ISO 4960-2007 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0 25 %《碳含量大于0 25%的冷轧碳素钢带》.pdf

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ISO 4960-2007 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0 25 %《碳含量大于0 25%的冷轧碳素钢带》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 4960-2007 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0 25 %《碳含量大于0 25%的冷轧碳素钢带》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 4960-2007 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0 25 %《碳含量大于0 25%的冷轧碳素钢带》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 4960-2007 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0 25 %《碳含量大于0 25%的冷轧碳素钢带》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 4960-2007 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0 25 %《碳含量大于0 25%的冷轧碳素钢带》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Reference number ISO 4960:2007(E) ISO 2007INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4960 Third edition 2007-12-15 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0,25 % Feuillards en acier au carbone lamins froid teneur en carbone suprieure 0,25 % ISO 4960:2007(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file

2、may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the re

3、sponsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-crea

4、tion parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 20

5、07 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the cou

6、ntry of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2007 All rights reservedISO 4960:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword iv 1 Sco

7、pe 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions .2 4 Specified qualities appropriate to the particular grade .2 5 Conditions of manufacture .3 5.1 Steelmaking3 5.2 Chemical composition 3 5.3 Heat analysis3 5.4 Product analysis 3 5.5 Surface finish .5 5.6 Oiling.5 5.7 Weldability5 5.8 Applicati

8、on .5 5.9 Mechanical properties.5 6 Ordering requirements and dimensional tolerances .8 6.1 Ordering requirements8 6.2 Dimensional tolerances 8 7 Sampling.8 8 Mechanical property tests 8 8.1 Hardness test .8 8.2 Tensile test .8 9 Decarburization9 10 Retests 9 10.1 Machining and flaws9 10.2 Additiona

9、l tests9 11 Resubmission 11 12 Workmanship .11 13 Inspection and acceptance.11 14 Coil size 11 15 Marking .11 16 Information to be supplied by the purchaser .12 Bibliography 13 ISO 4960:2007(E) iv ISO 2007 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worl

10、dwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on

11、that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted i

12、n accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard

13、 requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 4960 was prepared by Tec

14、hnical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 12, Continuous mill flat rolled products. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 4960:1999), which has been technically revised. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4960:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved 1 Cold-reduced carbon stee

15、l strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0,25 % 1 Scope 1.1 This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a mass fraction of carbon over 0,25 % made from the steels specified in Table 1. It is commonly produced in thicknesses of 6 mm and under, and in widths up to 60

16、0 mm exclusive, in coils and cut lengths. The strip is ordered in the as-delivered condition, as specified in 6.1 or Clause 5, and is predominantly used for springs, but also for other highly stressed parts of many different types. Steel designations CS55 to CS95 may be supplied in the quenched and

17、tempered condition. 1.2 This International Standard does not apply to alloy steels or stainless steels. 1.3 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip is furnished in the following types: a) full hard, where a very stiff, springy product is produced to obtain full hardness after the final rolling (it is intend

18、ed for flat work not requiring the ability to withstand cold forming); b) annealed, which is intended for applications requiring moderate cold forming; c) quenched and tempered, which is intended generally for the production of steel springs where the appropriate combination of strength, hardness, t

19、oughness and ductility can be achieved; d) intermediate hardness, which is intended for applications where cold forming is slight or where a moderately stiff, springy product is needed. 1.4 Cold-reduced carbon steel strip is characterized by close dimensional tolerances and good surface finish and,

20、in the cold-rolled and quenched and tempered condition, it is possible to attain high values for hardness and tensile strength. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

21、undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 6507-1, Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part 1: Test method ISO 6508-1, Metallic materials Rockwell hardness test Part 1: Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T) ISO 6892,

22、Metallic materials Tensile testing Method of testing at ambient temperature ISO 4960:2007(E) 2 ISO 2007 All rights reserved3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 cold-reduced carbon steel strip product produced from a hot-rolled pick

