ISO 8549-3-1989 Prosthetics and orthotics vocabulary part 3 terms relating to external orthoses《修复术和矫形学 词汇 第3部分 与外部器械矫形有关的术语 两种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 8549-3-1989 Prosthetics and orthotics vocabulary part 3 terms relating to external orthoses《修复术和矫形学 词汇 第3部分 与外部器械矫形有关的术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 8549-3-1989 Prosthetics and orthotics vocabulary part 3 terms relating to external orthoses《修复术和矫形学 词汇 第3部分 与外部器械矫形有关的术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 8549-3-1989 Prosthetics and orthotics vocabulary part 3 terms relating to external orthoses《修复术和矫形学 词汇 第3部分 与外部器械矫形有关的术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 8549-3-1989 Prosthetics and orthotics vocabulary part 3 terms relating to external orthoses《修复术和矫形学 词汇 第3部分 与外部器械矫形有关的术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 8549-3-1989 Prosthetics and orthotics vocabulary part 3 terms relating to external orthoses《修复术和矫形学 词汇 第3部分 与外部器械矫形有关的术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 8549-3 First edition Premihre Edition 1989-07-01 Prosthetics and orthotics - Vocabulary - Part 3: Terms relating to external orthoses Prothdses et orthkes - Vocabulaire - Partie 3: Termes relatifs aux ortheses externes Reference number Num le terme abr

2、ege (ortheses) et ses derives, aux ortheses externes. 2 Terms printed in italics are defined in IS0 9549-l. Alphabetical indexes of terms in English and French are provided. 3 Users of this International Standard are also advised of the WHO International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities a

3、nd Handicaps, published by the World Health Organization, Geneva, 1999. 2 Tout terme imprime en caracteres italiques est defini dans IISO 9549-1, Des index alphabetiques en anglais et en francais com- pletent ce vocabulaire. 3 Les utilisateurs de la presente Norme internationale sont Bgalement avise

4、s de Iexistence du (WHO International Classification of Impair- ments, Disabilities and Handicaps), publie par IOrganisation mondiale de la Sante, Geneve, 1980. 2 Terms, abbreviations and definitions 2 Termes et definitions 2.1 foot orthosis (FO): Orthosis that encompasses the whole or part of the f

5、oot. 2.1 orthese de pied: Orth deprecated: ankle or- thosis (AOIl: Orthosis that encompasses the ankle joint and the whole or part of the foot, 2.2 orthese p6di-jamb deprecated: knee- ankle orthosis (KAOII : Orthosis that encompasses the knee and ankie joints and the foot. 2.4 orthese genou-cheville

6、-pied (orthese genou- cheville: B Bviter): Orthese qui est appliquee sur les articula- tions du genou et de la chevile et sur le pbd. 2.5 hip orthosis (HpOl : Orthosis that encompasses the hip joint. 2.5 orthese de hanche: Orthese qui est appliquee sur Iarti- cutation de la hanche. 2.6 hip-knee orth

7、osis (HKOI: Orthosis that encompasses the hip and knee joints. 2.6 orthese genou-hanche: Orthese qui est appliquee sur les articulations de la hanche et du genou. 2.7 hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFOI; deprecated: hlp-knee-ankle orthosis (HKAO)I : Orthosis that encom- passes the h, the knee and t

8、he ankle joints and the foot. 2.7 orthese pelvi-pedieuse (orthese hanche-genou- cheville: B eviter): Orthese qui est appliquee sur les articula- tions de la hanche, du genou et de la cheville et sur le pied. 2.6 finger orthosis (FO): Orthosis that encompasses the whole or part of a finger. 2.6 or-th

9、ese du doigt: Orthese qui est appliquee sur tout ou partie dun doigt. 2.9 hand orthosis (HdOI: Orthosis that encompasses the whole or part of the hand. 2.9 or-these de main : Or-these qui est appliquee sur tout ou pat-tie de la main. 2.16 wrist-hand orthosis (WHO); deprecated: wrist orthosis (WON: O

10、rthosis that encompasses the wristjoint and hand. 2.10 orthese poignet-main (orthese poignet: 8 Bviter): Orthese qui est appliquee sur larticulation du poignet et la main. 2.11 wrist-hand-finger orthosis (WHFOI: Orthosis that encompasses the wristjoint, the hand and one or more fingers. 2.11 orthese

11、 poignet-main-doigt: Orthese qui est appli- quee sur Iarticulation du poignet, la main et un ou plusieurs doigts. 2.12 elbow orthosis (EO): Orthosis that encompasses the elbow joint. 2.12 orthese de coude: Orthese qui est appliquee sur Iarti- culation du coude. 2.13 elbow-wrist-hand orthosis (EWHOI:

12、 Orthosis that encompasses the e/bow and the wrist joints and the hand. 2.13 orthese coude-poignet-main: Orthese qui est appli- quee sur les articulations du coude et du poignet et sur la main. 2.14 shoulder orthosis (SO): Orthosis that encompasses the shoulder joint. 2.14 orthese depaule: Orthese q

13、ui est appliquee sur Iarti- culation de ItSpaule. 2.15 shoulder-elbow orthosis (SEO): Orthosis that en- compasses the shoulder and the e/bow joints. 2.15 orthese epaule-coude: Orthese qui est appliquee sur les articulations de Iepaule et du coude. 2.16 shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis (SEWHO); dep

14、recated : shoulder-elbow-wrist orthosis (SEW011 : Orthosks that encompasses the shoulder, the elbow and the wrist joints and the hand. 2.16 orthese Bpaule-coude-poignet-main: (orthese Bpaule-coude-poignet : B biter) : Or-these qui est appliquee sur les articulations de Iepaule, du coude et du poigne

