ISO 6862-1996 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange《信息和文献 编制目录信息交换用数学编码字符集》.pdf

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ISO 6862-1996 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange《信息和文献 编制目录信息交换用数学编码字符集》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 6862-1996 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange《信息和文献 编制目录信息交换用数学编码字符集》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 6862-1996 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange《信息和文献 编制目录信息交换用数学编码字符集》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 6862-1996 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange《信息和文献 编制目录信息交换用数学编码字符集》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 6862-1996 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange《信息和文献 编制目录信息交换用数学编码字符集》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD First edition 1996-l O-01 Information and documentation - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange Information et documentation - Jeu de caractj I m 3 n 3 m 0 - 1 n 1 m 1 m 1 m 0 m a w 0 m 0 m 1 m 1 m 1 m 7 m 14 j I 3 m 3 m 0 w 0 m 0 D 0 0 m 1

2、 1 m 1 1 m 1 m 1 m 1 m 1 m II a 0 / - 0 0 oc I A V I= l l 0 n r 3 E 3 2 /” Y J 0 7 P R ,-.*.-.*.b.g.*, ,-.-.-.-.-.-.-a ,*.*.-.*.*a ,a.*.m.*.ml ,*.*.g.*.-.*, ,*.e.*.-.g.*l WM r IS0 IS0 6862: 1996(E) 5 Legend A legend for tables 1 and 2 is given in table 3. Table 3 - Legend Position in table 1 2/l 212

3、 213 214 2/5 216 217 218 219 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 3/o 3/l 312 313 314 315 316 Graphics / I I - 0 cl 0 n . . . x + - L z - - - 5 Name or meaning Negation : oblique Negation: long bar Negation: short bar Negation : horizontal Circle, overlay Circle, anti-clockwise arrow Circle, clockwise arro

4、w Anti-clockwise arrow Superior dot Superior double dot Superior vector left Superior hat Superior V Superior vector right Clockwise arrow Multiply Plus or minus Equivalent to Asymptotic to Identical with Less than or equal to Less than or greater than Comments Overlay character Overlay character Ov

5、erlay character Overlay character Overlay character for integral, etc. Overlay character for integral Overlay character for integral Overlay character Overlay character Overlay character Overlay character Overlay character Overlay character Overlay character Overlay character Also: negation, or prop

6、ortional to Also: approximately equal to Coding nego or I negl or I negs or I negh or - ciro ciroa ciroc arroa dots ddots arls checkas ckackas arrs arroc times or x plmin sim dsim iden It0 Iessgrtr IS0 6862: 1996(E) IS0 Position in table 1 317 318 319 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 4/o 4/l 412 413 41

7、4 415 416 417 418 419 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 Graphics Name or meaning Comments Coding 9 -L L V 0 / 00 II II Table 3 (continueu) Less than or equivalent to lesssim Much less than less2 Parallel to See also table 2 5/O: norm of a matrix parr Right angle Also : factorial rang Increment incre Deg

8、ree deg Left angle bracket labrak or Open bracket, right robrak or 1 Product prod 6 Table 3 (continued) Position in table 1 5/o 5/l 5/2 5/3 514 515 516 517 518 519 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 6/O 6/l 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 Graphics + c c - E u v C t 00 - 3 3 - 3 n 3 (zr 1 Name or meaning Plus

9、 Proper inclusion in set Identity or inclusion in set Set membership Union of sets between limits For all Complement Increases; exponent Left arrow Anti-clockwise Mutually implies Left arrow over right arrow Functional relationship Double arrow, upward Is implied by Infinity Minus Properly includes

10、in set Contains as subset Contains Intersection of classes or sets between limits There exists Empty set Decreases Approaches Comments Also : identity Also : identical with Coding plus or + lhook lkkeq mem cup inva longc arru arrl arrac arrlr Irarr bararr darru or A darrl infin minus or - rhook rh k

11、eq cant hat reve bararc arrd arr 7 IS0 6862: 1996(E) IS0 Table 3 (continued) I “YIbIVI. in table I Pncitinn 619 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 7/o 7/l 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 7110 7112 Name or meaning Clockwise arrcc Vertical relationship arrud Right arrow over left arrow rlarr Anti-parallel

12、udarr Double arrow, downward darrd Implies darr Radical square root rad Prime minutes, feet prime or Double prime Also : seconds, inches dprime or Triple prime trprime Logical or Also : disjunction checkd Logical and Also : conjunction checku Logical not lognot Planck constant planck Implies imply I

13、ntegral int Double integral dint Triple integral Partial differentiation Prtl Planck constant divided by 2 n: plan2pi Aleph aleph Composite function Also: small circle cirsm Commsnf. Coding trint 8 IS0 IS0 6862: 1996(E) Table 3 (continued) Position in table 2 2/l 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 2110

14、 2111 2112 2113 2114 2/15 3/o 3/l 312 313 314 315 316 317 3/a 319 Graphics Name or meaning 0 0 - 63 0 . l . . . . . I II I - I . + + 3 # 2 . B L . . . r c - u Direct sum crplus Symmetric difference crmin Tensor product Also: Dyadic product, or Plethysm operator zrtimes Inner product Used with tensor

15、s zrdot Therefore thrf Because beta Image of imbox Original of origbox Image of imline Original of origline Hermitian conjugate matrix herm Direct sum dirsum Most positive mpos Homothetic homot Element precedes under relation el rel Not equal to nequ Has an image hasim Open angle bracket, left accbr

16、ale Left floor Paired with right floor, 4/3 lfloor Triple colon Left ceiling Paired with right ceiling, 4/5 tripcol lceil Square subset . Least upper bound sqsub Used for lattices lub Long triangle ltril Is dominated by cyrsim Comments Coding IS0 6862: 1996(E) IS0 Position in table 2 3110 3111 3112

