ISO 14546-2000 Photography - Aerial films and spools - Dimensions《摄影 航空胶片及卷轴 尺寸》.pdf

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1、Reference number ISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14546 First edition 2000-12-15 Photography Aerial films and spools Dimensions Photographie Films et bobines ariens DimensionsISO 14546:2000(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes

2、 licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. T

3、he ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care h

4、as been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2000 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be

5、 reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 4

6、1 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Printed in Switzerland ii ISO 2000 All rights reservedISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword.iv Introduction.v 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions .1 4 Conditions for

7、measurement of dimensions 2 5 Film dimensions.2 6 Film thickness2 7 Roll lengths 2 8 Leader and trailer requirements.4 9 Film perforations5 10 Spool dimensions5 11 Package marking .10 Figures Figure 1 Typical splice of leader/trailer and film (see Table 5) 3 Figure 2 Film perforations (see Table 2)

8、3 Figure 3 Aerial film spools (see Tables 6, 7 and 8)6 Tables Table 1 Aerial film widths (dimension A) (see Figures 1 and 2) .3 Table 2 Perforation dimensions for aerial films (see Figures 2) 4 Table 3 Film thickness.4 Table 4 Preferred lengths for aerial films in rolls .5 Table 5 Spliced leader and

9、 trailer widths (see Figure 1).5 Table 6 Dimensions of aerial film spools (see Figure 3).7 Table 7 Dimensions of spools Preferred sizes 8 Table 8 Dimensions of spools Recognized sizes 9ISO 14546:2000(E) iv ISO 2000 All rights reserved Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization)

10、 is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be repre

11、sented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are

12、 drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a

13、vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard ISO 14546 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, P

14、hotography.ISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved v Introduction This International Standard points out (for the benefit of equipment designers) that dimensions of spools should not be used for the design of magazine cassette internal clearances. Spools shipped from point to point may have l

15、ateral runout as much as three times those indicated in this International Standard.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved 1 Photography Aerial films and spools Dimensions 1 Scope This International Standard specifies dimensions for films, leaders and trailers, perfora

16、tions where applicable, and package marking for rolls of photographic film used in aerial applications. This International Standard also includes the sizes and dimensions of steel or aluminium spools for appropriate sizes of film. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain prov

17、isions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investiga

18、te the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1:1975, Standard ref

19、erence temperature for industrial length measurements. ISO 554:1976, Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing Specifications. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 aerial film film designed for taking photo

20、graphs from the air 3.2 aim dimension preferred dimension at which the manufacturing process should be aimed or designed 3.3 leader material attached to the leading edge of the roll of film, not intended for recording of images, and usually to assist in winding 3.4 nominal size size reference that a

21、ppears on product labels and in catalogues 3.5 perforations holes of particular shape and dimensions, punched near one or both edges of the film, to assist with windingISO 14546:2000(E) 2 ISO 2000 All rights reserved 3.6 preferred sizes industry standard sizes, determined by most frequent user deman

22、d (number of units) and product volume (square metres) NOTE Designers of new equipment are encouraged to use preferred sizes whenever possible. 3.7 splice union of two pieces of material, joined to form a single piece 3.8 spool cylindrical device that has a rim or edge at each end and an axial hole

23、for a pin or spindle, and on which a roll of film is wound 3.9 trailer material attached to the trailing edge of the roll of film, not intended for recording of images, and usually to assist in winding 4 Conditions for measurement of dimensions The dimensions and tolerances specified in this Interna

24、tional Standard shall apply at the time of manufacture (except where specifically stated otherwise), when equilibrated and measured at atmospheric conditions of (23 2) Can d(50 5) % relative humidity, as specified in ISO 554. All measuring instrument calibrations shall be conducted at a temperature

25、of 20 C (as specified in ISO 1) and a relative humidity of 50 %. 5 Film dimensions Film dimensions shall be as shown in Figures 1 and 2 and as given in Tables 1 and 2, and apply to film at the time of cutting and perforating. Dimensions can be altered by a permanent ageing shrinkage and by temporary