23、led coil which has been given substantial cold reduction NOTE The product is characterized by an improved surface, greater uniformity in thickness and improved mechanical properties compared to hot-rolled strip. Cold-reduced strip is also characterized by tighter thickness tolerances than cold- redu

24、ced sheet, as well as specified edges. 3.2 skin pass light cold rolling of the product NOTE 1 The purpose of skin passing is one or more of the following: a) to minimize the appearance of coil breaks, stretcher strains and fluting b) to control the shape; c) to obtain the required surface finish. NO

25、TE 2 Some increase in hardness and some loss in ductility will result from skin passing. 3.3 Edges Material is normally supplied as described in 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. Other edges may be supplied as agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser. 3.3.1 mill edge normal side edge without any definite contou

26、r produced in hot rolling NOTE Mill edges may contain some irregularities, such as cracked or torn edges or thin (feathered) edges. 3.3.2 sheared edge normal edge obtained by shearing, slitting or trimming a mill-edge product NOTE Normal processing does not necessarily provide a definite positioning

27、 of the slitting burr. 4 Specified qualities appropriate to the particular grade The cold-reduced carbon steel strip qualities appropriate to the particular grade shall be the following: a) full-hard quality: material rolled to the final thickness with a minimum hardness; b) annealed quality: anneal

28、ed to a hardness or tensile strength; c) quenched and tempered quality: quenched and tempered steel strip for steel designations of CS55 and over, tempered to properties; d) intermediate quality: temper rolled to a hardness range by a controlled amount of cold rolling after annealing. ISO 4960:2007(

29、E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved 3 5 Conditions of manufacture 5.1 Steelmaking Unless otherwise agreed, the processes used in making the steel and in manufacturing cold-reduced strip are left to the discretion of the manufacturer. On request, the purchaser shall be informed of the steelmaking process

30、 being used. 5.2 Chemical composition The chemical composition (heat analysis) shall not exceed the values given in Tables 1 and 2. 5.3 Heat analysis An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer, in order to determine compliance with the requirements of Tables 1 and 2. When re

31、quested at the time of ordering, this analysis shall be reported to the purchaser or to his representative. Each of the elements listed in Table 1 shall be included in the report of the heat analysis. If one or more of the elements in Table 2 is/are specified, the analysis shall be reported. 5.4 Pro

32、duct analysis A product analysis may be made by the purchaser, in order to verify the specified analysis of the semi-finished or finished steel and shall take into consideration any normal heterogeneity. For killed steels, the sampling method and deviation limits shall be agreed upon between the int

33、erested parties at the time of ordering. The product analysis tolerances shall be in accordance with Table 3. Table 1 Chemical composition (heat analysis) Mass fractions in percent Designation Carbon Manganese aPhosphorus bmax. Sulfur bmax. Silicon cCS30 0,28 to 0,34 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to

34、0,35 CS35 0,32 to 0,38 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS40 0,37 to 0,44 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS45 0,43 to 0,50 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS50 0,48 to 055 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS55 0,50 to 0,60 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS60 0,55 to 0,65 0,6

35、0 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS65 0,60 to 0,70 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS70 0,65 to 0,75 0,60 to 0,90 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS75 0,70 to 0,80 0,40 to 0,70 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS85 0,80 to 0,93 0,70 to 1,00 0,035 0,03 0,10 to 0,35 CS95 0,90 to 1,03 0,30 to 0,50 0,035 0,03 0,10

36、 to 0,35 a Other manganese values can be specified upon agreement at the time of ordering, provided a range of 0,30 % is maintained. b When specified, phosphorus and sulfur may be ordered to 0,020 % maximum by heat analysis. c Closer silicon ranges can be provided upon agreement at the time of order

37、ing.ISO 4960:2007(E) 4 ISO 2007 All rights reservedTable 2 Limits on additional chemical elements Mass fractions in percent Elements Heat analysis max. Product analysis max. Cu a(CS30CS75) (CS85CS95) 0,30 0,25 0,33 0,28 Ni a(CS30CS75) (CS85CS95) 0,20 0,25 0,23 0,28 Cr a,b,c(CS30CS75) (CS85CS95) 0,20

