1、 ISO 2014 Intelligent transport systems Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) Architecture Systmes intelligents de transport Accs aux communications des services mobiles terrestres (CALM) Architecture INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21217 Second edition 2014-04-01 Reference number ISO 21217:2014(
2、E) ISO 21217:2014(E)ii ISO 2014 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
3、the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso
4、.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ISO 21217:2014(E) ISO 2014 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v 1 Scope . 1 2 Normative references 1 3 T erms and definitions . 1 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 5 5 Requirements 7 6 Overview of ITS communications . 7 6.1 IT
5、S services and applications . 7 6.2 ITS communication means . 7 6.3 ITS communication characteristics . 8 6.4 ITS communication networks 9 6.5 ITS station interconnection scenarios .10 6.6 ITS concept of paths and flows 11 7 ITS station overview 13 7.1 ITS station concept .13 7.2 ITS-S architecture
6、14 8 Details of elements of ITS-S reference architecture20 8.1 ITS-S interfaces 20 8.2 ITS-S access layer .21 8.3 ITS-S networking and transport layer .24 8.4 ITS-S facilities layer 26 8.5 ITS-S management entity 29 8.6 ITS-S security entity 31 8.7 ITS-S applications 32 9 Typical implementations of
7、ITS station units .34 Annex A (informative) Illustration of typical ITS-SU implementations 36 Annex B (informative) IT S- S c onfigur ations .40 Bibliography .45 ISO 21217:2014(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
8、 (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
9、governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further ma
10、intenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). A
11、ttention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduc
12、tion and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents). Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to con
13、formity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems. This second edition can
14、cels and replaces the first edition (ISO 21217:2010) which has been technically revised.iv ISO 2014 All rights reserved ISO 21217:2014(E) Introduction “Communications Access for Land Mobile” (CALM) is the acronym used to refer to ISO TC204 WG16 work items. This acronym is used in the titles of the s
15、et of International Standards on communication for “Intelligent Transport Systems” (ITS). These International Standards focus on specifying open interfaces with regard to the functionalities required for all relevant layers and entities of the ITS station reference architecture specified in this Int
16、ernational Standard. Note that these International Standards may also specify implementation details in situations where such specifications are deemed essential to interoperability of interface protocols. The set of CALM International Standards is designed to allow interoperable instantiations of I
17、TS stations which are based on the concept of abstracting applications and services from the underlying communication layers of the ITS station. This abstraction and the functionalities and services that can be easily implemented make the ITS station architecture described herein also well-suited to
18、 the development and deployment of ITS applications and services that share information amongst each other to improve the safety, sustainability and efficiency of transport systems. The set of CALM International Standards include specifications for ITS station management, ITS communications security
19、, ITS station facilities layer protocols, ITS station networking and transport layer protocols, communication interfaces (CIs) designed specifically for ITS applications and services such as those designed specifically for safety of life and property, interfacing existing access technologies into IT
20、S stations, distributed implementations of ITS stations, and interfacing ITS stations to existing communication networks and communicating with nodes thereon. This International Standard describes the common architectural framework around which ITS stations are instantiated and provides references t
21、o relevant International Standards, including access technology support standards, various networking and transport protocol standards, facilities standards, and ITS station management and security standards. It also describes the general architecture of peer-to-peer communications over various comm
22、unication networks between ITS communication nodes. These nodes may be ITS stations as described in this International Standard or any other reachable nodes. The set of CALM International Standards is complemented by ITS communication International Standards from other International Standards develo
23、pment organizations which together form the basis for implementation of ITS communications networks around the world. ISO 2014 All rights reserved v Intelligent transport systems Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) Architecture 1 Scope This International Standard describes the communicatio
24、ns reference architecture of nodes called “ITS station units” designed for deployment in intelligent transport systems (ITS) communication networks. The ITS station reference architecture is described in an abstract way. While this International Standard describes a number of ITS station elements, w
25、hether or not a particular element is implemented in an ITS station unit depends on the specific communication requirements of the implementation. This International Standard also describes the various communication modes for peer-to-peer communications over various networks between ITS communicatio
26、n nodes. These nodes may be ITS station units as described in this International Standard or any other reachable nodes. This International standard specifies the minimum set of normative requirements for a physical instantiation of the ITS station based on the principles of a bounded secured managed
27、 domain. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
28、any amendments) applies. None. 3 T erms a nd definiti ons For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 access technology technology employed in a communication interface to access a specific medium 3.2 application data unit data unit exchanged between ITS-S appli
