ISO 16100-2-2003 Industrial automation systems and integration - Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability - Part 2 Profiling methodology.pdf

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ISO 16100-2-2003 Industrial automation systems and integration - Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability - Part 2 Profiling methodology.pdf_第1页
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1、 Reference number ISO 16100-2:2003(E) ISO 2003INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16100-2 First edition 2003-11-01 Industrial automation systems and integration Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability Part 2: Profiling methodology Systmes dautomatisation industrielle et intgration Pr

2、ofil daptitude du logiciel de fabrication pour interoprabilit Partie 2: Mthodologie dlaboration de profils ISO 16100-2:2003(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless th

3、e typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of A

4、dobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the

5、unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2003 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includin

6、g photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published

7、in Switzerland ii ISO 2003 All rights reservedISO 16100-2:2003(E) ISO 2003 All rights reserved iiiContents Foreword iv Introduction .v 1 Scope .1 2 Normative references.1 3 Terms and definitions.1 4 Abbreviated terms3 5 Capability profiling method.3 5.1 Capability profiling concept.3 5.2 Capability

8、profiling process.4 5.3 Software requirements analysis process5 5.4 Software unit selection and verification, or creation process .5 6 Elements and rules for capability profiling .6 6.1 Taxonomy.6 6.2 Capability classes and their content.6 6.3 Capability templates and rules .11 6.4 Capability profil

9、es and rules .12 6.5 Software unit profile database13 6.6 Rules for matching capability profiles.13 6.7 Interoperability criteria 13 7 Conformance13 Annex A (informative) Reference methods.14 A.1 Extensible Markup Language (XML)14 A.2 Vocabularies, definitions and interchange formats for software pa

10、ckages: Open Software Description (OSD) and Channel Definition Format (CDF) 14 A.3 Distributing software services: Open Distributed Processing (ODP) and Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)15 Bibliography.17ISO 16100-2:2003(E) iv ISO 2003 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the Internation

11、al Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been e

12、stablished has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standard

13、ization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for vo

14、ting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all su

15、ch patent rights. ISO 16100-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 184, Industrial automation systems and integration, Subcommittee SC 5, Architecture, communications and integration frameworks. ISO 16100 consists of the following parts, under the general title Industrial automation systems an

16、d integration Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability: Part 1: Framework Part 2: Profiling methodology Part 3: Interface protocols and templates Part 4: Conformance test methods, criteria and reports ISO 16100-2:2003(E) ISO 2003 All rights reserved vIntroduction The motivati

17、on for this International Standard stems from the industrial and economic environment noted in the strategic plan of ISO/TC 184/SC 5, in particular: a) a growing base of vendor-specific solutions; b) user difficulties in applying standards; c) a need to move to modular sets of system integration too

18、ls; d) a recognition that application software and the expertise to apply that software are assets of the enterprise. ISO 16100 (all parts) is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable and human readable representation of a software capability profile. Its goal is to provide a method

19、to represent the capability of manufacturing software relative to its role throughout the life cycle of a manufacturing application, independent of a particular system architecture or implementation platform. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16100-2:2003(E) ISO 2003 All rights reserved 11 Scope This part

20、of ISO 16100 specifies a methodology for constructing profiles of manufacturing software capabilities, and is applicable to software products used in the manufacturing domain. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated

21、references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 16100 (all parts), Industrial automation systems and integration Manufacturing software capability r profiling for interoperability REC-xmlschema-

22、1-20010502, XML Schema Part 1: Structures W3C Recommendation 02 May 2001 REC-xmlschema-2-20010502, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes W3C Recommendation 02 May 2001 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 16100-1 and the following apply. 3.1 associ

23、ation semantic relationship between two or more classifiers that specifies connections among their instances ISO/IEC 19501-1 3.2 base specification base standard or widely accepted and available specification Industrial automation systems and integration Manufacturing software capability profiling f

24、or interoperability Part 2: Profiling methodology ISO 16100-2:2003(E) 2 ISO 2003 All rights reserved3.3 capability class element within the capability profiling method that represents software unit functionality and behaviour with regard to the software units role in a manufacturing activity 3.4 cap

25、ability profile integration process in which two or more software units interoperate using equivalent interfaces that are configured in a compatible manner as indicated by their capability profiles 3.5 classifier mechanism that describes behavioural and structural features ISO/IEC 19501-1 NOTE Class

26、ifiers include interfaces, classes, data types, and components. 3.6 element atomic constituent of a model ISO/IEC 19501-1 3.7 entity any concrete or abstract thing of interest ISO/IEC 10746-2 3.8 interface abstraction of the behaviour of an object that consists of a subset of the interactions of tha

27、t object together with a set of constraints on when they may occur ISO/IEC 10746-2 3.9 object model of an entity ISO/IEC 10746-2 NOTE An object is characterized by its behaviour and by its state. An object is distinct from any other object. An object is encapsulated, i.e. any change in its state can

28、 only occur as a result of an internal action or as a result of an interaction with its environment. An object interacts with its environment at its interaction points. Depending upon the viewpoint, the emphasis may be placed on behaviour or on state. When the emphasis is placed on behaviour, an obj

29、ect is informally said to perform functions and offer services (an object which makes a function available is said to offer a service). For modeling purposes, these functions and services are specified in terms of the behaviour of the object and of its interfaces. An object can perform more than one

30、 function. A function can be performed by the co-operation of several objects. 3.10 profile set of one or more base specifications and/or sub-profiles, and, where applicable, the identification of chosen classes, conforming subsets, options and parameters of those base specifications, or sub-profile

31、s necessary to accomplish a particular function, activity, or relationship NOTE This definition is adapted from ISO/IEC TR 10000-1. 3.11 role named specific behaviour of an entity participating in a particular context ISO/IEC 19501-1 NOTE A role may be static (e.g. an association end) or dynamic (e.