26、 shrinkage or swelling due to changes in moisture content or temperature. Dimensionally stable films are required for aerial products, and any departure from the dimensions specified in this International Standard shall be no more than 0,2 % larger than the maximum tolerance, nor less than 0,3 % sma

27、ller than the minimum tolerance at the time of package opening. Dimension G (see Figure 2) is the offset of any given side-to-side perforation pair. 6 Film thickness The film thickness, including support, emulsion and any protective coatings, shall conform to the values given in Table 3. 7 Roll leng

28、ths Preferred roll lengths and tolerances shall conform to the values given in Table 4. Tolerances are 0,6 0 m.ISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved 3 NOTE A tolerance of 10 is permissible on each of the 45 angles in the tapered end of the leader or trailer, but the two angles should be app

29、roximately equal. Key 1 Centreline of leader and trailer 2 Leader and trailer 3 Film Figure 1 Typical splice of leader/trailer and film (see Table 5) Figure 2 Film perforations (see Table 2) Table 1 Aerial film widths (dimension A) (see Figures 1 and 2) Dimensions in millimetres Nominal film width A

30、im film width Tolerance 70 69,95 0,05 127 125,98 0,25 241 240,28 0,25ISO 14546:2000(E) 4 ISO 2000 All rights reserved Table 2 Perforation dimensions for aerial films (see Figure 2) Dimensions in millimetres Dimension 70 mm Aim 70 mm Tolerance 127 mm Aim 127 mm Tolerance A 69,95 0,05 125,98 0,13 B 4,

31、750 0,025 4,750 0,025 C 2,794 0,011 2,794 0,021 D 1,980 0,011 1,980 0,021 E 2,01 0,10 2,01 0,13 G 0,08 max. 0,25 max. L 474,98 0,38 474,98 0,38 R 0,51 0,13 0,51 0,13 NOTE Dimension L is the length of any 100 consecutive perforation intervals. Table 3 Film thickness Dimensions in millimetres Nominal

32、thickness Minimum thickness Maximum thickness 0,08 0,066 0,100 0,11 0,100 0,127 0,15 0,140 0,165 0,19 0,177 0,196 8 Leader and trailer requirements Most sizes of aerial films are supplied without a leader or a trailer. However, some sizes of certain films may be supplied with either a spliced or int

33、egral leader and/or trailer. Integral leaders/trailers shall be cut to standard film widths as given in Table 1. Spliced leaders/trailers (dimension B, Figure 1) shall be as given in Table 5. The thickness of the splices, attaching the leader and the trailer to the film, shall not exceed 0,43 mm. Th

34、e tensile strength of the joint, per unit of film width, shall not be less than 35,0 N/cm. Camera and magazine manufacturers shall provide at least 0,13 mm added clearance due to splice curvature from being wound in the roll.ISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved 5 Table 4 Preferred lengths

35、for aerial films in rolls Dimensions in metres Nominal length (Tolerance = 0,6 0 ) 38,1 61 76,2 106,7 122 152,4 213,4 266,7 426,7 457,2 304,8 609,6 Table 5 Spliced leader and trailer widths (see Figure 1) Dimensions in millimetres Nominal film width A Dimension B aim Dimension B tolerance Dimension

36、C aim Dimension C tolerance 70 See note See note See note See note 127 126,75 0,25 50,8 5,1 241 241,05 0,25 50,8 5,1 NOTE If the leader and trailer are used, they are integral and cut square with no taper. 9 Film perforations Perforated films covered by this International Standard shall have Type II

37、 perforations. The size and shape of Type II perforations are shown in Figure 2 and their dimensions are given in Table 2. All other dimensions for perforated aerial films shall be as given in Table 2. 10 Spool dimensions Spool dimensions shall conform to the values shown in Figure 3 and given in Ta

38、bles 6, 7 and 8.ISO 14546:2000(E) 6 ISO 2000 All rights reserved Key 1 See note 1 2 N (Optional slot) 3 Two holes; Diameter = L; Between centres = M If lugs are used to attach the flanges to the core, they shall not project above the flange surface by more than 0,50 mm. NOTE 1 Dimension B is measure