29、cation processes 3.3 communication adaptation layer set of protocols and functions to adapt access technologies to the ITS-S networking and transport layer 3.4 communication interface instantiation of a specific access technology and ITS-S access layer protocol 3.5 communication path directed sequen
30、ce of nodes connected by links, starting at a source node and ending at one or more destination nodes 3.6 FA interface interface between the ITS-S facilities layer and the ITS-S applications entity INTERNATIONAL ST ANDARD ISO 21217:2014(E) ISO 2014 All rights reserved 1 ISO 21217:2014(E) 3.7 IN inte
31、rface interface between the ITS-S access layer and the ITS-S networking and transport layer 3.8 in-vehicle network generic term for a network in a vehicle which is not an ITS station-internal network 3.9 ITS application instantiation of an ITS service that involves an association of two or more comp
32、lementary ITS-S application processes Note 1 to entry: Fragments of an application may also reside in nodes that are not ITS stations. 3.10 ITS message set set of messages designed for an ITS-related purpose 3.11 ITS service functionality provided to users of intelligent transport systems designed e
33、.g. to increase safety, sustainability, efficiency, or comfort 3.12 ITS station functional entity comprised of an ITS-S facilities layer, ITS-S networking and transport layer, ITS-S access layer, ITS-S management entity, ITS-S security entity, and ITS-S applications entity providing ITS services Not
34、e 1 to entry: From an abstract point of view, the term “ITS station” refers to a set of functionalities. The term is often used to refer to an instantiation of these functionalities in a physical unit. Often, the appropriate interpretation is obvious from the context. The proper name of the physical
35、 instantiation of an ITS-S is ITS station unit (ITS-SU). 3.13 ITS-S access layer protocol layer in the ITS-S reference architecture containing the OSI physical and data link layer protocols for ITS communications 3.14 ITS-S access layer protocol data unit protocol data unit exchanged between peer IT
36、S-S access layers 3.15 ITS-S access layer service data unit service data unit exchanged between ITS-S access layer and ITS-S networking and transport layer 3.16 ITS-S access router ITS-S border router with additional functionality that provides other ITS communication nodes a point of attachment to
37、an external network 3.17 ITS-S access technology access technology dedicated to operation in an ITS-S 3.18 ITS-S application ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S application entity2 ISO 2014 All rights reserved ISO 21217:2014(E) 3.19 ITS-S application process element in an ITS station tha
38、t performs information processing for a particular application and uses ITS-S services to transmit and receive information 3.20 ITS-S border router ITS-S router with additional functionality that provides connectivity to other ITS communication nodes over external networks 3.21 ITS-S communication u
39、nit physical unit in an ITS-SU containing a part or all of the functionality of an ITS-S Note 1 to entry: In case an ITS-SU consists of a single physical unit, the ITS-SU and the ITS-SCU are identical. In case an ITS-SU consists of more than one ITS-SCU, then these ITS-SCUs are interconnected via th
40、e ITS station- internal network of the ITS-SU. 3.22 ITS-S facilities layer layer in the ITS-S reference architecture containing OSI layers 5, 6, and 7 that connects applications to the ITS-S networking and transport layer 3.23 ITS-S facilities layer protocol data unit protocol data unit exchanged be
41、tween peer ITS-S facility layers 3.24 ITS-S facilities layer service data unit service data unit exchanged between ITS-S facilities layer and ITS-S application entity 3.25 ITS-S facility application ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S facilities layer 3.26 ITS-S gateway ITS-S node used t
42、o interconnect two different OSI protocol stacks at layers 5 through 7 Note 1 to entry: An ITS-S gateway may convert between different protocols. 3.27 ITS-S host ITS-S node comprised of ITS-S functionalities other than the functionalities of an ITS-S router, ITS-S border router, ITS-S mobile router,
43、 or an ITS-S gateway 3.28 ITS-S internal router ITS-S router that connects two or more ITS station-internal networks 3.29 ITS-S management application ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S management entity 3.30 ITS-S mobile router ITS-S border router with additional functionality that all
44、ows a change of point of attachment to an external network while maintaining session continuity 3.31 ITS-S networking and transport layer protocol data unit protocol data unit exchanged between peer ITS-S networking and transport layers ISO 2014 All rights reserved 3 ISO 21217:2014(E) 3.32 ITS-S net
45、working and transport layer service data unit service data unit exchanged between ITS-S networking and transport layer and ITS-S facilities layer 3.33 ITS-S networking and transport layer layer in the ITS-S reference architecture containing OSI layers 3 and 4 that connects the ITS-S facilities layer
46、 to the ITS-S access layer 3.34 ITS-S node node comprised of a set of functionalities in an ITS station unit that is connected to the ITS station- internal network or comprises an entire ITS station unit 3.35 ITS-S router ITS-S node comprised of routing functionalities of an ITS station unit used to
47、 connect two networks and to forward packets not explicitly addressed to itself 3.36 ITS-S security application ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S security entity 3.37 ITS-S service communication functionality of an ITS-S that provides the capability to connect to other nodes 3.38 ITS s
48、tation unit implementation of an ITS-S 3.39 MA interface interface between the ITS-S management entity and ITS-S applications 3.40 medium physical entity that supports the transmission of signals carrying information between ITS communication nodes, e.g. a set of wires supporting Ethernet signals or
49、 the space between two antennas that supports electromagnetic, optical, or acoustical transmissions 3.41 MF interface interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S facilities layer 3.42 MI interface interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S access layer 3.43 MN interface interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S networking and transport layer 3.44 MS interface interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S security entity 3.45 NF interface interface between the ITS-S ne