IEEE 1193-2003 en Guide for Measurement of Environmental Sensitivities of Standard Frequency Generators《测量标准频率发生器对环境灵敏度用指南》.pdf

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IEEE 1193-2003 en Guide for Measurement of Environmental Sensitivities of Standard Frequency Generators《测量标准频率发生器对环境灵敏度用指南》.pdf_第1页
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1、IEEE Std 1193-2003(Revision ofIEEE Std 1193-1994)IEEE Standards1193TMIEEE Guide for Measurement ofEnvironmental Sensitivities ofStandard Frequency GeneratorsPublished by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA12 March 2004IEEE Standards

2、Coordinating Committee 27 Sponsored by theIEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 27 on Time and FrequencyIEEE StandardsPrint: SH95139PDF: SS95139Recognized as anAmerican National Standard (ANSI)IEEE Std 1193-2003(Revision ofIEEE Std 1193-1994)IEEE Guide for Measurement of Environmental Sensitivities

3、of Standard Frequency GeneratorsSponsorIEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 27on Time and FrequencyApproved 12 June 2003IEEE-SA Standards BoardApproved 17 September 2003American National Standards InstituteAbstract: Standard frequency generators that include all atomic frequency standards, quartzos

4、cillators, dielectric resonator oscillators, yttrium-iron-garnet oscillators, cavity oscillators,sapphire oscillators, and thin-film resonator based oscillators are addressed.Keywords: atomic clock, atomic frequency standard, environmental sensitivities, frequencystandard, oscillator, quartz crystal

5、 oscillator, standard frequency generator The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 12 March 2004. Printed in the United States of A

6、merica.IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educationalclassroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center. NOTEAttention is called to the possibility that implementation of this stand

7、ard may require use of subject mat-ter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence orvalidity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patentsfor which a license may be required b

8、y an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity orscope of those patents that are brought to its attention.Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. iiiIntroduction(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1193-2003, IEEE Guide for Measurement of Environmental Sensitivites of

9、Standard Frequency Generators.)Techniques to characterize and measure the frequency and phase instabilities in frequency and time devicesand in received radio signals are of fundamental importance to all manufacturers and users of frequency andtime technology.In 1988, the IEEE Standards Coordinating

10、 Committee 27 (SCC27) Time and Frequency, issuedIEEE Std 1139TM-1988, Standard Definitions of Physical Quantities for Fundamental Frequency and TimeMetrology, which defined and confirmed those measures of instability in frequency generators that hadgained general acceptance by researchers, designers

11、, and users throughout the world. In 1999, the SCC27issued a revision of this standard, IEEE Std 1139TM-1999.After issuing IEEE Std 1139-1988, SCC27 then embarked on a much more ambitious effort aimed not onlyat codifying proper terminology, but also at providing guidelines for the characterizations

12、 and use offrequency and time standards in realistic environments. In 1994, the SCC27 issued the result of this work,IEEE Std 1193TM-1994, which covered all important environmental conditions to which time and frequencydevices are normally exposed. This standard aids the designer and manufacturer in

13、 characterizing theirproduct and helps the user to properly accept, test, and confirm the specified behavior of devices in a varietyof environmental conditions.This standard is a revision of IEEE Std 1193-1994, which had been prepared by a previous SCC27consisting of Helmut Hellwig, Chair; John R. V

14、ig, Vice Chair; David Allan; Arthur Ballato; MichaelFischer; Sigfrido Leschiutta; Joseph Suter; Richard Sydnor; Jacques Vanier; and Gernot M. R. Winkler.Many sections of the 1994 standard remain unchanged.ParticipantsThe following is a list of participants in the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committe

15、e 27 (SCC27) Time andFrequency.Eva S. Ferre-Pikal, ChairJohn R. Vig, Vice ChairThe following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted forapproval, disapproval, or abstention. James C. Camparo Leonard S. CutlerChristopher EkstromLute MalekiVictor S. Reinhard

16、tWilliam J. RileyFred L. WallsJoseph D. WhiteGary DonnerEva S. Ferre-PikalWilliam George FosseyFernando GenKuongRobert GrahamYeou-Song LeeGregory LuriAhmad MahinFallahLute MalekiGary MichelLisa M. NelsonCharles NgetheJohannes RickmannJames Ruggieri Steven TildenDonald VoltzZhenxue Xu Copyright 2004

17、IEEE. All rights reserved. ivWhen the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 12 June 2003, it had the followingmembership:Don Wright, ChairHoward M. Frazier, Vice ChairJudith Gorman, Secretary*Member EmeritusAlso included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:Alan C

