IEEE 1573-2003 en Recommended Practice for Electronic Power Subsystems Parameters Interfaces Elements and Performance《电子大功率子系统规程 参数、接口、元件和性能》.pdf

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IEEE 1573-2003 en Recommended Practice for Electronic Power Subsystems Parameters Interfaces Elements and Performance《电子大功率子系统规程 参数、接口、元件和性能》.pdf_第1页
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1、IEEE Std 1573-2003IEEE Standards1573TMIEEE Recommended Practice forElectronic Power Subsystems:Parameters, Interfaces, Elements,and PerformancePublished by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA31 March 2004IEEE Power Electronics Societ

2、ySponsored by theStandards CommitteeIEEE StandardsPrint: SH95146PDF: SS95146Recognized as an IEEE Std 1573TM-2003American National Standard (ANSI)IEEE Recommended Practice forElectronic Power Subsystems:Parameters, Interfaces, Elements,and PerformanceSponsorStandards Committeeof theIEEE Power Electr

3、onics SocietyApproved 11 September 2003IEEE-SA Standards BoardApproved 11 February 2004American National Standards InstituteAbstract: A technical basis for implementation of electronic power subsystems is provided inthis recommended practice. It is intended for electronic systems engineers and integ

4、rators,electronic power subsystem designers and integrators, as well as power element manufacturersand suppliers. It addresses system-level issues in element or subsystem integration, adaptation,and accommodation. It also defines system-level interface parameters, test methods, and testconditions. I

5、t provides for a systems engineering approach to acquisition, adaptation, and inte-gration of electronic power subsystems, facilitates and promotes a modular approach to element orsubsystem integration, and enables effective communication between the end users of powerelectronics and their manufactu

6、rers or suppliers.Keywords: adaptation, commercial or military electronic power distribution, electronic powersubsystem, integrators, interaction, logistics, power electronics, power supply, specification,specification language, system interfaceThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,

7、Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright C223 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 31 March 2004. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent 1 978 750 8400. Permission to photo

8、copy portions of any individual standard foreducational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.Introduction(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1573-2003, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electronic PowerSubsystems: Parameters, Interfaces, Elements, and Performa

9、nce.)Electronic power subsystems are integral to electronic systems. They perform the tasks of powerprocessing, management, and distribution to all user-level electronics. Clear definition and preciseunderstanding of system-level performance parameters are crucial in building commonalties amongdiere

10、nt users of electronic power elements. Additionally, system-level understanding of the availableelectronic power elements or subsystems is the cornerstone to their successful adaptation andintegration.IEEE Std 1573-2003 facilitates implementation of electronic power subsystems. This recommendedpract

11、ice provides specification language at a system-level. It also provides for system-level adaptationand accommodation of commercially available elements or subsystems for specific applications.System-level adaptation and accommodation approaches are provided for use of such elements orsubsystems in a

12、pplications other than those for which they were marketed.IEEE Std 1573-2003 is a companion to IEEE Std 1515TM-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice forElectronic Power Subsystems: Parameter Definitions, Test Conditions, and Test Methods.aWhileIEEE Std 1515-2000 defines the parameters commonly used in spe

13、cifying power electronic elements,IEEE Std 1573-2003 focuses on system-level parameters used to enhance eective element adaptationand integration in developing a subsystem.IEEE Std 1573-2003 provides for a systems engineering approach to acquisition, adaptation, andintegration of electronic power su

14、bsystems. This recommended practice facilitates and promotes amodular approach to element or subsystem integration, and enables eective communication betweenthe end users of power electronics and their manufacturers or suppliers. It is intended for general usersas well as for users for whom performa

15、nce and logistics are paramount to achieve subsystemavailability and aordability.This recommended practice is intended for use by system engineers, designers, integrators, andmanufacturers of power electronic elements. It allows for and promotes eective user-manufacturercooperation to facilitate ele

16、ment or subsystem specification, acquisition, adaptation, and integrationwith the performance and logistics predictability and integrity required by todays demandingapplications. It will also be useful for engineers and graduate students who are just entering the field ofelectronic power systems, si

17、nce many of the parameters are seldom discussed comprehensively inuniversity courses or in professional educational seminars.iv Copyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.aInformation on references can be found in Clause 2.ParticipantsThe preparation of this recommended practice was accomplished

