ISO 10466-1997 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection《塑料.pdf

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ISO 10466-1997 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection《塑料.pdf_第1页
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ISO 10466-1997 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection《塑料.pdf_第2页
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ISO 10466-1997 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection《塑料.pdf_第3页
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ISO 10466-1997 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection《塑料.pdf_第4页
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ISO 10466-1997 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection《塑料.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 10466 First edition 1997-11-15 Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection Sysf a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed In Switzerland ii INTERNATlONAL STANDARD o IS0 IS0

2、 10466: 1997(E) Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection 1 Scope This International Standard specifies a method for testing the ability of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes to with

3、stand specified levels of initial ring deflection without displaying surface damage and/or structural failure. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply: 2.1 vertical deflection (y): The vertical change in diameter of a pipe in a horizontal positi

4、on in response to a vertical compressive load (see 7.3). It is expressed in metres. 2.2 relative vertical deflection (y/d,): The ratio of the vertical deflection y (see 2.1) to the mean diameter of the pipe d, (see 2.3). 2.3 mean diameter (d,.,): The diameter of the circle corresponding with the mid

5、dle of the pipe wall cross section. It is given, in metres, by either of the following equations: d, = di + e d, = de - e where: 4 is the average of the measured internal diameters (see 5.3.2) in metres; de is the average of the measured external diameters (see 5.3.2) in metres; e is the average of

6、the measured wall thicknesses of the pipe (see 5.3.1), in metres. 2.4 visual evidence of structural failure: Unless otherwise specified by the referring standard, a failure apparent in any of the following forms (see 7.3): - interlaminar separation: - tensile failure of the glass fibre reinforcement

7、; - buckling of the pipe wall; - if applicable, separation of the thermoplastic liner from the structural wall. IS0 10466:1997(E) Q IS0 2.6 strength-reduction evidence of structural failure: Unless otherwise specified by the referring standard, a failure apparent in any of the following ways: a) dur

8、ing the two-minute inspection period (see 7.3.5), there is an instantaneous drop in load in excess of 10 % of the maximum load applied; b) when an instantaneous drop in load of up to 10 % has occurred and the test piece cannot sustain an increase in load equal to twice the reduction in load. 2.6 com

9、pressive load (F, or F2): The load applied to a pipe to cause a diametric deflection. It is expressed in newtons. 3 Principle A length of pipe supported horizontally is loaded throughout its length to compress it diametrically to two successive specified levels of vertical deflection (see figure 2).

10、 The pipe is inspected at the first deflection level for visual evidence of surface damage and/or structural failure and at the second deflection level for visual evidence of structural failure (see 2.4). A performance test for structural integrity is also carried out, as a function of the resistanc

11、e to loading. NOTE: It is assumed that the following test parameters are set by the standard making reference to this standard: a) the two pipe deflection limits (see 4.1 and 7.3); b) the length of the test piece (see clause 5); c) the number of test pieces (see clause 5); d) the test temperature (s

12、ee 7.1); e) the surface(s) of the test piece to be inspected for surface damage (see 7.3); f) the visual characteristics of surface damage and structural failure (see 7.3). 4 Apparatus 4.1 Compressive-loading machine, comprising a system capable of applying, without shock, a compressive force at a c

13、ontrolled rate through two parallel load application surfaces conforming to 4.2 so that a horizontally orientated pipe test piece conforming to clause 5 can be compressed vertically. The machine shall be able to achieve and sustain in accordance with the periods specified in 7.3 the deflections or r

14、elative vertical deflections specified in the referring standard. 4.2 Load application surfaces 4.2.1 General arrangement The surfaces shall be provided by a pair of plates (see 4.2.2). or a pair of beam bars (see 4.2.3) or a combination of one such plate and one such bar, with their major axes perp

15、endicular to and centred on the direction of application of the load Fby the compressive-loading machine, as shown in figure 1. The surfaces in contact with the test piece shall be flat, smooth, clean and parallel. Plates and beam bars shall have a length at least equal to that of the test piece (se

16、e clause 5) and a thickness such that visible deformation does not occur during the test. 4.2.2 Plates The plate(s) shall have a width of at least 100 mm. 2 IS0 19466: 1997(E) Detail of beam bar Plate F Width of the flat surface F Deflection measurement taken at mid-length of test piece Beam bar Pla

17、te loading Beam bar loading Figure 1 - Schematic diagram of the test arrangement 4.23 Beam bars Each beam barsball have rounded edges, a flat face (see figure 1) without sharp edges and a width dependent upon the pipe as flows: a) for pipes with a nominal size not greater than DN 300, the width shal

18、l be 20 mm f 2 mm; b) for pipes of nominal sizes greater than DN 300, the width shall be 50 mm f 5 mm. The beam bars shall be so designed and supported such that no other surface of the beam bar structure shall come into contact with the test piece during the test. 4.3 Dimension-measuring instrument

19、s, capable of determining - the necessary dimensions (length, diameter, wall thickness) to an accuracy of within f 0,l mm; - the deflection of the test piece in the vertical direction to an accuracy of within * 1,O % of the maximum value. NOTE: The maximum value of the change to be measured depends