15、t et sur la main. 2.17 sacro-iliac orthosis IO) : Orthosis that encompasses the whole or a part of the sacro-iliac region of the trunk. 2.17 orthese sacro-iliaque: Orthese qui est appliquee sur tout ou partie de la region sacro-iliaque du tronc. 2.16 lumbo-sacral orthosis (LSOI: Orthosis that en- co

16、mpasses the whole or a part of the lumbar and sacro-iliac regions of the trunk. 2.16 orthese lombo-sacree: Orthese qui est appliquee sur tout ou partie des regions lombaire et sacro-iliaque du tronc. 2.19 orthese dorso-lombo-sacree: Orthese qui est appli- quee sur tout ou partie des regions dorsale,

17、 lombaire et sacro- ilaque du tronc. 2.19 thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis (TLSO): Orthosisthat encompasses the whole or a part of the thoracic, the lumbar and the sacro-iliac regions of the trunk. 2.29 cervical orthosis (CO): Orthosis that encompasses the whole or a part of the cervicalregion, includi

18、ng the atlanto- occipital joint. 2.20 orthese cervicale: Orthese qui est appliquee sur tout ou partie de la region cervicale, y compris Iarticulation atloido- occipitale. 2 IS0 8549-3 : 1999 (E/F) 2.21 cervico-thoracic orthosis (CTO): Orthosis that en- compasses the whole or a part of the cervical a

19、nd the thoracic regions, including the atlanto-occipital joint. 2.22 cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis (CTLSO): Orthosis that encompasses the whole or a part of the cervical, the thoracic, the lumbar and the sacro-iliac regions, including the atlanto-occipital joint. 2.21 orthese cervico-dorsale

20、: Orthese qui est appliquee sur tout ou partie des rhgions cervicale et dorsale, y compris Iarticulation atloido-occipitale. 2.22 orthese cervico-dorso-lombo-sacrbe: Orth&se qui est appliquee sur tout ou partie des rkgions cervicale, dorsale, lombaire et sacro-iliaque, y compris Iarticulation atloid

21、o- occipitale. 3 Alphabetical list of abbreviations in English AFO A0 co CTLSO CT0 EO EWHO EWO FO” HKAFO HKAO HKO HdO HPO KAFO KAO KO LSO SE0 ankle-foot orthosis ankle orthosis (deprecated) cervical orthosis cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis cervico-thoracic orthosis elbow orthosis elbow-wrist-h

22、and orthosis elbow-wrist orthosis (deprecated) finger orthosis, foot orthosis hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis hip-knee-ankle orthosis (deprecated) hip-knee orthosis hand orthosis hip orthosis knee-ankle-foot orthosis knee-ankle orthosis (deprecated) knee orthosis lumbo-sacral orthosis shoulder-elbow or

23、thosis SEWHO shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis SEW0 shoulder-elbow-wrist orthosis (deprecated) SIO sacro-iliac orthosis so shoulder orthosis TLSO thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis WHFO wrist-hand-finger orthosis WHO wrist-hand orthosis wo wrist orthosis (deprecated) 1) While the abbreviation “FO” repre

24、sents two types of orthosis, these types are so different that the context will clearly indicate which is meant. 3 IS0 8549-3 : 1989 (E/F) English alphabetical index A ankleorthosis . 2.2 ankle-foot orthosis . 2.2 K knee orthosis . 2.3 knee-ankleorthosis 2.4 knee-ankle-foot orthosis 2.4 C L cervical

25、 orthosis 2.20 cervico-thoracic orthosis . 2.21 cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis . 2.22 E elbow orthoais . 2.12 elbow-wrist-hand orthosis . 2.13 F finger orthosis 2.8 footoosis 2.1 H handwthosis . 2.9 hiporthosis . 2.5 hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis . 2.7 hip-knee-ankle orthosis . 2.7 hip-knee or

26、thosis 2.6 lumbo-sacral orthosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.18 S macro-iliac orthosis 2.17 shoulder-elbow orthosis . 2.15 shoulder-elbow-wrist orthosis 2.16 shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis . 2.16 shoulder orthosis . 2.14 T thoraco-lumbo-sacral orth

27、osis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19 W wrist-hand-finger orthosis. . 2.11 wrist orthosis 2.10 wrist-hand orthosis . 2.10 4 IS0 W-3 : 1989 (E/F) Index alphabetique fraryais Otthike cervicale cervico-dorsale cervico-dorso-lombosacr6e . coude-poignet-main decoude &rule dege

28、nou dehanche . den-rain . de pied . dudoigt . . 2.20 dorso-lombo-sacree . . . . . . *. . . 2.21 Bpaule-coude . . . . , . . . . . . . 2.22 Bpaule-coude-poignet-main . . . . . . . * . . 2.13 genou-cheville-pied . . . . . . . . . I. 2.12 genou-hanche . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 lombo-sac&s . . . . . I .

29、 . . . . . . 2.3 pedi-jambiere . . . . . . r . . . . . . 2.5 pelvi-pedieuse . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 poignet-main . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 poignet-main-doigt . . . . , . . . 2.8 sacro-iliaque . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *a * . . . . . .a ,. a 2.19 2.15 2.16 . 2.4 2.6 2.18 . 2.2 2.7 2.10 2.11 2.17 5 IS0 6549-3 : 1989 (E/F) UDWCDU 615.477 : 001.4 Descriptors : orthotic devices, prosthetic devices, vocabulaty./Descripteurs : orth&se, proth&se, vocabulaire. Price base on 5 pages/Prix base sur 5 pages


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