IEEE 383-2015 en Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear Facilities《核电站用电缆质量鉴定和拼接》.pdf

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1、IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear FacilitiesIEEE Std 383-2015(Revision of IEEE Std 383-2003)IEEE Power and Energy SocietySponsored by the Nuclear Power Engineering CommitteeIEEE3 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5997USAIEEE Std 383-2015(Revision of IEEE Std 383-2003)I

2、EEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear FacilitiesSponsor Nuclear Power Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power and Energy SocietyApproved 03 September 2015IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: General requirements and methods for qualifying electric cables and splices for nuc

3、lear facilities are provided. Cable, wire, and splices within or integral to other devices (e.g., instruments, panels, motors) should be qualifi ed using the requirements in the applicable device standard or IEEE Std 323. However, this standards requirements may be applied to the cable, wire and spl

4、ices within these devices. For qualifi cation of fi ber optic cable, refer to IEEE Std 1682.Keywords: cable, electric cable, factory rework, factory splice, IEEE 383, nuclear facility, qualifi ed life, representative cable, representative splice, Class 1E, splice, wire The Institute of Electrical an

5、d Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright 2015 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 5 October 2015. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent non-infringeme

6、nt; and quality, accuracy, effectiveness, currency, or completeness of material. In addition, IEEE disclaims any and all conditions relating to: results; and workmanlike effort. IEEE standards documents are supplied “AS IS” and “WITH ALL FAULTS.”Use of an IEEE standard is wholly voluntary. The exist

7、ence of an IEEE standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change bro

8、ught about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard.In publishing and making its standards available, IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other services for, or on behalf of, any person or entity nor is IEEE undertaking to perform

9、any duty owed by any other person or entity to another. Any person utilizing any IEEE Standards document, should rely upon his or her own independent judgment in the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances or, as appropri-ate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining

10、 the appropriateness of a given IEEE standard.,112(9(176+$/,(%(/,$%/()25$1%DQG,(6WG ZLWKGUDZQ %SURYLGHJXLGDQFHRQPXOWLIDFWRUWHVWPHWKRGVIEEE Std 383-2015IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear FacilitiesCopyright 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.HQHUJDPLQLPXPRIWKUHHGDWDSRLQW

11、VDWOHDVW however, the splice should be a part of an assembly including pigtails, that is, a PLQLPXPRIPORQJWRIDFLOLWDWHWKHWHVWb) Subject specimens to circulating air oven aging at a temperature and time developed using Arrheniustechniques or another method of proven validity to simulate the thermal d

12、egradation that takes placeGXULQJWKHTXDOLHGOLIHc) The samples with thermal conditioning, as in 6.5.2 item b), shall be subjected to radiation conditioning LQDLUWRWKHWRWDOLQWHJUDWHGGRVHHSHFWHGIURPDOOVRXUFHVLQQRUPDOVHUYLFHGXULQJWKHTXDOLHGOLIHd) After the radiation exposure of 6.5.2 item c), the cable


14、esoak period and while still immersed, the coiled sample shall pass a voltage withstand test, conductorWRFRQGXFWRUDQGFRQGXFWRUWRZDWHUDQGVKLHOGLISUHVHQWIRUYHPLQXWHVDWDSRWHQWLDORI9DFPLO N9DFPP RILQVXODWLRQWKLFNQHVVDWDQRPLQDOOLQHIUHTXHQFRI+RU+RU9GFPLOIEEE Std 383-2015IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electr

15、ic Cables and Splices for Nuclear FacilitiesCopyright 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved. N9GFPP RILQVXODWLRQWKLFNQHVV,QDGGLWLRQWRWKLVWHVWDGFLQVXODWLRQUHVLVWDQFHRUKLJKSR-WHQWLDOWHVWVKDOOEHSHUIRUPHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK, however, to the extent practical, all cable surfaces shall be similarly exposed. The cabl

16、e shall be in contact with a suitable ground plane.a) After the samples are installed inside the pressure vessel, the test vessel shall be stabilized at the pre-DBE temperature for duration of at least one hour prior to the start of the accident transient. Test spec-LPHQVVKDOOEHHQHUJLHGDWTXDOLFDWLRQ

17、YROWDJHDQGFXUUHQWWKURXJKRXWWKHVWDELOLDWLRQSHULRG7KHIEEE Std 383-2015IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear Facilities21Copyright 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.energized samples shall be exposed to one full cycle of a DBE environment that, as a minimum, is as severe as

18、the specifi ed DBE profi le with margin and inclusive of chemical sprays.b) The samples shall function electrically, within the specifi ed electrical parameters, throughout the DBE simulation for the required operating time. Performance data shall be collected and recorded either continuously or at

19、specifi ed intervals throughout the test duration. If data are not continuously mon-itored, the sampling intervals must be suffi cient to demonstrate compliance with the performance criteria. Performance criteria, such as current, insulation resistance, and impedance, shall be pertinent to the sampl

20、e construction and application and will differ from power, control, and instrumentation applications, such as the functional role of the jacket in protecting shields in concentric constructions. The qualifi cation type tests for coaxial, triaxial, twinaxial, and data/communication cables should incl

