ISO 12710-2002 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluation electronic characteristics of untrasonic test instruments《无损检验 超声检测 评估超声试验仪器的电子特性》.pdf

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ISO 12710-2002 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluation electronic characteristics of untrasonic test instruments《无损检验 超声检测 评估超声试验仪器的电子特性》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 12710-2002 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluation electronic characteristics of untrasonic test instruments《无损检验 超声检测 评估超声试验仪器的电子特性》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 12710-2002 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluation electronic characteristics of untrasonic test instruments《无损检验 超声检测 评估超声试验仪器的电子特性》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 12710-2002 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluation electronic characteristics of untrasonic test instruments《无损检验 超声检测 评估超声试验仪器的电子特性》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 12710-2002 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluation electronic characteristics of untrasonic test instruments《无损检验 超声检测 评估超声试验仪器的电子特性》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Reference number ISO 12710:2002(E) ISO 2002INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 12710 First edition 2002-09-15 Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic inspection Evaluating electronic characteristics of ultrasonic test instruments Essais non destructifs Contrle aux ultrasons valuation des caractristiques lectroni

2、ques des instruments dessai aux ultrasons ISO 12710:2002(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the

3、 computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to

4、 create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please infor

5、m the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2002 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ei

6、ther ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Printed in Switzerland ii ISO 2002 All rights reservedISO 12710:2002(E) ISO 200

7、2 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword iv Introduction. v 1 Scope 1 2 Normative reference 2 3 Terms, definitions and symbols 2 4 Abbreviations 2 5 Summary of procedure. 3 6 Apparatus. 3 7 Power-supply section measurements. 5 8 Pulser section measurements . 8 9 Receiver section measurements

8、. 12 10 Time base section measurements. 16 11 Gate/alarm section measurements 18 12 Reporting format . 19 Bibliography 22 ISO 12710:2002(E) iv ISO 2002 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO mem

9、ber bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmen

10、tal and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Direc

11、tives, Part 3. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodi

12、es casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 12710 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 135, Non-destru

13、ctive testing, Subcommittee SC 3, Acoustical methods. ISO 12710:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved vIntroduction In ultrasonic non-destructive testing, pulse/echo signals are used to detect and evaluate imperfections or flaws inside a structural material. The pulse/echo ultrasonic signals are gene

14、rated by various types of electronic instruments. This International Standard describes a set of procedures for the measurement of performance characteristics in an ultrasonic test instrument that has a display screen. The procedures are used for ultrasonic test instruments operating in a nominal fr

15、equency range from 100 kHz to 25 MHz, although the procedures are also applicable to measurements on instruments utilizing higher-frequency components. The recommended techniques are designed to use commercially-available instrumentation. An ultrasonic test instrument that cannot be completely descr

16、ibed as a combination of the electronic sections discussed in this practice can be partially evaluated. Each portion of the ultrasonic test instrument that is evaluated should fit the description for the corresponding section. Implementation of these practices may require more detailed procedural in

17、struction. Competence in the use of the electronic instrumentation specified is a prerequisite for effective use of these procedures. Careful selection of the specific measurements to be made is recommended. If the related parameter is not relevant to the intended application, its measurement may be

18、 unnecessary; e.g., vertical linearity may be irrelevant for an application using a single-level flaw alarm, while horizontal linearity might be required only for accurate flaw-depth or thickness measurement from the instrument display. No minimum interval between instrument evaluations is recommend

19、ed or implied. The accuracy of each measurement is dependent upon the combined accuracy of each of the electronic measuring instruments (which should be described in the specifications and calibrations for these instruments) and the precision associated with reading the values of each part of the sy

20、stem. It is assumed that the precision of measuring the vertical and horizontal values from the screen of the ultrasonic test instrument is 1 mm. Specifically, this International Standard intends to provide techniques and procedures to achieve the following objectives: a) To measure performance char

21、acteristics of components of ultrasonic test instruments. b) To check and ensure consistent performance of such components during the life span of the instrument. c) To select and specify characteristics necessary for proper overall performance of the instrument. d) To achieve interchangeability wit

22、h similar components or similar overall instruments for same type inspections. e) To provide a base for the correlation and comparison of performance results from different instruments and testing sources. NOTE These procedures are not intended to preclude the use or application of ultrasonic test e

23、quipment for which some or all of the measurement techniques of this document are not applicable. Additionally, it is not intended, nor is it applicable, as a specification defining the performance of ultrasonic test systems. If such performance criteria are required, they must be agreed upon by the

24、 using parties. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 12710:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved 1Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic inspection Evaluating electronic characteristics of ultrasonic test instruments 1 Scope 1.1 This International Standard establishes the procedures for measuring performance chara

25、cteristics of components of pulse-echo ultrasonic non-destructive testing instruments including both analog and digital type instruments with screen displays. The aim is to establish uniformity of evaluation techniques, to form a basis for data correlation and for interpretation of results obtained

26、from different laboratories and at different times. Note that this International Standard establishes no acceptance criteria; such criteria should be specified by user parties. The usual components of ultrasonic non-destructive testing instruments and the performance characteristics for which proced

27、ures for measuring these characteristics are included and listed in 1.2 to 1.6. 1.2 Power supply section: line regulation battery discharge time battery charge time 1.3 Pulser section: pulse shape pulse amplitude pulse rise time pulse length pulse frequency spectrum 1.4 Receiver section: vertical li

