ISO 3877-3-1978 Tyres valves and tubes List of equivalent terms Part III Tubes Trilingual edition《轮胎、气门嘴和内胎 等效术语表 第3部分 内胎 三种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 3877-3-1978 Tyres valves and tubes List of equivalent terms Part III Tubes Trilingual edition《轮胎、气门嘴和内胎 等效术语表 第3部分 内胎 三种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 3877-3-1978 Tyres valves and tubes List of equivalent terms Part III Tubes Trilingual edition《轮胎、气门嘴和内胎 等效术语表 第3部分 内胎 三种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 3877-3-1978 Tyres valves and tubes List of equivalent terms Part III Tubes Trilingual edition《轮胎、气门嘴和内胎 等效术语表 第3部分 内胎 三种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 3877-3-1978 Tyres valves and tubes List of equivalent terms Part III Tubes Trilingual edition《轮胎、气门嘴和内胎 等效术语表 第3部分 内胎 三种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 3877-3-1978 Tyres valves and tubes List of equivalent terms Part III Tubes Trilingual edition《轮胎、气门嘴和内胎 等效术语表 第3部分 内胎 三种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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2、es et chambres 5 air - Liste des termes kquivalents - Partie III: Chambres ti air Premiere Edition - 1978-05-I 5 HeBMaTWIeCICHe IIIIIHbI, BeHTIfJIZl Ei ISaMepbI - IIepeqeHb 3ICBEiBUIeHTHbIX TepMIlHOB - !hCTb 111: KaMepbI IIepsoe awaaae - 1978-05-I 5 PE 45 23 ; ; U DC/CDU/YAK : 629.11 .012.554 : 001.

3、4 Ref. NoJRBf. no : IS0 3877/W - 1978 (E/F/R) c- , I Cm-ma JT9: MC0 3877/M - 1978 (A/P) - - 22 is3 Descriptors: tyres, pneumatic tyres, tyre tubes, nomenclature. / Descripteurs: bandage de roue, pneu, chambre B air, nomenclature. / Onawe: 6manm xoneeme, nmm xmmdammecxne, xahieprd mm, ormmnarypa. $8

4、Price based on 3 pages / Prix base sur 3 pages / Ueaa paccww HII 3 rrp. IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committ

5、ees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. Internatibnal organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by

6、the technical committees are circulated to the me;l; bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 . International Standard IS0 3877/m was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 31, fires, rims and valves, and was circulated to the member bodies in December 1975.

7、 It has been approved by the member bodieZs of the following countries: pf?;” Japan Switzerland Mexico Turkey Brazil Netherlands United Kingdom pay; Portugal U.S.A. Romania U.S.S.R. Czechoslovakia South Africa, Rep. of Yugoslavia France Spain Italy Sweden No member body expressed disapproval of the

8、document. AVANT-PROPOS LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorga- nismes nationaux de normalisation (cornit Portugal Roilmanie &ww RoyaumeUni France Suede Aucun cornit membre ne la d&approuv6e. Suisse Tch&oslovaquie Turquie U.R.S.S. U.S.A. Yougoslavie IXfC

9、CX(hleaoalr Opranzzsam nq-CTaHAapT3aq) mJuIeTc= BCI=KQXQR eAepa- qEe-HaoHa3IbH6IXOraHH3a IIO craapTH59qsE (%.geEGBn EXCO). -AesgeHocrz-qo pa3paSOTKe M&K,ay&apoAzsm CTaHAapTon IIOBOCH TemecKsss KOmeTaME XXCO. JrEo6oWIeHopramz3 aqmr,3amrrepecosa&Haupaz3JIeHIHH 65131 co3mm eXTeJSHOCTE,II5IKOTOpOti Te x

10、EIHsecx& Kon4zreT,HMeeTnpano 6x3 npe.qcTasne=mB TOMKOTC, IYIpanzrrecTseHEzse H HeupaBzrTeJfbr*TBeHzsIe MemapOAHbIe opranzs3am, HMerome c133sx c TrllCO,Taoe np W.aJoT YgacTEe B pa6oTe. POCXCTI Meyw=apomm CTaHAapTOB, np-Ie Texrrwec&bizx xo=eTabzq paccbr- JIaIoTCX JIeHaM opraHH3aLp3cET Ha oAo6peEuze ne

11、peA yTBepXcAeMeM HX ConeToM &XC0 B Kaqeme MexwapomIx CTaH.qapToB. Qipam 9exocrrosaKzzsz 5eGqapm 5e4m EOrocnasarr mXEo-A&pIXKaHCKaR Pecny61na XHOHEE Q kternationaf Organization for Standardization, 1978 = 9. Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1978 l Mex,qyHapomaa. Opraxmsamxsx no Cra&alpni

12、samm, 1978 - Printed in Switzerland / Imprimt en Suisse / 3,marro B lIbeS&uapzss INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE MEXJfJHAPO CTAH,PT Is0 3877/l-n - 1978 (E/FyR) IX0 3877/m - 1978 (A/P) Tyres, valves and tubes- Pneus, valves et chambres g air - IkeBMaTHiecIcae JIIHW, List of equivilent ter

