ISO 10333-5-2001 Personal fall-arrest systems - Part 5 Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates《个人防跌落系统 第5部分:带有自动关闭和自动锁门的连接器》.pdf

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ISO 10333-5-2001 Personal fall-arrest systems - Part 5 Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates《个人防跌落系统 第5部分:带有自动关闭和自动锁门的连接器》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 10333-5-2001 Personal fall-arrest systems - Part 5 Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates《个人防跌落系统 第5部分:带有自动关闭和自动锁门的连接器》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 10333-5-2001 Personal fall-arrest systems - Part 5 Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates《个人防跌落系统 第5部分:带有自动关闭和自动锁门的连接器》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 10333-5-2001 Personal fall-arrest systems - Part 5 Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates《个人防跌落系统 第5部分:带有自动关闭和自动锁门的连接器》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 10333-5-2001 Personal fall-arrest systems - Part 5 Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates《个人防跌落系统 第5部分:带有自动关闭和自动锁门的连接器》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10333-5 First edition 2001-12-01 Reference number ISO 10333-5:2001(E) ISO 2001 Personal fall-arrest systems Part 5: Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates Systmes individuels darrt de chute Partie 5: Connecteurs portail autofermant et autoverrouillantISO 10333

2、-5:2001(E) ii ISO 2001 All rights reserved PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer perform

3、ing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF

4、file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Sec

5、retariat at the address given below. ISO 2001 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the

6、 address below or ISOs mem- ber body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Printed in SwitzerlandISO 10333-5:2001(E) ISO 2001 All rights reserved iii Contents Page 1 S

7、cope . 1 2 Normative references . 1 3 Terms and definitions 2 4 Requirements . 5 5 Test methods 6 6 Instructions for general use, marking, packaging and maintenance . 9 Bibliography. 11ISO 10333-5:2001(E) iv ISO 2001 All rights reserved Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardizatio

8、n) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be rep

9、resented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards a

10、re drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting

11、a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 10333 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard ISO 10333-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 94, Pe

12、rsonal safety Protective clothing and equipment, Subcommittee SC 4, Personal equipment for protection against falls. ISO 10333 consists of the following parts, under the general title Personal fall-arrest systems: Part 1: Full-body harnesses Part 2: Lanyards and energy absorbers Part 3: Self-retract

13、ing lifelines Part 4: Vertical rails and vertical lifelines incorporating a sliding-type fall arrester Part 5: Connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates The system performance tests will be the subject of a future part 6 to ISO 10333.ISO 10333-5:2001(E) ISO 2001 All rights reserved v Intro

14、duction In cases where the hazard of falling from a height exists and where, for technical reasons or for work of very short duration, safe access cannot be otherwise provided, it is necessary to consider the use of personal fall-arrest systems (PFAS). Such use should never be improvised and its ado

15、ption should be specifically provided for in the appropriate formal provisions for safety in the work place. PFAS complying with this part of ISO 10333 should satisfy ergonomic requirements and should only be used if the work allows means of connection to a suitable anchor device of demonstrated str

16、ength and if it can be implemented without compromising the safety of the user. Personnel should be trained and instructed in the safe use of the equipment and be observant of such training and instruction. This part of ISO 10333 is based on current knowledge and practice concerning the use of PFAS

17、that incorporate a full body harness. This part of ISO 10333 presumes that the manufacturer of the PFAS, subsystems or components will, for the sake of consistency and traceability, operate a quality management system which will comply with national and regional regulations in force at the time. Gui

18、dance on the form this quality management system may take can be found in ISO 9000 (all parts), Quality management and quality assurance standards.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10333-5:2001(E) ISO 2001 All rights reserved 1 Personal fall-arrest systems Part 5: Connectors with self-closing and self-lock

19、ing gates 1 Scope This part of ISO 10333 specifies requirements, test methods, instructions for use and maintenance, marking, labelling and packaging, as appropriate, for connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates made from metallic materials. Connectors are used in personal fall-arrest sys

20、tems (PFAS), which will be specified in a future International Standard (see ISO 10333-6 in the Bibliography), such that, if an arrest takes place, the arresting force will not exceed . This part of ISO 10333 is applicable only to connectors limited to single person use of a total mass not exceeding

21、 . NOTE Users of fall protection equipment whose total mass (including tools and equipment) exceeds are advised to seek advice from the equipment manufacturer regarding the suitability of this equipment, which may need additional testing. The scope of this part of ISO 10333 does not extend to: a) at

22、tachment elements, fastening buckles, adjusting buckles and other metallic fittings used in the manufacture of full-body harnesses, which are specified in ISO 10333-6; b) connectors used for material-lifting purposes; c) connectors used in special techniques or situations, e.g. rescue, or rope acces

23、s. This part of ISO 10333 does not specify those additional requirements that would apply when connectors are subjected to special conditions of use (where, for example, there exist unusual limitations concerning access to the place of work and/or particular environmental factors). Thus, treatments

24、to ensure the durability of the materials of construction (such as heat treatment, anti-corrosion treatment, protection against physical and chemical hazards) are not specified in this part of ISO 10333, but should comply with appropriate International Standards or, failing that, with national stand

25、ards and other specifications dealing with relevant physical characteristics and/or the safety of users. In particular, when it is considered necessary to test the corrosion resistance of metallic parts of the equipment, reference should be made to ISO 9227. 2 Normative references The following norm

26、ative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 10333. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 10333 are encou

27、raged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 92

28、27:1990, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests ISO 10333-1, Personal fall-arrest systems Part 1: Full-body harnesses 6kN 100 kg 100 kgISO 10333-5:2001(E) 2 ISO 2001 All rights reserved 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this part of ISO 10333, the following terms and de

