ISO 18770-2005 Ships and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil《船舶和航海技术 机炉舱燃油系统 燃油泄漏的预防》.pdf

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ISO 18770-2005 Ships and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil《船舶和航海技术 机炉舱燃油系统 燃油泄漏的预防》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 18770-2005 Ships and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil《船舶和航海技术 机炉舱燃油系统 燃油泄漏的预防》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 18770-2005 Ships and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil《船舶和航海技术 机炉舱燃油系统 燃油泄漏的预防》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 18770-2005 Ships and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil《船舶和航海技术 机炉舱燃油系统 燃油泄漏的预防》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 18770-2005 Ships and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil《船舶和航海技术 机炉舱燃油系统 燃油泄漏的预防》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Reference number ISO 18770:2005(E) ISO 2005INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18770 First edition 2005-09-01 Ships and marine technology Machinery-space flammable oil systems Prevention of leakage of flammable oil Navires et technologie maritime Systmes dhuiles inflammables dans les salles de machines Lign

2、es directrices pour la prvention de fuites dhuiles inflammables ISO 18770:2005(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed t

3、o and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the sof

4、tware products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it

5、is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2005 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permiss

6、ion in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2005 All rights reserve

7、dISO 18770:2005(E) ISO 2005 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v 1 Scope . 1 2 Terms and definitions. 1 3 General piping system considerations. 1 3.1 General. 1 3.2 Human element . 2 3.3 Inspection, maintenance and repairs . 2 3.4 Operational considerations . 2 4 Flexible

8、 hose and flexible-hose assemblies 3 4.1 Application 3 4.2 Design and construction 3 4.3 Installation . 3 4.4 Inspection and maintenance . 3 5 Spray shields. 4 5.1 Application 4 5.2 Design 4 5.3 Inspection and maintenance . 4 6 Jacketed high-pressure fuel lines. 4 6.1 Application 4 6.2 Design 4 6.3

9、Inspection and maintenance . 5 7 Bellows expansion joints. 5 7.1 Application 5 7.2 Design 5 7.3 Installation, inspection and maintenance 5 8 Filters and strainers 5 8.1 Design 5 8.2 Installation, inspection and maintenance 6 9 Insulation . 6 9.1 Design 6 9.2 Installation, inspection and maintenance

10、6 10 Other mechanical components . 6 10.1 Gauges. 6 10.2 Pipe connectors, joints, hangars and supports 7 11 Operational and maintenance hazards. 7 11.1 General. 7 11.2 High-pressure pulses in fuel oil supply and spill systems 7 11.3 Design considerations . 8 11.4 Installation . 9 11.5 Maintenance an

11、d inspection procedures.9 Annex A (informative) Installation guidelines for hose assemblies . 11 Annex B (informative) Installation guidelines for spray shields . 16 Bibliography . 17 ISO 18770:2005(E) iv ISO 2005 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) i

12、s a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represe

13、nted on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are d

14、rafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International

15、Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 18770 was prepar

16、ed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee SC 3, Piping and machinery. ISO 18770:2005(E) ISO 2005 All rights reserved v Introduction Fuel oil, lubricating oil and other flammable oil system failures are a major source of shipboard fires. This International Standard

17、 specifies the measures that shall be taken to reduce fires originating from machinery-space flammable oil systems, and is intended for designers, shipyard personnel, engine-room personnel, owners, operators and maintenance personnel. Requirements contained herein address the design, construction, t

18、esting, installation, maintenance and inspection of systems containing flammable oils. It is the intent of this International Standard to supplement and provide guidance in support of the following International Maritime Organization circulars, with the eventual goal of replacing these circulars. MS

19、C/Circular 647 (1994), “Guidelines to Minimize Leakages from Flammable Liquid Systems”, a supplement for SOLAS Regulation II/2-15 (“Arrangements for Flammable Oils”). It addresses several aspects of the fuel oil, lubricating oil and other flammable oil systems, such as hoses, spray shields, insulati

