1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 2395 Second edition Deuxihme Edition 1990-12-01 Test sieves and test sieving - Vocabulary Tamis et tamisage de contrale - Vocabulaire Reference number Num6ro de rhfhrence IS0 2395 : 1990 (E/F) IS0 2395 : 1990 (E/F) Contents Foreword. iii 1 Scope 2 Norm
2、ative references . 3 Definitions 3.1 Material to be sieved 3.2 Testsieves 3.3 Test sieving. . 3.4 Expression of results Alphabetical indexes English French Sommaire Avant-propos . 1 Domaine dapplication 2 R6fkences normatives 3 Dbfinitions 3.1 Mati cover: Device which fits snugly over a sieve to pre
3、vent the escape of material to be sieved. 3.2.10 receiver; pan: Device which fits snugly beneath a sieve to receive the whole of the passing fraction. 3.2.11 frame: Device which supports the sieving medium at its perimeter and limits the spread of material to be sieved. 3.2.12 sieving medium: A surf
4、ace containing regularly arranged apertures of uniform shape and size. 3.2.13 woven wire cloth: Sieving medium, produced by a wire weaving process. The wires form square apertures of uniform size. 3.2.14 perforated plate: Sieving medium consisting of a plate with uniform holes in a regular arrangeme
5、nt. The holes may be round or square. 3.2.15 electroformed sheet: Sieving medium made of metal sheet with round or square apertures, produced by electrochemical methods. 3.2.16 aperture size: Dimension defining an opening in a sieving medium. 3.2.17 pitch (I) For woven wire cloth, the distance betwe
6、en the axes of two adjacent wires in the weft or the warp. (2) For perforated plate and electroformed sheet, the distance between corresponding points of two adjacent holes. 3.2.7 profondeur du tamis, HI: Distance entre le bord superieur du tamis et le fond du tamis koir figure I). 3.2.8 hauteur du
7、tamis, Hz: Distance entre les bords superieurs et inferieurs du tamis (voir figure 1). 3.2.9 couvercle: Accessoire ajuste B la partie superieure dun tamis pour eviter les pertes de mat cerce: Cadre servant B la fixation du fond de tamis a son pour-tour et B contenir la matiere B tamiser. 3.2.12 fond
8、 de tamis: Surface pourvue douvertures, de forme et de dimensions identiques, disposees dune fapon reguliere. 3.2.13 tissu metallique: Fond de tamis, produit par tissage. Les fils forment des ouvertures car bar: Distance between the nearest edges of two adjacent holes in a perforated plate or an ele
9、ctroformed sheet. 3.2.26 barrette: Distance entre les bords les plus proches de deux trous voisins, dans une t8le perforce ou une feuille BlectroformBe. 3.2.27 margin: A non-perforated strip at the edge of a perforated plate or an electroformed sheet. NOTE - The width of the margin is measured betwe
10、en the edge of the plate or sheet and the line of the outermost points of the row of holes next to this edge. 3.227 bordure pleine: Bande non petforbe sit coinGage: Obturation des ouvertures dun tamis par des particules qui sy coincent. 5 IS0 2396 : 1990 (E/F) 3.3.11 blinding; clogging: The conditio
11、n where very fine particles adhere to a screening surface and reduce the apertures or close them completely. 3.3.12 size fraction: The interval between two quoted limiting sizes of the material with particle sizes between those limits. 3.4 Expression of results 3.4.1 particle size; sieve size of a p
12、article: Smallest aper- ture size through which a particle will pass if presented in the most favourable attitude. 3.4.2 near-size particle: Particle of size approximately equal to the aperture size of the sieve. 3.4.3 undersize: fines: That portion of the charge which has passed through the apertur
13、es of a stated sieve. 3.4.4 oversize; residue: That portion of the charge which has not passed through the apertures of a stated sieve. 3.4.5 size distribution curve: Graphical representation of the results of a particle size analysis. 3.4.6 cumulative oversize distribution curve: Curve obtained by
14、plotting the total (cumulative) percentage by mass retained on each of a set of sieves against the corresponding aperture size. 3.4.7 cumulative undersize distribution curve: Curve obtained by plotting the total (cumulative) percentage by mass passing each of a set of sieves against the correspondin
15、g aperture size. 3.3.11 colmatage: Situation dans laquelle les particules t passant: Partie de la charge passee a travers un tamis donne. 3.4.4 refus: Partie de la charge retenue sur un tamis. 3.4.5 courbe de distribution granulom&rique: Represen- tation graphique des resultats dune analyse granulom
16、etrique. 3.4.6 courbe de distribution cumulative des refus: Courbe obtenue en portant les pourcentages totaux cumulatifs en masse de refus de chaque tamis dans une serie en fonction des ouvertures correspondantes. 3.4.7 courbe de distribution cumulative des tamisats: Courbe obtenue en portant les pourcentages totaux cumulatifs en masse traversant chaque tamis dans une serie en fonction des ouvertures correspondantes. 6