(grease m

47、etering)8 in. (200 mm)Skimming tankNOTES:(1) Diameter of 2 in. (51 mm) for flows of 50 gpm (189 L/min) or less(2) Diameter of 3 in. (76 mm) for flows over 50 gpm (189 L/min)GRD1/2-in. ball valveFIG. 1 INSTALLATION OF GREASE DELIVERY SYSTEM (GREASE METERING SINK)3.6 Test Procedure3.6.1 Additional plu

48、mbing connections necessary forproper grease removal operation shall be made inaccordance with manufacturers instructions, including,but not limited to electronic controls.3.6.2 An amount of grease equal to 150% of therated retention capacity of the GRD as defned inASME A112.14.3 shall be divided in

49、to ten equal partsby weight to be introduced via the foor sink (Fig. 1).3.6.3 Start test timer and begin operation of theGRD in accordance with manufacturers instructions.Introduce one of the ten equal parts of the grease intothe foor sink at a maximum interval of 1 hr untileach of the ten parts have been introduced. During thetest, water shall be introduced as necessary to maintainminimum static water level within the GRD in accord-ance with the manufacturers recommendations. Ceaseoperation of the GRD at the end of the manufacturersrecommended operational cycle, but no

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