29、finitions apply. 3.1 Connectors 3.1.1 connector device, which is used to assemble a PFAS by enabling two other components or subsystems to be physically connected S eeFig u re1. NOTE A connector has an opening guarded by a self-closing gate with a self-locking feature. a) Karabiner and small snap ho

30、ok b) Large hooks Figure 1 Examples of connectorsISO 10333-5:2001(E) ISO 2001 All rights reserved 3 3.1.2 gate self-closing, sliding or hinged mechanism which, when opened, allows passage of the components or sub-systems to be coupled into the connector Se eF i g ur e2 . NOTE When closed and with th

31、e locking feature engaged it is designed to prevent the unintentional separation of the coupled components or subsystems. c) Anchor connector d) System assembly connector Figure 1 Examples of connectors (continued)ISO 10333-5:2001(E) 4 ISO 2001 All rights reserved 3.1.3 self-locking feature mechanis

32、m which operates automatically upon closure of the gate and is opened by at least two consecutive, deliberate actions 3.1.4 opening maximum gap for the passage of a component or subsystem into the connector with a fully opened gate S eeFig u re2. 3.1.5 retention pin pin, which when inserted across o

33、ne end of a connector, maintains the position of a lanyard termination, so that the termination is constrained to bear on a part of the connector which has been designed to sustain a fall-arrest force 3.1.6 retention eye eye or hole which is similar in function to a retention pin, but which becomes

34、integral to the connector during manufacture 3.1.7 latch that part of the connector which engages with the free end of the gate 3.1.8 total mass sum of the users mass plus the mass of all attached clothing and equipment Key 1 Opening 2G a t e Figure 2 Example of opening dimensionISO 10333-5:2001(E)

35、ISO 2001 All rights reserved 5 3.2 General terms and definitions 3.2.1 personal fall-arrest system PFAS assembly of interconnected components and subsystems, including a full-body harness worn by the user, that when connected to a suitable anchor device will arrest a fall from a height NOTE A PFAS m

36、inimizes the fall-arrest forces, controls the total fall distance as to prevent collision with the ground or other relevant obstruction and maintains the faller in a suitable post fall-arrest attitude for rescue purposes. 3.2.2 component constituent part of a PFAS or subsystem that has completed the

37、 manufacturers production cycle and is available for purchase 3.2.3 subsystem constituent part of a PFAS which may consist of one or more components and is used to connect the user from the fall-arrest attachment element of the full-body harness to the anchor device and performs the two essential fu

38、nctions of a PFAS as follows: a) connecting; b) arresting and energy absorbing 4 Requirements 4.1 General 4.1.1 All connectors shall be made from smoothly finished metal and shall be free from defects due to faulty material and manufacture; they shall not have sharp edges or burrs that may cause inj

39、ury to the user, or that may cut, abrade or otherwise damage webbing or rope. 4.1.2 In order to reduce the probability of involuntary opening, all connectors shall be self-closing and self-locking and shall be capable of being opened only by at least two consecutive, deliberate actions. 4.1.3 The se

40、lf-closing gate shall be so designed that when it is released from the open position, it shall automatically close, and the locking feature shall automatically engage. 4.2 Gate resistance 4.2.1 Gate-face resistance When tested in accordance with 5.1, the connector shall withstand a minimum force of

41、for without the gate separating from the latch by more than . Following this test, the gate shall function in accordance with 4.1.3. 4.2.2 Gate side-load resistance When tested in accordance with 5.1, the connector shall withstand a minimum force of for without the gate separating from the latch by

42、more than . In addition, there shall be no partial fractures, and permanent deformation of the gate shall not exceed . Following this test, the gate shall function in accordance with 4.1.3. 1,0 kN 1 min 3mm 1,5 kN 1 min 3mm 3,0 mmISO 10333-5:2001(E) 6 ISO 2001 All rights reserved 4.3 Static strength

43、 When conditioned in accordance with 5.3 and tested in accordance with 5.2, the connector shall withstand a minimum force of for . There shall be no partial fractures or inadvertent opening of the gate. NOTE When special circumstances require a higher minimum strength, this value should replace the

44、requirement for testing, instructions and marking. 4.4 Corrosion resistance When tested in accordance with 5.3, the connector gate shall continue to function in accordance with 4.1.3. There shall be no evidence of corrosion of the base metal; tarnishing and/or white scale is acceptable. 5 Test metho

45、ds 5.1 Gate-resistance tests 5.1.1 Gate-face resistance Insert the connector into a fixture with the gate uppermost, and so as to apply the test load or force in a perpendicular direction, towards the gate, as shown in Figure 3. Using a rigid bar, of the dimensions shown in Figure 3, apply a minimum

46、 force of for to the gate at a point as close to the latch as possible. The rate of application of the force shall not exceed . With the force applied, measure and record any gap between the gate and the latch. 5.1.2 Gate side-load resistance Insert the connector into a fixture with its side uppermo

47、st, so as to apply the test load or force in a perpendicular direction, towards the gate, as shown in Figure 4. Measure and record the height to the gate, as shown in Figure 4. Using a rigid bar, of the dimensions shown in Figure 3, apply a minimum force of to the gate at a point halfway between the

48、 hinge and latch for . The rate of application of the force shall not exceed . With the force applied, measure and record any gap between the gate and the latch. Remove the load and measure the height to the gate. Calculate the permanent deformation of the gate. 5.2 Static strength test 5.2.1 Mount

49、the connector in a conventional tensile-testing machine to enable a tensile load to be applied by means of two pins of diameter , which are arranged to be perpendicular to the major axis. It is important that the connector be free so as to be located on the pins at the start of the test and as the load is applied. The pins shall be coated with a molybdenum-based grease where they come into contact with the tests specimen. Alternative fixtures may be used, providing that the application of the tensile load repr


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