39、d at the keyway openings in the centre of the flange. For spools with flange thicknesses of 1,27 mm or less, dimension B is kept within its tolerance by embossing the centre of each flange outward. The embossed centres are not used with spools that have flanges 2,06 mm thick because the thicker meta

40、l fills out the space that is obtained by the embossing. Spools numbered 2 and 3 have embossed areas with outside diameters (dimension x) of 16,97 mm 0,40 mm and inside diameters (dimension x 1 ) of 14,27 mm 0,40 mm. Spools numbered 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 18 and 19 have embossed areas with outside diameters

41、 of 25,40 mm 0,40 mm and inside diameters of 22,22 mm 0,40 mm. Spools numbered 14, 15, 16 and 17 have embossed areas with outside diameters of 26,97 mm 0,40 mm, and inside diameters of 25,10 mm 0,40 mm. Spools numbered 6, 9A, 10, 11, 12, 20 and 22 are not embossed. NOTE 2 For all spools listed in th

42、is International Standard, both flanges are identical. a The concentricity of the spindle hole (dimension J) and the flange periphery (dimension C) shall be within 0,762 mm of the total indicator reading. b The concentricity of the spindle hole (dimension J) and the core (dimension D) shall be withi

43、n 0,762 mm of the total indicator reading. Figure 3 Aerial film spools (see Tables 6, 7 and 8)ISO 14546:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved 7 Table 6 Dimensions of aerial film spools (see Figure 3) Dimensions in millimetres Dimension Aim Tolerance H 19,05 0,40 J 9,78 0,13 K 2,79 0,13 L 9,63 0,13 0

44、M 38,10 0,05 N 1,47 0,91ISO 14546:2000(E) 8 ISO 2000 All rights reserved Table 7 Dimensions of spools Preferred sizes Dimensions in millimetres Spool number Nominal spool size Nominal capacity a m Type of metal Number of drive holes Width at core 0,08 b 0,11 b 0,15 b 0,19 b 9,63 0,13 0 A 0,25 7 127

45、70 30 23 15 S c 0 127,00 9 127 150 150 105 75 60 A d 2 127,00 10 127 195 305 210 150 120 A 2 127,00 12 127 265 610 425 305 245 A 2 127,00 15 241 100 60 40 30 S 0 241,30 17 241 130 120 75 60 45 S 2 241,30 19 241 170 210 150 120 90 S 2 241,30 Spool number Nominal spool size Overall width at keyway Act

46、ual flange diameter Flange thickness Core diameter Core thick- ness Film slot length e Lateral runout f B 0,50 C 0,40 E 0,13 D 0,40 G 0,13 F min. 7 127 70 131,10 69,85 1,27 31,75 0,76 g 98,42 0,38 9 127 150 131,10 150,83 1,27 53,98 1,65 98,42 0,76 10 127 195 131,10 193,68 2,06 53,98 1,65 98,42 0,76

47、12 127 265 131,10 266,70 2,06 53,98 1,65 98,42 0,76 15 241 100 245,40 101,60 1,27 53,98 0,76 g 98,42 0,76 17 241 130 245,40 131,78 1,27 53,98 0,76 g 98,42 0,76 19 241 170 245,40 168,28 1,27 53,98 0,76 g 98,42 0,76 a These nominal film capacities are not to be interpreted as product sales lengths. Th

48、ey are merely an indication of the approximate amount of film of a given thickness that, unless otherwise indicated, can be wound on each spool with 3,17 mm or more freeboard to the circumference of the flange. b Nominal film thickness. c Steel. d Aluminium. e The film slot is optional. f The latera

49、l runout tolerance applies to the flatness and accuracy of rotation of the internal surface of each flange at the time of manufacture. These tolerances represent the maximum deviation from the intended plane of rotation for any point on each flange when the spool is rotated on an accurate, tight-fitting spindle. For the i


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