13、ms- Liste des termes Cquivalents - BeBTlmi II KaMepbI- Part ICI: Tubes Partie III: Chambres g air IIepeseaa 3IcBHBaJIeHTwM TepMBBOB- qaCTb m: KaMepbI SCOPE AND FIELD OFAPPLICATION This International Standard gives a list of equivalent terms relating to tubes, in English, French and Russian,. as used

14、 in the tyre industry. Terms relating to tyres and to tyre valves are given in IS0 3877/I and IS0 3877/II respectively. The pripcipal terms are illustrated in the figure. NOTELIn addition to tenng used in the three official IS0 languages (English, French and Russian), this International Standard giv

15、es, in an annex, the equivalent terms in the Italian language. These terms have been included at the request of IS0 Technical Committee 31, and are published under the responsibility of the member body for Italy (ONI). However, only the terms given in the o5cial languages can be considered as IS0 te

16、rms. Definitions of certain terms given in the three parts of IS0 3877 are given in IS0 4223, Dejinitions of some terms used in the tyre industry. For terms relating to wheels/rims, and their definitions, see IS0 3911, Wheels/rims-Nomenclatwe, desig- nation, marking, and rmits of measurement, OBJFnT

17、ETDOMAINE DAPPLICATION La prbente Norme internationale donne une liste de termes equivalents relatifs aux chambres g air, en anglais, en francais et en russe, terms utilisQ dans lindustrie du pneumatique. Les termes relatifs aux pneumatiques et aux valves sent don ncnonbsyewx B lll?dEHO& npoMbnnnenn

18、omz TQW.EEOB Ha aHrn&- CKOM, HHCKOM H PYCKOM 113bxxx. Tepmr, OTHOCCCR B IIHeBMawre- mm =aM H nx nemm, Aaabr B MC0 3877/I H LEO 3877/II coomeT- ememio, Baxcneikune TepiMHH61 EJIJHOOTIOTCII PECYEIKOM. Onpenenem HeKOTOpbIK TepMEiOB, IIPE- BeAemmx B TEX Iacmx I4CO 3877, AaHbr B HCO 4223, Onpdenenm Heuom

19、opx me&WUiO6, UWlOnb3yehiblX 6 UlIlnHOIi l&IO- Yblwlennocmll. ,ljnx TepMHgOB, OTHOCR- IIQIxcK K KOJI&aM/O6OAaM H RX onpe,- nem, CMOTPH %uzo 3911, Ko&a/o60- da - fiosrenluamypa, na3na9emIe, 060. 3navewe 11 dwrujbr u3hfepemm. 1 ENGLISH ANGLAIS AHTJIMiCKHQ a) Terms refatirtg to the .drarving 1 crown 2

20、sidewall 3 base 4 vents or venting pattern 5 valve offset 6 valve 7 section width 8 outside mould parting line 9 inside diameter 10 section height 11 outside diameter 12 gauge b) Other terms 13 periphery= circumference or girth of secfion, inflated to round out, at zero pressure 14 flat width = l/2

21、periphery 15 circumference = K x outside diameter 16 splice - butt 17 splice-lap RUSSIAN RUSSE FYCCm a) Hermes relatifs au dessin sommet fiano cintre interieur events hciicoidaux dQaxage de la valve valve largeur de section joint du moule a) mephwtbz, omnowquec8 h pucyy Kopona 6oKonas crenKa 6aHnaxo

22、Iaa Kac-rn diamctre intbieur hauteur de section diamctre ext&ieur epaisseur pIIcKK chfememe Bemmm B&ITEJIb mapnua rrpoIs nnnna pasaehIa Bymtanasaunonnott npecc4ophrKI BnyTpeInIIS AIiaMeTp BbICOTa npO!&IJnI HalQ%CHb ,QKaMSTp Tomma memo3 b) Aritres termes 6) FlpOVUe t?EpMiuHbl dcveloppement du sommet

23、gonfib pour mise au rond a ia pression zero largeur A plat = l/2 ci.rconf&encc circonference = 7 x diamctre exterieur soudure bout a bout soudure par recouvrement nepnhIeTp. = AImua OKKBOCTK rrpo- &IJIa KaMepbI, IIoDXyToti go KpyrJIoo COCTO tLpE HyneBOM ZlBJEHEDi mupIIna nnocKocnoxceHHoti KaMepbI =

24、l/2 nepmIeTpa 0KpyxIocra = 7c x Ha HapyxorKG ,mIa- MeTp CTbIK BlIpETbIK CTbIK BJKiXJIKTQ ANNEX EQWALENT ITALIAN TERMS AN-NEXE TBXklES ITALIENS tiQUIVALENTS a) Tern&i relufivi al disegno 1 estradosso 2. fiance 3 intradosso- 4 sfoghi daria 5 disassamento valvola 6 vahola 7 sezione trasversale 8 linea divisione stamp0 9 diametro inter&d- - 10 alfezza sezZone 11 diametro esterno 12 spessore b) Ah-i termini 13 sviluppo trasversale camera 14 Iarghezza in pi.atto !5-. sviluppe&$oale esterno 16 giunta festa a testa 17 giunta a sormomo


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