ISO 9264-1988 Woodworking machines narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame nomenclature《木工机械 带移动工作台式摇臂式窄带磨光机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 9264-1988 Woodworking machines narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame nomenclature《木工机械 带移动工作台式摇臂式窄带磨光机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 9264-1988 Woodworking machines narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame nomenclature《木工机械 带移动工作台式摇臂式窄带磨光机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 9264-1988 Woodworking machines narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame nomenclature《木工机械 带移动工作台式摇臂式窄带磨光机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 9264-1988 Woodworking machines narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame nomenclature《木工机械 带移动工作台式摇臂式窄带磨光机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 9264-1988 Woodworking machines narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame nomenclature《木工机械 带移动工作台式摇臂式窄带磨光机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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2、uses 6 bande etroite, 6 table ou chassis coulissant - Nomenclature IS0 IS0 9264 9264 First edition Premiere edition 1988-10-15 Reference number NumCro de rtfkence _ IS0 9264 : 1988 (E/F) Is0 9294 : 1999 (E/F) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation

3、 of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.

4、International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the techni

5、cal committees are ci!culated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard IS0 9264 was prepared by Tec

6、hnical Committee ISO/TC 39, Machine tools. Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une f6d6ration mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation Icomit ces termes sont publies sous la responsabilite des com

7、ites membres de IAllemagne, RF. (DIN), de Ihpagne (AENOR), de Iltalie WNI) et de la Suede (SIS). Toutefois, seuls les termes don- n6.s dans les langues officielles peuvent dtre consider& comme &ant des termes de IISO. La prksente Norme internationale sapplique a.ux machines designees sous Ie numero

8、12.721.2 de IISO 79S4R 1) IS0 7984 : 1988, Woodworking machines - Technical classifi cation of woodworking machines and auxiliary machines for wood- working. 1) IS0 7984 : 1998, Machines a bois - Classification technique des machines B travailer le bois et des machines auxiliaires B travailler le bo

9、is. 1 Is0 9264 : 1999 (E/F) 2 Nomenclature IS0 9264 : 1988 (E/F) I I Refer- English Anglais French Franpais Russian Russe ence Rep&e Narrow belt sanding machines Ponceuses a bande Btroite, with sliding table or frame B table ou chassis coulissant eHTO4Hbl8 UUlHOBallbHble CTaHKH c nepeemtorbrm cronoh

10、r aflx lle&.lftACIHXHOii CTaHHHOi4 1 t- 1.1 1.2 I 1.3 2 Feed of workpiece and/or tools DBplacement des pieces et/au outils IleAara 3arorostra klknk aricrpymerfra 2.1 Travelling pad Patin ponceur nOpMWHblU YTK0KOK 2.2 Pad carriage Chariot du patin KSpeTKS YTlO)KKP 2.3 Pad slide bars Barre de guidage

11、du patin Hanpaenstoue yTtoxKa 3 Workpiece support, clamp and guide Support, maintien et guidage CyflIlOPT 3arOTOBKH, 3amM des pieces a tianpaenstoqafl Table CTOil Chemin de roulement de la table Hanpaenreoqas crona Galet de roulement Hanpaenruo&ue onopbt crona Chepe de coulissement nflaTMKK Hanpaenf

12、lrou(wx Planchette de poncage BepxHee OrpsxQeHKe Tablette pour poncage au disque Cron mnucposanbtioro flucka Butee Ynop Glissiere de deplacement vertical de la Hanpaenstoque aepruxanbuoro table nepet4eweuun crona 3.1 Table 3.2 Table slide bars 3.3 Table slide rollers 3.4 Slide bar mountings 3.5 Over

13、table 3.6 Disc sanding table 3.7 End stop 3.8 Slide table rise and fall 4 4.1 4.2 I 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 Tool-holders and tools Porte-outils et outils Sanding belt Bande Sanding spindle Manchon ponceur Sanding disc Disque ponceur Workhead and tool drives Unit6 de travail et son entrainement idle pulley Pou

14、lie folle Driven pulley Poulie motrice 6 Controls 6.1 Table height adjustment 6.2 Belt tensioner 6.3 Pad operating level 6.4 Start/stop switch 6.5 Table handrail 7 Safety devices (examples) 7.1 Guard and dust hood Capot de protection 7.2 Idle pulley guard Protecteur de la poulie folle 8 Miscellaneou

15、s Divers 8.1 Exhaust outlet Buse daspiration 8.2 Access door Porte dacc&s aux organes 8.3 Cross-shaft for table height adjustment Barre de transmission 9 Framework Column Swan neck Stretcher 1 Ossature KOHCTPKLR Socle OcHoeaHHe Col de cygne Cranmias cbopr.4ene6eAuHoM tueu Barre daccouplement YAllMHM

16、Teflb CTOd-lS (clause free) Commandes Commande de deplacement vertical de la table Commande de tension de la bande Commande du patin Commutateur Poignee de deplacement de la table Dispositifs de securite (exemples) Paawe i-hTpy6OK SKCrSyCTepHOiI CMCTeMbl ABePW Ban cuHxpoHu3auuu t.4exaHH3Ma noAaeh4a

17、crona (chapitre libre) (OBO60AHO) AepXtaTellH HHCTpyMeHTa H HHCTPyMeHT LUnucboeanbHafl ner-na UtnuosanbHafl606Wia tttllMOBBllbHbl AKCK Pa60Wii OpraH H IlpHBOA HHCTPyMeHTa BeAOMblh WKHS BeAyqKU IUKCB Ynpaeneane Beprukenbtioe nepeMell(eHuecTona HSTRxeHMe UlMOBSilbHOl? IleHTbl npKXKM YTIOXKP nynbT ynpa

18、eneuun Pyxoarxa nepehreqeuua crona npeAOXpaHHTeilbHble yCTpOtiCTEa (npHMBpbl) 3SHTHblM konnak &ll&KTHbl H eKCrSyCTepHblti KOJlllSK eeflohloro tukusa 10 Examples of work Exemples de travail flpHMepbl pS6OT IS0 9264 : 1999 (E/F) ISO 9264 : 1988 (E/F) 5 IS0 9254 : 1999 (E/F) UDC/CDU 674.05 : 921.924 : 901.4 Descriptors : machine tools, woodworking machinery, grinding machines (tools), vocabulary./Descripteurs : machine-out& machine A bois, machine SI rectifier, vocabulaire. Price based on 5 nanes/Prix bas6 sur 5 pages


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