18、by the IEEE Working Group onElectronic Power Specification (1573). At the time this recommended practice was completed, theWorking Group had the following the membership:F. Dong Tan, ChairCarlos Gonzalez, SecretaryRich Buck Anthony F. Laviano Joe OrtizDave Cooper Christian Lazarovici Ernie ParkerRic

19、k Eddins Yan-Fei Liu Michael K. PerkinsErnest Fierheller Glen Logan George SchonemanWilliam A. Hanna Ed Mabe Marvin SorayaGeorge Kaelin Ken Martindale Wai L. TamBryan Kellogg Ishaque S. Mehdi Joe UllmanyHarry Lamberth Bruce WrightyThe working group was saddened by the sudden loss of Mr. Joe Ullman,

20、who contributed heavily inhelping us to define the scope of this document.The following members of the balloting committee voted on this recommended practice. Balloters mayhave voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.Roy W. Alexander Ronald Hotchkiss Yan-Fei LiuThomas Blair George Kaelin Char

21、les NgetheSteve Freeland Philip Krein Cameron SmallwoodCarlos Gonzales Jih-Sheng Lai F. Dong TanThomas Habetler Harry Lamberth Jim WalkerWilliam A. Hanna Anthony F. Laviano Zhenxue XuWhen the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 11 September 2003, ithad the following members

22、hip:Don Wright, ChairHoward M. Frazier, Vice ChairJudith Gorman, SecretaryH. Stephen Berger Donald N. Heirman Daleep C. MohlaJoseph A. Bruder Laura Hitchcock William J. MoylanBob Davis Richard H. Hulett Paul NikolichRichard DeBlasio Anant Kumar Jain Gray S. RobinsonJulian Forster* Lowell G. Johnson

23、Malcolm V. ThadenToshio Fukuda Joseph L. Koepfinger* Geoffrey O. ThompsonArnold M. Greenspan Thomas J. McGreen Doug ToppingRaymond Hapeman Steve M. Mills Howard L. Wolfman*Member EmeritusAlso included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:Alan Cookson, NIST RepresentativeSatis

24、h K. Aggarwal, NRC RepresentativeSavoula AmanatidisIEEE Standards Managing EditorCopyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. vContents1. Overview. 11.1 Scope 11.2 Purpose 11.3 Organization of this recommended practice 22. References 33. Definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols. 33.1 Defi

25、nitions 33.2 Abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols. 44. Element-level parameters . 64.1 Set point voltage accuracy. 74.2 Maximum power dissipation 74.3 Contact resistance 74.4 Input undervoltage protection. 74.5 Input overvoltage protection . 84.6 Overtemperature shutdown 94.7 Reverse voltage protect

26、ion.104.8 Turn-on time114.9 Regulation, combined114.10 Regulation eects due to aging124.11 Lightning124.12 Surge 124.13 Sag125. Electronic power subsystems125.1 Interface definition.135.2 Requirements definition.165.3 Architectural considerations 175.4 System interaction226. Electrical interface par

27、ameters.236.1 Status monitoring.236.2 Supervisory control23vi Copyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.6.3 Built-in-test246.4 Electromagnetic compatibility/electromagnetic interference.247. Mechanical interface parameters277.1 Packaging277.2 Center of gravity.297.3 Cooling or thermal energy dis

28、sipation process.298. Environmental interface parameters 318.1 Thermal.318.2 Resistance to contaminants328.3 Sand and dust.328.4 Explosive atmosphere.338.5 Acoustics.348.6 Radiation349. System eectiveness interface parameters 379.1 Qualification requirements379.2 Quality assurance389.3 Acceptance te

29、sting 389.4 Compliance information.389.5 Logistics389.6 Configuration management 399.7 Obsolescence.409.8 Discontinuance .409.9 Production line certification409.10 Warranty.4010. System integration4010.1 System interaction.4010.2 Protection and sensing4410.3 Output sequencing and clamping .4610.4 Su

30、pervisory/status monitoring, control, and software implementation4710.5 System reliability.4910.6 Logistics52Copyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. vii11. System adaptation 5211.1 Electrical interface adaptations. 5311.2 Mechanical interface adaptation. 7011.3 Environmental interface adaptat

31、ion. 7211.4 System eectiveness interface adaptation. 7911.5 Adaptation analysis techniques 85Annex A (informative) Bibliography. 86Annex B (informative) Performance 89Annex C (informative) Parameter index 98Annex D (informative) Radiation environments.104viii Copyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights res