18、ookson, NIST RepresentativeSatish K. Aggarwal, NRC RepresentativeDon MessinaIEEE Standards Project EditorH. Stephen BergerJoe BruderBob DavisRichard DeBlasioJulian Forster*Toshio FukudaArnold M. GreenspanRaymond HapemanDonald M. HeirmanLaura HitchcockRichard H. HulettAnant JainLowell G. JohnsonJosep

19、h L. Koepfinger*Tom McGeanSteve MillsDaleep C. MohlaWilliam J. MoylanPaul NikolichGary RobinsonMalcolm V. ThadenGeoffrey O. ThompsonDoug ToppingHoward L. WolfmanCopyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. vCONTENTS1. Overview 11.1 Scope 11.2 Purpose. 11.3 Summary 21.3.1 General considerations in the m

20、etrology of environmental sensitivities(refer to Clause 3) 21.3.2 Acceleration effects (refer to Clause 4) . 21.3.3 Temperature, humidity, and pressure (refer to Clause 5) 21.3.4 Electric and magnetic fields. 31.3.5 Ionizing and particle radiation (refer to Clause 7). 31.3.6 Aging, warm-up time, and

21、 retrace (refer to Clause 8) . 32. References 33. General considerations in the metrology of environmental sensitivities and relativistic effects. 43.1 General. 43.2 Analytical methods 43.3 Measurement methods . 73.4 Interactions among environmental stimuli 93.5 Error budgets 113.6 Transient effects

22、 and aging 133.7 Additional considerations 153.7.1 Relativistic effects on clocks . 153.7.2 Testing microprocessor-driven clocks . 154. Acceleration effects . 164.1 Description of the phenomena . 164.2 Effects and test methods 184.2.1 Quasi-static acceleration 184.2.2 Vibration effects 204.2.3 Shock

23、 . 234.3 Other effects. 244.3.1 Frequency multiplication . 244.3.2 Large modulation index. 244.3.3 Two-sample deviation 244.3.4 Integrated phase noise, phase excursions, jitter, and wander 254.3.5 Spectral responses at other than the vibration frequency 264.3.6 Acceleration effects on crystal filter

24、s 264.4 Special user notes. 274.4.1 Interactions with other environmental effects and other pitfalls . 274.4.2 Safety issues. 285. Temperature, humidity, and pressure 295.1 Description of the phenomena . 295.2 Effects and test methods 305.2.1 Effects of temperature, humidity, and pressure (THP) 305.

25、2.2 Test methods for temperature, humidity, and pressure 325.2.3 Guidelines for documenting results . 335.3 Special user notes. 335.3.1 Device positioning .33vi Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.5.3.2 Temperature gradients . 345.3.3 Sealed devices 345.3.4 Quartz crystals . 345.3.5 Rubidium de

26、vices 355.3.6 Cesium beam devices. 355.3.7 Hydrogen masers . 365.3.8 Frequency drift and THP . 365.3.9 Some pitfalls 366. Electric and magnetic field effects. 376.1 Description of the phenomena . 376.1.1 Electric field effects . 376.1.2 Magnetic field effects 376.1.3 Electromagnetic interface (EMI)

27、effects 376.2 Effects and test methods 376.2.1 Electric fields . 376.2.2 Magnetic fields 386.2.3 Electromagnetic interference . 406.3 Some pitfalls 427. Ionizing and particle radiation . 427.1 Description of the phenomena . 427.1.1 General discussion .427.1.2 Previous investigations 427.2 Effects an

28、d test methods 437.2.1 Total dose due to ionization. 437.2.2 High dose rate environments . 457.2.3 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects 457.3 Special user notes. 487.3.1 Response of frequency standards to radiation . 487.3.2 Test procedures 497.3.3 Radiation test facilities. 517.3.4 Single event phen

29、omena 538. Aging, warm-up time, and retrace . 548.1 Description of the phenomena . 548.1.1 Aging . 548.1.2 Warm-up time 558.1.3 Retrace . 568.2 Effects and test methods 568.2.1 Aging . 568.2.2 Warm-up time (Twu) . 578.2.3 Retrace . 588.3 Special user notes. 598.3.1 Drift vs aging . 598.3.2 Crystal o

30、scillators 598.3.3 Rubidium frequency standards 598.3.4 Rubidium-crystal oscillators 608.3.5 Hydrogen masers . 608.3.6 Cesium-beam frequency standards 60Annex A (informative) Bibliography 61Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. 1IEEE Guide for Measurement of Sensitivities of Standard Frequency G

31、enerators1. Overview1.1 ScopeStandard frequency generators include atomic frequency standards, quartz oscillators, dielectric resonatoroscillators (DROs), yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) oscillators, cavity oscillators, sapphire oscillators, and thin-film resonator (TFR) based oscillators. Excluded are os