32、g. a collaboration role). 3.12 taxonomy classification scheme for referencing profiles or sets of profiles unambiguously ISO/IEC TR 10000-1 ISO 16100-2:2003(E) ISO 2003 All rights reserved 34 Abbreviated terms CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture IDL Interface Definition Language OMG Obje

33、ct Management Group PSL Process Specification Language UML Unified Modeling Language XML eXtensible Markup Language 5 Capability profiling method 5.1 Capability profiling concept The main focus of ISO 16100 is manufacturing software interoperability. Figure 1 depicts the use of a capability profile

34、concept to integrate interoperable software. Key information flow relationship between conceptual elements Figure 1 Concept of capability profile for software interoperability Based on Complements ISO 16100-2 Profiling Methodology Capability Profiling (see Figure 2) New Software Unit ISO 16100-4 Con

35、formance Test Methods, Criteria, and Reports Software Requirements Analysis (see Figure 3) Conformance Testing and Registration Based on ISO 16100-1 Framework ISO16100-3 Interface Protocols and Templates Software Unit Selection and Verification, or Creation (see Figure 4) Integrated Interoperable Ma

36、nufacturing Software Manufacturing Software Requirements Required Software Unit Capability Profiles Software Unit Capability Profile Database Taxonomy and Domain Ontology Based on Based on Based on Based on Software Unit Capability Profile Based on ISO 16100-2:2003(E) 4 ISO 2003 All rights reservedT

37、he interoperability of software units can be described in terms of their capabilities that are associated with the aspects of functionality, interface and structure. These aspects, based on the framework and domain specific application system model defined in ISO 16100-1, are defined in Clauses 5 an

38、d 6, and are further detailed in ISO 16100-3. A manufacturing process has a structure that is both nested and hierarchical. At each level, the manufacturing software requirements can be modelled as a set of capability classes organized in a similar structure. Manufacturing software requirements are

39、met by the integration of several manufacturing software units. In this methodology, manufacturing software requirements shall be expressed in terms of software unit capability profiles. The profiling of a software unit involves the generation of a concise statement of manufacturing capabilities ena

40、bled by the software unit in terms of the functions performed, the interfaces provided, and the protocols supported as required by the target manufacturing capability. The capability profiling methodology shall be defined in terms of the rules and elements provided in Clause 6. The methodology shall

41、 make use of the domain-specific attributes and methods associated with each specific software unit to describe capability profiles in terms of unit name, manufacturing functions, and other needed class properties. The required profiles are compared to existing profiles in the database. When a match

42、 occurs, the software unit being profiled shall be considered to be ready for integration. When no match occurs, a new software unit with the required capabilities shall be developed, profiled, and registered in the capability profile database. The software units capability profile definition shall

43、be registered in an appropriate database after passing the conformance test which will be provided with the conformance test methodology and its abstract test suites to be defined in ISO 16100-4. The profile database shall have a set of taxonomies for use in describing the capability profiles. 5.2 C

44、apability profiling process The part of the concept of capability profile for software interoperability shown in Figure 1 related to the capability profiling process is detailed in Figure 2. A software unit to be profiled shall be analyzed in terms of the supported paths within the capability class

45、structure, the concept for which is described in 6.2.1. The structure itself is defined in ISO 16100-3. The supported paths shall then be used in the search for a matching template from the database. When a matching template is found, the fields of the template shall be filled to make a profile. Whe

46、n no matching template is found, a new template shall be formed using the set of capability classes. Figure 2 Capability profiling process Software Unit Capability Profile Templates in Database Analyze Software Unit Search for template Fill in template Capability Class Structure in Database Correspo

47、nding Class Path(s) Create Template if missing ISO 16100-2:2003(E) ISO 2003 All rights reserved 55.3 Software requirements analysis process The part of the concept of capability profile for software interoperability shown in Figure 1 related to the software requirements analysis process is detailed

48、in Figure 3. Capability profiles for each manufacturing software unit shall be derived from manufacturing software requirements in the software requirements analysis process. As a first step, manufacturing software requirements shall be decomposed into several primitive requirements which are fulfil

49、led by capability classes that are selected from the database. When a template that corresponds to the class exists, the template shall be filled with specific requirements in order to generate a required capability profile. When such a template does not exist, a new template shall be created based on rules for template creation described in 6.3. Figure 3 Software requirements analysis process 5.4 Software unit selection and verification, or creation process The part of the capability profil

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