17、3113 3114 3115 4/o 4/l 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 4110 4/11 4112 4113 4114 4115 5/o 5/l ! Graphics /- . - v - - D v II / Table 3 (continued) Name or meaning Has a lower rank than Is contained in or equal to Symmetric difference Estimates Implied by Triangle Asymptotically equal to Ratio Open an

18、gle bracket, right Right floor Geometrically equivalent to Right ceiling Square superset Greatest upper bound Long triangle, underlined Dominance Has a higher rank than Has rank higher than or equal to Approaches the limit Equiangular Implies . Hamilton operator Norm of a matrix Diagonal rule, to le

19、ft Comments Also: corresponds to Graphic positioned above base line Graphic positioned above base line Paired with left floor, 3/3 Paired with left ceiling, 315 Used for lattices Also: contained in or equivalent to Graphic positioned above base line Also: curl of a vector; graphic positioned above b

20、ase line Coding cyless clyto simdif ests ltriagl triagl dsimeq ratio aocbrak rfloor dlibra rceil sqsup cm ltrilb cylsim CY!P limeq heq rtriagl itriagl nmat diagl 40 IS0 Table 3 (continued) Position in table 2 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 6/O 6/l 612 613 614 615 616 6

21、17 618 619 6110 Graphics T V u c E J t c 0 cl Kl 0 I A n 3 3 /” I Name or meaning Top element Vector or sum Sum or union of classes or sets Is included in set Is an element of Arrow, NJ/V. Arrow, S.W. Half upward arrow Crossed arrow, right Curved arrow, right Circle, spacing Square Rectangle Lozenge

22、 Magnitude of Diagonal rule, to right Difference Vector product Product of intersection of classes or sets Includes in set Such that Arrow, N.E. Arrow, S.E Functional relationship, to right On to map Comments Also: one to one map Used with overlays Also: DAlembertain operator, or end of proof Also:

23、conjunction sign Also: contains Also : grows Also : decays Coding top checkd2 bcup rcup rbcup arrnw arrsw hrru narr cyarr circ SW rect lo2 sline diagr diff checku2 bhat lcup lbcup arrne arrse zagarr arr2 11 IS0 6862: 1996(E) IS0 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 7/o 7/l 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 7110 7

24、111 7112 7113 7114 Position in table 2 Graphics Name or meaning Comments Coding 4-J e q n * . - - . . . . . X I I= 1 4-r t tt Table 3 (concluded) Curved arrow, left cyarl Dark circle bcir End of proof bsqu Parallelogram parlgr Spherical angle spharg Approximately equal to; is the image of Geometric

25、properties image prop Varies as Also: proportional to varies Curly vertical line cline Statement is true Also: result in true Assertion Also: reduced to assrt Not parallel to Crossed vertical bar npar nsline Crossed arrow, to left narl Functional relationship, to left zagarl Equivalence Also : if an

26、d only if darrlr Double arrow, up and down darrud Inverted iota Weierstrass elliptic function Cross ratio iiota weirp xrat 12 IS0 IS0 6862: 1996(E) 6 Explanatory notes 6.1 In general, separate shapes are considered to be individual characters. However, different font designs are not considered to re

27、quire separate characters: where the shape, size or positioning of a character is meaningful within the citation, this will be specified by control characters. 6.2 Since characters have been assigned to the set on the grounds of shape rather than meaning, the absence of an appropriate definition by

28、a symbol, or appearance of such a definition by another symbol, does not imply a restriction against the use of that symbol in interchange of information in the form in which it appears in the data to be transmitted. 6.3 Names were chosen based on a commonly accepted term describing a characters sha

29、pe or function. For bibl iograph ic mathema tical characters that rep- resent several functions, a term descri bing their shape was preferred. References from alternative names, such as those provided in IS0 31-l 1, have been given in the “Comments” column. 6.4 Characters already appearing in an est

30、ablished character set are not generally repeated in the mathematical character set. Exceptions are, in table 1 the characters 2/9, 2/l 0, 2/l 2, 2/13 (non-spacing), 3/l d 3/13, 4/13 (also found in IRV), 7/O, 7/l (also found in IS0 54261, 5/O and 6/O (used as minus only) (also found in IRV), 3/15 an

31、d 4/15 (in smaller form in IS0 5428), and in table 2, 6/O (used as magnitude only) (also found in IRV). 6.5 Negative and other modified symbols may be constructed by combining symbols from this and/or other character sets by the use of non-spacing overlay facilities in table 1, column 2 of this set

32、or in other sets. 6.6 The codings given for each character in the legends are those recommended for use in environ- ments, such as teleprinter, which do not have access to the full character set. 13 IS0 6862: 1996( El Annex A (informative) PI 51 Bibliography IS0 31-I I :1992, Quantities and units -

33、Part 1 I: 16% IS0 1177:1985, Information processing - Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the Character structure for start/stop and synchron- physical sciences and technology. ous character oriented transmission. IS0 646: 1983, Information processing - /SO 7-bit coded change. character set fo

34、r information inter- IS0 962:1974, Information processing - Im- plemen ta tion of th e 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit extensions on g-track 12,7 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape. IS0 1113:1979, Information processing - Representation of the 7-bit coded character set on punched tape. 171

35、181 IS0 1155: 1978, Information processing - Use of longitudinal parity to ma tion messaaes. detect errors in infor- IS0 1745:1975, Information processing - Basic mode control procedures for data communi- cation sys terns. IS0 5426:1983, Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange. IS0 5428:1984, Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange. IS0 6586: 1980, Data processing - Implemen- tation of the IS0 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets on punched cards. 14


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