28、nearity frequency response noise and sensitivity dB controls 1.5 Time base section: horizontal linearity clock (pulse repetition rate) ISO 12710:2002(E) 2 ISO 2002 All rights reserved1.6 Gate section/alarm section: delay and width resolution alarm level gain uniformity analog output back-echo gate l

29、inearity 2 Normative reference The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties t

30、o agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain reg

31、isters of currently valid International Standards. IEC 60050-111, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 111: Physics and chemistry 3 Terms, definitions and symbols For the purposes of this International Standard the terms, definitions and symbols listed in IEC 60050-111 as well as the fo

32、llowing apply. T mthe measured rise time T rthe actual rise time of the instrumentation T sthe oscilloscope rise time 4 Abbreviations ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials DAC/EDAC distance amplitude correction/electronic distance-amplitude compensation EN European Norme (European Standard

33、) IEC International Electrotechnical Commission ISO International Organization for Standardization JIS Japanese Industrial Standard PRF pulse repetition frequency RF radio frequency ISO 12710:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved 35 Summary of procedure 5.1 Performance measurements The electronic per

34、formance of each section is measured by identifying that portion of the electrical circuit of the instrument which comprises the section, applying the recommended stimulus or load or both, and performing the required measurements using commercially available electronic test equipment. These data are

35、 then summarized in tabular or graphical form as performance-related values which can be compared with corresponding values of other ultrasonic test instruments or of values for the same instrument obtained earlier (see clause 12 for a suggested reporting format). 5.2 Ultrasonic test Instruments and

36、 Interactions 5.2.1 Power supply section The power supply section is that portion of the total instrument circuitry which supplies the regulated DC voltages required to power all other sections of the ultrasonic test instrument, including the high voltage (i.e pulser) circuitry. 5.2.2 Pulser section

37、 The pulser section is that portion of the total instrument circuitry that generates the electrical pulse used to energize the search unit. The pulser section may also include the pulse-shape modification controls such as pulse length, damping or tuning controls. 5.2.3 Receiver section The receiver

38、section is that portion of the total instrument circuitry that amplifies, or modifies or both, the radio frequency (RF) pulses received from the search unit. This includes the RF amplifiers, detectors, video amplifiers, suppression and filtering circuits, and the cathode ray tube vertical deflection

39、 circuits. Some instruments may not contain all of these circuits. NOTE For EDAC operation, reject or threshold, although part of the receiver section, should be turned off while making measurements unless otherwise specified by the user. 5.2.4 Time base section The time base section provides the li

40、near horizontal sweep or baseline. It includes the horizontal deflection circuit and the clock and delay circuits which control PRF and positioning of signals on the baseline. 5.2.5 Gate/alarm section This section monitors the signals in the receiver section to detect the presence or absence of sign

41、ificant indications. The gate may include attenuator or gain controls. This section is considered separate from the receiver section for the purposes of this International Standard. The alarm signal may be audible, or a mark on voltage or current sensitive paper or some combination of these. It also

42、 may be a voltage proportional to the amplitude. 6 Apparatus 6.1 Ultrasonic test Instrument, being any electronic instrument comprised of a power supply, pulser, clock, receiver and a sweep display section to generate, receive and display electrical signals related to ultrasonic waves for examinatio

43、n purposes. NOTE Some ultrasonic test instruments do not include a screen display. Some sections of this International Standard may not apply to these instruments, or may be applicable only with modifications. Such modifications should be made only by personnel competent in electronics. ISO 12710:20

44、02(E) 4 ISO 2002 All rights reserved6.2 Voltmeter, being any instrument capable of measuring the AC line voltage and DC battery voltage required as described in 7.1 or 7.2. 6.3 Variable transformer, such as an autotransformer or other device capable of supplying variable AC power to the ultrasonic t

45、est instrument over the full range specified by the manufacturer. 6.4 Pulser load, consisting of a 50 ohm non-inductive resistor, preferably mounted in a shielded coaxial assembly, unless otherwise requested by the using parties. The resistor shall be able to withstand the maximum peak pulser voltag

46、e. It is recommended that the complex impedance of the resistor be checked at frequencies from 100 kHz to 25 MHz in order to ensure that the magnitude is 50 ohms 2 ohms, and that the phase angle is less than 5. NOTE Other impedances may be used if specified. 6.5 Spectrum analyser, of any type (with

47、probe assembly if required) that is capable of analysing the electrical pulse from the pulser module and displaying the frequency components of the pulse as described in 8.3. A recording of the display (photograph or chart recorder) shall be included in the report. 6.6 Oscilloscope probe, being a 10

48、0 or 50 wide band high input impedance (W 10 k) attenuating probe to reduce the pulse amplitude, as delivered to the oscilloscope and the spectrum analyser, to a level that i) will not harm the equipment and ii) will allow for frequency and time analysis without significantly altering the pulse shap

49、e. The probe output impedance shall match the input impedance of the measurement instrument. (If the impedance is high, a terminating resistance may be required at the input to match the output impedance of the probe.) The frequency bandwidth shall be at least as wide as that of the instruments to be measured. The probe shall be able to withstand the pulser output voltage. NOTE More than one probe may be needed to match the various test instruments used. 6.7 Function generator, capab


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