32、cillators with a frequency stability worse thanapproximately 10-4, as well as all other active and passive electronic equipment such as receivers,amplifiers, filters, and so on.There are three distinctly different areas of concern for environmental testing and specifications listed asfollows:a) Fitn

33、ess for specific user needs and actual environments (tests attempt to mimic the anticipatedenvironments)b) Characterization of the unit (tests attempt to provide “pure” coefficients for the variousenvironments)c) Reliability and survival (tests attempt to stress the unit by either going to extremes

34、of operatingranges or by repeated application of stimuli, e.g., cycling)This document puts emphasis on b) above. It provides guidance and a conceptual framework rather than aprescription of procedures that must be followed. It emphasizes proper methodology and practice; itcautions against pitfalls.

35、It also is concerned with economic issues, i.e., the potential resource requirementsand their minimization in test and measurement. In summary, this IEEE guide is not a specificationdocument, but rather a resource document for deriving specification statements.1.2 PurposeThis document describes the

36、nature of the environmental effects, as well as of the test methods to evaluate,quantify, and report (i.e., in specifications) the sensitivity of the frequency of standard frequency generatorsunder environmental influences such as magnetic fields, atmospheric pressure, humidity, shock, vibration,acc

37、eleration, temperature, ionizing radiation, and intermittent operation. Its primary purpose is to aid inwriting specifications and to verify specified performance through measurement. In addition, this documentIEEEStd 1193-2003 IEEE GUIDE FOR MEASUREMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES2 Copyright 200

38、4 IEEE. All rights reserved.will help to assure consistency and repeatability of environmental sensitivity measurements, and theportability of results on particular frequency sources between the various segments of the time andfrequency community.1.3 SummaryThe very broad scope of this guide makes i

39、t desirable to introduce the many individual environmentalphenomena in summary fashion. The following subclauses will assist the user of this guide in rapidlyidentifying those passages of this document that are relevant.1.3.1 General considerations in the metrology of environmental sensitivities (re

40、fer to Clause 3)Environmental effects on precision oscillators may be evaluated bya) Identification of relevant parameters and transducing factors through correlation and spectralanalysesb) Control or removal of systematic effects (through curve-fitting, differentiation, etc.)c) Evaluation of residu

41、al random errors by means of two-sample variances and covariances and anerror budget analysisGiven an adequate measurement system, frequency reference, and control over experimental conditions,optimal data reduction involves choices as to parameter range, sampling time, averaging process, and math-e

42、matical model. Matters may be complicated by nonlinear responses, intercorrelations, different timeconstants, transient effects, and aging. If quasi-state conditions are not applicable, explicit account should betaken of the temporal and spatial profile of the stimulus.1.3.2 Acceleration effects (re

43、fer to Clause 4)The effects of acceleration on atomic standards and other precision frequency sources are reviewed, andguidelines are provided for the specification and testing of oscillator acceleration sensitivities. Thediscussion includes steady-state acceleration effects, gravitational change ef

44、fects, shock effects, andvibration effects. The vibration effects subclause includes sinusoidal vibration, random vibration, andacoustic noise effects. Also discussed are the effects of frequency multiplication and modulation index, theeffects on short-term stability, spectral responses at other tha

45、n the vibration frequency, interactions withother environmental effects, and other pitfalls.1.3.3 Temperature, humidity, and pressure (refer to Clause 5)In addition to vibration effects, variations in temperature, humidity, and/or pressure (THP) are the mostcommon environmental perturbations on terr

46、estrial precision oscillators. (Radiation is anotherenvironmental effect of particular relevance in space applications; refer to Clause 7.) These environmentalperturbations typically adversely affect the long-term behavior of oscillators. In general, the effects of THPon frequency are nonlinear and

47、interdependent. For example, the temperature coefficient of a frequencystandard is often directly dependent on the level of humidity. Hence, to obtain a complete model for even asingle device, let alone a whole model line, would be incredibly complex. The purpose is to arrive atguidelines and precau

48、tions for test methods used in determining the dependence of the output frequency ofprecision oscillators on THP that are tractable (non-burdensome). Overspecification, underspecification, orthe lack of specifications will lead to miscommunication. A perspective is offered for the manufacturer andth

49、e designer, as well as for the user, so that clear understanding and communication can occur. Theseguidelines and precautions encourage consistency and repeatability for measurement and specification ofthese environmental sensitivities.IEEEOF STANDARD FREQUENCY GENERATORS Std 1193-2003Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. 31.3.4 Electric and magnetic fieldsGuidelines are formulated for test methods leading to practical and factual specifications for electromagneticeffects on standard frequency generators. Electromagnetic effects include, for the purpose of this guideline

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