1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 8498 First edition Premihre Edition 1990-03-01 Woven fabrics - Description of defects - Vocabulary Etoffes tisshes - Description des defauts - Vocabulaire Reference number Numko de reference IS0 8498 : 1990 (E/F) IS0 8498 : 1990 E/F) Contents Page Fore
2、word iv Section 1: General 1 1.1 Scope . 1 1.2 General definitions . 1 Section 2: Yarn defects in a woven fabric . 3 Section 3: Defects in the weft direction 4 Section 4: Defects in the warp direction 7 Section 5: Defects due to, or apparent after, dyeing, printing or finishing . , . 9 Section 6: De
3、fects of, or associated with, the selvedges. 14 Section 7: General defects 15 Alphabetical indexes English . 19 French . 21 0 IS0 1999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and micr
4、ofilm, without permission in writing from the publisher, International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Genbve 20 l Switzerfand Printed in Switzerland ii IS0 8498 : 1990 (E/F) Sommaire Page Avant-propos v Section 1: G thin end; thin pick: A yarn whose thickness is unaccepta
5、bly less than that of the adjacent yarns. NOTE - This defect is caused by variation in the linear density of the yam. 2.6 gout: A lumpy, asymmetrical fault in a spun yarn of a fabric. NOTE - This defect is caused by the accumulation of undrafted waste fibre into the yam during spinning. 2.7 slub: In
6、 a yarn, a thickened place having tapering ends and a diameter several times that of the adjacent normal yarn. NOTE - This defect is often caused by the presence in the yarn of fragments of undrafted roving or slubbing that have not been cleared durfng winding. 2.6 soiled yarn: An individual yarn, i
7、n either warp or weft, that is discoloured by dirt, oil or other contaminants. NOTE - This defect is caused by the contamination of the yam prior to, or occasionally during, weaving. 2.9 split yarn: A yarn which appears in the fabric as a thin yarn. NOTE - This defect is often caused by abrasion or
8、excessive tension during winding or weaving which breaks a part of the yam (e.g. a fila- ment of a continuous-filament yarn or a ply of a two-fold yarn) that is subsequently held back during weaving. Section 2: DQfauts du fil dans une barre de trame : Bande dont les bords sont bien delimit dropped p
9、ick: A weft yarn which is pre- sent for only part of the fabric width. NOTE - This defect is caused by a weft yarn breaking, running out, or being prematurely released during insertion. 3.2 duite coupee; duite rompue: Fil de trame qui nest present que dans une par-tie de la largeur du tissu. NOTE -
10、Ce defaut est cause par la rupture dun fil de trame, flottant ou ayant et6 ldcha prematurement pendant Iinsettion. 3.3 chopped weft: Weft that has been partially severed. 3.3 trame couphe: Trame qui a 6t6 pattiellement rompue. NOTE - This defect is often caused by cutting by the reed during beat up.
11、 NOTE - Ce defeut est souvent cause par la rupture par le peigne lors du tissage de la duite. 3.4 coarse pick; coarse weft; thick pick: A weft yarn of substantially greater thickness than that of the adjacent weft yarns. 3.4 duite epaisse: grosse duite; grosse trame: Fil de trame plus Bpais que les
12、fils de trame adjacents. NOTE - Ce dafaut est cause par des irregularit jerked-in weft; lashed-in weft; pulled-in filling : An extra length of weft yarn that has been in- serted for a part of the fabric width, usually starting from the selvedge. 3.7 rentree de trame: Longueur de fil de trame supplem
13、en- taire insMe sur une partie de la largeur du tissu, partant gene- ralement de la lisiere. NOTE - Ce defaut est souvent cause par un bout restant apres un changement de cannette et tisse avec la duite suivante, lorsque Iorgane de coupe ou les dispositifs daspiration ont mal fonctionne. NOTE - This
14、 defect is often caused after a pirn (quill) change due to a loose tail being woven in with a subsequent pick because cutters or suction devices were inactive, 3.8 kinky weft; looped yarn; weft kinks: Exposed loops of weft yarn. 3.8 fil boucle; trame 6boulee: Boucles formees par le fil de trame. NOT
15、E - This defect is often caused by poor tension control of weft yarns during winding, unwinding or insertion. NOTE - Ce defeut est souvent cause par un manque de controle de tension du fil pendant le bobinage ou pendant Iinsertion de la trame. 3.9 mispick: Weft yarn which does not conform to the in- tended weaving pattern. NOTE - This defect is caused by an incorrect sequence of weft inser- tion. 3.9 erreur de tramage: Fil de trame qui nest pas conforme au motif tisse prevu. NOTE - Ce defaut est cause pat une anomalie dans le suivi de Iinser- tion des fils de trame. 4