20、on, connectors, joints and supports. MSC/Circular 851 (1998), “Guidelines on Engine-Room Oil Fuel Systems”, a supplement to MSC/Circular 647. This circular addresses causes of oil fuel leakage, which sometimes result in machinery space fires. It discusses design, installation, maintenance and inspec

21、tion issues, and explains some contributing factors such as frequent dismantling, short-duration pressure pulses, and vibration. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18770:2005(E) ISO 2005 All rights reserved 1 Ships and marine technology Machinery-space flammable oil systems Prevention of leakage of flammabl

22、e oil 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the measures to be taken to reduce fires originating from machinery- space flammable oil systems and to prevent leakage of flammable oil. It is intended for designers, shipyard personnel, engine-room personnel, owners, operators and maintenance per

23、sonnel. Requirements contained herein address the design, construction, testing, installation, maintenance and inspection of systems containing flammable oil. This International Standard is applicable to new and existing vessels, and is intended to be used as a supplement to the regulations for fuel

24、 oil, lubricating oil and other flammable oils contained in the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS 74), as amended, issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply

25、. 3.1 flammable oil oil easily ignitable and burned, generally found in machinery spaces EXAMPLE fuel oil, lubricating oil, thermal oil or hydraulic oil 3.2 machinery space space, generally containing main and auxiliary propulsion equipment and associated systems, as defined in the International Con

26、vention for the Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS 74), as amended, issued by the International Maritime Organization 3.3 hot surface surface whose temperature exceeds 220 C 3.4 electrical component switchboard, instrument panel, electrical controller, instrumentation cabinet or other shipboard electrical

27、 equipment, whose wetting or spray by liquids could result in fire or loss of propulsion 3 General piping system considerations 3.1 General Based on past experience, it is known that the combination of flammable materials and sources of ignition is the main cause of machinery-space fires. The flamma

28、ble materials involved in the majority of cases are oils, i.e. fuel oil, lubricating oil or hydraulic oil. There are many potential ignition sources in a machinery space, the ISO 18770:2005(E) 2 ISO 2005 All rights reservedmost common being hot surfaces, e.g. exhaust pipes and steam pipes. Overheati

29、ng of machinery, ignition from electrical installations due to short-circuiting or arcing of switchgear and other fault conditions can result in fire. Other frequent ignition sources are those associated with human activities, e.g. smoking, welding and grinding. 3.2 Human element The role of the hum

30、an element shall always be considered. Personnel shall be properly trained and follow established procedures. Knowledge of the operation of engine fuel systems and other flammable oil systems, as well as the magnitude of pressures generated within them and hazards associated with leaks, should be in

31、cluded in training for engineer officers. These topics should receive detailed attention when candidates sit for their Certificate of Competency examinations. 3.3 Inspection, maintenance and repairs Inspection, maintenance and repairs to flammable oil systems shall be carried out in a professional m

32、anner. Owners shall ensure that the necessary training, equipment and parts are available. Records of significant repairs and maintenance to these systems shall be noted in the engineers daily log and/or maintenance log. 3.4 Operational considerations 3.4.1 Many fires have been caused by pipe connec

33、tions and fittings working loose. The fuel, lubricating and hydraulic oil pipes, their fittings, connections and securing arrangements shall be routinely checked as part of a preventive maintenance plan. Care shall be taken not to overtighten fittings during checks. 3.4.2 When completing maintenance

34、 or repairs to main or auxiliary engines, checks shall be made to ensure that the insulation covering hot surfaces has been properly replaced. Regular checks of the engines shall be made to confirm that the insulation is in place. 3.4.3 Any fuel, lubricating- or hydraulic-oil leak shall be dealt wit

35、h promptly. In the event of a major leak, every effort should be made to stop the pump or source of the oil pressure. When underway, the navigation bridge shall be immediately informed of major flammable-liquid leaks. 3.4.4 Serious fires have originated because of a failure to recognize potential ha