32、erved.IEEE Recommended Practice forElectronic Power Subsystems:Parameters, Interfaces, Elements,and Performance1. Overview1.1 ScopeThis recommended practice provides a technical basis for implementation of electronic powersubsystems. It is intended for electronic systems engineers and integrators, e

33、lectronic power subsystemdesigners and integrators, as well as power element manufacturers and suppliers. It addresses system-level issues in element or subsystem integration, adaptation, and accommodation. It also definessystem interface parameters, test methods, and test conditions.This recommende

34、d practice applies to acdc and dcdc electronic power subsystems. The range ofelectronic power subsystems includes those with dc, single-phase, and three-phase inputs, havingpower levels from a fraction of a watt up to 20kW. The voltage range is 600V and below at afrequency or frequencies of dc 1kHz.

35、 Internal operating frequencies within elements or subsystemsmay be much higher than 1kHz.This recommended practice may be used outside the range where applicable.This recommended practice builds on and supplements IEEE Std 1515-2000.11.2 PurposeThe purpose of this recommended practice is threefold:

36、a) To provide a systems engineering approach to acquisition, adaptation, and integration ofelectronic power subsystems.b) To facilitate and promote a modular approach to element or subsystem integration.c) To enable eective communication between the end users of power electronics and theirmanufactur

37、ers or suppliers.Copyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. 11Information on references can be found in Clause 2.1.3 Organization of this recommended practiceThis recommended practice is organized into eleven clauses and four annexes.Clause 1 is an overview of the scope, purpose, and organizatio

38、n of this recommended practice.Clause 2 lists the references that should be consulted when using this recommended practice.Clause 3 identifies definitions and acronyms used throughout the text of this recommended practice.Clause 4 contains parameters that are at element level. These parameters can b

39、e added to IEEE Std1515-2000 upon its revision.Clause 5 identifies essential considerations for designing and implementing electronic powersubsystems in the areas of requirements definition, architectural considerations, and systeminteraction. Four interfaces are defined: electrical interface, mecha

40、nical interface, environmentalinterface, and system eectiveness interface.Clause 6 identifies electrical interface parameters related to electrical interactions between elements, orbetween an element and its higher level subsystem, including parameter definitions, test methods, andtest conditions.Cl

41、ause 7 presents mechanical interface parameters related to mechanical interactions betweenelements, or between an element and its higher level subsystem.Clause 8 presents environmental interface parameters that concern the subsystems local conditionssuch as temperature, humidity, vibration, and dust

42、.Clause 9 contains system eectiveness interface parameters including reliability, logistics, and methodsto predict or extend the life cycle of a subsystem.Clause 10 discusses system integration issues of electronic power systems design and specification. It isintended to cover the major issues of co

43、ncern and provide guidance to the designer as to theapplicability of commercial items.Clause 11 discusses adaptations that can be made to any or all of the system interfaces described in 5.1.The benefits of adapting a commercial item must be favorable with regard to a custom developmentconsidering s

44、chedule, risk, performance, and total cost.Annex A is a list of additional readings (bibliography) that one may find helpful in understanding thisrecommended practice.Annex B provides a list of performance parameters. It provides performance levels that are commonlyavailable (from manufacturers cata

45、log items). This allows designers to use this recommendedpractice to determine the extent that an existing product (element) may be used to configure aparticular electronic power subsystem. The data are dynamic and they change with technology.Annex C is an index for all the parameters that are defin

46、ed in both IEEE Std 1515-2000 and in IEEEStd 1573-2003.Annex D is a brief summary of definitions, test methods, and commonly used corrective actions relatedto (nuclear) radiation eects for natural as well as man-made radiation eects on electronics.2 Copyright C223 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEEE

47、Std 1573-2003 IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR ELECTRONIC POWER SUBSYSTEMS:2. ReferencesThis recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. If thefollowing publications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.Although current practice favors

48、the use of commercial and/or international standards, severalmilitary standards are ubiquitous to the commercial market.IEEE Std 1515-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electronic Power Subsystems: ParameterDefinitions, Test Conditions, and Test Methods.2,3Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Par

49、t 2, Definitions of Words and Terms (FAC 97-17),25 April 2000.4United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Report on Ensuring Successful Implementation ofCommercial Items in Air Force Systems, SAB-TR-99-03, April 2000.53. Definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, and symbolsFor purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. The AuthoritiveDictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition B166should be referenced for terms notdefined in this clause.The terms collected here are not all inclusive of the terms used to describe an el

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