21、ude suffi cient testing of the cables critical electrical performance characteristics to permit an ade-quate analysis of the compatibility of the cables for the specifi c application, as appropriate.Test duration is established based on the specifi ed DBE environmental profi le, with due considerati

22、on for the post-DBE decrease of some environmental parameters and required functionality in the post-DBE period. A basis for the post-DBE duration shall be established, recognizing that compression of that period may need to be accomplished for practical purposes. An approach such as the evaluation

23、of equipment that must remain operable in the long term, including the use of alternative means to maintain the reactor in safe condition, may provide a suitable basis for compression of the post-DBE duration. Post-design-basis event simulation testUpon completion of the DBE simulation, to de

24、monstrate retention of a degree of fl exibility, margin in electri-cal performance, and the ability to withstand some movement and vibration, the samples shall be straightened (if bent) and coiled around a mandrel with a diameter of approximately 40 times the overall cable diameter and immersed in t

25、ap water at room temperature for a period of one hour. While still immersed, the specimens shall pass the voltage withstand test specifi ed in 6.5.2 item d). Some specialty cables, such as certain coaxial or triaxial cables, are selected for their added insulation. In these instances, margin may be

26、demonstrated at lower withstand test voltages. If the test voltage selected is other than the test voltage specifi ed in 6.5.2 item d), the voltage shall not be less than twice rated plus 1000 V.6.5.5 Retained fl exibilityTo demonstrate the retention of a degree of fl exibility, a sample of the cabl

27、e shall meet the requirements of 6.5.2 item d) for radiation-only qualifi cation and for LOCA or HELB qualifi cation.7. Qualifi cation for normal and mild eventsCables and splices located in normal and mild environments shall be specifi ed, designed, and selected to per-form in their intende

28、d service conditions. This includes evaluating thermal and radiation data to establish the service life. A qualifi ed life is not required for cables and splices located in a mild environment. Qualifi cation for cables and splices located in mild environments shall be demonstrated by providing certi

29、fi ed evidence that the cables meet or exceed the specifi ed requirements, including those of recognized industry associations and 6.5.2. For the purposes of this standard, recognized industry associations are the Association of Edison Illumi-nating Companies and the National Electrical Manufacturer

30、s Association (NEMA)/Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA). It is incumbent on the user to ensure that the criterion that constitutes a mild environment as defi ned in IEEE Std 323-2003 is met.Qualifi cation of low-voltages cables shall include long-term water immersion testing to ICEA T-22-2

31、94 at 90 C with both ac and dc voltage at the cables rated voltage for at least one year without failure of the sample and with insulation resistance meeting the requirements of ICEA T-27-581/NEMA WC53-2008, section 2.15.IEEE Std 383-2015IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for N

32、uclear Facilities22Copyright 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.4XDOLFDWLRQIRUVXEPHUJHQFHRIPHGLXPYROWDJHFDEOHVVKDOOEHSHU, b) fully describe the test program, including test specimens, arrangements, sim-ulated conditions, performance data, and results; and c) evaluate the adequacy of the test results to

33、establish The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.IEEE Std 383-2015IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear FacilitiesCopyright 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.TXDOLFDWLRQWRWKHVSHFLHGUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHWSHWHVWGRFXPHQWDWLRQVKDOOLQFOXGHEXWQRWEH

34、OLPLWHGWRWKHfollowing information:a) The physical arrangement of the specimens and test equipment description.b) Time program and sequence of all environmental factors.c) The type and location of all environmental and specimen monitoring sensors for each variable.d) The programmed voltage and curren

35、ts.e) The electrical measurements and tests performed during the environmental exposures.f) Testing and examinations subsequent to DBE simulation.g) ,GHQWLFDWLRQRIPHDVXULQJWHVWHTXLSPHQWLQFOXGLQJDFFXUDFDQGGDWHRIFDOLEUDWLRQh) Test results shall include an analysis of anomalies encountered during the t

36、est and their impact onthe results. Test results shall also demonstrate whether the intended environmental sequences wereachieved and whether the cable or splice demonstrated the ability to perform its intended function.i) Evaluation of test data shall be made to determine the adequacy of cable and


38、DSSOLFDEOH Available measured data2) 3DVWIDLOXUHDQDOVLVDQGWUHQGV Description of periodic maintenance and inspections4) Description of expected service conditions5) Applicability of the data and analysis to intended function6) 3URJUDPVWREHIROORZHGWRPDLQWDLQTXDOLFDWLRQ %DVLVIRUFRQWLQXHGDSSOLFDELOLWRIS

39、UHYLRXVWHVWLQJWRPRGLHGSURGXFWb) Documentation shall include the following: LVFXVVLRQRIVLPLODULWEHWZHHQFDEOHVDQGVSOLFHVWKDWDUHEHLQJTXDOLHGDQGWKRVHFDEOHVDQGsplices for which operating experience, analysis, or ongoing information is available2) &RQFOXVLRQUHJDUGLQJTXDOLHGOLIH9.4 Traceability of material


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