38、 0,30 0,24 0,34 Mo a,b0,06 0,07 Nb d0,008 0,018 V d0,008 0,018 Ti d0,008 0,018 a The sum of copper, nickel, chromium and molybdenum shall not exceed 0,50 % on heat analysis. When one or more of these elements are specified, the sum does not apply; in which case, only the individual limits on the rem

39、aining elements will apply. b The sum of chromium and molybdenum shall not exceed 0,16 % on heat analysis. When one or more of these elements are specified, the sum does not apply; in which case, only the individual limits on the remaining elements will apply. c A higher value of Cr may be supplied

40、after agreement between the producer and consumer. d An analysis greater than 0,008 % may be supplied after agreement between the producer and consumer. Table 3 Product analysis Tolerances in percent Element Maximum of specified element Tolerance over maximum specified Carbon 0,15 to u 0,40 0,40 to

41、u 0,80 0,80 0,04 0,05 0,06 Manganese u 0,60 0,60 to u 1,15 0,03 0,04 Silicon 0,30 to u 0,60 0,05 Phosphorus u 0,04 0,01 Sulfur u 0,04 0,01 NOTE The above maximum tolerances are the allowable excesses over the specified requirements, and not the heat analysis. ISO 4960:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights res

42、erved 5 5.5 Surface finish Cold-reduced carbon steel strip is produced in a regular bright finish by rolling on rolls having a moderately smooth finish (it is not generally applicable to bright plating); or in a dull finish by rolling on rolls roughened by mechanical or chemical means. The dull fini

43、sh is suitable for lacquer or paint adhesion. Quenched and tempered strip see 1.3 c) may be supplied with the following surface finishes: a) grey-blue unpolished; b) bright tempered; c) rough, medium or fine polished; d) polished and temper colored (blue or bronze). 5.6 Oiling As a deterrent to rust

44、ing, a coating of oil is usually applied to the product. The oil is not intended as a forming lubricant and should be easily removable using degreasing chemicals. The product may be ordered unoiled, if required, in which case the supplier has limited responsibility if oxidation occurs. 5.7 Weldabili

45、ty This product is suitable for welding if appropriate welding conditions are selected. 5.8 Application It is desirable to identify the specified product for fabrication by the name of the part or by the intended application. Proper identification of the part may include visual examination, prints o

46、r description, or a combination of these. 5.9 Mechanical properties 5.9.1 Hardness ranges When required see 6.1 and Clause 16 h) the hardness shall be as stated in Tables 4, 5 or 7. Intermediate hardness ranges shall be as shown in Table 8, or shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the

47、 purchaser. HV is the Vickers hardness. HR is the Rockwell hardness. HRB is the Rockwell hardness (type B). 5.9.2 Tensile properties When required see 6.1 and Clause 16 h) the tensile properties shall be as stated in Tables 5 and 6, at the time the steel is made available for shipment if the mechani

48、cal property designation is specified. ISO 4960:2007(E) 6 ISO 2007 All rights reservedTable 4 Minimum hardness requirements for full-hard cold-reduced carbon steel strip Hardness min. HV HV HV HR Specified thickness, mm CS30 to CS45 CS50 to CS70 CS75 to CS95 CS30 to CS95 0,36 mm to u 1 mm. HR15T sho

49、uld be used for thicknesses u 0,36 mm. b Lower maximum values of hardness or lower maximum levels of tensile strength and higher elongation values may be specified when ordering. c Elongation values apply only to thicknesses 0,5 mm to u 3 mm: for greater thicknesses, elongation values shall be as agreed upon. ISO 4960:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved 7 Table 6 Tensile strength range for quenched and tempered cold-reduced carbon steel strip Designation Tensile strength, R mrange aMPa Maximum thickness


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