36、zards (such as burning oil running out of furnace fronts onto the tank top, a spray of oil from a defective gland, joint or a fractured pipe) in areas where these may not be readily noticeable, but can be easily ignited. It is essential to avoid the dangerous situation in which a small fire could sp

37、read to waste oil in the bilges or on tank tops, where it could rapidly spread out of control. Cleanliness is essential for safety, and a high standard of cleanliness shall always be maintained. 3.4.5 Woodwork or other readily combustible materials shall not be used in machinery spaces where flammab

38、le oil is used. No combustible material shall be stored near any part of oil installations. The use of bituminous or similar flammable compounds shall be kept to a minimum in machinery and boiler spaces. 3.4.6 When repairs, however temporary, are carried out to oil lines, special attention shall be

39、paid to fire risks. All repairs shall be adequate to prevent any danger of leakage and shall be to a standard which would endure exposure to fire. 3.4.7 If there is a leakage of fuel, lubricating or hydraulic oil, the chances of preventing the outbreak of fire or quickly extinguishing one which has

40、started, will be greatly improved if all affected or adjacent machinery which may have heated surfaces, including ancillaries, can be immediately shut down. The prevention of further leakage will reduce the probability of fire, or reduce the intensity of one that has already started and can help to

41、avoid permanent disablement of the ship. ISO 18770:2005(E) ISO 2005 All rights reserved 3 4 Flexible hose and flexible-hose assemblies 4.1 Application The limited use of flexible hose in flammable oil systems is permitted. This clause provides guidance concerning the safe application of flexible-hos

42、e assemblies. Flexible-hose assemblies, which are flexible hoses with end fittings attached, shall be as short in length as practicable and only used where necessary to accommodate relative movement between fixed piping and machinery parts. 4.2 Design and construction Hoses shall be constructed to a

43、 recognized standard and be approved as suitable for the intended service, taking into account pressure, temperature, fluid compatibility and mechanical loading including impulses where applicable. Each hose assembly shall be provided with a certificate of hydrostatic pressure testing and conformity

44、 of production. In addition, non-metallic hoses shall be provided with a certificate of fire-resistance testing; guidance for fire-resistance testing is provided in ISO 15540 1 . 4.3 Installation Hoses shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers instruction, with regard to minimum bend r

45、adius, twist angle and orientation, as well as support where necessary. In locations where hoses are likely to suffer external damage, adequate protection shall be provided. After installation, the system shall be operated at maximum working pressure and checked for malfunctions and leaks. General i

46、nstallation guidelines are given in Figures A.1 and A.2. 4.4 Inspection and maintenance Hose assemblies shall be periodically inspected according to the manufacturers or ships maintenance programme. Results of periodic inspections shall be documented. Hose assemblies shall be replaced when there is

47、evidence of distress likely to lead to failure, or doubt as to their continued suitability for service. Any of the following conditions can require replacement of a hose assembly: leaks at fitting or in flexible hose; damaged, cut or abraded cover; kinked, crushed, flattened or twisted flexible hose

48、; hardened, stiff, heat-cracked or charred flexible hose; blistered, soft, degraded or loose cover; cracked, damaged or badly corroded fittings; fitting slippage on flexible hose. It is expected that hose assemblies may need to be replaced several times during the life of the ship. Manufacturers rec

49、ommendations for maximum hose service life shall be followed. ISO 18770:2005(E) 4 ISO 2005 All rights reserved5 Spray shields 5.1 Application Spray shields prevent the impingement of leaked or sprayed flammable liquid onto a hot surface or other source of ignition. Fuel oil, lubricating oil and other flammable oil piping shall be screened or otherwise suitably protected to avoid, as far as practicable, oil spray onto hot surfaces, into machinery air intakes, or other sources of ignition. Spray shields are intend


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