20、upon the vertical deflection or the relative vertical deflection specified in the referring standard. 4.4 Temperature-measuring instrument, if applicable, capable of verifying conformity to the test temperature (see 7.1). 5 Test pieces 5.1 Preparation Each test piece shall be a complete ring cut fro

21、m the pipe to be tested. The length of the test piece shall be as specified in the referring standard, with permissible deviations of f 5 %. The cut ends shall be smooth and perpendicular to the axis of the pipe. 3 IS0 10466: 1997(E) IS0 Two straight lines, to serve as reference lines, shall be draw

22、n parallel to each other along the inside or the outside of the test piece. 5.2 Number The number of test pieces shall be as specified in the referring standard. 5.3 Determination of dimensions 5.3.1 Wall thickness Measure to within f 0,2 mm the wall thickness of the test piece at each end of each r

23、eference line. Calculate the average wall thickness e, in metres, of the four measured values. 5.3.2 Mean diameter Measure to an accuracy of within * 0,5 mm either of the following: a) the internal diameter 4 of the test piece between each pair of diametrically opposed reference lines at their mid-

24、length, e.g. by means of a pair of calipers; b) the external diameter d, of the test piece at the mid-points of the reference lines, e.g. by means of circumferential-wrap steel tape. Calculate the mean diameter d,., of the test piece using the values obtained for the wall thickness and either the in

25、ternal or the external diameter (see 2.3). 6 Conditioning Unless otherwise specified by the referring standard, store the test pieces for at least 0,5 h at the test temperature (see 7.1) prior to testing. In cases of dispute, condition the test pieces for 24 h at 23 “C f 3 “C before testing, or subj

26、ect them to a mutually agreed conditioning schedule. 7 Procedure 7.1 lest temperature Conduct the following procedure at the temperature specified in the referring standard. 7.2 Choice of load application surfaces and positioning of the test piece If one of the required relative deflection limits (f

27、or surface damage or for structural failure) is in excess of 28 %, use beam bars. Otherwise use either plates and/or beam bars (see 4.2). Place the test piece in contact with the upper and lower plate or beam bar (see 4.2.1), with the pair of diametrically opposed reference lines vertically aligned.

28、 Ensure that the contact between the test piece and each plate or beam bar is as uniform as possible and that the plates and/or beam bars are not tilted laterally. 7.3 Application of load and measurement of deflection 7.3.1 Compress the test piece at a constant rate so that the first minimum initial

29、 vertical deflection or minimum initial relative vertical deflection specified in the referring standard is reached to an accuracy of f 2,0 % of the specified deflection value in 2 min * 0,5 min and record the corresponding load F, (see figure 2). 4 0 IS0 IS0 10466: 1997(E) 7.3.2 Maintain this defle

30、ction for 2 min f 0,25 min while inspecting the test piece without magnification for surface damage see items e) and f) in the note to clause 31. Record any observations of surface damage together with the corresponding deflection. 7.3.3 increase the deflection, using either a constant rate of compr

31、ession or loading chosen so that the second minimum initial vertical deflection or minimum initial relative vertical deflection is reached to an accuracy of within f 2,0 % of the specified deflection value in 2 min 2 0,5 min and record the corresponding load f2. 7.3.4 Maintain this deflection for 2

32、min f 0,25 min while continuously monitoring and recording the load applied (see figure 2) and continuously inspecting the test piece for structural failure see item f) in the note to clause 31 in accordance with 2.4 and 2.5 unless otherwise specified. 7.3.5 If no instantaneous drop in load is detec

33、ted during the inspection period, record that no failure has occurred and unload the test piece. If an instantaneous drop in load of not more than 10 % of F2 is detected during the inspection period, determine the size of the drop and increase the load at the end of the inspection period by twice th

34、is value (maximum 20 % of F2). If the test piece withstands the increased load, record that no failure has occurred and unload the test piece. If the test piece does not withstand the increased load, record that failure has occurred and unload the test piece. If the instantanious drop in load is mor

35、e than 10 % of F2 during the inspection period, record that failure has occurred and unload the test piece. Second relative deflection limit 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 2 - Schematic diagram of load versus time 8 9 IO Time (min) 5 IS0 10466:1997(E) 8 Test report The test report shall include the following info

36、rmation: a) a reference to this International Standard and to the referring standard; b) all details necessary for complete identification of the pipe tested; c) the dimensions of each test piece; d) the number of test pieces; e) the positions in the pipe from which the test pieces were obtained; f)

37、 the equipment details, including whether beam bars and/or plates were used; g) the test temperature; h) for each test piece, details of any observed surface damage and the corresponding deflection(s) see 7.3); i) for each test piece, details of any structural failure, together with the relevant def

38、lection(s) and load(s) (see 7.3); j) details of any incidence of failure in accordance with 7.3.5; k) any factors which may have affected the results, such as any incidents which may have occurred or any operating details not specified in this International Standard; I) the date of the test. 6 IS0 10466:1997(E) ICS 23.040.20 Descriptors: piping, pipes (tubes), thermosetting resins, glass reinforced plastics, plastic tubes, tests, mechanical teSts, determination, flexing. Price based on 6 pages


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